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Email: Phone : +905318138232
LinkedIn : Address : Istanbul, Turkey
GitHub : Medium :

As a former student of Mathematics Education at Boğaziçi University, I bring a unique blend of skills and passion to
the IT sector. With a background in education and a newfound enthusiasm for programming, I seamlessly transitioned
into frontend development, emphasizing web development using TypeScript, React, and Redux. My interest in
algorithms further enhances my capabilities in this field.
Driven by a relentless curiosity and a love for problem-solving, I thrive in dynamic environments where innovation is
valued. I excel in crafting responsive designs and developing complex solutions, leveraging my creative thinking
skills to deliver impactful results. With the ability to quickly adapt to new technologies and concepts has enabled me
to constantly push boundaries and seek opportunities for growth. I am deeply committed to continuous learning,
viewing myself as a lifetime student eager to explore new technologies, tools, and libraries.
I am particularly drawn to frontend and web development, with a strong foundation in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Notable among my achievements is the successful enhancement of a website's conversion rate by 80% through
strategic improvements in code and design.
With a high level of energy, integrity, and a collaborative spirit, I am adept at creating algorithms, fostering positive
team dynamics, and effectively communicating ideas. I am excited about the possibilities that lie ahead and am eager
to contribute my skills and passion to future projects and challenges.

Freelance July 2021 – Present
Private Math Tutor
● Worked as an Private Math Teacher of primary, middle and high school students.


HTML | CSS | JavaScript | Bootstrap | Figma | Axios | SASS | Material UI | React JS | Redux / Redux Toolkit |
Postman | Vercel | Linux | Next JS | Git | GitHub | APIs | Agile | OOP | RESTful APIs. | Formik & YUP | Firebase |
Cypress | Authentication | Authorization | Validation


Project Management | Problem-Solving | Strong Communication | Time Management | Adaptability | Continuous

Learning | Collaboration & Teamwork | Resilience | Creativity

● Stock Management System is an innovative online web application designed to streamline the efficient
management of orders and inventory. Harnessing the power of a comprehensive API, the system empowers
users to seamlessly perform operations such as retrieving, adding, editing, or deleting products, firms, brands,
sales, and purchases. Leveraging this API, the platform offers a 100% user-friendly interface that
accommodates a multitude of firms and brands, facilitating the smooth execution of various
transactions.Technical Stack; HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, and Material.UI in frontend and Redux Toolkit
for state management.

● Movie App is an application designed to help users search for movies and find information about them. The app
uses the TMDB API to access movie data, allowing users to quickly locate titles, view trailers, read reviews, and
more. Movie App also offers an easy-to-use login system powered by Firebase that allows users to securely save
their credentials for future use .

● Recipe App is a web-based application that allows users to search for recipes and categorize them according to
breakfast, lunch or dinner. Users must be logged in to access the app's features. The app uses Edamam API for
recipe searches and Firebase for user authentication.

● To Do App is a task management application built with React.js, Tailwind CSS, Redux, and Firebase. Users can
add, delete, and update to-do items, benefitting from a centralized state management system provided by Redux.
Firebase integration ensures data persistence and real-time updates, while Tailwind CSS offers a visually appealing
and responsive user interface.

● Rock Legends is a React.js-based project that introduces 13 iconic rock legends and their timeless hits. By
integrating the `useSound` hook for state management, the project offers an interactive experience and allows users
to enjoy the best songs of their favorite rock musicians with a simple click on the play button associated with each
legend's profile.

● Bogazici University, Student Sept 2023 – Present
Primary School Mathematics Education
● FS-CH15-EU-Web Development Essentials -Issued by Clarusway Feb 2024
● FS-CH15-EU-Web Development With React -Issued by Clarusway Feb 2024

● Turkish : Native
● English : Advanced

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