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Idea development is essential in writing. This is done by organizing ideas in

a logical and clear manner that suits the writer’s purpose. To achieve this, it is
necessary to use appropriate grammatical signals or expressions.

Grammatical signals are writing devices such as transitional devices,

connectors, determiners, and repetitions that are used to maintain text coherence.
Coherence establishes a logical connection between ideas in sentences and
paragraphs. These ideas can be developed through different patterns depending on
the writer’s purpose.

Pattern of idea development refers to the structure of writing on how the

ideas are being presented. Five of the commonly used patterns of idea development
are discussed in this module. These are the general to particular, cause and effect,
claim-counterclaim, problem-solution, and persuasion. Let us explore them and
their appropriate grammatical signals.

A. General to Particular
- This pattern of idea development discusses the general topic by presenting
specific details that support the topic.
- deductive method of organization

B. Cause and Effect

- This pattern of idea development explains the causes or the effects of something.

C. Claim and Counterclaim

- This pattern of idea development refers to the structure of presenting a side of an
issue in an argumentative manner. A

D. Problem-Solution
- This pattern of idea development is used when a writer identifies a problem
and addresses it by presenting one or more solutions.

E. Persuasion
- This pattern of idea development intends to convince the readers to do or believe
in something.


What is an outline?

An outline is a tool used in improving and organizing written ideas about a

topic into a logical order. Writers use outlines when writing their papers to know
which topic to cover and in what order.
What are the types of an outline?

There are two types of outline: the sentence outline and the topic outline.

1. Sentence Outline

It is a type of outline that presents the thesis statement, major

topics, subtopics, and supporting details in sentence form. It allows
you to include those details in the sentences instead of having to create
an outline of many short phrases that goes on page after page. Also, it
follows a hierarchical structure composed of sentences and headings
around the subject of the speech or essay.

● Roman Numerals
● Capitalized Letters
● Arabic Numerals
● Lowercase Letters

2. Topic Outline

It is a type of outline which presents the major topics, subtopics, and

supporting details in the form of words and phrases.

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