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Lebanon Road

Church of Christ
2307 Lebanon Road; Nashville, TN, 37214 * (615) 883-6918

Volume 59, No.47

November 20, 2011 Elders

Joe Adams 773-2331 Johny Baker 758-7654 Ralph Brewer 871-4849 Wayne Davidson 758-2705 Earl Flynn 889-1659 Steve Ledbetter 889-8614 Jim Schroeder 754-8990 Cliff Wilson 889-6477

Thankful for You!

Every so often, the Faughn family sits and talks about Lebanon Road. The conversation always seems to come to specific people who have helped us in many ways, and some may never even know they have. This is truly a special group of people, and we are so thankful for you. The members of Lebanon Road help me grow closer to God every week, and I am also thankful for the way you love and support Leah and my children. We are thankful for you every day! Today, we will have the first of our four weeks of special classes. On Monday, Nancy emailed the class list, and the list is also found on several doors throughout the building. If you wish to attend the class and do not know where to go, feel free to ask! We would love to have you in these classes.

Adam Faughn
The purpose of these classes is to teach the Bible, but to do so in a way that provides some interaction among generations within our congregation. From the high school class through all our adult classes, there will be men and women in each class. I am looking forward to teaching, and I know that JD, Michael, and Lon will all do a tremendous job with their classes. Wednesday night, we will have our annual Thanksgiving service. We hope you will attend at 7PM, and that you will be encouraged by the emphasis on Gods goodness.

Or Current Resident

Worship With Us Sunday: Worship 9 AM & 6 PM * Bible Classes 10:20 AM Wednesday: Bible Classes 7 PM

(continued from front page) David was thinking of a right spirit in the sense of a steadfast, a loyal, and enduring spirit, with unchanging fortitude. The virtue of steadfastness is so obvious that any remarks about it seem almost necessarily trite. Nevertheless, when one has sinned as did David, there is the temptation to throw up ones hands in despair in living a godly life. David was deeply pained by what he had done, but by confession and prayer he sought Gods help to keep on keeping on. Without steadfastness his life would become a shamble. And so would ours. Anyone, says Arnold Bennett, can write a good first act. That, of course, is only comparatively true, but it does emphasize the fact that a playwright is supremely tested in the second act where plot and character must be developed. A brilliant opening is not enough. The play cant go on without steadfastness. And so it is with life! Which leads to an important question, How is your second act?

We must continue to press on toward the goal as did the apostle Paul. Remember that Jesus said, He who endures to the end will be saved. We should all pray therefore for a renewal of a steadfast spirit. One technique to help us in our quest begins with the words, Whatsoever things and moves on through some half a dozen illuminating adjectives, and ends with the prescription, Think on these things. You might want to re-read Philippians 4:8-9. viaThe Watchman Woodbury, TN

A Right Spirit
Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me, said David of old. Its a worthy prayer, is it not? We all need a clean heart and a right spirit. But what is a right spirit? There are many different qualities and attitudes of mind which

John Gipson
might properly be called a right spirit. So what does David have in mind? Our more modern translations of Psalm 51:10 bring into sharper focus the root idea of the words a right spirit by translating the phrase, a steadfast spirit. (continued on back page)

Pulpit Minister
Adam Faughn 973-4483

Outreach Minister
Harry Middleton 292-3164

Sunday Sermon Preview

AM: Why Be Thankful? (Psalm 65) PM: Not One Compromise!

Youth Minister
JD Buckner (731) 336-4768

Sick List
Jean McIndoo is at Mt Juliet Healthcare, room 110 for rehab.

Worship Leaders
Sunday Morning (Contact: Gene 874-0463) Opening Prayer: Mark Pugh Read Scripture: Marion Schow Closing Prayer: Tommy Moore Sermon: Adam Faughn Song Leader: John Smith Serving Lords Supper: (Contact: David 754-7085) Joel Ledbetter 1 Roger Reaves 2 Joe Adams 3 Johny Baker 4 Paul Tramel 5 Tim Mullican 6 Shea Cofer 7 Joe Steelman 8 Sunday Evening (Contact: Richard 582-1079) Opening Prayer Harry Middleton Closing Prayer: Michael Rader Read Scripture: Nathan Pugh Sermon: Adam Faughn Song Leader: Scotty Studer Serving Lords Supper (Room) Gary Schow 1 Tim Hill 2 Wednesday, November 23rd (Contact: Keith 889-7366) Read Scripture: Thanksgiving Service Opening Prayer: Thanksgiving Service Speaker: Thanksgiving Service Song Leader: Thanksgiving Service Announcements: JD Buckner - Steve Ledbetter Nursery Attendant: Rachel Hammers

