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An organization, is a consciously coordinated social unit composed of two or

more people, that functions on a relatively continuous basis to achieve a common

goal or set of goals.

Behavior: An action, activity, or process of an organism interacting with its

Environment in response to internal or external stimuli. which can be observed
and measured.

Organizational Behavior is a field of study that investigates the impact that

individuals, groups and structure have on behavior within organizations, for the
reason of applying that knowledge to ameliorate the organization’s effectiveness.
It’s a branch of the social science that tries to create theories, applied to predicting,
understanding and controlling behavior in work organizations.

Axes: Organizational Behavior examines three axes: the individual level, the
group level, and the organization system level. At the individual level, OB
explores the world of psychology, focusing on employees including Motivation,
Personality, Emotions, Perception, Leadership effectiveness & Individual
decision-making. Moving to the group level, OB explores the area of Social
Psychology, Sociology, & Anthropology, including Behavioral change,
Communication, Group processes, Group decision-making & Conflict. At the big-
picture level, OB system explores the field of Sociology, & Anthropology,
focusing on Organizational technology, Organizational change, Organizational
culture & Organizational environment.

Organizational Behavior (OB) is a helpful because it helps us understand why

people act & the way they do at work. It predicts and influences behaviors to
achieve the organization's goals and creates a positive work environment. The
goals of OB include building a team feeling, motivating employees, supporting
good leadership, handling conflicts, and maintaining a positive atmosphere. So,
in simple terms, OB is like a guide that makes sure everyone works well together.
Conflict resolution: Resolving conflicts means finding different ways to handle
problems. The Thomas-Kilmann model shows five ways to handle things.
Competing happens when one side insists on getting what it wants without
considering others. Collaborating is when everyone works together for a win-win
solution. Avoiding where people choose to ignore the conflict. Accommodating
is about keeping relationships good, even if it means g making some concessions.
Compromising is when both sides agree to something in the middle. These ways
help in different situations. Resolving conflicts can also involve negotiation,
which is a process with a few simple steps, Preparation, Discussion, Clarifying
Goals, Negotiating, Agreement and Implementing.

In decision-making, people in organizational behavior (OB) use three

approaches: Rational decision making assumes having all information and
choosing the best option, it consists of six steps: defining the problem, identifying
decision criteria, allocating weights to criteria, developing alternatives, evaluating
alternatives, and selecting the best alternative, while Bounded rationality
recognizes the difficulties of making perfect decisions because of not having all
the information. Intuition, a less logical approach, depends on past experiences
and feelings. Deciding and generating ideas involve fluency flexibility and
originality To make smarter decisions, it's crucial to pay attention to biases and
errors, adapting decision-making to the culture of the organization, understanding
the process of perception and being aware of the factors that influence our views.

The McKinsey 7-S Model is like a guide for organizations. It talks about seven
important things: Strategy, Structure, Systems, Shared Values, Skills, Staff, and
Style. These things are like puzzle pieces that need to fit together for a company
to do well. It's helpful when a company wants to make changes because it looks
at everything together. The model is good because it helps leaders see how all
parts of the organization connect, making changes work better.

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