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The hunt for MH370

n a world that is increasingly connected, that grows mission-control software, and side-scan sonar payload
smaller every day, and where so many human ac- from roots in academic research. Its deep-sea rating
tions are exposed to prying eyes, it seems almost that enabled the MH370 response was initially driven
incomprehensible that the world’s largest twinjet by academic applications. The best available bathymetry
aircraft, with 239 passengers and crew, could vanish to help the AUV avoid crashing into rough terrain as it
for more than 2 months. Determining the crash site scanned for the debris field of MH370 was assembled
of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 (MH370) has become from a combination of very sparse ship sonar and satel-
a scientific detective story, emerging through a combi- lite altimetry. Satellite altimeters, first launched nearly
Marcia McNutt is
nation of scientific technologies used to address prob- 40 years earlier to map the ocean surface, produced
Editor-in-Chief of
lems for which they were never designed. The search better maps of the seafloor than were available from
for MH370 illustrates a humanitarian dividend from shipboard echo-soundings alone, by using small-scale Science.
past investments in science as searchers attempt to features in the marine geoid to estimate the shape of the

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bring closure to the families and friends of the victims seafloor. Scientists had been using these maps to better
of the tragedy. understand Earth beneath
MH370 went incommu- the ocean; now the map
A New Zealand
nicado on 8 March 2014. A would help guide the AUV
military plane
single Inmarsat satellite ex- in a search area still nee-
searches for debris.
changed six brief messages dle-in-a-haystack large and
with the MH370 Aircraft more than 4000 m deep.
Communications Address- As of this writing, the
ing and Reporting System. search continues. In April
Oceanographers and other 2011, a team from the
mariners have relied on In- Woods Hole Oceanographic
marsat’s system of geosta- Institution found the debris
tionary telecommunications field from Air France Flight
satellites in remote parts 447, which had crashed
of the world’s oceans for into the Atlantic Ocean 2
data and voice communica- years before, after a week of
tion. Significantly, it is not a searching with similar AUV
navigation system. From the “We should use better technology,* bringing reso-
Doppler effect, engineers lution to the families of the
calculated the plane’s veloc- technology to track what is too victims. Finding the black
ity relative to the satellite at boxes is vital to avoiding
each time interval, and the
valuable to lose.” similar incidents happening
delay in the return signal again. We hope for the same
gave them the distance of the aircraft from the satel- outcome for the MH370 search. But it took 2 years to
lite. The Doppler was key in choosing the southern over narrow the search to the right part of the Atlantic. In
the northern route. Using additional information on the both cases, the response could have been improved by
plane’s range, they then triangulated to estimate the filling known gaps in scientific understanding (see the

likely crash site to within 160 km (100 miles). This was News story on p. 963). For example, the resolution of
the first-ever use of Inmarsat in this mode. the satellite-derived map guiding the Bluefin-21 is ±250
The search area is a remote part of the Indian Ocean. m vertical and 15 km horizontal. Relative to the plane’s
Planes searched for wreckage with no success; ships dimensions, the unknowns are serious. For comparison,
listened for pings as time ran out on the 30-day batter- the resolution of features on Mars is ±1 m vertical and
ies sustaining the black boxes. Some promising signals 1 km horizontal. And knowing where to look saves pre-
were detected, but the area still to be searched is largely cious time, whether one seeks a plane full of passengers
unexplored. The survey tool of choice was a Bluefin-21 or a truck full of Nigerian schoolgirls. We should use
autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). Bluefin Robot- better technology to track what is too valuable to lose.
ics was spun out of the Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
nology’s Sea Grant Lab. The Bluefin-21 vehicle inherited – Marcia McNutt
its distinct construction, gimbal-ducted propeller, 10.1126/science.1255963


SCIENCE 30 May 2014 • VOL 344 Issue 6187 947

Published by AAAS
The hunt for MH370
Marcia McNutt

Science 344 (6187), 947.

DOI: 10.1126/science.1255963

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