WWW Bankingawareness

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1. Monetary policy Referes to the policy of a) Money Lenders b) Government c) Commercial Banks d) RBI 2.

. Controller of credit of commercial banks in India is -a) SBI b) SEBI c) RBI d) ICICI e) UTI 3. First Bank in India with full liability and managed by Indian was a) Bank of Hindusthan b) Allahabad Bank c) Punjab National Bank d) Traders Bank 4. Bank of Calcutta was established in a) 1801 b) 1806 c) 1809 d) 1843 5. The rate at which RBI takes loans from commercial banks is known as a) Repo rate b) Reverse Repo Rate c) bank rate d) Interest rate 6. Initially, at the time of establishment of Reserve Bank of India, the headquarter of RBI was situated in a) Mumbai b) Delhi c) Kolkata d) Madras 7. Bank of Bengal, Bank of Bombay, Bank of Madras were also known as a) Presidency Banks b) Traders Bank c) Imperial Banks d) None of these 8. The imperial bank of India was converted to State Bank of India on 1st July 1955 on the basis of recommendation made by - a) All India Rural Credit Survey Committee b) Mudalliar Committee c) Abid Husen Committee d) None of these 9. First report of Narasimham Committee was submitted in a) 1991 b) 1998 c) 1995 d) none of these 10. The second report of Narasimham Committee regarding Indias Banking Sector reforms submitted in a) 1991 b) 1998 c) 1997 d) 2008 11. Which committee had recommendation to reduce the value of SLR and CRR a) Narasimham Committee b) Chakraborty Committee c) Ranjarajan Committee d) None of these 12. When face value of currency is higher than internal values- this currency known as a) Fiat Currency b) Soft Currency c) token currency d) hard currency e) None of these 13. When a currency is enforced by law it is known as -a) Fiat Currency b) Soft Currency c) token currency d) hard currency e) None of these 14. In the Dear Money Policy of RBI a) Money supply is raised by reducing the value of Bank Rate b) Money supply is reduced by increasing the value of Bank Rate c) Money supply is increased by increasing the value of Bank rate d) money supply is reducred by increasing the value of bank rate 15. In which country some federal banks act as the central bank being united a) USA b) UK c) China d) Germany 16. Bank of International Settlement was established in a) 1930 b) 1935 c) 1940 d) 1945 17. Deposit Insurance corporation, a fully subsidiary of RBI, was established by RBI in a) 1962 b) 1965 c) 1970 d) 1978

18. Presently the monetary policy of RBI is based on the recommendation of a) Chakraborty Committee b) Narasimham Committee c) Abid Hused Committee d) Kelkar Committee 19. A currency whose exchange rate tends to fall because of persistent balance of payment deficit is known as a) Hard currency b) Soft Currency c) Gold Currency d) Sinking Currency 20. Modernised Currency notes presses in India are located in a) Mysore in Karnataka b) Salboni in West Bengal c) Hyderbad in Andhrapradesh d) Both a and b

First Governor of RBI was a) Hilton Young b) Paul Samuelson c) C.D.Deskmukh d) O.A Smith 1. At the time of nationalization who was the Governor of RBI- a) O.A Smith b) J.B Taylor c) C.D. Deshmukh d) K.C.Neogy 2. The RBI was nationalized in the year a)1949 b)1956 c)1959 d)1947 3. The general superintendence and director of the bank is entrusted to central board of directors of a)10 members b) 20 members c) 25 members d)30 members 4. Paper currencies of our country are issued by RBI under a) Section- 22 of the RBI act 1934 b) Section- 24 of the RBI act -1934 c) Section- 28 of the RBI act -1934 d) None of these 5. One rupee currency notes bear the signature of - a) PM b) President of India c) Governor of RBI d) Finance Secretary of India 6. Ten rupees notes bear the signature of a) President b) Finance Minister c) Secretary of Ministry of finance d) Governor of RBI 7. Which of the following is the banker of the banks a) IDBI b) SBI C) RBI d)UTI 8. In which of the following banks one cant open a personal account a) Co-Operative Banks b) Commercial banks c) Regional Rural Banks d) RBI 9. Which of the following banks is the banker to the government a) SBI b) SEBI c) RBI d) IRDA 10. Which of the followings are the function of RBI a) Regulation of currency and flowing of credit system b) Maintaining exchange values of rupee c) Formulating monetary policy of India d) All of these 11. Credit rationing in India is done by a) SBI b) LIC c) UTI d) RBI 12. The first bank of India was a) Bank of Hindusthan b) Imperial Bank c) Bank of Bengal d) Oudh Commercial Bank 13. The first Indian filly liability and managed bank was a) PNB b) Traders Bank c) SBI d)0 Presidency Bank of India 14. The rates at which the RBI extends credit to the commercial bank is called a) Bank Rate b) Reverse Repo Rate c)Interest Rate d) None of these 15. In which of the following is not the any element of monetary policy of RBI a) Bank rate b) Open Market Operation c) Public Expendiure d) All of these

