Unit 1 Test

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1 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1 The cost of our electricity has gone down since we bought those energy-___ lights.
a reflective b efficient c enhancing

2 All the soaps in the hotel are eco-___ ; they do not damage the environment.
a friendly b efficient c enhancing
3 Playgrounds often have ___ floors so children don’t get hurt when they fall over.
a streamlined b groundbreaking c shock-absorbent
4 People who spend a lot of time together sometimes get on each other’s ___ .
a nerves b eyes c necks
5 It’s difficult to ___ your brother seriously because he’s always telling jokes.
a make b take c get

2 Choose the correct words to complete the blog.

Toby and I

People who cannot see always 1 face / make / get a challenge when it comes to getting around and, I’ll make no
2 care / bones / bottom about it, being blind can be difficult sometimes. However, my life has improved a lot
since I was given a guide dog to help me. At first, I did not 3 make / give / take to the idea of having an animal in
my house. However, I was amazed to find that the dog really can help me to go places that were very difficult for
me before. The dog is called Toby and after a month or two, we formed a real 4 love / bond / friend. I never
thought that I could get 5 out / down / along
with an animal but now we take 6 on / over / care of each other: I feed him and he shows me where to go! The
7 bottom / top / middle line is that while I used to avoid going to new places because of my nerves, now I feel
confident travelling anywhere.

3 Match the sentence halves.

1 Ben can’t ride a bike very well, but he always a and downs throughout their lives.

2 The workers made a case for b see eye to eye.

3 Most couples have their ups c a four-day week, but the boss did not like the idea.

4 Jake shouldn’t work with Noah, they don’t d clothes which can help them go faster.

5 Teams in the Olympics wear performance-enhancing e makes light of the problem.

1 Put the words in the correct order.

1 important / School / is / for / the / world’s / children / all /.


2 take care of / always / Elephants / the / young / in / their groups / .


3 the / at / sports / Which / of / your / school / is / the / popular / two / most /?


4 fitter / become. / The / you / the / you / more / exercise / do, /.


5 to / According / world / the / scientists, / hotter / getting / is / .


6 bee / The / gives / food / us / in / form / the / honey / of /.


2 Complete the sentences with the words below.

all better more none nor

1 ____________ of the students are working hard this morning. I’m very happy with them.

2 ____________of my sisters were at the party last Saturday. They stayed at home.

3 Neither the wind ____________ the snow stopped them from playing in the park.

4 The harder you work, the ____________ you will do on the test.

5 The older my grandfather gets, the ____________ slowly he walks.

3 Choose the correct words to complete the article.

The dangers elephants face

One of the largest and most intelligent of the world’s animals is 1the / – elephant. Two of the most famous types of
elephants are the African elephant and the smaller Indian elephant. It is usual for 2the / – elephants to live in
groups of females and their young. Neither the African elephant nor the Indian elephant 3is / are as common as in
the past. Many people kill them for their huge white tusks, many 4which / of which go to markets around the world.
The larger the tusks, the 5more / most money the hunters can get for them. All elephants need protecting. The
more we take care of elephants, 6longer / the longer we will be able to see these beautiful animals in the wild.

1 Listen to a presentation about the best book of the 21st century. Check (x) the three points that support the
speaker’s argument. There are two extra points.

1 It has a very interesting ending. ☐

2 It is by a Canadian author. ☐

3 The book is full of surprises. ☐

4 The book is about a tiger. ☐

5 It is different from any other book of the century. ☐

2 Listen again. Complete the summary of the speaker’s argument with the words below.

backs claims example finally points purpose supports

Life of Pi

The 1____________________ of the speech is to decide on the best book of the 21st century. Omar
2____________________ that Life of Pi should have this title. He 3____________________ this claim by
saying it is a gripping and exciting book which is full of surprises. An 4____________________ he uses to
show how surprising the book is, is to explain how the tiger changes from being an enemy to a friend. He
5____________________ out that the book is very original. 6____________________, he talks about the
ending of the story. He 7____________________ up his claim that it is a good ending by saying that it really
makes you think.

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