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Guest: Good morning

Receptionist: Good morning, sir! Are you enjoying your stay at our hotel?
Guest: Yes, I am. The staff is very polite, and our room is lovely. My wife and I are having
a great time.
Receptionist: I am happy to hear that. Can I help you with anything this morning?
Guest: Yes, you can. My wife and I want to go for lunch today. Can you recommend a nice
Receptionist: Of course. What kind of food do you and your wife want to eat?
Guest: My wife is a vegetarian, so we want to eat something with a lot of vegetables.
Receptionist: Do you eat fish?
Guest: Yes, we eat fish.
Receptionist: Do you like spicy food?
Guest: My wife likes spicy food, but I do not.
Receptionist: What about a Japanese restaurant? Their menu includes rice and fish. They
also have many vegetables dishes. There are some spicy dishes and some non-spicy dishes.
Guest: That sounds good.
Receptionist: There is an excellent Japanese restaurant downtown. I can make a
reservation for you now.
Guest: Yes, please. Can you also arrange for a taxi to take us there.
Receptionist: Sure thing! I will arrange for a taxi to pick you and your wife up at noon. Is
that okay?
Guest: That is perfect. Thank you.
Receptionist: No problem.

At the restaurant
Waiter: Welcome to our restaurant

Husband: Hello, may we please have a table for two?

Waiter: Sure! Please follow me and I will take you to your table. Is this your first time visiting our

Wife: Yes, this is our first visit. Your restaurant is very lovely. The decorations are beautiful.

Waiter: Thank you so much. Here is your table and here are your menus. I will give you a few minutes to
decide what you want to order. Can I get you anything to drink?

Husband: Yes, may we please have a pot of green tea?

Waiter: Sure thing! I will be back with a pot of green tea. Here is your green tea. Are you ready to order?

Wife: yes, I think. We are. I will have the daily special.

Waiter: That is a great choice.

Wife: Does it come with a soup or salad?

Waiter: it comes with a soup, but it does not come with a salad.

Wife: may I order a salad on the side?

Waiter: of course. What kind of dressing would you like?

Wife: I will have the house dressing, please.

Waiter: all right. How about you, sir? What would you like to order?

Husband: I am still trying to decide between the daily special and the salmon platter. What is your

Waiter: Well, today’s daily special is salmon!

Husband: Oh, then I will get the daily special.

Waiter: that sounds fantastic. Would you also like to add a salad on the side, sir?

Husband; No, thank you.

Waiter: No problem is there anything else that you want to add to your order?

Wife: that will be all for now.

Waiter: All right. I will go put in your order now. Enjoy your green tea.

Husband: we will.

Wife: thank you.

Dad: Do you have our shopping list, Ben?

Ben: yes, I do.

Dad: All right. Let’s go to the produce section first, do we need to buy any vegetables?

Ben: Yes, we need to buy five different vegetables. We need to buy carrots, onions, broccoli, cabbage, and mushrooms.

Dad: Okay, let’s grab the vegetables we need.

Ben: Hey, Dad! The carrots are on sale! Five carrots are usually 2 dollars, but today we can buy 10 carrots for three
dollars. Should we buy 10 carrots instead of 5 ?

Dad: No, we shouldn’t buy too much. We only need 5 carrots.

Ben: Okay, Dad.

Dad: Do we need any fruits?

Ben: Yes, we need bananas and apples.

Dad: what about oranges?

Ben: No, we still have four oranges at home.

Dad: Wow. You have a great memory, Ben. Let’s grab a bunch of bananas and one bag of apple. What’s next on the list?

Ben: we need eggs and cheese.

Dad: Can you grab one carton of eggs from the shelf?

Ben: Yes, I Can.

Dad: Be careful, Ben. The eggs are very fragile.

Ben: Yes, Dad I know!

Dad: Great job. Now, What Kind of cheese should we buy today?

Ben: What is your favorite type of cheese?

Dad: I really like mozzarella.

Ben: my favorite type is cheddar.

Dad: Then let’s marble cheese. It’s a mix of cheddar and mozzarella.

Ben: Good idea! Now we just have one more item on the list.

Dad: We do? What is it?

Dad: A chocolate bar? I don’t remember adding that to the shopping list.

Ben: No, that’s because I added it. It’s my reward for helping you with the groceries today.

Dad: Well, I can’t argue with that. You been a great help, so you deserve it.

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