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16. 100 rupees note bears the signature of a) Governor of RBI b) PM c) Finance Secretary of India d) Chairman of Finance Commission 17. Which of the following is the last lender of the last resort of commercial bank- a) SBI b) Union Govt. c) RBI d) UTI 18. The RBI is agent of central government and of all state government except a) Bihar b) Goa c) Jammu and Kashmir d) Mizoram 19. Controller of credit of commercial banks in our country is a) RBI b)SEBI c) ICI d)UTI 20. The Banking Concept in India was first developed by a) British b) French c) Indian d) None of these 21. The rate at which RBI gives short term credit to the commercial banks against government securities with buy back provision is called a) Bank Rate b) Repo Rate c) Reverse repo rate d) Interest rate 22. The rate at which RBI takes loans from commercial banks is called a) Repo Rate b) Reverse Repo Rate c) Bank Rate d) Interest Rate 23. At present the Reverse Repo Rate of RBI is (As of 25th Nov) a) 8.25 b) 7.25 c) 7.50 d)8.50

1. Bank rate of RBI is also known as a) Interest Rate b) Discount Rate c) fed rate d) bid rate 2. Which of the following is not the any element of quantitative credit control policy of RBI a) CRR b) SLR c) Selective credit control d) open market operation. 3. At present CRR of RBI is a) 6% b) 7.5% c) 8.5% d) none of these 4. The limitation of CRR of RBI is a)3-10 % b) 3-15% c) 15-38% d) 10-25% 5. The apex organization of Indian money market is a)SBI b) SEBI c) RBI d) IRDA 6. If the cash reserve is lowered by RBI, what will be its effect on credit creation -a) Decrease b) Increase c) No Change d) None of these 7. The expansion of money supply of an economy depends on a) The policy of CRR b) The bank rate policy c) Open market operation d) All of these 8. Among the following who are eligible to benefit from the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act? a) Adult Members of only the scheduled caste and scheduled tribe holders b) Adult of below poverty line household c) Adult members of

household of all backward community d) adult members of any rural household e) None of these 9. Which of the following banks merged with Punjab national banks in 1993 a) New bank of India b) Central Bank of India c) Imperial Bank of India d) Common bank of India 10. A currency, the exchange values of which is expected to remain stable due to strong performance by its economy. This currency is a) Soft Currency b) Hot currency c) Fiat currency d) None of these (Hard Currency) 11. The Reserve Bank of India issues under the following note issue method? a) Proportional Reserve System b) Minimum Reserve System c) Maximum Reserve System d) Fixed Fiduciary System 12. What is a Scheduled Bank? a) A bank having Rs 10 Crore deposits b) A bank having Rs 100 Crore deposits c) A bank having Rs 5 Crore deposits d) A bank included in the second schedule of RBI act 1934. 13. How many languages are used on a Ten Rupee note? a) 2 b) 7 c) 10 d) 15 e) 16 14. The place where bankers meet and settle their mutual claims and accounts is known as a) Treasury b) Clearing House c) Dumping House d) Collection centre 15. The largest Public sector bank in India -a) SBI b) PNB c) RBI d) ICICI 16. Which of the following is not the function of RBI a) Bankers bank b) Banker to public c) custodian of foreign exchange d) Bankers to Govt. 17. Who is responsible for the collection and publication of monetary and financial information- a) Finance Commission b) Finance ministry c) RBI d) Auditor and Comptroller general of India 18. Which of the following regulatory authority to oversee the new issues, protect the investment and investors, promote the development of Capital Market and regulate the working of Stock Exchange a) UTI b) IRDA c) RBI d) SEBI e) None of these 19. After a long span of 22 years, RBI released Rs.1000/- currency note for circulation in a) 2000 b) 2002 c) 2005 d) 2008 20. Regional Rural banks are working in all states of the country except a) Sikkim and Goa b) Sikkim and Manipur c) Manipur and Nagaland d) Jammu and Kashmir 21. The National Housing Bank is a subsidiary of a)RBI b) NABARD c)IDBI d) UTI 22. At present the ceiling of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in insurance sector in India is a) 26% b) 49% c) 51% d) 74% 23. Rs. 25 Paisa was ceased by the Govt of India on a) 30th june 2011 b) 30th July 2011 c) 1st January 2011 d) 1st July 2011 24. Initial Public Offering (IPO) is associated with a) RBI b) Stock Exchange c) IRDA d) Indian Postal Service 25. The Basic regulatory authority for mutual funds and stock markets lies with the a) Government of India b) Reserve Bank of India c) Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) d) Stock Exchange

