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Hajj Course

Places To Go While in Hajj

Masjid Al-Haram Mina Tents Mount Arafah

Places To Go While in Hajj

Masjid Namirah Masjid al-Mashar al-Haram

Table of contents
01. 02. 03. Verses And
Introduction What is Hajj Hadith

04. 05. 06.

Steps of Hajj Umrah Conclusion
What is Hajj?
What is Hajj? When did it become obligatory?
One of the Five Pillars of Islam There is a difference of opinion between
A once-in-a-lifetime obligation upon all able Muslims. 6 AH and 9 AH
Rewards of Hajj
Forgiveness of all sins if accepted.
Guaranteed Jannah if accepted.
Hajj as a Sacred Journey
To Mecca, the holiest city in Islam.
Must be undertaken if physically and financially able.
Takes place annually in Dhu al-Hijjah (8th to 13th day).
Verses regarding Hajj (Evidences)
‫َف‬ ‫َة‬ ‫ْل‬ ‫ْل‬ ‫۟ا‬ ‫َأ‬
‫َو ِت ُّم و ٱ َح َّج َو ٱ ُع ْم َر ِهَّلِل ۚ ِإ ْن‬
“And perform Hajj (greater pilgrimage) and Umrah (lesser pilgrimage) for
‫َم‬ ‫ِت‬ ‫ْل‬ ‫ٱ‬
‫ُّج َب ْي ِن‬ ‫ِح‬ ‫ِس‬ ‫ا‬ ‫َّن‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ٱ‬ ‫ى‬ ‫َل‬ ‫َع‬ ‫ِهَّلِل‬ ‫َو‬ ۗ ‫ا‬ ‫ًۭن‬ ‫ِم‬ ‫ا‬ ‫َن َء‬ ‫ا‬ ‫َك‬ ‫ۥ‬ ‫ُه‬ ‫َل‬ ‫ِف يِه َء اَي ٰـ ٌۢت َب ِّي َن ٰـ ٌۭت َّم َق اُم ِإ ْب َٰر ِه يَم ۖ َو َم ن َد َخ‬
‫ي‬ ‫ِم‬
‫ٌّى ِن ٰـ َن‬ ‫َل‬ ‫َع‬ ‫ْل‬ ‫ٱ‬ ‫َع‬ ‫ِن‬ ‫َغ‬ ‫َهَّلل‬ ‫ٱ‬ ‫ِإ َّن‬ ‫َف‬ ‫َر‬ ‫َف‬ ‫َك‬ ‫ن‬ ‫َم‬ ۚ ‫ا‬ ‫ًۭل‬‫ي‬ ‫َل‬
‫ٱْس َت َط اَع ِإ ْي َس ِب َو‬

“In it are clear signs – the place where Ibrahim stood (is one of them); and whoever
enters it shall be safe; and performing the Hajj (pilgrimage) of this house, for the sake
of Allah, is a duty upon mankind, for those who can reach it; and whoever disbelieves
– then Allah is Independent of the entire creation!”
Verses regarding Hajj (Evidences)
‫وَ َا ذِ نْ ِف ى الَّن اسِ ِب اْل َح جِ َي ْأ ُت وْ كَ رِ َج ا ً وَّ َع ٰل ى ُك لِ َض اِم رٍ َّي ْأ‬
‫ِم‬ ٍ‫ج‬ ‫َف‬
‫ِم نْ ُك لِ َع ْي ٍق‬
“And publicly announce the pilgrimage to all people – they will come to you, on foot
and on every lean she-camel, coming from every far distant journey.” (The
announcement by Prophet Ibrahim reached every soul.)

