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Watch the video again and arrange the main

points in order.
Definition and Relatability
✔Micro-influencers have a smaller, intimate
Brand Partnerships following
✔Successful partnerships with brands like Adidas
✔They are seen as more relatable and approachable
and Finish Line
✔Viewers feel a connection similar to friends and
✔Micro-influencers often get early access to
Engagement and Marketing
✔Their authentic promotion resonates with their
✔Micro-influencers receive more engagement due
to relatability
Discovery and Impact ✔They are considered more accessible by their
✔Individuals discover they are micro-influencers
through recognition
✔Brands find value in partnering with them for
✔They influence a niche market with authenticity
marketing campaigns
✔Their content is often driven by personal passions
and aesthetics

Answer the questions

What is the definition of a micro influencer?

a) A small YouTuber or Instagram celebrity with around 10,000 followers
b) A social media celebrity with millions of followers
c) A person who has no influence on social media

Why are micro influencers considered to be more relatable?

a) Because they have a massive following
b) Because they have a smaller and more intimate following
c) Because they do not engage with their followers

What types of blogs do many people follow?

a) Beauty-related blogs
b) Technology-related blogs
c) Sports-related blogs

How did the interviewee become an influencer?

a) By posting pictures of food
b) By focusing on a specific aesthetic and niche on social media
c) By having millions of followers

What does the interviewee share on Instagram?

a) Photos of her vacations
b) Random pictures of animals
c) Photos of her child and captions that other moms can relate to

What is the range of followers for a micro influencer?

a) 100,000+ followers
b) Less than 1,000 followers
c) 5,000-100,000 followers

Why do micro influencers receive more engagement?

a) Because they are less relatable
b) Because they have a smaller and more niche market
c) Because they have a million followers

Why is it important for influencers to have a focused niche?

a) To confuse their followers
b) To make it easier for people to follow and understand their content
c) To appeal to a wide audience

Fill in the blanks.

relatable, micro, experiences, engagement, diverse, relationship, popular, micro, 5,000,

respond, market, connected, parenting, fashion, niche, communication, friends, campaigns,
social, influencing, crucial, authentic, 100,000, reviews, aesthetic, intimate, trust, beauty,

In the world of social media, ____ influencers are becoming increasingly ____. They are seen as
more ____ and akin to ____ and family rather than distant celebrities. A ____ influencer
typically has followers ranging from ____ to ____, engaging a more ____ and ____ community.
Unlike their counterparts with millions of followers, micro influencers often maintain a closer
____ with their audience, making them ideal for ____ looking to promote their products in a
more ____ manner.

Micro influencers are known for their ____ markets, whether it be in ____, ____, or even ____.
Their content is not just about snapping pictures; it's about creating a certain ____ and sharing
their genuine ____ and ____. This level of authenticity and engagement is why many companies
are shifting their focus towards working with micro influencers for ____. Instead of spending a
large sum on a single post from a high-profile influencer, brands can collaborate with multiple
micro influencers, achieving a broader reach and more ____ content for their ____ media feeds.

One of the key advantages of partnering with micro influencers is their ability to generate ____
among their followers. They tend to read and ____ to their messages, offering honest opinions
about the products they promote. This direct line of ____ fosters a sense of community and
loyalty that is invaluable for brands looking to ____ their products effectively.

As the landscape of social media continues to evolve, the role of micro influencers is becoming
more ____. Their ability to connect on a personal level with their audience and generate ____
makes them an essential part of the future of ____.

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