1. We often come across the term Production Sharing Contract (PSC) in financial news these days. PSC refers to sharing of output with the government by companies, public sector as well private ones, in which sector? a) Fertiliser b) Food Processing c) Telecoms 4) Petroleum 5) None of these 2. Which public sector bank completed the acquisition JSC Daba Bank of Kazakhstan recently? a) Dena Bank b) Canara Bank c) PNB d)Bank of India e) None of these 3. The apex body in Insurance sector in India is a) SEBI b) RBI c) Ministry of Finance d) IRDA e) None of these 4. Which of the following has become the first state to sign a MoU with Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation under the state statistical strengthening project (SSSP) that will aim at building at statistical capacity and infrastructure recently? a) Uttar Pradesh b) Karnataka c) Kerala d) Tamil Nadu 5) None of these 5. Life insurance corporation of India was created in which year? a) 1st September 1956 b) 1st January 1956 c) 22nd November 1972 d) 1st April 1949 6. Cairo Programme of Action (POA) refers to which of the following ? -a) Vaccination b) Adult Literacy c) Food Security d) Population control e) None of these 7. Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI) was established in which year ? a) 1956 b) 1964 c) 1982 d) 1988 8. Which of the following has/have been selected as the sole fund manager by the Employees Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) to manage its corpus of about Rs. 3.5 Lakh recently? a) State Bank of India b) ICICI Prudential c) HSBC d) Reliance Capital e) none of these 9. What is the objective of the central registry launched under the provision of the SARFAESI Act 2002, recently? a) To Prevent leakage of funds in delivery of central government sponsored rural employment schemes b) To prevent tax evasion by Indians by keeping track of large transactions in the banking system. c) To prevent frauds in loan cases involving multiple lending from different banks on the same asset d) To ensure timely delivery of agricltural credit under priority sector norms by Public Sector Banks e) None of these 10. Rabobank has received the Reserve Bank of India approval to set up its first branch in India recently. It is a bank headquartered in which country? -) France b) Belgium c) Britain d) Netherlands e) None of these 11. Justice Wadhwa Committee is reviewing the functioning of which of the following? a) Mid-Day meal programme b) Public distribution system c) Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojna d)Indira Awas Yojna e) None of these

