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4, FEBRUARY 15, 2016

Performance of Si-Doped WO3 Thin Films for

Acetone Sensing Prepared by Glancing
Angle DC Magnetron Sputtering
Artur Rydosz, Aleksandra Szkudlarek, Magdalena Ziabka, Krzysztof Domanski,
Wojciech Maziarz, and Tadeusz Pisarkiewicz

Abstract— This paper presents the acetone sensing However, the breath analysis as a supplementary tool for
characteristics of Si-doped (1 at.%) tungsten oxide thin diagnosing and monitoring diabetes makes sense only in case
films prepared by glancing angle dc magnetron sputtering. The of utilization of portable analyzers. This need has created
performance of Si-doped WO3 sensors in the concentration range
of 0.04–3.8 ppm at operating temperatures of 150 °C–425 °C a market for gas sensors. However, commercially available
has been investigated. Doping of the tungsten oxide film acetone gas sensors have detection limit at level of several
with Si significantly decreases the limit of detection of tens part per million (ppm). Therefore, many researchers have
acetone compared with the pure WO3 sensors reported focused on investigation of semiconductive oxides with higher
in the literature. The gas sensor’s response (S) to acetone sensitivity to the acetone, i.e. SnO2 [10], ZnO [11], TiO2 [12].
was defined as the resistance ratio S = Rair /Rgas , where
Rair and Rgas are the electrical resistances for the sensor in air One of the promising materials for acetone sensors is tungsten
and in gas, respectively. The maximum response measured in oxide (WO3 ). It is a n-type semiconductor with a band
this experiment was S = 40.5. Such response was measured in gap from 2.6 eV (highly crystalline) to 3.3 eV (amorphous)
the presence of 3.8 ppm of acetone at an operating temperature and monoclinic crystal structure. WO3 is a very attractive
of 425 °C using a Si-doped (1 at.%) WO3 thin film deposited material, because it shows a high catalytic behaviour both in
at 300 °C and annealed at 300 °C for 4 h in air. The films
phase composition, microstructure, and surface topography oxidation and reduction reactions on its surface [13]. Recently,
have been assessed by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron various chemical or physical methods have been developed
microscope, atomic force microscope, and energy dispersive successfully to synthesize nanostructured tungsten oxides,
X-ray spectroscopy methods. i.e. sol-gel technique [14], electrodeposition [15], mag-
Index Terms— Gas sensor applications, WO3 films, magnetron netron sputtering [16], solution drop coating [17], electron
sputtering, acetone sensing. beam evaporation [18], hot-wire CVD technique [19], laser-
ablation technique [20], hydrothermal technique [21], etc.
I. I NTRODUCTION Gao et al. [22] have reported acetone gas sensors based on

E XHALED acetone is considered as a biomarker for

non-invasive diagnosis of type-1 diabetes [1]–[5]. The
exhaled acetone is usually in the range of 0.3 - 1.1 ppm
porous WO3 -Cr2 O3 thin films prepared by a sol-gel method.
The obtained gas response (S) defined as: S = Rair /Rgas ,
where Rair is the film resistance in air and Rgas is the
for healthy people, and above 2 ppm for people with resistance at a given concentration of analyte was around 2, 4,
diabetes [6]. In order to measure such low biomarker and 8.91 for 5 ppm, 10 ppm, and 20 ppm acetone concentra-
concentrations, laboratory systems such as: PTR-MS [7], tions, respectively. The relative humidity (RH) and operating
SIFT-MS [8], [9], amongst other examples, can be applied. temperature (OT) were set to: 20% and 320 °C, respectively.
Recently, Righettoni et al. [23], [24] have reported acetone
Manuscript received June 21, 2015; revised October 23, 2015; accepted
October 26, 2015. Date of publication November 5, 2015; date of current vapour sensing properties of 10 mol% Si-doped WO3 as an
version January 21, 2016. This work was supported by the National Science alternative to doping with potentially toxic Cr. The obtained
Centre Poland under Grant DEC-2013/09/N/ST7/01232. The associate editor results are very promising: the sensitivity (S = Rair /Rgas − 1)
coordinating the review of this paper and approving it for publication was
Prof. Boris Stoeber. (Corresponding author: Artur Rydosz.) is around 1.54 for 0.5 ppm acetone (dry gas at 350 °C),
A. Rydosz, W. Maziarz, and T. Pisarkiewicz are with the and around 0.11 for 80 ppb acetone concentration (90% RH
Department of Electronics, AGH University of Science and Tech- at 350 °C). Wang et al. [25] have reported flower-like WO3
nology, Kraków 30-059, Poland (e-mail:;; architectures synthesized via a microwave-assisted method
A. Szkudlarek is with the Academic Centre for Materials and with sensitivity (S = Rair /Rgas − 1) around 7 for 100 ppm
Nanotechnology, AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków 30-059, acetone concentration at 300 °C operating temperature and
Poland (e-mail:
M. Ziabka is with the Department of Ceramics and Refractories, fast response for acetone (∼1 s under 100 ppm exposure).
AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków 30-059, Poland (e-mail: Chávez et al. [26] have reported the palladium-functionalized WO3 nanowires obtained by a drop-coating method. The
K. Domanski is with the Institute of Electron Technology, Piaseczno 05-500,
Poland (e-mail: reported sensitivity for 1000 ppm acetone concentration is
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSEN.2015.2496212 around 1.35 and OT has been set to 300 °C. Luo et al. [27]
1558-1748 © 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

