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Refer to something less than 90 degrees. It comes from

Latin "acus" which means "needle".
The number 10 in the hexadecimal system. acute angle
An angle less than a right angle or 90degrees.
The position of any point on a plane from the y-axis. acute triangle
Also known as the x-coordinate. The plural form of A triangle having all angles acute angles.
abscissa is abscissae.
To combine numbers of quantities by getting the total
absolute error number of units contained in them.
The difference between the approximate value and the
exact value. addend
The number added to a certain number to produce a
absolute term sum, Example: In the equation 5 + 2 = 7, the number 2 is
(syn. constant term) A term in an expression which does the addend while the number 5 is the augend and 7 is
not have a variable. called the sum.

absolute value addition

The number written arithmetically omitting the sign that The process of combining numbers or quantities. The
prefixed it. The ____________________ of the number result of addition is called sum.
x is denoted as |x|.
addition formulae
absolute value of complex number Formulae which express a trigonometric functions of the
The distance of the complex number from the origin sum or difference of the sum or difference of two angles
when the complex number is represented as the point in terms of the function of the individual angle.
with rectangular coordinates (a,b). Absolute value of
a+bi is sqrt(a^2+b^2). additive identity
An identity element of an additive operation. The
absolute value of a vector additive identity is the integer zero.
The numerical value of the length of a directed line
segment representing the vector. Absolute value of the additive inverse
vector ai + bj +ck is sqrt(a^2+b^2+c^2). The negative of the number. The additive inverse of 5 is
abstract algebra
The part of algebra that deals with study of groups, ad infinitum
semi-groups, rings, modules, fields and similar (latin term) continuing with no end.
abundant number lying next to. An _________angle(side) is an angle
A natural number where the sum of its distinct factors (side) that lies next to another angle (side)
exceeds the number. For example, the factors of 12 are
1, 2, 3, 4, and 6. The sum of the factors is 16. Since 16 is adjacent angles
greater than 12, hence 12 is an abundant number. Two angles that have the same point or vertex and a
common side between them.
The rate of change of velocity per unit time. agonic
Acceleration is a vector quantity. The standard unit is Another term for skew as in agonic line or skew line.
meter per second per second (m/s^2). The gravitational
acceleration on earth is denoted as g and is equal to 32.2 aleph
feet/s^2 or 9.82 meter/s^2. The first letter in the Hebrew alphabet. This letter, ‫א‬,
was first used in matematics by Georg Cantor to denote
accuracy the various orders, or sizes, of infinity.
The measure of precision of a numerical value of some
quantity. algebra
The study of operation and relation among numbers
acre through the use of variables or literal symbols instead of
British unit of area which is equal to 4840 square yards. just constants. The Latin term "algebra" comes from the
In metric equivalent, 1 acre = 4046.8 square meters or Arabic "al-jabr" which means "to set or consolidate".
0.40468 hectares.
algebraic curve altitude of a triangle
A curve that describes an algebraic equation. The perpendicular segment from a vertex of the triangle
to the line containing the opposite side. It also refers to
algebraic equation the perpendicular distance from the apex of triangle to
An equation of the form f(x) = 0 where f is a polynomial the base.
of degree n with coefficients in a given base field,
usually rationals, n is the degree of the algebraic ambiguous case
equation. For example, x^2+3x+4=0 is a second degree The case of a solution of a plane triangle where the
(n=2) algebraic equation. given data lead to two solutions.

algebraic expression amicable numbers

Any combination of symbols and numbers related to the Two integers such that each is equal to the sum of the
fundamental operation of algebra. distinct proper factors of the other. An example of
amicable numbers are the number 220 and 284. The
algebraic number number has a proper factors of 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 11, 20, 22,
A real number that is a root of a polynomial equation 44, 55 and 110 which have the sum of 284, while the
with integer coefficient. number 284 have proper factors of 1, 2, 4, 71, and 142
which sums up to 220.
A step by step procedure by which an operation can be ampere
carried out. an SI unit of electric current

aliquot part amplitude

Refers to any divisor of a number that is not equal to the The maximum displacement between in either positive
number itself. This is also known as proper divisor. (It or negative direction from a reference level.
should divde the number without a remainder)
Al-jabr wa'l muqabalah As applied to the capitalized cost, the distribution of the
Rought Translations, Balancing Equations, an Arac initial cost by periodic charges to operation as in
textbook written in the early 800s by Al-Kwowzrizmi depreciation or the reduction of a debt by either periodic
(From whose name the word algorithm was coined). or irregular prearranged program.
This is where the name algebra came from and from this
text Europe came out of the dark ages and learned anallagmatic curve
algebra. A curve that is invariant under inversion. This curve
includes the Cassinian ovals, Limacon of Pascal,
alphanumeric Stophoid, Cardioid, etc,
(syn. alphanumeric character) combination of alphabet,
numerical symbols, punctutation marks and other Analytic Geometry
symbols used in computer works. The branch of Mathematics which deals with the
properties, behaviors and solutions of points, lines,
alternate angles curves, angles, surfaces and solids by means of algebraic
Either pair of angles contained between two given lines method in relation to the coordinate system. This was
and a transversal and lying on opposite sides of the invented by Rene Descartes.
transversal. These angles are equal if the given lines are
parallel. angle
The basic figure by two line segments or rays with a
alternating series common end point. They are measured in different units,
An infinite series whose successive terms are alternately namely, degrees, radians, grads, and mils.
positive and negative, such as 1 -1/2 +1/3 -1/4 +1/5 -...
angle of depression or elevation
altitude The angle between the horizontal and the line of sight to
A line segment drawn from a vertex perpendicular to the the observed point. If the observed point is below the
opposite side (called base) horizontal from the observer, it is an angle of
____________. It is an angle of __________ if the
altitude of trapezoid observed point is above the observer.
A perpendicular distance between the bases or parallel
sides of a trapezoid. angle of inclination
The smallest positive angle that the straight line makes
with the positive x-axis.
angular arbitrary constant
Relative to or in terms of angles such as angular A non-numerical symbol holding a place for an
acceleration, angular velocity etc. unspecified constant. For example, in the general linear
equation y = mx + b, m and b are arbitrary constants
annulus while x and y are variables.
(syn. circular ring) a plane figure which contains an area
of a ring-shaped region lying between two concentric arc
circles. Another term for annulus is ring. Area of annulus A part of a circle between two points on the circle. A
is pi(R^2-r^2) portion of a curve between two of its points A and B.

annuity Archimedes Principle

A series of equal payments occurring at equal interval of Any body immersed in a fluid is subjected to a buoyant
time. Types inlcude ordinary, _______ due, deferred force which is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced.
_________, and perpetuity. This was discovered by Greek Mathematician,
Archimedes (287 - 212 BC).
annuity due
a type of annuity where the payment is made at the Archimedean solid
beginning of each period starting from the first period. A solid made from regular polygonal sides of two or
more types that meet in a uniform pattern around each
antecedent corner. It is a convex semi-regular polyhedron.
The first term of the ratio. In the ratio 2:3, 2 is the
_____________ and 3 is the consequent. The platonic solid
____________ is equal to the product of the ratio and examples: tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron,
the consequent. dodecahedron, icosahedron.

antilogarithm Archimedes' spiral

The inverse of the function of a logarithm. (syn. Archimedean spiral) spiral with the polar equation
r = a*theta. with its graph as shown in the figure. The
antiprism radius vector, increases with polar angle, theta, a is the
A semi-regular polyhedron from two n-sided polygon constant of proportionality.
and 2n triangle.
apex A larger unit of area in metric system. It is equivalent to
The highest point of the figure with respect to the base 100 square meters.
or plane of the base.
apothem A numerical measure of two dimensional geometric
A radius of the circle inscribed in a regular polygon. A figure enclosed within a specific boundary.
line form the center of a polygon perpendicular to one of
its sides. It is also the perpendicular distance form the Argand diagram
center of a circle to the midpoint of a chord. (syn. Gaussian Plane) the rectangular coordinate system
used for the representation of a complex number. The x-
apotome axis and the y-axis are known as the axis of reals ad axis
a number that has the form of sqrt[ sqrt(A) - sqrt(B) ]. of imaginaries, respectively. Named after the Parisian
This is a number categorized by Euclid as one of the bookkeeper, Jean Robert Argand (1768-1822)
irrational numbers.
appreciation (1) The angle between OZ, where Z is the point
(ant. depreciation) increase in the value of an asset. representing a complex number on an Argand diagram
and O is the origin, and the real axis
approximation (2) the input of function
A number which is a close estimate of another number. (3) an informal mathematical proof

arabic numerals arithmetic

The symbols 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, .... that represent the The branch of mathematics which deals with calculation
counting system in the decimal number system (base of integers using the fundamental operations of addition,
10). subtraction, multiplication, division, and the extraction
of roots.

arithmetic mean
(syn. mean, average) The sum of "n" numbers divided
by n. For example, the mean of 2, 9, 7 is 6.
automorphic number
arithmetic progression A number n whose square ends in n. Example: 5 is an
is a sequence in which the difference between any two automorphic number because square of 5 is 25 and 25
successive terms is a constant and is called the common ends with the number 5.
auxiliary circle
arithmetic series A circle with radius equal to half the major (transverse)
The sum of the terms of an arithmetic progression. axis and its center is at the center of the ellipse
one of the lines forming the angle. Avogadro's constant
the number of atoms of n grams in an element with
array atomic weight n. The value of this constant is
An arrangement of numbers in rows and columns (see 6.02214199 x 10^23. This was named after the Italian
matrix) physicist Amedio Avogadro (1776 - 1856)

assets average
refers to everything a company or corporation owns and the usual term for arithmetic mean
has a money value. Assets are as current assets (cash,
bank account and other items that can be converted into average acceleration
cash), trade investment (investment in associated The change in velocity of a body divided by the time
companies), fixed assets (land, building, etc) and interval during which the change occurs.
intangible assets (goodwill, patent, etc.)
average velocity
astroid The displacement of a body divided by the time interval
(syn. star curve) a hypocycloid with four cusps and with during which the displacement occurs.
parametric equation of x = (cos t)^3, y = (sin t)^3. The
rolling circle of this hypocycloid has a diameter one- axiom
fourth that of the fixed circle. a statement of truth which is admitted without proof.

