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Counseling Theories, Tools and Techniques

1. This is an important professional code in counseling wherein the practitioner

must have the knowledge to perform whatever service the profession offers.

a. Informed Consent
b. Unconditional Positive Regard
c. Competence
d. Empathy
Informed Consent is not the correct answer because the goal of the practice of
Informed Consent is to provide clients with the most relevant and accurate
information so they can decide for themselves to become involved and willing
participants in their own therapy session,

2. This phenomenon occurs when clients push their unacceptable thoughts,

feelings, or impulses outward onto another person. For example, Pedro
angrily accused Maria of cheating, while denying his unacceptable cheating

a. Projection
b. Reaction Formation
c. Displacement
d. Repression
Reaction formation is not the correct answer because it is a behavior in which a
person will attempt to hide his/her true feelings or desires by demonstrating or
adopting the exact opposite feelings. Displacement occurs when the individual
shifts the aim of sexual or aggressive impulses from a dangerous person or
activity to a less dangerous person or activity. Repression involves forgetting an
emotionally painful memory.
3. The Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist lets the client lay on the couch while
being asked to talk about anything that comes to mind throughout the session.
Accordingly, this technique intends to discover emotionally-charged materials
that were repressed because it was painful to bring to consciousness.

a. Dream Analysis
b. Transference
c. Free Association
d. Hypnosis


4. The following are methods/techniques used in Adlerian Therapy EXCEPT?

a. Dream Analysis
b. Early Recollections
c. Family Constellation
d. Dysfunctional Thought Record


5. Adler believes that this child is never dethroned, and so he may feel he should
be treated like royalty. He is likely to have unrealistic aspirations. He dreams of
being bigger and more powerful than everyone else, but usually does not have
the follow-through to achieve these dreams.

a. Oldest
b. Middle
c. Youngest
d. Only Child


6. When an individual in a family has problems, a therapist might help by

examining family communication and relationship. What therapeutic modality
is used?
a. Gestalt Therapy
b. Existential Therapy
c. Family Therapy
d. Solution-Focused Brief Therapy


7. The following are examples of EXCEPTION QUESTIONS used in

Solutionfocused Brief Therapy EXCEPT?

a. While you are sleeping, a genie did something to disappear your problem.
When you wake up, what will be different that will tell you the miracle
happened and the problem is solved?
b. How did you avoid falling apart?
c. Tell me about times you felt happiest.
d. On a scale of 1-10, with 10 representing the best it can be and one the
worst, where would you say you are today?


8. Based on the work of Psychiatrist William Glaser in the mid-1960’s, Reality

Therapy is founded on the idea that everyone is seeking to fulfill five basic
needs, and mental health issues arise when any of these needs are not being
met. The five basic needs are the following EXCEPT?

a. Power
b. Love and Belongingness
c. Freedom
d. Self-actualization


9. With the help of the therapist, Robert realized negative automatic thoughts of
worthlessness and helplessness that are maintaining his depression. What
counseling orientation is the Therapist using.

a. Cognitive-Behavior Therapy
b. Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy
c. Feminist Therapy
d. Narrative Therapy


10. Clients are ready to terminate Therapy when they understand the historical
roots of their problems and when they have clarified how their early childhood
problems are affecting them in the present.

a. Multicultural Counseling
b. Behavioral Counseling
c. Adlerian Counseling
d. Psychoanalytic Counseling


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