‫َل‬ ‫ِف‬ ‫َن‬ ‫۟ا‬‫و‬ ‫ْش‬

‫َي َه ُد َم ٰـ َع ُه ْم‬ ‫ِّل‬
So that they may witness all (the spiritual, social, and economic) benefits in store for
Hadith regarding Hajj
‫ رجع كيوم ولدته‬،‫من حج هلل فلم يرفث ولم يفسق‬ ‫ والحج المبرور‬،‫العمرة إلى العمرة كفارة ما بينهما‬
‫أمه‬ ‫ليس له جزاء إال الجنة‬
Whoever performs Hajj (pilgrimage) and Umrah is an' )The performance of(
does not have sexual relations (with his expiation for the sins committed
wife), nor commits sin, nor disputes between it and the previous 'Umrah;
unjustly (during Hajj), then he returns from
and the reward of Hajj Mabrur (i.e.,
Hajj as pure and free from sins as on the
.day on which his mother gave birth to him
.one accepted) is nothing but Jannah
Purify your intentions prior to performing Hajj
‫ َف َم ْن َك اَن ْت ِه ْج َر ُت ُه ِإ َل ى ُد ْن َي ا ُي ِص يُب َه ا ْوَأ‬،‫ َو ِإ َّن َم ا ِل ُك اْم ِر ٍئ َم ا َن َو ى‬، ‫ِإ َّن َم ا اَأْل ْع َم ا ِب الِّن َّي اِت‬
‫ِّل‬ ‫ُل‬
‫َل‬ ‫َل‬ ‫َف‬ ‫َأ‬
‫ ِه ْج َر ُت ُه ِإ ى َم ا َه اَج َر ِإ ْي ِه‬،‫ِإ َل ى اْم َر ٍة َي ْن ِك ُح َه ا‬
The reward of deeds depends upon the intentions and every person will get the
reward according to what he has intended. So whoever emigrated for worldly
benefits or for a woman to marry, his emigration was for what he emigrated for.
‫َو ِهَّلِل َع َل ى ٱلَّن اِس ِح ُّج ٱْل َب ْي ِت‬
and performing the Hajj (pilgrimage) of this house, for the sake of Allah
Conditions for Hajj to become an Obligation
There are 8 conditions before Hajj becomes an
obligation upon a person
1. Needs to be Muslim
2. Needs to be an Adult (Puberty/Baligh)
3. Shouldn’t be ignorant
4. To be free (not a slave)
5. Be able to afford
6. To be performed during Hajj period
7. Needs to be healthy
8. No fear of safety
Preparing for Hajj
1. Duaa & Intention
2. Apply for Hajj (
3. Slowly save up
4. Learn the rules & regulations of Hajj
5. Do Tawbah (Repentance)
6. Seek forgiveness from the people (relatives, friends, family, etc.)
7. Seek permission & Duaa from parents & discuss with your wives
8. Return Amanah (property and rights of others)
9. Waive off any debt
10. Wasihat (Prepare a will) for family (wives, children and close friends)
11. Finish off remaining responsibilities & assign your responsibilities to others so that its taken
care off in your absence
12. Perform Health Checkups & Get Vaccinated
Things to pack for Hajj
1. Taqwa
2. Qur’an
3. Dress including Ihraam & a new dress for Madinah
4. Medicines
5. Chargers & Feature Phone (Dumb Phone) & Powerbank, Watch,
6. Do not take valuable items such as jewelry, laptops, tablets etc.
7. NRIC & Passport
8. Open Slippers
9. Small trolley (recommended)
to prepare and back at least 2 days before
prior arrangement (transportation to airport)
follow the guidelines of the travel agencies
have the day before a complete rest
Travel the Sunnah way

1. Pray 2 rakaah Nafl before leaving the house

2. Give Sadaqah (Any amount based on capacity)
3. Arrange a gathering with close relatives
4. Perform 2 rakaah in the closest mosque in your
5. Musafaha Mu’anaqa (positive looks) and follow
the sunnah of du’a while traveling.
Definition of Ihram
Ihram in Islam is a sacred state that a Muslim must enter before
performing the Hajj or Umrah pilgrimage. It involves both physical
and spiritual preparation and signifies a commitment to a
heightened state of spiritual purity and devotion. Here are the
key aspects of Ihram:
1. Attire:
For men: Two unstitched white cloths, one wrapped
around the waist and the other draped over the shoulder.
For women: Modest, plain clothing that covers the entire
body except the face and hands, without specific color
Definition of Ihram
Declaring the intention (niyyah) to perform Hajj or Umrah, which is an
essential part of entering the state of Ihram.
Engaging in marital relations.
Using perfumes or scented products.
Cutting nails or hair.
Hunting or killing animals.
Engaging in arguments or fights.
Spiritual State:
Ihram symbolizes purity, humility, and equality before Allah.
Pilgrims must focus on prayer, reflection, and acts of worship.
Entering the state of Ihram is the first step in the pilgrimage, marking the
beginning of a journey dedicated to spiritual growth and closeness to Allah.
Method of wearing Ihram
Ghusl (Ritual Purification)
Perform a full-body ablution to cleanse oneself, symbolizing
physical and spiritual purification.
Trimming Nails and Hair
Trim nails and remove any unwanted body hair to ensure
Applying Perfume
Apply a light amount of non-alcoholic perfume to the body
(not to the Ihram garments), which is permissible before
entering the state of Ihram.
Wearing Ihraam
Men should wear the two white, unstitched garments (one
wrapped around the waist and the other draped over the
Women should wear modest, plain clothing that covers their
entire body except for the face and hands, adhering to
Islamic guidelines of modesty.
Performing Two Rak'ahs of Salah
It is recommended to pray two units (rak'ahs) of voluntary

Method of prayer, seeking Allah’s guidance and help for the pilgrimage.

wearing Ihram Declaring the Intention (Niyyah)

Make the intention to perform Hajj or Umrah sincerely for the
sake of Allah. This is done verbally by saying, for example,
"Labbayka Allahumma Hajjan" (Here I am, O Allah, for Hajj) or
"Labbayka Allahumma Umrah" (Here I am, O Allah, for Umrah).

