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4. A chemical reaction involves only the

separation, combination, or rearrangement
➢ Democritus - expressed the belief that of atoms; it does not result in their creation
or destruction.
all matter consists of very small, indivisible
particles, which he named atoms (meaning ➢ Law of Definite Proportions

uncuttable or indivisible) states that different samples of the same

compound always contain its constituent
➢ John Dalton - formulated a precise definition of elements in the same proportion by mass.
the indivisible building blocks of matter that we
call atoms ➢ Law of Multiple Proportions

➢ Joseph John Thomson - He said that atom is a if two elements can combine to form more
than one compound, the masses of one
sphere of (+) particles to which are embedded (-
element that combine with a fixed mass of
) particles the other element are in ratios of small
whole numbers
Raisin- Bread Model or Plum- Pudding Model
➢ Law of Conservation of Mass
➢ Ernest Rutherford - He disproved Thomson’s which is that matter can be neither created
model thru “Gold Foil/ Film Experiment” nor destroyed

He concluded the following:

atom is just an empty space, the nucleus

accounts for the (+) charge & mass of the atom
& electrons scattered around the nucleus
“Nuclear Model”

➢ Neils Bohr - “Planetary Model”

The atom consists of nucleus surrounded by ATOM AND IT’S SUBATOMIC PARTICLES
electrons traveling in circular orbits called
Subatomic Particles
➢ Electron
➢ Erwin Schrödinger - “Quantum Mechanical
Model” Electron moves in 3D space (electron Negatively charge particle
cloud) Modern atomic structure ➢ Proton
Positively charge particle
Dalton’s Atomic Theory
➢ Neutron
1. Elements are composed of extremely small
particles, called atoms. No charge particle

2. All atoms of a given element are identical, ➢ Nucleus

having the same size, mass, and chemical a dense central core within the atom
properties. The atoms of one element are
To maintain electrical neutrality, an atom must
different from the atoms of all other
contain an equal number of positive and negative
3. Compounds are composed of atoms of
more than one element. In any compound,
the ratio of the numbers of atoms of any
two of the elements present is either an
integer or a simple fraction.

What force holds all the parts of an atom together? Neutrons

• It is the electromagnetic force of attraction • discovered by James Chadwick in 1932

between the positive protons in the nucleus (penetrating radiation incorporated beams
and the negative electrons orbiting around of neutral particles)
the nucleus that holds the atom together.
• located in the nucleus with the protons

• makeup almost all of the mass of the atom

w/ protons

• neutron number can be found by

subtracting the proton number from the
atomic mass number

• determine the isotope of an atom (often its

Inner Structure
• number of neutrons is not necessarily equal
• Nucleus - Small, dense, positively
to the number of protons
charged center of the atom which
contains most of the atom’s mass

• The nucleus contains the following Inner and Outer Structure of an Atom
subatomic particles:
Outer Structure
➢ Protons - positively (+)
charged particles • Electron cloud - an area around
the nucleus where electrons are
➢ Neutrons - particles that likely to be found orbiting the
have no charge (neutral), nucleus in several energy levels
but contribute to the
atom’s mass Electron

Proton ➢ discovered by Sir John Joseph Thomson in

1897 (experiments involving cathode rays)
➢ discovered by Ernest Rutherford in the year
➢ confirmed that cathode rays are
1919 (gold foil experiment)
fundamental particles that are negatively
➢ projected alpha particles (helium nuclei) at charged (known as electrons)
gold foil, and the positive alpha particles
➢ Robert Millikan (drop experiments) - found
were deflected
the value of the e- charge
➢ Conclusion: protons exist in a nucleus and
➢ located in an electron cloud (area
have a positive nuclear charge.
surrounding the nucleus of atom)
➢ atomic number or proton number = number
➢ usually a higher probability of finding an
of protons present
electron closer to the nucleus of an atom
➢ determines an element (e.g., the element of
➢ abbreviated as e-.
atomic number 6 is carbon).