12. Which of the state was in news for passing a Bill for regulating Micro Finance Institutions recently? a) Tamil Nadu b)Bihar c) Karnataka d) Andhra Pradesh e) None of these 13. The ministry of New and Renewable Energy has decided to tie-up with which country to tap the latters expertise in exploiting geo-thermal energy resources recently? a) South Africa b) Iran c) Iceland d) Bolvia e) None of these 14. In which year National Housing Bank was established? a) 1998 b) 1988 c) 1978 d) 1982 15. The pension fund regulatory and development authority (PFRDA) has taken which of the following decision to popularize the New Pension System (NPS) recently? a) It has increased government subsidy for NPS deposit holders b) It has increased distributors commission. c) It has allowed premature withdrawal d) It has increased the interest rate on NPS deposits 16. The general insurance business in India was nationalised by Government of India in which year ? -a) 1971 b) 1972 c) 1982 d) 1956 17. What is meant by recent news reports saying -Indian Rupee is appreciating? I. The purchasing power of the Rupee in India has declined II. The Exchange rate of Rupee in India has gobe up III. The purchasing power of the Rupee in India has gone up a) I Only b) II only c) Both II and III d) III only e) None of these 18. GRIHA rating system is used for which of the following? a) Cement b) NBFCs c) Buildings d) Gold e) None of these 19. Which of the Public Sector Companies Sold Gold coins and Silver ornaments under the trademark Sanchi ? a) Rate Earths Ltd b) Minerals and Metals Tradng Corporation (MMTC) c) State Trading Corporating (STC) d) National Minerall Development Corporation (NMDC) e) None of these 20. General Engineering Appraisal Committee (GECA) recently gave its approval for field trials of a generically modified variety of which of the following cash crops? a) Coconut b) Rubber c) Pepper d) Cardamom e) None of these 21. What does the word remittances, a word we often come across in newspaper article on Foreign exchange reserve, refers to a) Money transfer by a Migrant worker to their home country b) Postponement of Payment to the IMF c) Donation by Individuals to a charity d) Taxation obligation of developing countries 22. What is the objective of the National Mission for Electric Mobility launched recently ? a) Promoting the use of Battery operated vehicles b) Prmoting the use of energy savings devices c) Promoting the replacement of diesel by electric locomotives in Indian railway d) Promoting the spread of mobile services in Rural Areas in India 23. Which state in India has launched the Jeevandhara programme to provide quality medicines at affordable prices to the poor recently ? a) Andhra Pradesh b) Gujrat c) Maharastra d) Rajasthan e) none of these 24. What is the objective of India Smart Grid Forum (ISGF)? a) To Promote R and D collaboration between universities and industry b) To promote energy efficiency in power sector c) to promote the use of Non-renewable source of energy d) To promote higher education using Broadband. 25. Which of the following became the Indias first bank to facilitate payment of Income tax using ATM recently? a) State Bank of India b) Union Bank of India c) Punjab National Bank d) Canara Bank

26. The government had approved the creation of posts of Indirect Tax Ombudsmen in several cities recently? I. It will be set up in Seven Cities II. It will examine public complaints on Income Tax matters III. It will have the powers to give settle claims and give awards to the aggrieved parties a) I only b) II Only c) II and III Only d) I and III Only 27. Which of the following statement is/are correct about the distribution of Central Financial Assistance to states? I. Central Financial Assistance for States is calculated according to the Gadgil Formula b) The highest weightage is given to the per capita income of the state III. The lowest weightage is given to the population of the state. a) I Only b) II only c) I and II only d) III only 28. The all india federation of Horological Industries represents the Interest of Which of the Following Sectors? a) Watch b) Horticulture c) Gems and Jewelery d) Pharmaceuticals e) None of these 29. The abbreviation EAG States mentioned in the Census 2011 referes to which of the following? a) Eligible Action Group States b) Economically Advancing Group States c) Empowered Action Group States d) Empowered Advancing Group States 30. Power produced from which of the following sources has the highest share in Indias annual power generation capacity? a) Hydro b) Coal c) Gas d) Nuclear e) None of these

1. When RBI was nationalised? 2. RBI is a __________ Body? 3. What is the emblem of RBI? 4. RBI established on the recommendation of ____________ commission. 5. ____________ is the largest public sector bank in india. 6. Where is the headquarter of RBI? 7. Imperial Bank of India was established on the year _______. 8. State Bank of India Act passed in? 9. Presently SBI has ______ associate banks. 10. SBI is the largest bank in India with branch network of __________ 11. With you all the way slogan of which bank? 12. State Bank of Indore was merged with SBI in the year? 13. State Bank of India was previously known as _____________ 14. Firs Presidency bank was established on _____________ in ____________. 15. Where is the headquarter of SBI? 16. In which year Hilton-Young Commission submitted its report? 17. Who is authorized to issue currency in India?

18. Reserve Bank of India was established in __________. 19. When did the head quarter of RBI was shifted from Kolkata to Mumbai? 20. RBI was initially started with capital worth ____________. Answers: 1. January 1, 1949 2. Statutory 3. Panther and Palm Tree. 4. Hilton-Young Commission 5. State Bank of India 6. Mumbai 7. 1921 8. 1955 9. 5 10. 26,500 11. State Bank of India 12. 2010 13. Imperial Bank of India 14. 1806, Kolkata (Calcutta) 15. Mumbai 16. 1926 17. RBI 18. 1st April,1935 19. 1937 20. 5 Crores

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