Reciting Talbiyah
Begin reciting the Talbiyah, a devotional prayer that signifies
entering the state of Ihram:
"Labbayka Allahumma labbayk. Labbayka la sharika laka
labbayk. Inna al-hamda wa-n-ni'mata laka wal-mulk, la
sharika lak."
("Here I am, O Allah, here I am. Here I am, You have no
partner, here I am. Verily, all praise, grace, and
sovereignty belong to You. You have no partner.")
Ihram for the Men and Women

Ihram Garments:

Two White Unstitched Cloths: Men wear two pieces of plain, white, unstitched cloth. One
piece (the izar) is wrapped around the waist, covering the area from the navel to the
knees. The other piece (the rida) is draped over the shoulder.
Footwear: Men should wear sandals or other footwear that does not cover the entire
foot or the ankles.
No Head Covering: Men are not allowed to cover their heads while in the state of Ihram.

Prohibitions Specific to Men:

No Stitched Clothing: Men cannot wear any clothing that is sewn or tailored to fit parts
of the body (such as shirts, pants, or underwear).
No Covered Shoes: Men must wear footwear that does not cover the entire foot.
Ihram for the Men and Women

Ihram Garments:

Modest Clothing: Women wear regular, modest clothing that covers the entire
body, adhering to Islamic guidelines of modesty. There is no specific color
requirement, but white is often preferred.

Face and Hands Uncovered: Women must keep their faces and hands uncovered.
They should not wear a niqab (face veil) or gloves while in Ihram.

Head Covering: Women cover their heads with a hijab or other headscarf as usual.

Prohibitions Specific to Women:

No Face Covering: Women cannot cover their faces with a veil or mask. If needed
for modesty in front of non-mahram men, they can lower a part of their headscarf
over their face without touching it directly.
Fardh & Wajib of Ihram

Niyyah (Intention): Sincerely intending to perform Hajj or Umrah.

Talbiyah: Reciting the Talbiyah to declare entry into the state of Ihram.

2. Gender-specific Requirements:
Men: Wearing the two unstitched white cloths in the prescribed manner.
Women: Dressing in modest attire that fulfills Islamic guidelines of modesty, covering the entire
body except the face and hands.
3. Prohibitions and Restrictions:
Avoiding Prohibited Actions: Pilgrims must refrain from certain actions while in the state of Ihram,
Using scented products or perfumes.
Cutting hair or nails. (combing/drying of hair)
Engaging in marital relations.
Hunting or harming animals.
Restrictions on Behavior: Pilgrims are expected to behave with piety, patience, and humility while
in Ihram, avoiding arguments, disputes, and any form of harm to others.

Meeqat from Singapore is at Yalamlam, Yemen

The Mawaqit

The Mawaqit which it is not permissible for a person

who intends for Hajj or Umrah to pass except in the
state of ihram are:

1. For the people of Madinah : Dhu’lHulayfah.

2. for the people of `Iraq : Dhatu-`Irq.
3. for the people of the Levant (al-Sham) : al-Juhfah.
4. for the people of Najd : Qarn alManazil. o for the
people of Yemen : Yalamlam.
The Mawaqit

If one entered ihram before these mawaqit, it is valid.

The miqat of one whose dwelling-place is after the

mawaqit, is al-Hill like Jeddah.