by Harry Middleton
A minister in Washington D.C. relates the story of an elderly man who left his farm to visit his famous son, a popular Senator, while congress was in session. The old man, a zealous Christian, was introduced to the Ambassador of Belgium one evening. Hardly had they exchanged greetings before the Senators father asked earnestly, Sir, are you a Christian? The answer never came, for the Senator, much embarrassed, interrupted at the time and hurried his father away. Not long afterward the old man took a cold, which turned into pneumonia and he was soon departed from this life. Among the flowers were roses from the Ambassador of Belgium. A note attached brought tears to the eyes of the Senator. . . . . The note said, Hes the only one in America who asked me if I were a Christian! Soul-winning is the life-stream of every true born again child of God. We were not saved out of consideration of who we were or what we were. We were saved for a purpose. You spell soul-winning with the word C-A-R-E. The psalmist said, I looked on my right hand and behold, there was no man that would know me, refuge failed me; no man cared for my soul (Psalm 142:4). The soul winning Christian relies heavily on three things. First, there is genuine CONVICTION. He believes God and His Word. He trusts Jesus as his Lord. He knows the power of God is in the Gospel. His life was unalterably changed by this message of truth and on it and it alone he is willing to rest his case. This brings in the word CONSCIENCE. The soul-winner echoes the words of the Apostle Paul, Woe is me if I preach not the Gospel. A good life is no excuse for locked lips. His conscience has become Soul-conscious, This makes him CARE. He will speak when others are silent. He is the embarrassment of the half-believing benchwarmer. He was saved in order to save others. He is the one that always asks the question, Sir, are you a Christian? (Jack Exum)

JDs Jargon
Hello everyone, I hope you are having a pleasant day. It has been a most peculiar week weather-wise. It's not every year that you experience near 80 degree weather the week before Thanksgiving! I am very excited about the special class series that begin today. Adam will be teaching postmodernism in the fellowship hall while Michael Rader and I will be addressing homosexuality in rooms 17 and 14, respectively. You may have never heard the term post-modernism, but I GUARANTEE you will recognize the issue when Adam presents it. If you did not sign up for these classes, please feel free to join them anyway. I know these will be profitable studies for everyone involved! I want to say thank you to Mrs Lisa, Mrs Denise, and everyone who worked on the Harvest Banquet this year. Harvest Banquet is always great! Thank you very much! --JD :)

New Class
Beginning TODAY, we will be having a special four week Sunday morning Bible class series for the high school and adult classes meeting downstairs. Class Assignments have been posted on classroom doors. Please check to see which class you have been assigned. If you do not see your name feel free to attend any of the 3 classes. Two special topics, postmodernism (the absence of absolute truth) and homosexuality, have been selected for this series. Sign-up sheets will be distributed in the regular Sunday morning classes and

Ladies Ornament Exchange

Friday, December 2nd 6:30 PM At the home of Amy Mullican Additional information and sign up sheets are on the table in the foyer and downstairs.

Youth Encouragement Services Cards are available on the table in the foyer Pick out a card, buy the gift and bring it back to the building. They will pick up the gifts on December 5th.


Christmas Angel Cards

Adult Holiday Party

The Nutcracker Friday, December 9th In the Fellowship Hall At 6:30 PM Cost is $10 per person The Committee will begin taking reservations Sunday, November 20th.

Mark Your Calendar...

Today: Heartland services at 4:00 led by Scotty Studer, Jack Steele and Philip Autry. Tonight: Visitation team #1 will meet tonight following services Tuesday: Ladies Bible Class 10AM November 23: Thanksgiving Service December 2: Ladies Ornament Exchange December 9: Adult Holiday Party December 16: Youth Progressive Dinner

The Record
Wednesday Night 11/09: Sunday Morning Worship Sunday Evening Worship: Sunday Bible Study: Contribution:
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163 258+42 Retreat 202 192+42 Retreat $9,484.50

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