Test 1 Part 2

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Hey Paul, I am glad to help you.

I have also 18 years but i left my city or country many times, since i was
just a child. I made that just for travel, fun and new experinceses, and for a short period of time. What i
am sure about, ist hat you do not have any argument to mad that you are moving in a large city. It is a
new hole experience, which will he surely hard, but it will be very usefull for your devepeloment.

I love city life because it is full of everything, you can fiind almost everything, and it is very different
depending on the time of the day. Morning will be very crowed, noisy and with a lot of traffic. So make
sure, you wake up on time and you are in time with the bus timetables. In the afternoon almost every
restaurant or coffe is full. A lot of people like to work there, to have bussiness mettings or just socialize.
And in the evenings, there is a lot of attention on the entertaiment events like concerts, stand up
comedy shows, movies, games. It is a full package.

I am sure that will be a huge difference for you, but with a lot of patience you will integret in this
lifestyle. And obviesuly you do not have to do everything from the first day. You can joion a club that
you like, or write a message on a blog and find people who can spend time. I found very important to
have someone how know that city and all his down or high sides.

Good luck in your new experiences and makes sure you enjoy it.

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