The miqat of one who is in Makkah is the Haram for

hajj and al-Hill for `Umrah.
Three Types of Hajj

1. Hajj-e-Tamattu’ Doing Hajj and Umrah in different

Ihram. Performing Umrah during the Hajj season and
removing Ihram after Umrah and wear a new one on
the Day of Tarwiyah (the pilgrim gets into the state of
Ihram for Hajj) and he has to sacrifice also.
Three Types of Hajj

2. Hajj-e- Qiraan: It means to combine Hajj and 'Umrah.

This means that the pilgrim should declare the intention
to perform both Hajj and `Umrah together with one Ihram,
in this type of Hajj the pilgrim sacrifices an animal.
Three Types of Hajj

3 Hajj -e- Ifraad: - Ifraad means that the pilgrim

declares his intention for Hajj only. The pilgrim
maintains his Ihraam up to the Day of Sacrifice.
No animal sacrifice offering is required from him.
Masjid Al Haram Layout
Umrah: The 4

1. Ihram
2. Tawaf
3. Sa'y
4. Halaq/Qasr
Ihram from Meeqat:
Perform 2 rakaats of Ihraam, with the head and shoulders covered. Recite in the 1st rakaat Sura Al-Kafiroon
and in the 2nd rakaat Al-Ikhlas (mustahab).
Males should remove their head cover and not cover the head until free from Ihraam (fardh).
Make intention for Umrah only and not Hajj.

Intention for Umrah:

‫ِّن‬ ‫ِم‬ ‫ا‬ ‫َه‬ ‫الَّلُه َّم ِّن ُأِرْيُد اْلُع ْم َرَة َف َي ِّس ْر َها ِل َو َتَق َّبْل‬
‫ْي‬ ‫ْي‬ ‫ِإ ْي‬
(Allahumma Inni Uridul Umrata Fa Yassirha li wa taqabbalha minni)
'O Allah! I intend to perform 'Umrah. Make it easy for me and accept it from me.'
Recite Talbiyah:
‫ ِإَّن اْلَحْم َد َو الِّنْع َم َة َلَك َو اْلُم ْلَك اَل َش ِرْيَك َلَك‬، ‫ َلَّبْي َك اَل َش ِرْيَك َلَك َلَّبْي َك‬، ‫َلَّبْي َك الَّلُه َّم َلَّبْي َك‬
(Labbayk Allahumma labbayk. Labbayk la shareeka laka labbayk. Innal hamda wan i’mata laka wal mulk la
shareeka lak.)
'I am present. O Allah, I am present. You have no partner, I am present. Indeed all praise and bounty is for You
and the entire universe. You have no partner.'
Enter Masjid Al-Haram, preferably from Babus Salaam with wudhu and recite:

‫ الَّلُه َّم اْغ ِف ْر ِلْي ُذ ُنْو ِبْي َو اْف َت ْح ِلْي َأْبَو اَب َرْحَم ِت َك‬،‫ِبْس ِم ِهَّللا َو اْلَحْم ُد ِلَّلِه َو الَّص اَل ُة َو الَّس اَل ُم َع ىَل َرُس وِل ِهَّللا‬

'In the name of Allah, all praises are due to Him, and salutations on the Messenger of
Allah. O Allah! Forgive my sins and open for me the gates of Your mercy.'

Stop reciting Talbiyah and make intention for Tawaaf of Umrah whilst standing on
the direction of Kabah, facing Hajrul Aswad (Black Stone).
Beginning Sa’y:
Start at Safa.
Recite Surah Al-Baqarah 2:158.

‫ُجَناَح َع ْي ِه‬ ‫َال‬ ‫َف‬ ‫َت‬ ‫ْع‬‫ا‬ ‫َأ‬ ‫َت‬ ‫ال‬ ‫َّج‬ ‫ْن‬ ‫َف‬ ،‫ِهّٰللا‬ ‫آِئ‬ ‫َع‬ ‫َش‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ِم‬ ‫َة‬ ‫ْل‬‫ا‬ ‫ا‬ ‫َف‬ ‫ِإَّن الَّص‬
‫ِو َم َر‬ ‫َبْي‬ ‫َح‬ ‫َم‬ ‫ِر‬ ‫َو‬ ‫ْر‬ ‫َم‬ ‫َو‬
‫َش‬ ‫َف‬ ‫َخ‬ ‫َت‬
‫ َو َم ن َط َّو َع ْي ًرا ِإَّن َهّٰللا اِكٌر َع ِليٌم‬،‫ْن َيَّط َّو ِبِه َم ا‬ ‫َف‬ ‫َأ‬

Proceed to Marwah, completing seven rounds between

Safa and Marwah. Men should jog lightly between the
green lights, women should walk.
After Sa’y, it is Mustahab to offer two Raka'ats.
Hair Cutting (Halaq/Qasr)
Must shave or cut hair within the boundaries of Haram. Cutting
hair in Jeddah is incorrect.
Halaq (shaving) is better; if cutting (Qasr), at least one inch of all
hair must be cut.
Must trim approximately one inch from the end of their hair
‫وباهلل التوفيق والهداية والسالم عليكم ورحمة اهلل‬

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