Authorized licensed use limited to: SIDDAGANGA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on November 09,2023 at 08:51:40 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

The vacuum chamber was initially evacuated to a base

pressure of 5.0 · 10−6 mbar. A tungsten metal target
of 4 diameter (99.95% purity) was employed for reactive
sputtering. The silicon dopant particles (purity of 99.95%)
have been placed on the tungsten target. A home-made
GLAD manipulator equipped with a DC motor maintained
the azimuthal sample rotation at a speed of 20 rpm during
each deposition. The substrate tilt angle was manually set to
α = 80° before each run. The W target was placed at a dis-
tance of 80 mm from centerline of the substrate. A sputtering
power of 100 W was initially applied to the target while intro-
ducing Ar into the chamber to ignite the plasma. The target
was presputtered in Ar for 10 min prior to film deposition.
The WO3 films were deposited with constant 90%Ar/10%O2
ratio. The flows of argon and oxygen were controlled by
MFC (mass flow controllers). The sputtering power was set
to 150 W for reactive deposition. The deposition pressure
Fig. 1. Schematic view of the WO3 nanorods array fabrication by glancing-
angle dc magnetron sputtering deposition. was kept constant at 3.0 · 10−2 mbar and the duration of
deposition was set to 30 min to achieve 400 nm film thickness.
The samples were deposited at various temperatures: room
have reported gas sensing behaviour of La2 O3 -added temperature (RT), 200 °C, and 300 °C. The substrates were
WO3 nanoparticles prepared by a sol-gel method. The heated by resistive heating (Thermocoax Sas, France) and
maximum gas response (WO3 +1 mol%-La2O3 ) was obtained the deposition temperature was controlled by Eurotherm 2408
at 265 °C and it was around 20 for 50 ppm acetone. PID controller. Films were characterized immediately after
Chen et al. [28] have reported acetone-sensing properties deposition and also after post-deposition annealing treatments
of tungsten trioxide nanocrystals. The sensitivity (S = Rair / at 300 °C, 400 °C, and 500 °C in air for 4 h.
Rgas − 1) results for 2 ppm, 5 ppm, 10 ppm and 1000 ppm B. Films Characterization
were 4, 5.5, 8, 43, respectively.
During the current study the glancing angle The crystallographic structure of films was determined
deposition (GLAD) methodology was applied to obtain with X-ray diffraction, X’Pert PRO MPD PANalytical sys-
WO3 thin films with high surface to volume ratios. The tem (Cu Kα1 ). Fig.2 shows the X-ray Diffraction (XRD)
GLAD technique provides the possibility for fabrication of experiment results. The measurements have been performed
well-ordered and sophisticated nanostructures, e.g. nanorods, after the deposition process and additionally after annealing.
nanocolumns, etc. [29]–[31] by manipulating the deposition The XRD patterns reveal reflection from the WO3 monoclinic
angle, α, and substrate rotation angle, ϕ. Fig.1. shows a phase described with the space group P21/n (JCPDS database
schematic view of GLAD configuration. The sensitivity of 01-083-0950, parameters: a = 7.3008 Å, b = 7.5389 Å,
chemiresistive gas sensors is highly dependent on the surface c = 7.6896 Å, α = γ = 90°, β = 90.89°). It can
to volume ratio of the films [13]. To improve the sensitivity be observed that the crystallinity increases with increasing
the post-deposition annealing treatments were performed. annealing temperature. Thin films deposited at temperatures
The gas sensing films were deposited on silicon gas sensors higher than 200 °C are partially crystallized.
substrates with Au interdigitated electrodes. The sensor The surface topography of the films was determined using
performance was investigated for a wide range of operating Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) technique. The images have
temperatures and gas concentrations. been gathered out by NTMDR Ntegra Aura in semicontact
mode with Si top of 8 nm nominal diameter. Fig. 3, Fig.4
and Fig. 5 show AFM images of WO3 thin films deposited
II. E XPERIMENT and annealed at various temperatures. Each AFM image was
obtained using an area of 3 μm×3 μm. The root mean square
A. Preparation of Films
surface roughness of the deposited films ranged from 23 nm to
It is believed that the sensor response can be improved 140 nm. It can be seen that the film surface for films deposited
both by doping and the increase of sensitive surface areas and annealed at 300 °C and 500 °C, respectively, shows a large
of the materials. Therefore, the preparation method for the quantity of cracks comprised of large islands with different
sensing materials plays an important role. After standard diameters dispersed over the whole scanned area.
cleaning process, Si-doped WO3 thin films were deposited The morphology and film thickness of the WO3 thin
onto glass and silicon gas sensor’s substrates by glancing angle films and nanorods were examined by Scanning Electron
DC magnetron sputtering. The interdigitated Au electrodes Microscopy FEI Versa 3D DualBeam. Fig. 6 shows cross-
(interdigital spacing 1-2 μm) on silicon substrates were used sectional view Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images
to reduce the resistance of highly resistive tungsten oxide of Si:WO3 deposited on glass substrate and annealed at var-
material. ious temperatures. The films deposited at lower temperatures

