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Anger and Love

- Manish Bhodiwal

Dealing with the time of nature, I, a youthful man, Manish, came from a small village Nirad-
hanu, deep in the heart of a prosperous timber. I had a fiery temper that frequently got the better of
me, causing trouble for self and others. I would fly off the handle at the fewest provocation, my
wrathfulness consuming me like a blazing conflagration.
One day, my anger got me into a especially delicate situation. I had a frenzied reason with my
friend over a inconsequential matter. Our trade snappily multiplied, and in a bout of rampage, I spoke
some hurtful words that I incontinently rued. He stormed off, leaving me alone with my wrathfulness
and guilt.
Feeling regretful, I concluded to detect a expressway to control my wrathfulness before it dev-
astated my connections and happiness. I sought the guidance of an old wise woman who lived on the
outskirts of the village. She was known for her wisdom and capability to cure worried souls.
I approached the wise woman's unpretentious cabin, his heart heavy with remorse. I explained
my case and contended for her help. The wise woman heeded patiently and also smiled gently.
“My child,” she spoke, “anger is an important emotion, but it can also be regulated. Love is the
key to control your anger.”
I was puzzled. “But how can love support me beat my wrathfulness?”
The wise woman explained, “When you feel anger brewing inside you, take a moment to break
and reflect. rather of replying impulsively, respond with love. Love for yourself, love for others, and
love for the situation at phase.”
I nodded, determined to set the wise woman's guidance into practice. I returned to the village
with a newfound standpoint.
In the days that followed, I faced several situations that would generally spark my anger. But
this time, I took a deep breather and reminded himself to respond with love. rather of crying, I said
calmly and heeded attentively. rather of seeking vengeance, I sought understanding and forgiveness.
Little by little, my anger began to lose its grip on me. As I reacted with love, I realised that
anger was simply a mask for deeper feelings similar as panic, rack, or exasperation. By admitting and
addressing these underpinning feelings with compassion, I set up that my anger constitutionally
Over time, my connections began to cure. My musketeers respected my newfound capability to
respond with love, and the village came a more peaceful position. I came an illustration for others, tu-
toring them the authority of love in prostrating anger.
My trip to control anger with love not only converted my own life but also touched the lives of
those around me. It served as a memorial that wrathfulness, when met with love, can be converted
into understanding, compassion, and eventually, mending.

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