astronomical unit axiom of induction

The mean distance between the earth and the sun. It is "any property that belongs to zero, and also to the
about 1.495 x 10^8 km immediate successor of any natural number to which it
belongs, belongs to all natural numbers"
not symmetric axis
The fixed reference line used in a coordinate system.
a straight line that approaches the curve more and more axis of symmetry
closely but never really touches it except as a limiting A line around which a geometric figure is symmetrical.
position at infinity. The word asymptote was coined by
Thomas Hobbes (1598 - 1679) using various latin stems axis of the conic
meaning "to fall together but not touch". The line through the focus and perpendicular to the
atmospheric pressure
The pressure caused by the weight of air at a given B
point. Standard value is 14.7 pounds per square inch or The number 11 in the hexadecimal number system
760 mm of mercury. It is also equal to the weight of a
column of water about 30 feet high and in metric system, Bang's theorem
it is equal to 100kPa. "If all the faces of a tetrahedron have the same
perimeter, then the faces are all congruent triangles."
Aubel's theorem
"Given a quadrilateral and a square drawn on each side bar graph
of it, the two lines connecting the centers of the squares A chart or diagram consisting of horizontal or vertical
on opposite sides are perpendicular and of equal length" rectangles or bars, each of which represents an interval
of values of a variable and has height proportional to the
augend quantities.
the number or quantity to which the addend is added.
Example: 5 + 2 = 7. The number 5 is the augend while 2 barycenter
is the addend. (see center of gravity)
A side of a polygon which is at the bottom of the bisector
orientation. (syn. bisectrix) a line or plane that bisects a given angle
or line or any geometric figure.
Bertrand's conjecture
"If n is an integer greater than 3, then there is at least one bit
prime number between n and 2n-2." This postulate is (abbreviation of binary digits) the digits 0 and 1 in the
named after the French mathematician Joseph Bertrand binary number system.
book value
bicorn The recorded current value of an asset. The value of an
Any of a collection of quartic curves that has a asset that is recorded in the book of records of the
rectangular equation of y^2(a^2-x^2) = (x^2 + 2ay - corporation
a^2)^2. This is also known as "cocked-hat".
Boolean Algebra
bicuspid curve an algebra which deals with the operation of
a quartic curve with an equation (x^2 - a^2) (x - a)^2+ complementation, union and intersection. It is devised
(y^2 - a^2)^2 = 0 by the British mathematician George Boole (1815 -
1864) who is best known for his innovatory work in
bilateral formal logic.
having two sides or relating to the right side and left side
of an object. Boyle's law
At constant temperature, the pressure is inversely
billion proportional to the volume.
refers to one million million (10^12) in the United
Kingdom and Germany and one thousand million (10^9) Brianchon's theorem
in the US and France. In US and France, 1 million = 1, "Given a conic section, if we circumscribe a hexagon
000, 000. about it, then the major diagonal of the hexagon are
relating to the binary notation or binary code. Briggsian logarithm
(see common logarithm)
binary logarithm
logarithm of a number to the base 2. British Thermal Unit (BTU)
The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of
binary number system one pound of water 1 degree Fahrenheit. 1 BTU = 252
(syn. Dyadic number system) a system of notation for calories.
real numbers that uses the place value method with 2 as
the base. Only two digits are considered, 0 and 1 bulk modulus
sometimes called as "bit" (abbreviation of binary digits) is a measure of the resistance of a fluid to compression.
It is defined as the ratio of pressure stress to volumetric
binomial strain
A mathematical expression of two terms. Example: 5x +
4y. bundle
a family of lines or planes which all passess through a
binomial distribution single point.
(syn. binomial probability) the distribution of
probabilities where there are two possible outcomes of butterfly theorem
an event (i. e. success and failure) and the possibilities if Let M be the midpoint of chord PQ of a circle, through
the outcomes are independent and constant. which two other chords AB and CD are drawn. IF AD
intersects PQ at X and CB intersects PQ at Y, then M is
binomial expansion also the midpoint of XY. The resulting figure of this
expansion of a binomial in the form of (x + y)^n in theorem forms a butterfly.
accordance with the binomial theorem.
binomial theorem a sequence of bits; a unit of information equivalent to a
The theorem that gives the form of the expansion of any single character; a unit capacity of a computer
positive integral power of a binomial (x + y)^n. Its
general equation is

To divide a geometric figure into two equal parts.
the number 12 in the hexadecimal number system. The catenoid
number 100 in Roman numerals. The surface generated when a catenary is rotated about
its directrix.
The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of cathetus
one gram of water 1 degree Celcius. A line that is perpendicular to another line. This usually
refers to one of the lines in a right triangle that is not the
calculate hypotenuse.
to determine the value of a given mathematical
procedure; to compute caustic
The envelope rays of light reflected or refracted by a
Calculus given curve from a given point source of light.
The branch of mathematics created in the seventeenth
century by Isaac Newton (1642 - 1727) and German Cavalieri's Principle
mathematician, Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz (1646 - Given two solids and a plane. Suppose that every plane
1716) which rest on the basic principles of limits. parallel to the given plane, intersecting one of the two
Calculus is divided into two subjects, namely, solids, also intersects the other and gives a cross-
Differential Calculus and Integral Calculus. sections with the same area, then the two solids have the
same volume. Named after Bonaventura Cavalien (1598
canonical form - 1647)
A form of any given polyhedron distorted so that every
edge is tangent to the unit sphere and the center of Cayley's sextic
gravity of the tangent points is the origin. a sinusoidal graph spiral curve with a rectangular
equation of 4(x^2 +y^2 -ax)^3 = 27a^2 (x^2 +y^2). This
cap curve is named after Arthur Cayley.
the symbol ∩, which is used to denote the union between
two sets ceiling function
The function of a number x that is the smallest integer
cardinal numbers that is not smaller than x.
Numbers used to count objects. Example: one, two ,
three,... center of gravity
(syn. centroid, center of mass, barycenter) the point
cardioid through which the resultant of the distributed gravity
a heart-shaped curve generated by a fixed point on a force passess regardless of the orientation of the body in
circle as it rolls round another circle of equal radius. Its space.
equation is r = a(a-cos(theta))
center of mass
Carmichael number (see center of gravity)`
a number n that is a Fermat pseudoprime to any base,
that is, it divides (a^n - a) by any a. This number is also centesimal degree
known as "absolute pseudoprime". (see gon or grad)

Cartesian coordinates centillion

(syn. rectangular coordinates) a method of locating a a number 10 raised to a power of 600 (british). [pag US
point by pair of numbers denoting the distance from two = 303], [pag googol = 100)
fixed reference intersecting lines.
central angle
cash flow an angle whose vertex is at the center of a given cirle.
The flowback of profit plus depreciation from a given
project. central conic
a conic with a center. Examples are ellipse and
Catalan solid hyperbola. The only non-central conic is parabola.
a polyhedron that is a dual of an Archimedean solid.
These solids are named after the Belgian mathematician central tendency
Eugene Catalan (1814-1894) A central value between the upper and lower limits of
distribution around which the scores are distributed.
A plane curve described by a heavy uniform, flexible centrifugal force
cable hanging freely between two points. The term A force acting outward on a body as it traverses a
"catenary" comes from the latin word which means curvilinear path.
chain. Its equation is y = a cos h (x/a)
centroid clelia
(see center of gravity) The locus of a point P that moves on the surface of a
sphere in such a way that ϕ/θ is constant, where ϕ and θ
century are the longitude and colatitude, respectively.
A period of 100 years. The word century comes from
Latin "centuria" which means "one hundred". cochleoid
a spiral curve that has the rectangular equation of (x 2 +
chain rule y 2) tan-1(y/x) = ay and a polar equation of r = a sinθ / θ
A rule of differentiating a function of a function.
characteristic In algebra, it refers to the numerical factor of a term. For
The integer part of the logarithm. example: In the term 5x, 5 is the coefficient of the term.

chord coefficient of kinetic friction

A segment whose end points lie on the circle. The ratio of the frictional force to the perpendicular
force. It is denoted as mu.
chord of contrast
The chord joining the points of tangency of the two coefficient of restitution
tangent lines from a point P outside the circle. The ratio of the total momentum after collision to that of
before collision. It is denoted as "e".
An old name for zero. It is derived from Arabic "sifr", coefficient of static friction
Latin "cephirum" and Italian "zevero". The ratio of the limiting frictional force (maximum) to
the normal force. The coefficient of the static friction is
circle always greater than the coefficient of kinetic friction.
A close plane figure every point of which is equidistant
from a fixed point called the center. coefficient of volume expansion
(see bulk modulus)
circular cone
a cone whose base is a circle. cofunction
(syn. complementary function) In trigonometry, the
circular cylinder function of a pair have equal values for the
a cylinder with a circular right section. complementary angles. Examples: sin(30) = cos(90-30)
or cos(60). Hence, sine and cosine are complementary
circular prime functions.
A prime number that remains prime on any cyclic
rotation of its digits. coincident
having all points in common
circular ring
(syn. annulus) collinear points
points that lie on the same line.
The point of concurrency of the perpendicular bisectors cologarithm
of the sides of a triangle. the logarithm of the reciprocal of a number

circumcircle columns
a circle that circumscribed a given polygon. the numbers in order which appears vertically in a
the boundary of geometric figure, especially circle combination
an arrangement of a set of objects in no specific order
To draw a geometric figure around another geometric combinatorics
figure in such a way that they are in contact but does not The study of the ways of choosing and arranging objects
intersect. from given collections and the study of other kinds of
problems relating to counting the number of ways to do
cissoid something.
A curve with a rectangular section of y^2 = x^3/(2a - x)
commensurable compound interest
refers to a ratio of two values that results to a rational the interest charges under the condition that interest is
number. Example: If two distances have a ratio which is charged on any previous interest earned in any period of
a rational number, then two distances are time, as well as the principal. Formula for future amount
commensurable. of a principle in compound interest is F = P (1 + i)^n ,
with n as the number of periods and i is the interest per
common denominator period.
An integer or polynomial that is exactly divisible by
each denominator. compound number
a quantity expressed in different but related units.
common difference Example: 5 hours and 32 minutes.
the difference of two successive terms of an arithmetic
progression or sequence. computable number
a real number for which there is an algorithm that, given
common factor n, calculates the nth digit.
(syn. common divisor) of two or more integers or
polynomials, an integer of polynomial which is a factor concentric circles
of each. For example: 5 is a common factor of 20 and circles having the same center with unequal radii.
common logarithm a shell-shaped curve that has a rectangular equation of a
(syn. Briggs logarithm) logarithm to the base 10. This (x - a) (x^2 +y^2) = k^2 x^2
was created by the geometry professor of Greshan
College in London, Henry Briggs (1561 - 1630) as an conclusion
improvement of the natural logarithm. a part of the theorem which is to be proved.

common multiple concrete number

an integer or polynomial that is multiple of each in a a number that counts a physical quantity. For example: 5
given set. For example: 90 is a multiple of 15 and 18. apples, 8 cats.

common tangent concurrent

a line that is tangent to two or more curves. having a common point

commutative law conditional equation

law stating that the sum or product is unaffected by the an equation which is satisfied by some, but not all, of the
order of the terms. In addition, a + b = b + a. In values of the variables for which the members of the
multiplication, a times b and b times a. equation are defined.

complementary angles cone

two angles whose sum is 90 degrees or right angle. a solid bounded by a conical surface (lateral surface)
whose directrix is a closed curve and a plane (base)
completing the square which cuts all the elements.
the process of modifying a quadratic polynomial to
obtain a perfect square (trinomial) confocal conics
two conics which share the same focus. A confocal
complex fraction ellipse and hyperbola intersect at right angle.
any fraction which contains one or more fractions in
either numerator or denominator. congruent
geometric figures having identical shape and size.
complex number
a number of the form a + bi with a and b real constants conjecture
and i = the square root of -1. a mathematical statement which has neither been proved
nor denied by counterexamples. Some of the famous
composite numbers conjectures are Fermat's Last Theorem and Goldbach
an integer which is the product of two integers, both Conjecture.
different from 1 and -1. The integer 15 is a composite
number since 15 = 5 times 3. Fermat's Last Theorem
It states that no three positive integers a, b, and c satisfy
the equation a^n + b^n = c^n for any integer value of n
greater than 2.
Goldbach's conjecture coordinates
It states that every even whole number greater than 2 is The abscissa and ordinate together. Also known as
the sum of two prime numbers. rectangular coordinates or cartesian coordinates.