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Fig. 2. XRD diffractograms of WO3 thin films deposited at different Fig. 3. AFM micrographs of WO3 thin films deposited at room temperature
temperatures: (a) RT, (b) 200 °C, and (c) 300 °C and annealed at 300 °C, and annealed at: (a) 300 °C, (b) 400 °C and (c) 500 °C.
400 °C and 500 °C.

demonstrated cauliflower morphology (Fig.6a, Fig.6b, Fig.6d, of oxygen anions compared with cations, which suggest the
and Fig.6e) due to kinetic roughening process. When deposi- oxygen surface diffusion rates might be the limiting factor in
tion temperature increases the nanorods morphology becomes surface morphology evolution [32]. The columnar nature of the
readily apparent (Fig.6g, Fig.6h, Fig.6i). Brossmann et al. [32] nanorods comes from atomic shadowing effect. The roughness
have stated that existence of a possible threshold temperature fluctuations on the substrate surface make some region receive
in metal oxides can be ascribed to slower surface diffusivity more material flux than others due to shadowing. Annealing of

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Fig. 4. AFM micrographs of WO3 thin films deposited at 200 °C and

annealed at: (a) 300 °C, (b) 400 °C and (c) 500 °C.
Fig. 5. AFM micrographs of WO3 thin films deposited at 300 °C and
films deposited at lower temperatures (Fig.6c, Fig.6f) yielded annealed at: (a) 300 °C, (b) 400 °C and (c) 500 °C.
crystallization to the monoclinic/triclinic WO3 phase accom-
panied by a morphological deviation into nanorods networks, x-ray spectroscopy (EDX) was carried out. Fig.7 shows the
however, without significant boundary between nanorods. EDX spectra of Si-doped WO3 after deposition at different
In order to verify the composition and particularly the temperatures and annealing at 300 °C/400 °C/500 °C for
doping content of obtained samples, energy dispersive 4h in air. The spectra indicate the characteristic x-ray peaks

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Fig. 6. SEM images of (a) 300 °C-annealed, (b) 400 °C-annealed, (c) 500 °C-annealed Si:WO3 thin films deposited at room temperature, (d) 300 °C-annealed,
(e) 400 °C-annealed, (f) 500 °C-annealed Si:WO3 thin films deposited at 200 °C, (g) 300 °C-annealed, (h) 400 °C-annealed, and (i) 500 °C-annealed Si:WO3
thin films deposited at 300 °C.

corresponding to O, W and Si atoms present in the sample. of the sensors was acquired and continuously monitored using
From the EDX analysis, the amount of Si was found to be a digital electrometer (Keithley 6517) controlled by a PC with
varied from 0.5 at.% for sample deposited at room temperature homemade LabView based software. The sampling interval
and annealed at 300 °C to 2.0 at.% for sample deposited was set to 1 s. The resistance was measured at operating
at 300 °C and annealed at 500 °C. However, it has to be temperatures ranging from 150°C to 425°C as a function
underlined that it is not easy to evidence Si at low concen- of acetone concentration in a range between 0.04 ppm and
trations when the W is present at high concentration, because 3.8 ppm. The successive sensors’ temperatures were calcu-
all energies of the SiK and WM are very close. The values of lated with the use of the measured resistance of Pt sensor
the characteristic energies of the SiK are 1.740 keV for SiKα heaters and their TCR values. In order to reduce the impact
and 1.829 keV for SiKβ. For WM are 1.776 keV for WMα, of the temperature difference related to the flowing gas, a
1.835 keV for WMβ, 2.035 for WMγ and 1.379 keV PID system stabilizing the sensor working temperature is
for WMz2 [33]. The absence of any other peaks except necessary.
those due to O, W and Si indicates that we have obtained In this study, the authors used a quartz tube-shaped measure-
high purity Si-doped WO3 samples without any elemental ment chamber having a volume of approximately 45 cm3 and
impurities incorporated during the deposition and annealing the gas flux was set to 50 sccm. The gas sensor’s response (S)
processes. was defined as S = Rair /Rgas , where Rgas is the sensors
resistance in a sample gas, in this case acetone and Rair is the
C. Gas Sensing Test System sensors resistivity in the air with 50% relative humidity. The
The gas sensing characteristics were measured in a gas response/recovery times are determined in 10-90 percentile
sensing system presented in Fig.8. The electrical resistance range for a single gas/air impulse and depend directly on the

