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Addams (1908) discusses the classroom as social space specifically the notion of immigrant

students negotiating ideas of acculturation and assimilation within their new environment.
Addams argues for the school as an open community where living and learning flow in and out
of the space. From the reading, we begin to see traces of teachers as curriculum planners. You
are asked to role-play for this discussion and argue against Addams' point of view. By arguing
this stance, you should distinguish your opinions and assume the role of her opponents.
Consider the opposite point of view because, at the time, her ideas were not well-received by
her contemporaries and by considering the opposition, you will have a holistic understanding of
her position.

 You are a fellow educator, a contemporary of hers but you disagree with her concepts. Discuss
why you think it would not be a good idea to pursue her beliefs. What are some opposing points
of view? Why are her opinions unrealistic or too radical? You may choose one or two of her
views and tell your peers why you think Addams may be an idealist.

 In your response to this post, be constructive and respectful. Avoid any type of sarcasm or
language that would be considered offensive or argumentative. State the point you disagree with
and, as always, support your position by referencing sources and including citations.

Discussion Forums will be assessed using this rubric.


Addams, J. (1908). The public school & the immigrant child. Journal of Proceedings and Addresses, pp. 99-

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