conjugate angles coplanar points

(see explementary angles) set of points that lie on the same plane

conjugate arcs coprime

two circular arcs together make a full circle refers to two or more numbers that have no factors in
common other than 1.
(see conic sections) corollary
a statement of truth which follows with little of no proof
conic section from the theorem.
the locus of a point which moves such that its distance
from a fixed point (focus) is in constant ratio, e corporation
(eccentricity) to its distance to a fixed straight line (type of business organization) a distinct legal entity
(directrix) separate from the individuals who own it and which can
engage in any business transaction which a real person
conical surface can do.
a surface generated by a moving straight line (generator)
which always intersects a fixed plane curve (directrix) cosine law
and which always passes through a fixed point (vertex) a law which relates the sides and angle of an oblique
not in the plane of the curve. triangle. It is used in solving the parts of an oblique
a surface or solid formed by rotating a conic section coterminal angles
about one of its axes. angles of rotation which the same initial side and
terminal side. The coterminal angle of 75d is 435d and -
consequent 285d
the second term of a ratio. See antecedent.
counting numbers
constant of integration (see natural numbers)
an arbitrary constant term in the expression of indefinite
integral of a function. couple
a pair of forces equal in magnitude, opposite in direction
constant term and not in the same line
a term in a polynomial that does not contain a variable
Cramer's rule
continued fraction a method of solving linear equations of several
a fraction in the form of unknowns simultaneously using determinants or
x = a0 + 1/((a1+ 1/( a2 + 1/(a3+...))) matrices. It is named after swiss mathematician and
physicist Gabriel Cramer (1704 - 1752)
a property in mathematics that refers to smoothness of a critical point
function or curve. (syn. stationary point) a point at which a function has a
first derivative of infinity, thus having a slope which is
continuum vertical.
any set that can be bought into one-to-one
correspondence with the set of real numbers cross product
(see vector product)
has a finite limit. Has a finite sum. Opposite of crunode
convergent is divergent. a point where a curve intersects itself so that two
branches of the curve have distinct tangent lines
converse of a theorem
another theorem wherein the hypothesis and conclusion cube
of the first are reversed; that is, the hypothesis becomes a polyhedron whose six faces are all squares. A cube is a
the conclusion and the conclusion becomes the regular hexahedron.
cubic curve. cylinder
an algebraic curve described by a polynomial equation a solid bounded by a closed cylindrical surface and two
of the general form ax^3 + bx^2y + cxy^2 + dy^3 + parallel planes (see circular cylinder)
ex^2+fxy + hx +iy +j = 0
cylindrical surface
cubic equation a surface generated by a moving straight line (generator)
a polynomial equation of the third degree which is a always parallel to fixed line, and which
always intersects a fixed plane curve (directrix) not in
cubit the plane with the fixed line.
a measure of length which is approximately equal to the
length of a person's forearm (from elbow to fingers). A cylindroid
roman cubit is equal to 17.4 inches while the egyptian a cylinder with elliptical cross-section
cubit is equal to 20.64 inches.
cuboctahedron the number 13 in the hexadecimal number systeml the
a polygon obtained by cutting the corners off a cube or number 500 in the roman numerals
an octahedron. A cuboctahedron has eight faces that are
equilateral triangles and six faces that are squares. Dandelin spheres
the two spheres that just fit inside the cone, one on each
cuboid side of the plane and both tangent to it and touching the
hexahedron with all faces rectangles cone, when the cone is sliced through by a plane.

cunningham chain D' Alemberts Principle

a sequence of prime numbers in which each member is When a body is subjected to an acceleration, it is reacted
twice the previous one plus one. upon by a reverse effective force oppposite in the
direction of the acceleration to balance. The value of the
cup reverse effective force is equal to the mass times
the symbol which is used to denote the union of sets acceleration. Named after the French mathematician and
physicist, Jean Le Rond d' Alembert.
a measure of the amount by which a curve deviates from de Malves's theorem (de Gua de Malves)
a straight line "Given a tetrahedron in which the edges meeting at one
vertex, X, form three right angles (i. e. the tetrahedron is
curve the result of chopping off the corner of a cuboid), the
see locus square of the face opposite X is equal to the sum of the
squares of the other three faces."
a point on the curve where two branches coming from De Moivre's Theorem
different directions, meet and have a common tangent. A theorem that links complex numbers and
The word cusp comes from Greek "kera" which means trigonometry. It states that for any real number x and any
"hom" and from Latin "cuspis" which means "sharp". integer n,

cute number (cos x + i sin x )^n = cos (n x) + i sin (n x)

a number such that a square can be cut into n squares of,
at most, two different sizes. decagon
a polygon of ten sides
cyclic quadrilateral
a quadrilateral with all vertices lie on a circle decahedron
a polygon with ten faces. There is no such thing as
cyclic number regular decahedron
a number of n digits, which, when multiplied by 1, 2, 3,
4, ..., n, produces the same digits in a different order. decimal fraction
number that consists of an integer part (which may be
cyclic polygon zero) and a decimal part (less than one) that follows the
a polygon whose vertices lie on a circle decimal marker, which may be a point or a comma

decimal number system

a system of notation for real number that uses the place
cycloid value method with 10 as the base.
the plane curve traces out by a fixed point P on the circle
as the circle rolls along a line, the base of the cycloid. decimal point
a dot place between the integral and fractional parts of a
number substance

declining balance method depletion

a method of computing depreciation in which the annual the lessening of the value of an asset due to the decrease
charge is a fixed percentage of the depreciated book in the quantity available. This refers to the natural
value at the beginning of the year to which depreciation resources such as coal, oil, and timber in the forest
applies. This method is also known as percent on
diminishing value. depreciated book value
the first cost of the capitalized asset minus the
decrement accumulation of annual depreciation cost charges
the negative of an increment
defective equation the decline in the value of an asset due to the passage of
any equation which, because of some mathematical time and constant use
process, has fewer roots than its original
defective number a number which is expressed as a square matrix (with
(see deficient number) the number of rows equals the number of columns)

deferred annuity deviation

a type of annuity where the payment of the first amount In statistics, it refers to the difference between any one
is deferred a certain number of periods after the first of the sequence of observed value of a variable to some
value such as the mean.
deflection angle
syn. exterior angle devil's curve
a curve with a rectangular equation of y^4 - a^2 y^2 =
deficient number x^4 - b^2 x^2
(syn. defective number) any natural number the sum of
its proper divisors. All prime numbers are deficient diagonal
numbers. a segment joining two non-consecutive vertices. It may
be calculated using the formula, (n/2)(n-3), where n is
definite integral the number of sides of polygon.
an expression of integrating an integrand between two
limits of integration. Integrals with limits are definite digit
integrals. any specific symbol use to denote a number whether
singly or in combination
degenerate conic
(point-ellipse, two coincident lines, two intersecting diameter
lines) a chord containing the center of the circle
conic obtained when the cutting plane passes through the
vertex of the cone. difference
the result of subtraction
Give three examples.
differential calculus
degree 1 a branch of calculus that deals with the evaluation and
a measure of an angle which is equal to 1/360 of use of derivatives and differentials
differential equation
delta curve an equation to be solved for an unknown function which
a curve that can be turned inside an equilateral triangles involves the first or higher derivatives of the function
that are all of the same sizes.
deltoid the operation of finding the derivative
a non-convex quadrilateral with two pairs of adjacent
equal sides dihedral angle
the angle between two planes intercepted by a plane
denominator perpendicular to the common edge
the number written below in a given fraction. The
number written above is called the numerator. dimensions of the matrix
the number of rows and columns of a matrix
(syn. specific weight) the mass per unit volume of a Diophantine approximation
the approximation of a real number by a rational number
Diophantine equations dot product
If there exist more unknowns than the number of see scalar product
equation but still can be solve because the values of the
unknown are integers, these equations are called dozen
Diophantine equations a term use to denote the number 12. This is derived from
French "douze" which means twelve.
a fixed line opposite the focus of a conic section which duodecimal number system
the eccentricity of the conic section is defined. a number system using 12 as a place value. This number
system still survive today as in 1 year = 12 months, a
Dirichlet's theorem clock dial has 12 hours, 1 foot = 12 inches, 1 dozen = 12
"For any two positive coprime integers, a and b, there items and 1 gross = 12 dozens
are infinitely many prime numbers of the form an + b,
where n > 0." dyadic number system
see binary number system
a point at which a function is not continuous. This is also dynamic
known as "jump". (syn. kinetic) branch of mathematics that deals with the
forces that produced a motion.
the quantity that discriminates among the possibilities of dyne
a quadratic equation. It is expressed as b^2 - 4ac. The a unit force of force in the cgs metric system and is
discriminant determines the nature of the roots. equivalent to 1 gram - cm/s^2. 1 dynes = 10^-5 N.

displacement E
a vector quantity which represent the change in position is the number 14 in the hexadecimal notation
of a point. It is equal to the product of the velocity and
time. e
a transcendental number which is approximately equal
distance to 2.71828... It is commonly called as the Euler Number
the length of the shortest line segment between two because it was introduced by Leonhard Euler in the 18th
points. century. It has the equation.

distance formula eccentric

the formula used to measure the distance between two geometric figures not having the same center
points. This formula was derived by Pythagorean
Theorem eccentricity
the ratio of the distance from point to the focus (focal
divergent distance) to the distance from the point to the directrix.
not having a finite limit Eccentricity of parabola, ellipse, and hyperbola are 1,
<1, and >1, respectively.
in the expression a/b, a is the dividend and b is a divisor ecenter
see excenter
the process of obtaining the quotient; the inverse of ecircle
multiplication see escribed circle

divisor economic return

the number that divides the dividend the profit derived from a project or business enterprise
without consideration of obligations to financial
dodecagon contributions and claims of others based on profit
a polygon with 12 sides
economical number
dodecahedron a number that has no more digits than there are digits in
a polyhedron of 12 faces. Each face of a regular its prime factorization
dodecahedron is a regular pentagon
effective interest
domain the true value of interest rate computed by the equations
the set of all first elements of a relation for composed interest for a 1-year period.
Egyptian fraction epicycloid
a fraction in which the numerator is 1. This is also the plane curve traced by a fixed point on a circle as it
known as "unit fraction". rolls along the outside of a fixed circle.