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Fig. 7. EDX spectra of Si-doped WO3 deposited at different temperatures Fig. 9. Response of Si-doped WO3 sensors to 0.32 ppm acetone measured
and annealed at 300 °C/400 °C/500 °C for 4 h in air. at different temperatures and for 50% RH.

Fig. 8. The measurement system of sensors’ characteristics and gas


chemical composition and physical properties of the deposited

Fig. 10. Multi-test of Si-doped WO3 sensors to acetone gas (0.32 ppm) at
films. operating temperature of 425 °C.


As it can be seen, the sensor response is higher when RH is
A. Gas Sensing Characteristics of Si-Doped WO3 lower, which is a ‘classic’ issue for semiconductor gas sensors.
It is well known that the operating temperature is the most The authors did some measurements for other interfering gases
important factor that influences the performance of semicon- that may be present in exhaled breath, i.e. ethyl alcohol.
ductor gas sensors. The electron concentration of WO3 materi- In both cases a significant response was observed.
als is determined mainly by the concentration of stoichiometric Fig.9 shows the response of Si-doped WO3 sensors to
defects such as oxygen vacancies. The resistance decreases 0.32 ppm acetone (RH 50%) measured at different tempera-
with increase of the temperature. The gas sensing properties of tures. The 0.32 ppm acetone concentration is the lowest value
the Si-doped WO3 sensors towards acetone gas were analyzed of acetone detected for healthy people. Therefore, it is crucial
for working temperatures between 150°C and 425°C in dry as to develop sensors with such a limit of detection. To ensure
well as in humidified air. The main goal was to obtain sensor the reliability of the testing data, each sensor sample was
that can respond to low acetone concentrations. Such sensors tested at least five times at every operating temperature. The
are still required for many applications, including exhaled obtained results showed no difference in sensor responses. The
breath analysis. The commercially available acetone sensors highest response to acetone (RH 50%) was observed for
have limit of detection at level of 50 ppm (Figaro TGS822, the sensor deposited and annealed at 300°C (Si - 1.0 at.%).
TGS823, Scimarec AF63) which is too high for exhaled breath The sensor response reached approx. 15.8 towards 0.32 ppm
applications. A main interfering compound always present in acetone (Fig.10), and the response/recovery time was about
the exhaled breath is humidity (80-90%). Due to this fact, the 60 s and 150 s, respectively. The recovery time increased as
sensors were measured at various RH concentrations (Fig.13). the concentration increased.

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Fig. 11. Response of the Si-doped WO3 sensor deposited and annealed Fig. 13. Response of the Si-doped WO3 sensor (deposited and annealed
at 300 °C to 0.32 ppm acetone measured at different relative humidity. at 300 °C) to various concentration of acetone measured at 425 °C.


Fig. 12. Resistance changes of the Si-doped WO3 sensor (deposited and
annealed at 300 °C) to different concentration of acetone, measured at 425 °C.

Fig. 11 shows the gas sensor’s responses for different

acetone concentration at various relative humidity concentra-
tions. The response S of Si-doped WO3 is approximately 10
even at the relative humidity of 80%, which indicates that
it is relatively stable at humid atmosphere. The presented
sensor will be placed in the sensor chamber as a part of
microsystem [37] for exhaled breath analysis in conjunction
with micropreconcentrator, which provide excellent selectivity
by adsorbing selected compounds in exhaled breath. Recently,
the authors have reported investigation results with utilization
of micropreconcentrators [38], [39] for acetone detection as
well as for analysis of diabetes biomarkers [40]–[42].
Fig.12. shows the responses of the Si-doped WO3 sensor
(deposited and annealed at 300 °C) to different acetone con-
centration from 0.16 ppm to 0.64 ppm measured at 425 °C. Therefore, it is crucial to detect acetone in a wide range of
The sensor response gradually increases with the increase concentration (Fig.13).
of the concentration of acetone. As already mentioned, The sensitivity to various acetone concentrations of
the acetone concentration is usually below 1 ppm for WO3 sensors reported in the literature, obtained with different
healthy people, and above 2 ppm for people with diabetes. methods are summarized in Table 1. It can be noticed that

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