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Nursery, K.

G & Middle School

Mid Term Examination 2013
Class 2nd Subject : Science
Name:____________________ Max Marks: /100
F/Name:__________________ Sign: of Teacher:____________
Date:_____________________ Sign: of Invigilator:___________

Q No.01 Write the answers of any six (6) questions:-

1. What are the meat eaters animals called?

2. Which animals have hair on their bodies?

3. What do the rabbit do when they see a fox near by?

4. Where does a swan live?

5. Where does a lion live and what does it eat?

6. From where do the butterflies and bees get the nectar?

7. Where does a snake live?

8. Which birds are carnivores?

Q No.02 Fill in the blanks with correct words:-

1. The zebras live in ____________________. (Forest, Den, Open grass lands)

2. The hen and cock live in________________. (Cage, Coop, Shed)
3. The horses protect themselves by__________________.(Biting, Dashing, Kicking)
4. The fox hunts the__________________. (Rabbit, Rat, Frog)
5. The pigeon has _____________ to fly with. (Head, Legs, Wings)
6. The ________________ swallows, rats and frog. (Kite, Snake, Crocodile)
7. The butterfly relishes________________. (Nectar of flowers, Nectar of leaves, Stem)
8. The dog lives in a ________________.(Shed, House, Kennel)
9. The rabbit protects it self by ______________ away.(Hide, Run, Sit)
10. Jackel, hyena, fox and wolf relate to the _______ family.

Q No.03 Write the meanings of any 10 words:-

Words Meanings Words Meanings

Squirrel Storks

Branches Skeletons

Feather Chicks

Den Fodder

Burrows Feelers

Herbivores Sugar-cane

Best of Luck

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