Egyptian triangle epitrochoid

a right triangle with sides 3, 4, and 5 units a curve traced out by a point that is a distance c from the
center of a circle of radius b, where c < b, that is rolling
eigenvalue around the outside of another circle of radius a.
a complex number, λ, the satisfies the equation Ax = λx,
where A is an n x n matrix and x is some vector equal
having the same value. The symbol of equal (=) was
eight curve introduced in 1557 by Robert Recorde in his algebra
a curve with an appearance of a figure of eight and has a textbook "The Whetstone of Witte"
rectangular equation of x^4 = a^2 (x^2 - y^2). This
curve is also known as Lemniscate of Gerono. equally likely
a term used to describe equiprobable events
1. member of the set equation
2. part of geometric figure such as point, line, or plane. a matehmatical statement showing that two expressions
have the same value
see resultant equiangular
having all angles equal. An equilateral triangle is also
ellipse equiangular.
a locus of point which moves such that the sum of the
distance from two fixed points (foci) is constant and is equichordal point
equal to the length of the major axis (2a). a point inside a closed convex curve in the plane, all the
chords through which have the same length.
(syn. spheroid) solid of revolution of an ellipse when equidistant
rotated about one of its axes. When rotated about its being of equal distance to any given points or lines.
longer axis, it is called as prolate elllipsoid. When
rotated about its shorter axis, it is called oblate ellipsoid. equilateral hyperbola
see hyperbola
elliptic curve
the type of cubic equations whose solutions takes the equilateral triangle
form of y^2 + axy + by = x^3 + cx^2 + dx + e a triangle having all sides equal in length. An equilateral
triangle is also equiangular. Each interior angle of an
emirp equilateral triangle is equal to 60 degrees
a prime number that becomes a different prime number
when its digits are reversed. The word "emirp" is equilibrium
"prime" spelled backwards. Ex. 13 the condition when a body is acted on by no forces of
several forces such that their vector sum (resultant) is
empirical zero. Forces are said to be in equilibrium if they are
based only on observations and experimental evidences concurrent (having common point for the forces' line of
empty set
a set that contains no element at all equiprobable
having the same probability
engineering economy
the application of engineering or mathematical analysis equivalent
and synthesis to economic decisions having some properties (geometric) in common

ennea equivalent numbers

(syn. nona) a prefix means nine. A polygon of nine sides a number such that the sums of their aliquot parts
is called a nonagon or enneagon. (proper divisors) are the same

envelope eradius
an envelope of a family of plane curves is a curve that is see exradius
tangent to every member of the family
error extrapolate
the difference between an approximate value and the to estimate the value of a quantity or measurement
true value which it approximates. beyond the values which are already known. Opposite of
extrapolation is interpolation.
escribed circle
(syn. excircle, ecircle) a circle tangent to one side and to extremes
the extension of the two other sides of a triangle. the first and the fourth terms in the proportion of the
four quantities.
euler line
a line that connects the centroid and the circumcenter of F
a triangle the number 15 in the hexadecimal notation

euler number face

the number e which is equal to 2.71828... To obtain this a plane surface of a geometric figure
number, get the anti-natural logarithm of 1. Or ln e = 1.
The formula for e is, factor
(syn. divisor) each of two or more numbers which is
e = lim ( 1 + 1/n )^n as n approaches infinity multiplied together to form a product

even function factorial

a function f(x) such that f(x) = f( -x) for all x. the product of the n consecutive positive integers from 1
to n
even number
numbers which are exactly divisible by two. All even factorion
numbers has for its last digit an even number. a natural number that equals to the sum of the factorials
of its digits in a given base
in probability, it refers to the possible outcome of a trial. factoring
the process of converting expressions as sums into
evolution equivalent expressions as products
the operation of root extraction. The opposite of
involution. fallacy
a contradictory or false proposition; an invalid argument
exact of form of argument.
accurate, precise
excenter (syn. family of curves) a collection of related geometric
(syn. ecircle) the center of the escribed circle configurations; a set of related curves or surfaces whose
equations vary only in the values of the constants.
see escribed circle Fermat's Last Theorem
(syn. Fermat's great theorem) a famous conjecture of
explementary angles mathematics which states that x^n + y^n = z^n, where n
(syn. conjugate angles) two angle whose sum is 360 is 3 or greater x, y, and z are all positive integers. This is
degrees. regarded as the least proved theorem in Mathematics.
This is also known as the hardest problem in
exponent Mathematics or the "Mount Everest of Mathematics".
(syn. index) number (usually written superscript to
another number) that is used to simplify product. Fermat Number
a number defined by the formula Fn = 2^(2^n)) + 1
(syn. eradius) the radius of the escribed circle. Fermat's little theorem
"If P is a prime number then for any number a, (a^P - a)
exterior angle must be divisible by P."
(syn. deflection angle) is the angle formed by the
prolongation of one side and the adjacent side of the Fibonacci numbers
polygon. The sum of all exterior angles is always equal the unending sequence of integers formed according to
to 360 degrees. the rule that each integers is the sum of the preceding
two. The Fibonacci sequence is 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 34,
extract 55, 89, ... Named after Italian merchant and
to find the value of a root mathematician, Leonardo Fibonacci (1170 - c. 1250)
1. any arrangement of points, lines, curves, forming a finite
geometric shape. can completely be counted off from 1 to the last whole
2. The symbol for an integer, such as "8" or "69" number.

figurate numbers first cost

numbers that are represented by arrangements of dots as the initial cost of capitalized property, including
geometric figures. In plane figures, the following are transportation, installation, preparation for service taxes,
examples of figurate numbers: Triangular numbers, and other related initial expenditure in order to make the
square numbers, oblong numbers, pentagonal numbers, property functional.
gnomon numbers. In solid figures, are the cubic
numbers, tetrahedral numbers and square pyramidal first derivative
numbers the derivative of a function. Normally the first derivative
of the function is the slope of the function.
triangular numbers
numbers that can be represented by a triangular array of First Proposition of Pappus
dots or squares. The area of a surface generated by rotating any plane
curve about a non-intersecting axis in its plane is equal
1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 20, ... to the product of the length L of the curve and the
distance traveled by its centroid. This was formulated by
square numbers Pappus (c.300 -c.350) of Alexandria
numbers which can be drawn as dots and arranged in
square figure. flat angle
(syn. straight angle) an angle whose measure is 180
1, 4, 9, 16, 25, ... degrees

oblong numbers flow chart

numbers which can be drawn as dots and arranged in a sequence of logical computations often represented
rectangular figure. with rectangles, parallelograms, and arrows.

2, 6, 12, 20, ... focal

measurement from the focus to a certain point.
pentagonal numbers
are numbers which can be drawn as dots and arranged in focal chord
pentagonal figure. a line segment joining two of its points and passing
through a focus of a conic.
1, 5, 12, 22, 35, ...
focal radius
gnomon numbers is a line segment from a focus to one point of the conic
are numbers which can be drawn as dots on equally long
legs of a right angle. focus
a fixed point on the concave side of a conic section.
1, 3, 5, 7, 9, ...
folium of descartes
cubic numbers a plane curve which forms a loop on one side and
are numbers which can be drawn as dots and arranged as intersect itself at a node. Its standard equation is x^3 +
a cube. y^3 = 3 axy where x + y + a = 0 is the equation of the
1, 8, 27, 64, ...
tetrahedral numbers a symbolic statement of mathematical expression which
are numbers which can be drawn as dots and arranged as is syntactically correct
a tetrahedron.
Fortune's conjecture
1, 4, 10, 20, ... "If q is the smallest prime greater than P + 1, where P is
the product of the first n primes, then q - P is prime"
square pyramidal
numbers which can be drawn as dots and arranged as a fourth proportion
pyramid with square base. In the proportion a : b = c : d, d is the fourth proportion

1, 5, 14, 30, ...

fractal future worth
a geometric shape that can be subdivided at any scale Amount at some future date considering time value of
into parts that are at least approximately, reduced-sized money.
copies of the whole. The term "fractal" comes from
Latin "fractus" which means a broken surface. G
notation for gravitational constant. G = 6.67 x 10^-11,
a ratio of two integers such as a/b, with a not a multiple or 32.2 feet/s^2
of b and b is not zero or one. The value "a" is called the
numerator and the value "b" is called the denominator. Gabriel's horn
a surface of revolution of y = 1/x
a structure with at least one of its individual member is a generator
multiforce member. (syn. generatrix) a point, line or plane whose motion
forms a geometric figure.
free body diagram
the diagram of an isolated body with the representation geometric mean
of all external forces acting on it. (syn. geometric average) The geometric mean of n
numbers is the nth root of the product of the numbers.
the number of times an event occurs within a given geoemetric expression
period. a sequence of numbers such that the ratio of any term to
the preceding term is constant
frequency polygon
a graph on which the frequencies of classes are plotted at geometric series
the class mark and the class marks are connected by a series whose terms form a geometric progression
straight lines.
friction the branch of mathematics which deals with the
the limited amount of resistance to sliding between the properties and relations of constructible plane and solid
surfaces of two bodies in contact. figures.

frustum gnomon
a part of cone or pyramid lying between the base and a a geometric figure which is formed by cutting a
plane parallel to the base. parallellogram from one corner of another but larger
frustum of a regular pyramid
the portion of a regular pyramid included between the gnomon numbers
base and a section parallel to the base. see figurate numbers

frustum of a right circular cone Goldbach conjecture

the portions of a right circular cone include between the the conjecture that every even number except 2 equals
base and a section parallel to the base. the sum of two prime numbers. This was named after the
Prussian-born number theorist and analyst, Christian
function Goldbach (1690 - 1764)
a relation in which every ordered pair (x, y) has one and
only one value of y corresponding to the value of x. gon
(syn. centesimal degree, grad) 1/400 of the full angle
fundamental operations of arithmetic
referring to the four operations - addition, subtraction, googol
multiplication, division. the number represented by 1 followed by a hundred
zeros or 10^100.
fundamental theorem of algebra
Every polynomial equation with degree greater than zero googolplex
has at least one root in the set of complex numbers. the number represented by 1 followed by a google of
zeroes. 1 googolplex = 10^google = 10^(10^10))
Fundamental theorem of arithmetic
A concept which states that any integer greater than 1 is grad
either prime or is the product of a unique set of prime (syn. gon or centesimal degree) unit of angle
numbers. measurement with one revolution equivalent to 400
grads. the measure of an altitude of any polygon

gradient helix
slope of line or the ratio of vertical change to horizontal a curve in space which lies on a cylinder and crosses its
change. elements at a constant angle.

graph hemisphere
a plot of x values against y values for a given function a portion of a sphere cut off by a plane through its
center. A hemisphere is one half of a sphere.
gravitational acceleration
the constant acceleration of a free falling body. Denoted heptagon
as "g" and is equal to 9.81 meter per s^2 a polygon with seven sides

gravity heron's formula

the force of attracting between two bodies due to their √s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)
named after the first century Greek mathematician
great circle Heron of Alexandria.
the intersection of the sphere and the plane through the
center of the sphere Heronian triangle
a triangle with integer sides and integer area.
greatest common divisor
the largest whole number that divides evenly into two or hexadecimal number system
more given numbers A number system consisting of 16 distinct symbols — 0-
9 and A-F — which can occur in each place value.
greatest lower bound
the largest real number that is smaller than each of the we use the digits 0−9 and the letters representing two
numbers is a set of real numbers digits A(10),B(11),C(12),D(13),E(14),F(15).

