Most Commonly Used Instructions in Assembly Language Programming

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Most Commonly used instructions in Assembly Language


1. MOV (Move)
 Description: Copies the contents of one operand into another operand.
 Syntax: MOV destination, source
 Example: MOV AX, BX copies the contents of BX into AX.
2. ADD (Addition)
 Description: Adds the source operand to the destination operand.
 Syntax: ADD destination, source
 Example: ADD AX, BX adds BX to AX.
3. SUB (Subtraction)
 Description: Subtracts the source operand from the destination
 Syntax: SUB destination, source
 Example: SUB AX, BX subtracts BX from AX.
4. INC (Increment)
 Description: Increments the value of the operand by 1.
 Syntax: INC operand
 Example: INC CX increments the value of CX by 1.
5. DEC (Decrement)
 Description: Decrements the value of the operand by 1.
 Syntax: DEC operand
 Example: DEC DX decrements the value of DX by 1.
6. CMP (Compare)
 Description: Compares two operands and sets flags based on the result.
 Syntax: CMP operand1, operand2
 Example: CMP AX, BX compares AX and BX.
7. JMP (Jump)
 Description: Transfers control to the specified location.
 Syntax: JMP destination
 Example: JMP label transfers control to the specified label.
8. JE (Jump if Equal)
 Description: Jumps to the specified location if the two compared
operands are equal.
 Syntax: JE destination
 Example: JE label jumps to the specified label if the comparison result is
9. JNE (Jump if Not Equal)
 Description: Jumps to the specified location if the two compared
operands are not equal.
 Syntax: JNE destination
 Example: JNE label jumps to the specified label if the comparison result
is not equal.
10. JG (Jump if Greater)
 Description: Jumps to the specified location if the first operand is
greater than the second operand.
 Syntax: JG destination
 Example: JG label jumps to the specified label if the first operand is
greater than the second operand.
11. JL (Jump if Less)
 Description: Jumps to the specified location if the first operand is less
than the second operand.
 Syntax: JL destination
 Example: JL label jumps to the specified label if the first operand is less
than the second operand.
12. CALL (Call Procedure)
 Description: Calls a procedure or subroutine.
 Syntax: CALL procedure_name
 Example: CALL myProcedure calls the procedure named myProcedure.
13. RET (Return from Procedure)
 Description: Returns control from a procedure or subroutine.
 Syntax: RET
 Example: RET returns control from the current procedure.
14. INT (Interrupt)
 Description: Triggers a software interrupt.
 Syntax: INT interrupt_number
 Example: INT 21h triggers interrupt 21h (for DOS services).
15. LOOP (Loop)
 Description: Executes a block of code a specified number of times.
 Syntax: LOOP destination
 Example: LOOP label repeats the loop specified by the label.
16. NOP (No Operation)
 Description: No operation is performed.
 Syntax: NOP
 Example: NOP does nothing and proceeds to the next instruction.

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