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Noun Clause

What we’ll learn today?

※ What is Noun Clause?

※ What is Omitting & Abridgment Noun Clause?

※ Grammar Exercise!

※ Updated-TOEFL Exercise!

※ QnA Session
1. Question
What, Whose, Which + Noun
What, Who, When, Where, Why
I don’t know which gift you choose
Whom, Whose, Which, How
I don’t know whose wallet you find
How many/much, How long, How far, How often
I don’t know what color you like
I don’t understand why we must wait here.
The question is when you go to school.
What you eat is delicious.
Perbedaan AC & NC
I don’t know how many bags you have.
The food which you eat is delicious.
N Adj. Clause V
Yes / No Question
What you eat is delicious.
Whether…. Or ….. / If : Apakah Noun Cl. V
I wonder whether you get a job or a scholarship.
I wonder whether you get a job or not.
2. Statement
That & The fact that
State that
The governor says that the city park is important.
Say that
The fact that the daisy is beautiful flower is true.
Announce that

Believe that
3. Exclamation
The teacher announces that the exam is tomorrow
What + Adj. + N + (S + V)!

How + Adj. + (S + V)!

What a beautiful panorama it is! What a fast runner Aldo is!

How beautiful the panorama is! How fast Aldo is!

What a tall tree it is!

How tall that tree is!

Peringkasan Noun Clause
2. Abridgment
1. Omitting - That
Syarat Abridgment:
That & The fact that
1. Subjek MC = Subjek SC (Main Clause/Sub Clause)
The governor says that the city park is important 2. Conj. = 8W + 1H

The governor says the city park is important (Peringkasan) 3. Setelah Conj. Ada Modals

Contoh Abridgment:
We know what we should do
Modal + V1 > To Inf.
Should do > to do

We know what to do
Noun & Noun Clause
What you eat is delicious
Noun Clause V
Subject + Verb

Prepositional Phrase
The food what you eat is delicious The autumn is my favorite season.
Noun Noun Clause V
Noun V
Double Subject + Verb
Subject + Verb

The food which you eat is delicious

In the autumn is my favorite season.
Noun Adjective Clause V
Prep. + Noun V
Noun Phrase/Subject + Verb
Prepositional Phrase + Verb No subject
Grammar Exercise
Start from Easy Practice!
Noun Clause
Tentukan jenis Clause dari semua kalimat dibawah ini!

It is important to fill out the form in the way that you have been instructed. AC
When the season starts is determined by the weather NC

1. The movie which we watched on cable last night was really frightening.

2. Whoever wants to take the desert tour during spring break signs up at the office.

3. It was difficult to distinguish between what was on sale and what was merely on display.
Peringkasan Adjective Clause & Noun Clause

Tuliskan bentuk peringkasan AC & NC dari semua kalimat dibawah ini!

1. The girl who just joined the softball team is a great shortstop

2. He will never understand how he can do it.

TOEFL Practice
With Updated Version
TOEFL Exercise
1. _____a bicameral, or two-chamber 3. Nutritionists ________ goat milk to be
parliament. rich, nourishing, and readily digested.

(A) Canada has (A) consider

(B) Having Canada (B) is considered
(C) Because Canada has (C) are considered
(D) That Canada is having (D) considering

2. Thyme, _____, yields a medicinal oil 4. In black verse ____ of ten syllables, five of
containing thymol. which are accented.

(A) a fragrant garden herb (A) line consists of each

(B) garden herb which is fragrant (B) consists of each line
(C) fragrant garden herb (C) each line consists
(D) is an herb in a fragrant garden (D) it consists of each line
TOEFL Practice
5. _____________ is a narrow strip of woods along a stream in an open grassland.

____ (A) Ecologists use the term "gallery forest"

____ (B) What do ecologists call a "gallery forest"
____ (C) "Gallery forest" is the term ecologists use
____ (D) What ecologists call a "gallery forest"

6. ____________ developed very rapidly in Alabama primarily because of its rich natural

____ (A) That heavy industry

____ (B) Heavy industry
____ (C) Heavy industry that was
____ (D) When heavy industry
TOEFL Practice
7. In order to grow vegetables properly, gardeners must know _________.

____ (A) what the requirements for each vegetable are

____ (B) that the requirements for each vegetable
____ (C) what are each vegetable's requirements
____ (D) that is required by each vegetable

8. When ______________________ is not known.

____ (A) was the wheel invented

____ (B) the invention of the wheel
____ (C) inventing the wheel
____ (D) the wheel was invented
TOEFL Practice
9. ______________ so incredible is that these insects successfully
migrate to places that they have never even seen.

____ (A) That makes the monarch butterflies' migration

____ (B) The migration of the monarch butterflies is
____ (C) What makes the monarch butterflies' migration
____ (D) The migration of the monarch butterflies, which is

10. Art critics do not all agree on what ______ a painting great.

____ (A) qualities make

____ (B) are the qualities for making
____ (C) qualities to make
____ (D) do the qualities that make
TOEFL Practice
11. It was in 1875 __________ joined the staff ofthe astronomical
observatory at Harvard University.

____ (A) that Anna Winlock

____ (B) Anna Winlock, who
____ (C) as Anna Winlock
____ (D) Anna Winlock then

12. Dynamite is ordinarily detonated ______ called a blasting cap.

____ (A) a device is used

____ (B) that a device
____ (C) with a device
____ (D) the use of a device
Any Questions?

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