gross hexagon
twelve dozen. This is equivalent to 144 items 6 sided polygon

half angle formula hexahedron

formulas that express a trigonometric funciton of half an a solid figure with six plane faces
Hankel matrix "horse-fetter," figure-8 movement illustrating
a matrix in which all the elements are the same along retrogression
any diagonal that slopes from northeast to southeast.
harmonic analysis a vertical bar graph that shows the frequencies of scores
the method of expressing periodic functions as sums of or classes of scores by the height of the bars
sines and cosines
harmonic division the idea that whole is greater than the sum of its parts
the division of line segment by two points such that it is
dividend externally and internally in the same ratio homogeneous
For polynomials, it is the one having all terms the same
harmonic mean degree. For example, x^3 + 3x^2 y + y^3
a term in between two harmonic terms of a harmonic
progression. It is the reciprocal of arithmetic mean. The Hooke's Law
harmonic mean of a and b is 2ab/(a+b) Within the elastic limit, the stress is proportional to
strain. The constant of proportionality is called the
harmonic progression modulus of elasticity, E or sometimes known as the
A sequence of numbers of reciprocals of which an Young's modulus.
arithmetic progression
Harshad number the branch of Physics that deals with the properties and
a number that is divisible by the sum of its own digits. characteristics of fluids.
This is also known as Niven number.
height is the branch of hydraulics that deals with fluids in
motion. The product of the force acting on an object and the time
during which it acts
the branch of hydraulics that deals with the fluids at rest incenter
the point of concurrency of the angle bisectors of a
hyperbola triangle
The set of all points in the plane such that the absolute
value of the difference of the distances from two given incircle
points in the plane, called foci, is constant. the center of the circle inscribed in a triangle

hyperbolic spiral inclination

a curve with a polar equation of r*theta = a see angle of inclination

hyperbolic functions incomputable number

certain combinations of e^x and e^-x that have a special a real number with an infinite decimal expansion that
relationship to the hyperbola cannot be enumerated by any universal computer

hyperboloid increment
A type of form resistance structure created by rotating a small change in the value of the variable. The increment
hyperbola around one of its principal axes. of x from x = a to x = b is the difference, b-a

hypocycloid indeterminate
the path of a point on the circumference of a circle that an expression with no direct meaning as a number.
rolls along the concave side of a larger circle Example are 0/0, infinity/infinity, 0/infinity, 0^0

hypotenuse index
the longest side of a right triangle or the side opposite to (syn. exponent) refers to the number n of a radical nth
the right angle. root of somethenggg

hypothesis induction
the part of the theorem which is assumed to be true a method of any reasoning by which one infers a
generalization from a series of instances
a curve formed by the path of a point attached to a point inelastic
c, which is not on the circumference of a circle of radius not elastic; having elasticity less than one.
b that rolls around the inside of a larger circle or radius
a. inequality
a statement that one mathematical expression is greater
i than or less than another
notation for imaginary number, sqrt(-1)
I the property of a body to resist changes to its state of
roman numeral for 1 motion

icosahedron inferential statistics

any polyhedron having twenty plane faces the methods used to describe a population (universe) by
studying a random sample of that population
referring to the property of being the same infinite
not finite, having value which are extremely large
idempotent amount
the element of x in some algebraic functions such that x
times x = x. infinitesimal
a number that is greater than zero yet smaller than any
imaginary number positive real number
number in the form of sqrt(-1) and denoted as i.
improper fraction the concept of being beyond the finite value. The symbol
a ratio of positive integer in which the value of the of infinity was introduced by John Wallis in his
numerator is greater than that of the denominator. Arithmetia in fini torum in 1655.

inflection International System (SI)
a point on a plane curve where the curve has a stationary the metric system of unit defined by the General
tangent, at which the tangent is changing from rotating Conference of Weights and Measurements in 1960. SI
in one direction to rotating in the opposite direction stands for the French equivalent, Systeme International

inscribe Interpolation
to draw a geometric figure inside another geometric the procedure for estimating intermediate value that are
figure in such a way that the two figures having common not listed in a table of numerical values. The simplest
but not intersecting points form of interpolation is linear interpolation, which has
for its variation of the functional described by a straight
inscribed angle line. IF the function does not satisfy the condition of
an angle whose vertex is a point on the circle and whose linearity of variation, graphical interpolation is used.
sides are chords
instantaneous power a point where the curve crosses the coordinate axis. This
the limit of the rate of work done as time approaches also refers to the set consisting of the elements that are
zero common to the original set.

instantaneous velocity intersection of two sets

the limit of average velocity of the body as the time the set of all objects common to both sets
interval approaches zero
integers a value that is not changed when a particular function is
are counting numbers (natural numbers) and the negative applied
of the counting numbers and the number 0.
involute of a circle
integrand a curve which is the path of the end of a taut string as it
the function to be integrated is unwound from a circle.

integral involution
the result of integration. The integral sign by Leibniz. the operation of raising to an integral power, x^n. This is
The word integral comes from a Latin origin which opposite to evolution.
means "making up a whole"
irrational equation
integral calculus an equation in which a variable appears under the radical
the branch of calculus which deals with evaluation of sign.
integrals and their applications
irrational number
integral part any number which cannot be expressed as a quotient of
the biggest integer not greater than the given number. In two integers.
the number 5.12, the integral part is 5. In the number -
5.12, the integral part is -6. isochrone
a set of points with the property that a given process or
integration trajectory will take the same length of time to complete
the operation of transforming a function to its definite or starting from any of the points
indefinite integrals
intercept having all diameters of equal length
refers to the intersection of two geometric figures. X and
y intercepts are the intersection of the curve with the x isogon
and y axes respectively. an equilateral polygon

interest isomorphism
the periodic compensation for the use of money. a transformation in geometry that does not change the
Sometimes referred to as the time value of money. lengths of sides and the measure of angles of the figures
interest rate
the ratio of the interest payment to the principal for a isoperimetric figure
given unit of time and is usually expressed as a are figures that have the same perimeters
percentage of the principal.
isosceles Kilowatt-hour
having two sides of equal length. An isosceles triangle a unit of energy equal to the work done by a power of
has two sides and two angles equal. The term "isosceles" 1000 watts operating for one hour
comes from Greek "iso" (same or equal) and "skelos"
(legs). kinematics
study of motion without reference to the forces which
isosceles trapezoid causes the motion
a trapezoid having non-parallel sides equal in length
kinematic viscosity
isosceles triangle the ratio of viscosity to the density of the body
a triangle having two side equal in length
J another name for dynamic
notation for imaginary number
kinetic energy
Johnson's theorem in Physics, the quantity equivalent to 1/2 mv^2, where m
"If three congruent circles all intersect in a single point, is the mass and v is the velocity
then the other three points of intersection will lie on
another circle of the same radius." kite
a quadrilateral with two pairs of adjacent sides
Jordan matrix congruent and no opposite sides congruent
a matrix whose diagonal elements are all equal and non-
zero and whose elements above the principal diagonal L
are equal to 1 but all other elements are 0. the number 50 is the roman numerals

joule Lame curve

a unit of work in the SI units, named in honor of English any family of curves related to the ellipse with a general
physicist James Prescott Joule equation of
(x/a)^n + (y/b)^n = 1
kappa curve
a curve that resembles the Greek letter, kappa, and has a lamina
rectangular equation of a thin sheet of uniform thickness and density
y^2 (x^2 + y^2) = a^2 x^2
lateral area
Kepler's laws area of the surface exclusive of bases
the laws which described the motion of stars, planets, ad
comets, formulated by Johannes Kepler lateral edge
the intersection of the lateral faces
Kepler's three laws of planetary motion:
lateral face
1) All the planets of the solar system describe elliptical any side of the polyhedron other than the base
orbits, having the sun as one of the foci.
lateral surface
2) A radius vector joining any planet to the sun sweeps the union of the lateral faces of a prism
out equal areas in equal periods of time.
latus rectum
3) The squares of the periods of revolution of the planets a line through the focus, parallel to the directrix and
about the sun are directly proportional to the cubes of intersecting the curve
their mean distances from the sun (the major semi-axes
of the elliptical orbits) Law of Universal Gravitation
the scientific law that states that every object in the
kilogram universe attracts every other object
(kg) mass of a particular cylinder of platinum-iridium
alloy which is now kept at the International Bureau leading coefficient
Weights and Measures at Sevres, near Paris. The coefficient of the term with the highest degree
1 kg = 1,000 grams
kilowatt of a right triangle, any of the two sides other than the
a unit of power equal to 1000 watts hypotenuse
lemma linear equation
a proved proposition which is used mainly as a an equation in which the variable or unknown appears
preliminary to the proof of a theorem only the first power and only in the numerator of any
(syn. Lemniscate of Bernoulli) a curve whose equation is literal equation
r^2 = a^2 cos(2 theta) an equation in which some or all of the known quantities
are represented by letters
measurement of a line segment lituus
a plane curve with equation r^2 = a/theta with (r, theta)
least common multiple as polar coordinates. It resembles a trumpet shaped
the smallest integer that is an exact multiple of every spiral and originated with the English mathematician,
number in a set of integers Roger Cortes. The word lituus, is of latin origin which
means "a crooked staff".
least upper bound
the smallest number that is larger than every member of locus
a set of numbers the path of a point which moves according to a given
law or equation. Plural form is loci.
Leibniz harmonic triangle
a triangle of fraction which is closely related to the logarithm
famous Pascal's triangle and takes the form of an exponent when a number, N is represented as a power
of fixed number called base.
1/2 1/2 logarithmic spiral
1/3 1/6 1/3 a type of spiral with a polar equation of r = a b^theta
1/4 1/12 1/12 1/4
Lemniscate of Bernoulli the branch of mathematics which concern with how one
a curve which looks like a bow of ribbon and has a statement can imply others, or how set of statements can
rectangular equation of (x^2 + y^2 )^2 = a^2 (x^2 - y^2) be connected by chains of implications

L'Hopital's Rule long radius

use to find indeterminate limits, find derivative of the distance between a center and a vertex of a regular
numerator and denominator separately then evaluate polygon.
life a rhombus with a 60 degree angle
the period of after which a machine or facility should be
discarded or replaced because of its excessive costs or Ludolph's number
reduced profitability. Also refers to the period of time a name used in Germany for the number pi
after which a machine or facility can no longer be
repaired in order to perform its design function properly. lune
the portion of a sphere lying between two semi-circles of
Limacon of Pascal great circles.
a snail-shaped curve with a rectangular equation of
(x^2 + y^2 - 2 r x)^2 = k^2 (x^2 +y ^2), where r is the M
radius of the rolling circle or the rolled circle and k is a the number 1000 in the roman numerals
Macclaurin trisectrix
limping triangle an anallagmatic curve that intersects itself at the origin.
a right triangle with two shorter sides differ in length by It has a rectangular equation of y^2 (a + x) = x^2 (3a - x)
one unit
line the absolute value of a vector quantity
shortest distance between any two points
line segment the part of a logarithm to the right of the decimal point.
a portion of a line bounded by two points
In the expression log 25 = 1.39794... the value of
0.39794... is called the mantissa while the value 1 is the which 50 percent of the scores falls below and the 50
characteristic percent of the scores fall above

mass median of trapezoid

measure of inertia of a body, which is its resistance to a a line joining the midpoints of the non-parallel sides
change in velocity
mathematical expectation the perpendicular bisector of a line segment
another term for expected value
Mersenne number
mathematics a positive integer of the form 2^n-1, where n is a prime
the group of subjects (Algebra, Trigonometry, Calculus, number. This was named after a French mathematician
Geometry,) used in investigation of numbers, space, and and Franciscan priest, Marin Mersenne
the many generalization of these concepts. It is also
defined as the science of patterns, real, or imaginary. The meter
word mathematics comes from Greel "mathema" which defined in 1960 as 1, 650, 763.73 wavelength of the
means "knowledge" orange-red light emitted by atoms of krypton 86 in a
glow discharge tube. Redefined in 1983 as the distance
Matheson Formula that light travels in vacuum in 1/299,792,458 second.
the formula used fro Declining Balance Method The latest definition is more accurate than the first.
depreciation, k = nth root of (Co/Cn) , where Co and Cn
are the first and last cost, respectively. With this method method of exhaustion
of computing depreciation, the last cost, Cn should not a method of finding an area by approximating it by the
be equal to zero. areas of a sequence of polygons

