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~ I was born on ... (day) ... (month & year) in ... (city/town)/at ... (small centre).
~ I’m ... (age) years old.
~ I live in a big city/a small town/a nice village, called ...
~ I live in the city center/in the outskirts/not far from the city centre.
~ I live by myself/alone/with my family.
~ I live in a flat/apartment with some housemates. They’re all students.
~ I’m a student. I attend the Faculty of … at the University of …, in ….
~ I’m a commuter, so I travel every day by car/train/bus. It takes ... hours/minutes to
get to university from home.
~ I’m interested in ... /quite into .../very good at .../-ing.
~ I like/really love …-ing
~ I’m fond of ...
Here are my strengths and weaknesses:
I’m good/very good/bad at: I like/don’t like:
being intuitive travelling
being part of social networks being independent
organizing information at meetings meeting new people
working in a team being creative
working under pressure doing routine activities
solving problems being involved in research
thinking differently using the Internet
using computers well entertaining others
being energetic motivating others
managing time well being persistent
being on time having arguments

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