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Passionate Speech

Our planet today relies on fossil fuels; such as coal, oil, and gas to supply 80% of the

world’s energy. These have been part of human life for a long time, and we have depended on

these to run our economy. We use these to heat our homes, run vehicles, and provide us with

electricity. Many can even argue that they are cost efficient and easily available, although it is

proven that they release large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which is the

leading cause of the worldwide issue we face today, global warming. Warmer temperatures affect

not only humans, but also environments and all forms of life. Climate change and increases in

carbon dioxide will be a hazard to our ecosystems; threatening our supplies of water, clean air,

fuel, and energy resources that we depend on for our survival. By 2030, all countries will

experience hotter weather and in 30 years, climate change is expected to cause about 250,000

deaths from heat stress. Studies at Finland’s University have shown that increasing heat

temperatures are associated with cardiovascular and respiratory diseases as they increase airway

resistance. So how can we stop our planet from getting warmer everyday? How can we

contribute as a whole to slow the spread of global warming? Switching to renewable energy is

our best option as it is cleaner, safer, replenished by nature, and emits little to no greenhouse

gases or pollutants into the air. Renewable, cheap energy sources such as solar and wind produce

low amounts of carbon dioxide, in comparison to fossil fueled power plants. This energy is the

only energy system that is viable for the long term, while other sources such as coal and wood

are not long-lasting. It can be disputed by many that greenhouse gasses help block harmful solar

radiation from reaching the planet’s surface, but renewable energy could decarbonize 90 percent

of the power sector by 2050, massively cutting carbon emissions and help mitigate climate

change. Going renewable will save millions of dollars and lives per year. Our future generations
are depending on us to create a better planet, and if we do not act now and make a change, they

will be put in danger.

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