matrix mil
rectangular arrays of numbers forming m rows and n a unit of angle measure with one revolution equivalent
columns to 6,400 mils

mean mile
1. The arithmetic average of all the scores in the a unit of length
2. The average of two quantities statue mile = 5280 feet
nautical mile = 1 minute angle on a great circle = 6280
mean proportional feet
the second and the third terms of a proportion with the
second term equals the third term the nautical mile is 800 feet longer than the statue mile.
The word mile comes from Latin "mile passes" which
means means "one thousand paces"
the second and the third terms in the proportional of four
quantities milliard
In UK, a thousan million Billion (instead of milliard) is
measure used in the USA
a way of determining how large something in terms of
weight, volume, mass, length, etc. million
a thousand thousand. The word comes from Latin
measure theory "mille" which means one thousand and the suffix "ion"
the part of mathematics which investigates the means great; so million literally means a great thousand.
conditions under which integration can be carried out
minimal prime
mechanics a prime number that is a substring of another prime
a branch of physical science which deals with state of when written in base 10.
rest or motion of bodies under the action of forces
medial triangle in an expression x-y, x is the minuend.
the triangle whose vertices are midpoints of the sides of
a given triangle minute
a measure of both time and angle
1. a line drawn from the vertex of a triangle to the Mirifici Logarithmorum Canonis Description
midpoint of the base a book published by John Napier in 1614 which means
2. in statistic, a point in the distribution of scores at "A Description of the Marvelous Rule of Logarithm"
mixed number multiplicand
a number formed of an integer and a proper fraction. the number being multiplied by another. In an
expression 5 x 2 = 10, 5 is the multiplicand and 2 is the
Mobius strip multiplier. Both 5 and 2 are factors of 10.
a twisted surface in space formed by turning one side of
a rectangle through 180 degrees (relative to the opposite multiplicative inverse
side) and join it to the opposite side. This was named the reciprocal of the number. The multiplicative inverse
after a German mathematician Agustus Mobius (1790- of 5 is 1/5.
mode see multiplicand
the most frequently appearing score or group of scores
appearing in the distribution mutually exclusive
a condition where two events cannot happen at the same
model theory time, or when one occur, the other one will not occur
the study of mathematical structures that satisfy a and vice versa.
particular set of axioms especially in the field of logic
modulus of common logarithm very large number. It comes from Greek "murios"
in converting natural logarithms into common meaning "uncountable"
logarithms, the following is applied; log N = 0.43429 in
N. The number 0.43429 is the modulus of common nadir
logarithm. the point on the celestial sphere directly below the
modulus of elasticity
the ratio of the tensile stress to tensile strain. This is Nagel point
sometimes called Young's modulus, in honor of Thomas a point in a triangle where the lines from the vertices to
Young. the points of contact of the opposite sides with the
excircles to those sides meet
moment of force
another name for torque Napierian Logarithm
logarithm to the base e = 2.718281828 ... this is also
moment of inertia known as natural logarithm. Denoted as ln or log e
the quantity equivalent to the area times the square of
the distance from the centroid to the axis considered. It Napier's rules
has a unit to the 4th power. rules used in solving spherical right triangles

momentum nappe
the product of the mass and velocity of the body either of the two parts into which a cone is divided by
the vertex
an algebraic expression of only one term narcissistic number
an n-digit number equal to the sum of its digits each
monotonic raised to the nth power. Another term for this is "plus
property of a function that is alwas strictly decreasing or perfect number" or "Armstrong number"
strictly increasing but never both
motion 153 = 1^3 + 5^3 + 3^3
any change in the position of a body 9474 = 9^4 + 4^4 + 7^4 + 4^4

multinomial natural logarithm

The algebraic expression consisting of a sum of any see napierian logarithm
number of terms.
natural number
multiple are numbers considered as counting numbers. Example:
any number of polynomial that is a product of a given 1, 2, 3, 4, ... zero and negative numbers are not
number or polynomial and a multiplier. For example, 15 considered as natural numbers
is a multiple of 3.
less than zero
negative angle numerical integration
angle measured in counterclockwise rotation (syn. approximate integration) the process of finding an
approximate value of a definite integral without carrying
newton out the process of evaluating the indefinite integral.
the amount of force that gives an acceleration of one
meter per second squared to a body with mass of one oblate spheroid
kilogram. Denoted as N. 1 N = 1kg- m/s^2 (syn. oblate ellipsoid) produced by rotating an ellipse
through a complete revolution about its minor axis
Newton's First Law
Every body continues in its state of rest, or of uniform oblique angle
motion in a straight line, unless it is compelled to change consist of all angles except right and straight angles
that state by forces impressed on it. This is also known
as the law of inertia. oblique cartesian coordinate system
a cartesian coordinate system in which the x and y axes
Newton's Second Law are not perpendicular
The rate of change of linear momentum of a particle is
equal to the total applied force. oblique circular cone
a circular cone whose axis is not perpendicular to the
Newton's Third Law base of the cone
For every action, there is always an equal and opposite
direction. oblique triangle
a triangle with no right angle
nominal interest
The number employed loosely to described the annual oblong
interest rate another term for rectangle. This comes from Latin "ob"
meaning excessive and "longus"
a polygon of 9 sides obtuse angle
an angle that is greater than 90 degrees but less than 180
normal degrees
another name of perpendicular or orthogonal
obtuse triangle
normal number a triangle having one obtuse angle
a number in which digts sequences of the same length
occur with the same frequency octagon
a polygon of eight sides
Champernowne's constant
0.12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262 octahedron
72829.. a polyhedron with eight faces

-normal in base 10 octal number system

a number notation which uses base 8 as a place value. It
null uses the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7
equal to zero; empty
Convert 215_8 to decimal form
null hypothesis Example 1: Suppose 215_8 is an octal number, then it's
a hypothesis that is being tested for rejection decimal form will be,

number theory 215_8 = 2 × 8^2 + 1 × 8^1 + 5 × 8^0

the study of the whole numbers and their properties and = 2 × 64+ 1 × 8 + 5 × 1 = 128 + 8 + 5
relationships = 141_10

numeral laging ganito kapag some form to DECIMAL FORM

symbol or combination of symbols representing a
number such as Arabic and Roman numerals.

In the fraction, x/y, x is the numerator, y is the
Suppose 560 is a decimal number. Convert it into an Pappus Theorems
octal number. theorems that determine that surface area and volume of
Solution: If 560 is a decimal number, then, a figure generated about an axis. This is named after
560/8=70 and remainder is 0 Pappus of Alexandria.
70/8=8 and remainder is 6
8/8=1 and remainder is 0 First proposition of Pappus
And 1/8=0 and remainder is 1 "If an arc is rotated about an axis, it generates as surface
So the octal number starts from MSD to LSD, i.e. 1060 are which is equal to the length of arc times the
Therefore, 560_10 = 1060_8 circumference described by the centroid of the arc."

octants Second proposition of Pappus

referring to the eight compartments of the rectangular "If and area is rotated about an axis, it generates a solid
coordinate systems in space of revolution, whose volume is equal to the area times
the circumference described by the centroid of the area"
not divisible by two parabola
a locus of a point which moves so that it is always
odd function equidistant from a fixed point (focus) and to a fixed line
a function f(x) with the property that f(-x) = -f(x) for any (directrix). Eccentricity of parabola = 1
value of x.
parabolic segment
ogive the plage region bounded by a chord a parabola
a graph of cumuluative frequency distribution plotted at perpendicular to the axis and the arc of the parabola cut
the class marks and connected by straight lines off by the chord. The area of the parabolic segment is
2/3 of the circumscribing rectangle A = 2/3 bh
ordinal numbers
numbers which state their position in a sequence. paraboloid
Example: First, second, third, ... a solid of revolution of a parabola. Volume of the
paraboloid is always equal to one-half of the volume of
ordinary annuity the circumscribing cylinder.
an annuity where the payments are made the end of each
period starting from the first period parallelepiped
a prism whose base is a parallelogram region
the position of any point on a plane from the x-axis. Also parallelogram
known as the y-coordinate a quadrilateral in which both pairs of opposite sides are
the intersection of the x and y axes of the cartesian or parameter
rectangular coordinate sysmtes. The origin has generally an arbitrary constant
coordinates of (0,0)
partial fraction
orthic triangle the parts of an algebraic expression which contain a
the triangle whose vertices are the feet of altitudes of a polynomial in a single variable in the denominator, or in
given triangle the denominator and numerator, when split.

orthocenter partnership
the point of intersection of all the altitudes of a triangle (type of business organization) an association of two or
more persons for the purpose of engaging in a business
orthogonal for profit
normal or perpendicular
palindronic number a unit of pressure. 1 pascal = 1 newton per square meter
a number such as 1, 234, 321
Pascal's law
pandigital number "If an external pressure is applied to a confined fluid, the
a number that contains each of the digits from zero to pressure will be increased at every point in the fluid by
nine exactly once and whose leading digit is non-zero. the amount of the external pressure."
Example: 1, 432, 576, 098
Pascal's triangle
a triangular array of numbers which is made up of the an angle equal to one revolution (360 degrees)
binomial coefficient of the binomial expansions
pearls of Sluze perimeter
curves that are generated by the rectangular equation y^n the sum of the sides of a polygon. This is known as
= k (a-x)^p x^m where n, m, and p are integers circumference for a circle.

pedal curve permutable prime

the locus of the feet of the perpendiculars from a given a prime number with at least two distinct digits, which
point to the tangents to a given figure remains prime on every rearrangement of the digits

pedal triangle permutation

a triangle inscribed in a given triangle whose vertices are an arrangement of a set of objects in a particular order.
the feet of the three perpendiculars to the sides from The permutation of "n" different things taken "r" at a
some point inside the given triangle time is given as nPr = n!/(n-r)!

