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Guidelines on style of the report

In order that the reports are of acceptable and uniform style, students are advised to adopt the following
The subdivisions of the report should include the following:

 Title page
 Certification page
 Approval page
 Dedications (if any)
 Acknowledgements
 Table of content
 Table of figures
 Abstract
 Chapter 1 - Introduction
 Chapter 2 - Literature review
 Chapter 3 - Methods
 Chapter 4 - Results
 Chapter 5 - Discussion
 Chapter 6 - Conclusion and Recommendations
 References
 Appendix (if any)
Headings should be restricted to 3 major headings:
1. 1st order Headings. These are the major subdivisions of the work. They should be centralized,
bold and in capitals e.g. CHAPTER ONE
2. 2nd Order Headings. These are systematic headings and should be in upper case, bold and at left
hand margin e.g. INTRODUCTION
3. 3rd order headings. These are other minor headings and should be in lower case, at the left-hand
margin (e.g. Malaria).
(a) Title page
This should be specific and brief and should be followed by the name of the author, year of
preparation and the words: “Being a project submitted to the Department of Optometry and
Vision Science, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria, in partial
fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Doctor of Optometry degree.
(b) Certification page
This page should indicate as follows “I certify that this project was carried out by …………. in
the Department of Optometry and Vision Science, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria under my
supervision” and should be duly signed by the supervisor,

(c) Approval page

This page should indicate as follows “This project has been read and approved as having met part
of the requirements of the Department of Optometry and Vision Science, Faculty of Life
Sciences, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria, for the award of Doctor of Optometry (OD)
degree” with provision of space for the names/signatures of the Project Supervisor, Head of
Department and the External Examiner with dates respectively.
(d) Dedication
This is entirely at the discretion of the student
(e) Acknowledgements
Details should be given of any assistance or advice at any stage of the work and during the
course of the project e.g. parents, supervisor other members of academic staff, technical staff etc.

(f) Table of Content

This should indicate the relevant page numbers and should be set out as to give a good guide to
the structure and content of the work.
- From title page up to the abstract should be numbered in lower case Roman Numeral, while the
page one should start from the introduction.
- A separate list of tables should be provided on a fresh page
- A list of figures should be provided on a fresh page
- A list of appendix should be provided.

(g) Abstract
This should be a concise statement of the aim, the method, main findings, together with the
principal conclusion of the project. No paragraph and not more than 250 words.
- It should be complete without reference to the rest of the work.
- It should be written only when the work is complete.
- It should not contain after thoughts or statements for which there is no evidence in the rest of the
(h) Chapter 1
It should be labeled as below:
1.0 Introduction
This gives the general context in which the investigation is undertaken
1.1 Background Information
This provides all the general information required to give a proper understanding of the topic.
1.2 Statement of Problem. Here we discuss what prompted the work.
1.3 Aims of Study followed by objectives
This should be enumerated and stated concisely.
1.4 Hypothesis: appropriate hypotheses which will be tested should be formulated.
1.5 Significance of study: of what relevance will the result of the study be?
1.6 Definition of terms: This should be a working definition of any new terms.
(h) Chapter 2
This should be labeled as below:
2.0 Literature review
It should be a review of relevant published material. It should provide references to previous
research studies. It should discuss any new approaches, subdivisions may be used as indicated
under headings above.

(i) Chapter 3
Should be labeled as:
3.0 Materials and Methods: It should give sufficient information for the reader to follow the
purpose of any experiment and if possible repeat them.
It should state the conditions of any experiment and the procedure with any precautions necessary
to ensure safety and accuracy.
It should give details of any new techniques and modification of techniques.
If necessary, references should be made to any preliminary experiments and to any consequent
changes in techniques.
Any assumptions or limitations on which the work was based should be fully stated.
Subdivisions include:
3.1 Research design
3.2 Sampling techniques
3.3 Materials (this should include equipment and consumables).
3.4 Description of procedure(s)
3.5 Statistical packages used (include the name of package, model or version) etc.
3.6 Limitation(s) of study.

(j) Chapter 4
4.0 Analysis and Results
In presenting the results, the student should bear in mind that aims should have been given in
Chapter I

Chapter 4 should provide a factual statement of what was observed, supported by any statistics,
data or graphs derived from the analysis of the data recorded during the investigation.

(k) Chapter 5
5.0 Discussion
This should include a discussion of the results of the work, how the results relate to the present
state of knowledge, conclusions to be drawn and suggestions for further research investigations.
The main outcome of the project should be clearly stated. Related publications should be

(i) Chapter 6
6.0 Conclusion and recommendations
This should enumerate the findings of the work in relation to the earlier stated aims and
Recommendation(s) should be enumerated.
(m) References
The APA style which uses the name of author and date should be used throughout the work
and orderly on the reference page (see, the chapter on citing references).
All references in the body of the work must be accounted for in the reference page.
(n) Appendix (if any)
All the raw data from the project and all other information generated during the work but not in
the main body of the text, but may serve as reference material should be under the appendix and
appropriately labeled.


1.1 Four copies of the project report will be required for examination.
1.2 The deadline of submission will be as determined by the Department/University. Reports
submitted after this deadline will not be accepted.
1.3 The project report should be concise. It should not exceed 100 pages, excluding ancillary data
such as abstract, captions and reference list.
1.4 The report must be on A4 paper with 12point Times New Roman character, double line spacing
and a margin of 2.5cm at each side.
1.5 The numbered pages of the report should be assembled and held in a spiral binder with a
transparent blue front and a semi-stiff back cover with the title of the work and author’s name
clearly visible in front. Also degree in view and University.
1.6 After the report has been defended and the appropriate corrections are effected and verified by the
Supervisor/Department, four hard bound copies in Yellow Faculty of Life Science undergraduate
colour should be submitted to the Department not later than two weeks after the conclusion of the
external examination.
1.7 The final approved write-up will be submitted to the Faculty Office to be forwarded to the
University Branded Project Binding (BPB) Committee.

This is to certify that this research project titled………………………………………………………..

Was carried out by………Name (Matric No)…………………………………………………………
In the Department of Optometry and Vision Science, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Ilorin,
Nigeria under my supervision. in partial fulfilment of the
Requirement for the Doctor of Optometry degree in the ………………………. Academic session

……………………………. ………………………………
Name/Signature of Supervisor Date
This project has been read and approved as having met part of the requirement of the Department
of Optometry & Vision Science, University of Ilorin, Nigeria, for the award of Doctor of
Optometry (OD) degree.

……………………………. ………………………………
Name/Signature of Supervisor Date

………………………………. ................................................
Name/Signature of Head of Department Date

……………………………… …………………………… ..
Name/Signature of External Examiner Date

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