• You can’t just shove all of the electrons into Isotopes

the first orbit of an electron.
atoms of an element that have the same number of
• Electrons live in something called shells or protons and the same number of electrons but
energy levels. different numbers of neutrons
• Only so many can be in any certain shell.
• The electrons in the outer most shell of any
element are called valance electrons.

different elements have the same atomic weight or
mass number but different atomic number

Subatomic Particles

different elements having the same number of

Atomic Number
The number of protons in the nucleus of each atom
of an element
Mass Number
The total number of neutrons and protons present in
the nucleus of an atom of an element
All atoms can be identified by the number of protons
and neutrons they contain.

# of protons = atomic number

# of electrons = atomic number

# of neutrons = mass number – atomic number


ELECTRONIC CONFIGURATION Abbreviated Electron Configuration

➢ The use of noble gas’ electron configuration
➢ Distribution of electrons among various as a replacement to the corresponding
orbitals in the atom electron configuration of a given atom

➢ Uses numbers, letters, and numerical Hund’s Rule (Frederick Hund)

superscripts ➢ states that for degenerate orbitals, the
lowest energy is attained when the number
Numbers = Principal Shell of electrons having the same spin is
Letters = Subshell, spdf ➢ This means that electrons occupy orbitals
singly to the maximum extent possible and
Superscripts = number of electrons
that these single electrons in a given
subshell all have the same spin magnetic
quantum number

Rules for Electron Configuration

Aufbau Principle
Pauli’s Exclusion Principle (Wolfgang Pauli)
➢ states that, hypothetically, electrons
➢ Two electrons occupying an orbital should orbiting one or more atoms fill the
have opposite spins lowest available energy levels before
➢ Hund’s Rule (Frederick Hund) filling higher levels (e.g., 1s before 2s).
In this way, the electrons of an atom,
➢ Electrons should enter the orbitals of a molecule, or ion harmonize into the
given sublevel singly with same spin before most stable electron configuration
any pairing is done. possible.
➢ there can be at most two electrons in any
single orbital
➢ the orbitals are filled in order of increasing The Quantum Mechanical Model
energy, with no more than two electrons • Bohr’s model - explains the energy behind
per orbital the electrons and how they move around
➢ Orbital diagram – each orbital is denoted by the nucleus.
a box and each electron by a half arrow. A • used on very simple elements like hydrogen
half arrow pointing up (↿) represents an and helium (not for complex atoms)
electron with a positive spin magnetic
quantum number (ms = +1/2), and a half • Scientists Louie de Broglie, Erwin
arrow pointing down (⇂) represents an Schrödinger, and Werner Karl Heisenberg
electron with a negative spin magnetic laid the foundations of quantum
quantum number (ms = -1/2). mechanical model of atoms that scientists
know and use today.
Aufbau Principle
• made a huge change in the understanding
➢ Electron enter orbitals of lowest energy of atom
level before filling higher energy levels
• planetary model: electrons are placed in
orbits with certainty.

• quantum mechanical model: can not say for 1 – p orbital

certain the location of the electrons (no
2 – d orbital
longer exist in orbits but are placed in
cloudlike spaces that describe their most 3 – f orbital
probable locations around the nucleus – Example: n = 3
L = 0 - 3s
The Quantum Mechanical Model : energy level
= 1 - 3p
• quantum mechanical model: the three-
dimensional space around the nucleus = 2 - 3d
where electrons can be most probably
Magnetic Quantum Number (ml)
• provides information about the energy of
➢ Specifies the orientation in space of the
the electrons and enables scientists to
orbital of a given energy (n) and shape ( l )
visualize the shape of each orbital of an
atom. ➢ It divides the subshell into orbitals
Energy Levels: First 5 Main Levels ➢ #of orbitals= 2 l +1
s has 1 orbital
p has 3 orbitals
d has 5 orbitals
f has 7 orbitals

Spin Quantum Number (ms)

• Pauli’s exclusion Principle
• ms
• ms = + ½ or – ½
Principal Quantum Number (n) • Specifies the orientation of the spin axis of
n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6…. an electron. Thus, electron can spin in one
of two directions (up or down)
• Determines the energy level
• Determines the size of the orbital
• The larger the value the farther from the

Angular Momentum or Secondary Quantum

Number (l)
• It specifies the shape of an orbital with a
particular quantum number
• l=n–1
• l = 0 – s orbital

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