Pell equation perpendicular

an equation of the form y^2 = ax^2 +1 where a is any (syn. normal, orthogonal) forming a right angle
positive whole number except a square number.
percent on diminishing value an annuity where the payment periods extends forever or
see declining balance method in which the periodic payments continue indefinitely

pencil Philosophiate Naturalis Principia Mathematica

a collection of lines that passes through a fixed point or a a book published by Sir Isaac Newton in 1686. This
given point book clearly states the fundamental laws of nature which
is now referred to as the Newton's Law, the cornerstone
pentagon of mechanics.
a polygon of five sides
pentagonal numbers an irrational number represented by the ratio of the
see figurate numbers circumference of a circle to the diameter of the circle

pentagram Pick's Theorem

(syn. pentangle, pentacle) a star-shaped figure formed by "The area of a polygon can be found simply by counting
extending the sides of a regular pentagon and meet at the lattice points on the interior and boundary of the
vertices polygon."
pentedecagon A = i + (b/2) - 2, where
a polygon of fifteen sides i = the number of interior lattice points and
b = the number of boundary lattice points
per cent
a word of latin origin which means every hundred. Its pie chart
symbol is %. a circular diagram divided into sectors of which the area
are in proportion to the magnitude of the represented
percentage values
a ratio by which the denominator is 100
place-value system
perfect number a number system in which the value of a number
a number with proper factors that add up to exactly the depends not only on the symbols itself but also on the
number. position where it occurs
1 + 2 +3 = 6 Plank time
the shortest meaning period of time in quantum
perfect power mechanics
an integer of the form m^n where m and n are integers
and n>1 plane
a surface such that a straight line joining any two points
perfect square in it lies wholly in the surface
a number that is the product of two equal whole
numbers. Example: 4 = 2 x 2 planimetry
the measurement of plane areas
figures the possibility of which is admitted without
a dimensionless geometric object having no properties pound
except location and place a unit of force in English (British) system. It is
equivalent to 1 slug-ft/s^2. Also 1 pound = 4.4482216 ...
point of inflection N
the point on the graph where the curve changes from
concave up to concave down and vice versa power
1. The rate at which work is donw or energy is
point of tangency transferred.
is the point of contact of the tangent and the curve 2. (syn. exponent) the number of times the number is
multiplied by itself.
Poisson ratio
the ratio of the unit deformations or strains in a power law
transverse directions is constant for stresses within the a type of mathematical pattern in which the frequency of
proportional limit. an occurrence of a given size is inversely proportional to
some power of its size.
polar angle
(syn. vectorial angle, the argument, the amplitude of the power series
azimuth of the point) the angle the vector makes with the an infinite series in which successive terms are of the
polar axis. form of constants times successive integral power of the
variable. It takes the form of a0+ a1x + a2x^2 + a3x^3 ...
polar coordinates
coordinates in the form of (r, theta) used to locate a point power set
in the rectangular coordinates system the set of all subsets of a given set, containing the
original set as well as the empty set
To convert polar to rectangular, use the following
relations: powerful number
x = r cos theta a positive whole number n such that for every prime
y = r sin theta number p dividing n, p^2 also divides n.

pole practical number

the origin of the polar coordinates system a number n such that every positive integer less than n is
either a divisor or a sum of distinct divisors of n
a closed figure bounded by line segments precision
the accuracy in which a calculation is performed
polygonal region
is the plane figure formed by fitting together a finite present worth
number of triangular regions. the equivalent value at the present, base on time value of
a solid figure with many sides, such as a pyramid pressure
the force per unit area. It has a unit of pascals in the
polyiamond metric system. Since pascal is a small unit, the unit bar
a shape made from identical equilateral triangles that of MPa are used instead. 1 pascal = 1 newton per square
have been joined at their edges meter. 1 bar = 10^5 Pascals

polynomial primitive integral

an expression of several terms. It may include any see integral
number of terms.
prime number
population an integer which has no other factors except 1 and itself
(syn. universe) in statistics, it refers to all the members
of a particular group of items or individuals principal
in economics, it is the amount invested
having values greater than zero prism
a polyhedron of which two faces are equal polygons in
postulate parallel planes, and the order faces are parallelograms.
in Geometry, the construction or drawing of lines and
equal to the square of the hypotenuse; in equation a^2 +
b^2 = c^2 with a and b are legs while c is the
prismatoid hypotenuse. This is named after the Greek philosopher
a polyhedron having bases two polygons in parallel and mathematician, Pythagoras of Samos
planes and for lateral faces triangles or trapezoids with
one side lying one base and the opposite vertex or side QED
lying on the other base of the polyhedron latin word, quod erat demonstrandum, which means that
a proposition has been proven. The Greek equivalent
prismoid was used by Euclid in the 3rd century BC
a prismatoid in which the two bases are polygons of
equal number of sides and the lateral faces are quadrantal spherical triangle
quadrilaterals a spherical triangle with at least one side a quarter of a
great circle.
the ratio of the successful outcome of an event to the quadrants
total possible outcome of an event. The value of the referring to the four divisions of the rectangular
probability is always less than 1. coordinate system

product quadratic equation

the result of multiplication an equation in which the maximum power of the
unknown or variable is 2. Standard equation is in the
progression form ax^2 +b x + c = 0
a sequence of numbers in which one is designated as
first, another as second, another as third, and so on. Quadratix of Hippias
Types of progression are Arithmetic progression, the first curve recorded in history that is not part of a
geometric progression, harmonic progression, infinite line or a circle. This curve has a rectangular equation of
geometric progression etc. y = x cot (pi x/ 2a)

projectile quadrature formula

initial velocity of a body and then follows a path refers to the formulas used in numerical integration
determined entirely by the effects of gravitational
acceleration and air resistance quadrilateral
a polygon of four sides
prolate spheroid
(syn. prolate ellipsoid) an ellipsoid produced by rotating quantity
an ellipse through a complete revolution about its major something with a magnitude or numerical value
proper fraction having four variables
a ratio of positive integers in which the value of the
numerator is less than that of the denominator quartic
a polynomial or polynomial equation that contains the
Ptolemy's Theorem fourth power of the variable, but no higher power
In cyclic quadrilateral, the sum of the product of two
opposite sides is equal to the product of the diagonals. quinary
Named after Ptolemy of Alexandria of Claudius number system which pertains to place value notation of
Ptolemaeus base 5.

pure qudratic quintic

a quadratic equation of the form ax^2 + c = 0, that is, the a polynomial or polynomial equation that contains the
coefficient of the first degree term, b is equal to zero. fifth power of the variable, but no higher power.

pyramid quotient
a polyhedron of which one face, called the base, is a the result of division.
polygon of any number of sides and the other faces are
triangles which have a common vertex. radian
the angle between two radii with an intercepted arc
pyramidal numbers equal to the radius of the circle. 1 revolution is equal to
see figurate numbers 2pi radians

Pythagorean Theorem radical

The sum of the squares of the sides of a right triangle is the symbol √͞ . This symbol was introduced by Christoff
Rudolff in 1525. exponents) from the denominator

radical axis ray

the locus of points of equal power with respect to two a straight path of points that begins at one point and
circles continues in one direction

radicand real number

the quantity inside the radical (square root sign) a non-imaginary number. It includes the rational
numbers as well as the imaginary numbers all integers
radius and natural numbers
a segment from the center to a point of the circle
radius of gyration multiplicative inverse of a number. For example, the
the distance from a given axis that particle of the same reciprocal of 5 is 1/5
mass as a rigid body must be placed in order to have the
same moment of inertia rectangle
a parallelogram all of whose angles are right angles
radius vector
the distance of any point P from the origin in the polar rectangular hyperbola
coordinate system a hyperbola with length of semi-transverse axis, "a"
EQUALS the length of the semi-conjugate axis, "b".
radix Eccentricity of this hyperbola is square root of 2.
the base of a number system. For example, 2 is the radix
of a binary system and 10 is the radix of the decimal rectangular parallellepiped
number system a polyhedron whose six faces are all rectangles

random variable rectilinear

a numeric quantity which can be measured in a random pertaining to straight line
range the process of converting a fraction into a decimal form
the set of all second elements of a relation
redundant equation
rate of return any equation which, because of some mathematical
the interest rate at which the present work of the cash process, has acquired and extra root
flow on a project is zero, or the interest earned by an
investment reentrant angle
an inward-pointing angle of a concave polygon
the quotient of two numerical measure of two reflex angle
magnitudes of the same kind. The word ratio comes any angle greater than 180 degrees but less than 360
from the Latin verb "ratus" which means "to estimate" degrees

ratio of similitude regular polygon

the common ratio of the corresponding sides of two a polygon with all sides equal and all angles equal. A
similar polygons regular polygon is equiangular and equilateral. Also, a
regular polygon is convex.
rational equation
an equation which is satisfied by all value of the regular pyramid
variables for which the members of the equation are a pyramid whose base is a regular polygon and whose
defined. center coincides with the root of the perpendicular
dropped from the vertex to the base
rational expression
any algebraic expression that is a quotient of two other relation
algebraic expressions is any set of ordered pairs (x, y)

rational number relative density

any number which can be expressed as a quotient of two (see specific gravity)
integers (division by zero excluded)
relative error
rationalizing the denominator a measure of the difference between a number and an
the process of removing the radicals (or fractional estimate
sample space
the set of all possible outcomes of an experiment
relativity theory
a theory formulated by Albert Einstein the salient angle
revolutionized of man's understanding about time, space, an outward-pointing angle of a polygon
and gravity. Mathematically, it is expressed as E - mc^2,
where E, m, and c are energy, mass, and speed of light, salient point
respectively. the point where two branches of a curve meet and stop
and have different tangents
the amount left when a quantity cannot be divided salvage value
exactly by a divisor the cost recovered or which could be recovered from a
used property when removed, sold, and scrapped. It is
resultant sometimes referred to as second hand value.
the single vector quantity which is the sum of two or
more vector quantities. scalar quantity
a physical quantity that is described by a single number
rhombus only, the magnitude. It does not have a direction in
(syn. diamond, lozenge) a parallelogram all of whose space.
sides are congruent
scalar product of A and B
right angle is denoted as A dot B. Because of this notation, scalar
angle equivalent to 90 degrees product is also called as dot product.

right triangle scalene triangle

a triangle having one right angle a triangle having all sides of unequal lengths

rigid body scattergram

a body in which will not be affected or deformed when the relation betweent two variables is shown by a series
an extremely large or extremely small load or of dots plotted on a graph
temperature is applied
scientific notation
Rolle's Theorem a number represent using powers-of-10 notations used to
"Suppose a continuous function crosses the x-axis at two described a very large small numbers.
points a and b and is differentiable at all points between
a and b; that is, it has a tangent at all points on the curve score
between a and b. Then there is at least one point between another term used for the number twenty (20)
a and b where the derivative is 0 and the tangent is
parallel to the x-axis" scrap value
the value of an equipment if disposed as junk. This is
Roman numerals sometimes referred to as junk value.
see numerals
root a line which intersects the circle in two points. The
value that satisfy a given equation reciprocal of the trigonometric function, tangent.

rose curve second

a curve that has the shape of a flower with petals had has originally defined in 1889 as the fraction 1/86400 of the
a polar equation of r = a sin(pi theta) mean solar day, and redefined in 1967 as the duration of
9, 192, 631, 770 periods of the radiation of a certain
rounding state of the cesium 133 atom.
(of numbers) replacing it with another number to
produce fewer significant decimal digit. For an integer, section of a solid
fewer value carrying (non-zero) digit. the plane figure cut from the solid by passing a plane
through it.
the numbers in order which appears horizontally in a sector
matrix. a part of a circle bounded by the radii and an arc.

