Instructions For Physics Practicals

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Instructions for Physics Practicals

1. The practicals must be handwritten in Hard Bound copies and covered with white chart
paper with the following information
School Name with Logo(At the top)
Roll No-( to be left blank)
Subject-Physics Practical Copy
Session- 2024-25
2. All the 8 practicals(Section A-4, Section B-4) are to be written while maintaining the proper
sequence as given below
a. Aim/Objective
b. Apparatus Required
c. Theory
d. Diagram/s (to be drawn with pencil, use scale wherever required)
e. Observations (to be done on the white page with pencil and scale, observation table
is to be left blank and the values are to be filled while performing the experiments)
f. Calculation
g. Results (Paste graphs wherever required)
h. Precautions
i. Sources of error
3. Number the practicals in sequential order, and not as given in the pdf.
4. The index page should be properly maintained. Write the full aim of the experiments.
5. Date should not be mentioned, neither in index nor in the practicals.
6. Use only blue pens. Use of no other colour is permitted.
7. The practical copy should be free from errors. Refrain from using whiteners/correction pens.
8. The handwriting should be clear and legible.
9. Completed practical copy should be submitted on or before 07th June.

Instructions for Physics Activities

1. The activities must be handwritten in Hard Bound copies and covered with white chart paper
with the following information
School Name with Logo(At the top)
Roll No-( to be left blank)
Subject-Physics Activities Copy
Session- 2024-25
2.All the 6 activities (Section A-3, Section B-3) are to be written while maintaining the proper
sequence as given below
a. Aim/Objective
b. Apparatus Required
c. Diagram/s (to be drawn with pencil, use scale wherever required)
d. Procedure
e. Results
f. Precautions
3.Number the activities in sequential order, and not as given in the pdf.
4. The index page should be properly maintained. Write the full aim of the activitiess.
5. Date should not be mentioned, neither in index nor in the activitiess.
6. Use only blue pens. Use of no other colour is permitted.
7. The activities copy should be free from errors. Refrain from using whiteners/correction pens.
8. The handwriting should be clear and legible.
9. Completed activities copy should be submitted on or before 07th June along with the practical
copy and project file.

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