Mappers Interstellar (Engineering)

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Mapper’s Interstellar (Engineering)


“Mapper’s Interstellar” is the engineering module in the Beaconhouse Notion of Academia,

meticulously designed to immerse high school students in the practical aspects of engineering and
design. This module offers a unique opportunity for students to engage in hands-on activities that
blend creativity with technical skills. It focuses on the construction and testing of various engineering
models, challenging delegates to apply their knowledge in physics, mechanics, and structural design.
The module emphasises innovation, problem-solving, and efficient resource utilisation, encouraging
students to think like engineers. Through this experiential learning process, students gain a deeper
understanding of engineering principles and their applications in real-world scenarios.

There will be no elimination in any of the rounds in Mapper’s Interstellar.

Delegates must bring their own devices for all three rounds.

Solar-Powered Innovation:

In the first round dubbed “Solar-Powered Innovation”, delegates venture into the realm of renewable
energy, spotlighting the ingenious use of solar power in vehicle propulsion. They will be required to
construct a solar-powered car with the materials provided.

A deep understanding of electronics, electricity and the practical skills involved in building electric
circuits from the ground up will be fundamental. Additionally, precise engineering will be essential to
develop a car model that not only operates autonomously but also demonstrates impressive speed.
Teams are advised to conduct thorough research into DIY projects, understanding the necessary
materials and components and carry out strategic pre-planning with team members to ensure a
seamless and efficient build on the day of the round.

Teams are given a 90-minute window to assemble their solar-powered cars. Following the
construction phase, the functionality and speed of the cars will be put to the test in a drag race
competition. The teams will face off in pairs, with bonus points awarded to those who excel in the
race. Before the competition, judges will evaluate each car for the neatness of craftsmanship and
overall functionality.

“Solar-Powered Innovation” is an exhibition of creativity, collaboration, and the commitment to

harnessing clean energy for practical uses. It's a stage where engineering expertise intersects with
environmental stewardship, urging delegates to explore the limits of solar-powered technology and
contribute to the advancement of eco-friendly transportation solutions!
Study Material:

How To Make A Mini Solar-Powered Car by Yuri Ostr

How To Build A Solar-Powered Car by Alicorn Shop
Mini Solar Powered Car Blog Guide

Bridge Mastery Challenge:

In the second round labeled “Bridge Mastery Challenge”, delegates will experience the intersection
of engineering, physics, and design. This round calls upon delegates to channel their structural
engineering acumen into crafting a cardboard model of a suspension bridge, reflecting the real-world
complexity of bridging physical divides.

Teams are tasked with creating a structure that not only showcases their understanding of forces and
stability but also withstands the rigors of load-bearing tests. Preparation involves delving into the
mechanics of bridge design, ensuring a solid grasp of how different bridge types manage stresses and

Constructing the model demands precision, as delegates navigate the careful use of tools, balancing
safety with meticulous craftsmanship. The challenge intensifies with strict material limitations and
the imperative to respect the 2-hour window, with penalties in place for any deviations. Judges will
conduct an overall 30-minute evaluation after construction, which will rigorously assess each bridge's
functionality and strength.

“Bridge Mastery Challenge” transcends a mere construction task; it's a dynamic blend of theoretical
knowledge, creative problem-solving, and hands-on building prowess, all converging in a display of
structural ingenuity and resilience!

Study Materials:

Mini Tower Bridge Construction by Creative Mechanics

Types Of Bridge by DIY Projects
Simple Suspension Bridge Model by Autodesk Instructables
Suspension Bridges: What They Are And How They're Built

HydroQuest Challenge:

In the climatic round named “HydroQuest Challenge”, delegates will have to navigate the intricate
world of hydraulic systems. They will be tasked with constructing a hydraulic labyrinth, a feat that
requires not only a deep understanding of fluid mechanics but also practical ingenuity in
maneuvering the provided materials within a strict time frame of 90 minutes.
Preparation involves delving deep into the mechanics behind hydraulic labyrinths and studying
real-world applications to inspire innovative design solutions. Familiarity with tools and materials,
honed through engaging in DIY projects and practice runs, will be instrumental in shaping a
successful labyrinth. The labyrinth will also be required to have a defined start and end point to
maintain fairness. Judges will evaluate each labyrinth, scrutinizing the design, functionality and the
seamless integration of hydraulic principles.

“HydroQuest Challenge” is an exploration of fluid dynamics in action, a test of analytical prowess,

and a showcase of engineering dexterity, culminating in a display of inventive solutions and
structural finesse!

Study Materials:

How To Make Hydraulic Labyrinth by KmiX

How To Make Marble Control By Hydraulic Powered Labyrinth by Mini Gear
DIY Hydraulic Labyrinth by Autodesk Instructables

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