sampe segment
any subset of a population a part of a circle bounded by an arc and a chord
septagon (syn. sine wave) a curve with equation y = sin x
a polygon seven sides
sequence sinking fund method
(syn. progression) a succession of numbers in which one a method of depreciation where a fixed sum of money is
number id designed as first, another as second, another regularly deposited at compound interest in a real or
as third and so on imaginary fund in order to accumulate an amount equal
to the total depreciation of an asset at the end of the
series asset's estimated life.
sum of a finite of infinite sequence
skew lines
serpentine two lines that are not coplanar. This is also known as
a curve which has a rectangular equation y = abx/ (x^2 - "crossing lines"
slant height
set (syn. element) the length of a generator of a circular
(syn. class) a collection of objects cone

sexagesimal slope
pertaining to the number 60 ratio of the vertical distance to horizontal distance. It
also refers to the tangent function of the angle of
sexagesimal number system inclination. Also refers to rise over run.
a number system using a place value of 60. This was
used by the Babylonians or Mesopotamians and is Smith number
considered be the oldest number system which dates a composite number, the sum of whose digits equal to
back to 2 millenium BC. the sum of the digits of its prime factors

shear stress 378 = 2x 3 x 3 x 3 x 7 is a Smith number since 3 + 7 + 8

a stress that is caused by forces acting along or parallel =2·1+3·3+7·1
to the area resisting the force
snowball prime
short radius a prime number whose digits can be chopped off, one by
the shortest distance from the center of a regular polygon one, from the right-hand side, yet still leave a prime
to any of its sides. number

Siegel's paradox 73,939,133 is the largest prime for which all the initial
"If a fixed fraction x of a given amount of money P is segments of the decimal expansion are also prime (7, 73,
lost, then the same fraction x of the remaining amount is 739, ...).
gained, the result is less than the original and equal to
the final amount if a fraction x is first gained, then lost." Soddy's formula
a formula used for four circles of radii, r1, r2, r3, and r4
[P(1-x)](1+x) = P(1-x^2) < P drawn not overlapping but each touches the other three.
[P(1+x)](1-x) = P(1-x^2) < P The following is the Soddy's formula:

Sierpinski number (b1 + b2 + b3 + b4)^2 = 2 (b1^2 + b2^2 + b3^2 + b4^2)

a positive, odd integer k such that k times 2^n + 1 is
never a prime number for any value of n. where b1 = 1/r1 and so on...
smallest sierpinski number:
k = 78557 solid
is any limited portion of space, bounded by surfaces
significant figures/digits
the meaningful digits in a number. A number is solid angle
considered significant unless it is used to the place a an angle formed by three or more planes intersecting at a
decimal point. common point. Solid angles are measured in steradians

similar solidus
having the same shape but not necessarily the same size the slant line in a fraction such as a/b diving the
numerator from the denominator
simple interest
the interest charges under the condition that interest in space
any time is only charged on the principal a set of all points

sine curve
specific gravity standard deviation
the ratio of the density of the substance to the density of a quantitative measure defining the extent to which
water. Specific gravity of water at densed condition ( 4 scores are dispersed throughout in relation to the
degree celcius) = 1.0 arithmetic mean. This is also equal to the square root of
the variance.
spherical angle
the opening between two great circle arcs. A spherical statically indeterminate
angle is measured by the plane angle formed by the the condition exists in structures where the reactive
tangents to the arcs at their point of intersection forces or the internal resisting forces over the estimated
life of the asset in terms of the periods or units of output
spherical excess
the sum of the angles of a polygon over (n-2)*180 with n stationary point
as the number of sides of the polygon a point on the graph of a function where the tangent to
the graph is parallel to the x-axis or, equivalently, where
spherical polygon the derivative of the function is zero
the portion of a spherical surface bounded by three or
more great circle arcs statistics
the study of ways that lots of data can be represented
spherical pyramid using a few numbers and the study how such numbers
the portion of a sphere bounded by a spherical polygon can be chosen and used to draw reasonable conclusion
and the plane of the sides about the data

spherical sector stellation

a solid generated by rotating a sector of a circle about an the process of constructing new polyhedron by
axis which passes through the center of the circle but extending the face planes of a given polyhedron past
which contains no point inside the sector their edges

spherical segment steradian

a solid bounded by a zone and the planes of the zone's a unit of measure of solid angle. The maximum value for
bases a solid angle is a full sphere which is equal to 4pi
spherical triangle
a triangle extracted from the surface of a sphere strain
the change of relative positions of points due to stress.
spherical wedge Unit strain is equal to the ratio of the deformation to the
the portion bounded by a lune and the planes of two total length
great circles
spheroid a force per unit area
another term for ellipsoid
strobogrammatic prime
spherometer a prime number that remain the same when rotated
an instrument for measuring the curvature of a surface through 180 degrees. Example is 619, when rotated
remains the same.
a rectangular all of whose sides are congruent subset
a set that contains some of the elements of a given set
square free
an integer that is not divisible by a perfect square, n^2, subtrahend
for n > 1 number to be subtracted. Example:
7 -5 = 2, 5 is the subtrahend
square matrix
(syn. determinant) a matrix with the same number of sum
rows columns the result of addition

square pyramidal numbers sum-of-years-digits method

see figurate numbers (syn. SYD method) a method of computing depreciation
in which the amount for any year is based on the ratio:
(years of remaining life/(1+2+3+ ... n), with n being the
total anticipated life of the equipment.
supplementary chords time value of money
two chords which join a point on a circle to the end the cumulative effect of elapsed time on the money
points of a diameter value of an event, based on the earning power of
equivalent invested funds capital should or will earn
supplementary angle
two angle whose sum is equal to 180 degrees ton
mass of 1000 kg
an irrational number which is a root of a positive torque
integers or fraction or it is a radical expressing an (syn. moment of force) a force times a moment arm
irrational number.
Types of surds a unit of pressure which is equivalent to mm of mercury.
Quadratic: (2)^(1/2)
Cubic: (2)^(1/3) torus
Quartic: (2)^(1/4) (syn. anchor ring or doughnut) a solid formed by
revolving a circle about a line not intersecting it
pure surd
surd that contains no rational number trace
example: sqrt(2), sqrt(3) + sqrt(2) the sum of the terms along the main diagonal of a matrix

mixed surd trajectory

surd that contains at least one rational term. the path followed by a projectile. It is a graph of a
Example: 2 + sqrt(3) parabola.

symmedian translation
reflection of a median of a triangle about the a parallel displacement of the original system along one
corresponding angle bisector or more of its axes

table transpose
compilation of values such as trigonometric table, to transfer to the other side of the equation. When a term
logarithmic table, etc is transpose, the sign must be changed

tangent transversal
a line which intersect the curve in one and only one the intersecting line of two parallel or non-parallel lines
point. In trigonometry, it is the ratio of the side opposite
to side adjacent in a right triangle transverse axis
the axis of the hyperbola which passes through the foci,
tangent plane of a sphere vertices, and center
a plane which intersects the sphere in exactly one point
tension (syn. trapezoid) commonly used term in UK rather than
force in longitudinal direction trapezoid. In USA, the term trapezoid is used.

terminal speed trapezoid

the final speed v, attained by the falling body. The a quadrilateral in which one and only one pair of
principle is that when a body first start to move, v = 0, opposite sides are parallel. The parallel sides of the
the resisting force is zero and the initial acceleration is a trapezoids are called bases.
= g. As it speed increases, the resisting force also
increase until finally it equals the weight in magnitude. tree
At this time, the acceleration becomes zero and there is a graph which the property that there is a unique path
no more increase in its speed from any vertex to any other vertex travelling along the
a number system using a place value notation with 3 as trefoil curve
the base a plane curve that has a rectangular equation of x^4 +
x^2y^2 + y^4 = x (x^2 - y^2)
a statement of truth of which must be established by triangular region
proof is the union of a triangle and its interior
trident of newton unit circle
a curve that has a rectangular equation of xy = cx^3 + a circle of radius one unit and is used to determine the
dx^2 + ex + f sign of all trigonometric functions in all quadrants

trigonometry unit fraction

branch of mathematics which deals with triangles and a fraction whose numerator is 1
trigonometric functions
unit vector
trillion a vector having a magnitude of unity, with no units and
a million million or 10^12 is used only to describe a direction in space

trinomial unity
having three terms referring to one

trivial universe
considering the values of all the variables as zero statistics, see population

truncatable prime universal set

a prime number, n that remains a prime when digits are the set that contains all elements
deleted from it one at a time
untouchable number
truncated prism a number that is not the sum of the aliquot part of any
the portion of prism included between the base and a number
plane not parallel to the base cutting all the edges or
elements. For example, the number 4 is not untouchable as it is
equal to the sum of the proper divisors of 9: 1 + 3 = 4.
truncated value
the value of number when written with the further digits The number 5 is untouchable as it is not the sum of the
have been suppressed and replaced with three dots. proper divisors of any positive integer: 5 = 1 + 4 is the
only way to write 5 as the sum of distinct positive
truss integers including 1, but if 4 divides a number, 2 does
a framework composed of members joined at their ends also, so 1 + 4 cannot be the sum of all of any number's
to form a rigid structure proper divisors (since the list of factors would have to
contain both 4 and 2).
Tschirnhaus's cubic
a curve that has a rectangular equation of 3ay^2 = x(x- Other examples: 2, 5, 52, 88, 96, 120, 124
twin primes an expression than is assigned a certain set of values
prime numbers that appear in pair and differ by 2.
Examples are 3 and 5, 11 and 13 variance
a measure of the dispersion of scores in a distribution
undecagon away from the arithmetic mean. The mean of the
polygon of eleven sides squared deviations about the mean.

undulating number Varignon's Theorem

an integer whose digits are alternate. Example: 343, 434 The moment of a force about a moment center is equal
to the sum of the moments of the components of the
unimodal sequence force about the same moment center
a sequence that first increases and then decreases
vector quantity
unimodular matrix a physical quantity that describe a magnitude and the
a square matrix whose determinant is 1 direction in space

union vector product of A and B

a set consisting of all elements that appear at least once is denoted as A x B. Because of this notation, vector
in the original set product is also called the cross product.

union of two sets velocity

a set of all objects that belong to one or both sets rate of change of displacement
real problems that are usually given orally or written in
Venn diagram
a pictorial description of the probability concepts of work
independent and dependent events. This was named after the force times distance
English logician, John Venn
vertex the horizontal number line in a coordinate plane
point of intersection of two sides of a polygon
vertex figure the x-coordinate of a point where a graph crosses the x-
the polygon that appears if a polyhedron is truncated at a axis
vertical angles a unit of length equal to 3 feet
angles that are opposite to each other and formed by two
intersecting straight lines. Vertical angle are equal y-axis
the vertical axis on a coordinate plane
pertaining to the number 20 y-intercept
the y-coordinate of a point where a graph crosses the y-
vigesimal number system axis
a number system using the base 20
Young's modulus
vinculum A measure of the stiffness of an elastic material and
the bar that is placed over repeating decimal fractions to defined by stress/strain.
indicate the portion of the pattern that repeats
Vinogradov's theorem a point in the celestial sphere directly above the observer
"Every sufficiently large off number can be expresses as
sum of three prime numbers". zero
(syn. cipher) void, emptiness or nothing. Zero is derived
viviani's curve from Hindu word "sunya"
a space curve that marks the intersection of the cylinder
and the sphere. zone
a portion of the surface of a sphere included between
volume two parallel planes
space occupied by a solid.

waring's conjecture
"For every number k, there is another number s such that
every natural number can be represented as the sum of s
and kth powers."

the SI unit of power. This is equivalent to joule/s

weak inequality
an inequality that permits the equality case

A measure of the force of gravity on an object

whole number
Natural numbers ( counting numbers) and zero; 0, 1, 2,

Wilson's theorem
any number p is a prime number if and only if (p - 1)! +
1 is divisible by p.

word problem

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