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Title: Israeli Child Suffers Discrimination at School

Subtitle: A student in Israel faces discriminatory acts in his school environment,
highlighting the need to promote diversity and respect.

The image shows 10-year-old David Cohen, who has faced discrimination at his school
in Tel Aviv. The community is calling for measures to promote tolerance and inclusion.

Israel is known for its cultural and religious diversity, but sometimes this diversity can
lead to tensions and misunderstandings, especially among young people.
Discrimination in schools is a problem that education authorities have been addressing,
but individual cases, such as Eli's, shows the need for inclusive education and
programmes to foster tolerance from an early age.

In a escalating tension (Israel), there was an Israeli kid which was 12 years old named
Eli, when he was playing football with his friends in the camp all of a sudden he heared
a siren pop up in front of the street, then he has seen a bunch of people (protestors)
coming at his way and i the other way a line of policeman to reduce protestorby
shooting gas and hitting them with the baton, unfortunately Eli wasnt that fast to
escapethe encounter of the 2 crowd, he was getting hit by the policeman while the
protestor push him in the front, in the middle of a crossfire, he was severely hurt,
which means he has to be hospitaled for 4 months to recover from that nightmare.
This case shows the importance of addressing discrimination in schools and promoting
diversity and tolerance. It also highlights the responsibility of educational institutions
to create a safe and respectful environment for all students, regardless of their ethnic,
cultural or religious background.

"Our child should feel safe and accepted at school. No one should be discriminated
against because of their background. We call on the school to take immediate steps to
address this problem and promote tolerance among students." - Parents of Ali.
"Discrimination has no place in our classrooms. We are investigating this incident and
will take steps to ensure an inclusive and respectful educational environment for all of
our students." - Director of the school principal.

Israeli boy: Jan Marc rull
News reporter: Victor Xu

Interviewer: Hello! We appreciate you being with us today. Could you start by telling us
a bit about yourself?
Interviewee: Certainly. My name is Avi; I was born in Israel and, unfortunately, I've
experienced discrimination due to my background and skin color.
Interviewer: We're sorry to hear that, Avi. Could you share a specific experience of
discrimination that has been particularly impactful for you?
Interviewee: Yes, there was an occasion where I was a victim of physical violence
because of my background. It was a painful episode that reminded me of how much
work still needs to be done in terms of acceptance and understanding.
Interviewer: It's truly unfortunate that you had to face something like that. How have
you handled these situations, and what advice would you give to those also facing
Interviewee: Despite the challenges, I've tried to stay strong and focused on promoting
understanding. My advice would be not to be defeated by hatred, seek support within
the community, and work towards positive change.
Interviewer: Do you think there are specific steps that society at large should take to
better address discrimination and violence based on origin or skin color?
Interviewee: Absolutely, education and awareness are crucial. Additionally, it's essential
for authorities to take strong measures against discriminatory violence to send a clear
message of intolerance.
Interviewer: Thank you for sharing your perspective and experiences, Avi. We hope that
through these conversations, we can contribute to building a more inclusive and just

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