Phase Equilibria in Quinary Na, K, MG//CL, SO4 H2O System at 25 °C

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Cite This: J. Chem. Eng. Data XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

Phase Equilibria in Quinary Na, K, Mg//Cl, SO4−H2O System at 25 °C

Sherali Tursunbadalov*
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences, Nile University of Nigeria, Plot 681, Cadastral Zone C-OO,
Research & Institution Area, 900001, FCT Abuja, Nigeria

Lutfullo Soliev
Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, Tajik State Pedagogical University, Rudaki 121, Dushanbe,
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ABSTRACT: The phase equilibria in the quinary Na, K, Mg//Cl, SO4−H2O system at 25 °C were determined, and a total
phase equilibria diagram of the system was constructed by means of the translation method. Structures of Janecke diagrams for
the parts saturated with each of the 15 equilibrium solid phases were extracted from the constructed diagram. The phase
equilibria in the system are comprehensively revealed in the obtained results in this work. The structures of the parts saturated
with halite, glaserite, and schoenite agree well with the available literature data. There are 16 quinary invariant points saturated
with four solid phases, 45 quinary monovariant curves saturated with three solid phases, and 43 divariant fields saturated with
two solid phases in the quinary Na, K, Mg//Cl, SO4−H2O system at 25 °C. Nineteen out of latter 45 curves extend between the
quinary invariant points, while the other 26 curves are formed by the extension of relevant quaternary invariant points into the
overall quinary composition of the system.

1. INTRODUCTION In this work the results of determination of phase equilibria

The Na, K, Mg//Cl, SO4−H2O quinary system is one of the and construction of a total phase equilibria diagram for the Na,
most thoroughly studied systems on quinary composition, K, Mg//Cl, SO4−H 2O quinary system at 25 °C by means of
while its 25 °C isotherm is one of the most frequently the translation method will be presented. This study which was
investigated isotherms of the system. But notably most of the performed in consistence with the available results on the halite
obtained results clarify mainly the part of the system saturated saturated part of the system, clarifies the ambiguities in this
with halite due to the complicated nature of the system and the system that were retained for decades or even more than a
series of challenges encountered in investigation of multi- century. The data on the halite saturated part of the system
component systems. Despite a great number of available data in were not considered in previous study of the phase equilibria in
the literature, this seawater system is still underexploited, due to this system at 25 °C.21
complexity of the system or to the lack of reliable data in some The contributions made by Yanat’eva,22 who is considered as
solubility fields.1 one of the main researchers in history of this complicated
Considerable data have been compiled on the halite saturated oceanic system, reveal the parts saturated with glaserite and
part of the system2−6 which can lead to further investigation of schoenite. Hence, in overall the available literature partially
the system by means of the translation method as relying on clarifies the phase equilibria in the system providing data on the
data on the (n + 1)-component composition of the systems parts saturated with the latter halite, glaserite, and scheonite
facilitates further investigation of the (n + 1)-component phases while this work describes the whole system including all
system by this method.7,8 The translation method has been 15 equilibrium solid phases at 25 °C of the quinary Na, K,
employed in investigations of phase equilibria in several Mg//Cl, SO4−H2O system.
multicomponent systems9−14 and has attained a good degree
of maturity. The method was also employed in the study of Received: June 28, 2019
phase equilibria in more complex states of the oceanic Na, K, Accepted: October 10, 2019
Mg, Ca//Cl, SO4−H 2O system.15−20

© XXXX American Chemical Society A DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.9b00617

J. Chem. Eng. Data XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data Article

2. METHODOLOGY because they are observed in parts of systems where the points
The translation method was derived from the compatibility have no other way of extension into the overall composition.
principle of physicochemical analysis and functions in There are three invariant points determined as a result of triple
translation of quaternary points in the investigated quinary
Table 1. Names, Chemical Formulas, and Abbreviations of system. Double translation is the technique when the quinary
Individual Equilibrium Solid Phases in the Quinary Na, K, points are generated as a result of extension of two different
Mg//Cl, SO4−H 2O System at 25 °C quaternary points into the quinary composition. Difficulty may
be experienced in the selection of points extending by double
name of the mineral formula symbol translation due to the availability of different options of
1 arcanite K2SO4 arc extension. In such cases we have resorted to the composition of
2 bischofite MgCl2·6H2O bis the halite saturated part of the system. In single translation the
3 bloedite (astrakhanite) Na2SO4·MgSO4·4H2O blo invariant points of n-component subsystems extend into the
4 carnallite KCl·MgCl2·6H2O car overall composition along with a solid phase from adjacent n-
5 epsomite MgSO4·7H2O eps component subsystems. In the selection of the complementary
6 glaserite 3K2SO4·Na2SO4 gla solid phases in the unilateral extension of quaternary points in
7 halite NaCl hal this work, consistency with rest of the quinary geometrical
8 sakiite (hexahydrite) MgSO4·6H2O sak figures in the system and the solid phase composition of part of
9 kainite 4KCl·4MgSO4·11H2O kai the system saturated with halite were considered. As the single
10 kieserite MgSO4·H2O kie translation involves extension of an invariant point in n-
11 leonite K2SO4·MgSO4·4H2O leo component subsystems along with a complementary solid
12 mirabilite Na2SO4·10H2O mir phase into overall composition, it is called unilateral translation.
13 schoenite (picromerite) K2SO4·MgSO4·6H2O sch Intermediate points, as in the other quinary invariant points,
14 sylvite KCl syl represent the state of equilibrium between the four different
15 thenardite Na2SO4 the solid phases along with the relevant liquid phase. They are at
times required at the intersection points of the curves extending
accordance with the Gibbs’ phase rule. The latter principle from points generated by other techniques.
dictates that the geometrical figures of n-component sub- Quinary invariant points, monovariant curves, divariant
systems increase their dimension by one unit as the relevant fields, and trivariant volumes are saturated with four, three,
system enters the (n + 1)-component overall composition.23 two, and one solid phases at equilibrium along with relevant
Hence in application of this principle in the translation method; liquid phases. The trivariant volumes which represent the state
the point, curve, and field of the subsystems transform into the of equilibrium, where every geometrical figure is saturated with
relevant curve, field, and volume of the overall (n + 1)- the relevant solid phase, will be reflected as the structures of
component system while their mutual intersections take place Janecke solubility diagrams of the system saturated with
in accordance with Gibbs’ phase rule. Since the temperature relevant solid phases.
and pressure are considered as constant in this work, the Gibbs’ Table 1 presents the list, chemical formulas, and abbrevia-
phase rule for isothermal−isobaric processes is the criteria tions of the solid phases that are in equilibrium in the quinary
throughout the work. Na, K, Mg//Cl, SO4−H2O system at 25 °C. In comparison with
The main step in the investigation of phase equilibria by the 0 °C of the system, the fields for six new solid phases, bloedite,
translation method is the determination of equilibrium solid kainite, kieserite, sakkiite, thenardite, and leonite, form at this
phase composition of invariant points in the overall temperature. The divariant field of arcanite forms instead of the
composition. The method involves triple translation, double field of the monohydrate of potassium sulfate.
translation, and single translation along with determination of 2.1. Evaluation of Quaternary Phase Equilibria Data in
intermediate points of the overall composition, all as the Literature. The quinary system Na, K, Mg//Cl, SO4−H2O is
techniques of determination of invariant points in overall composed of five quaternary subsystems: Na, K//Cl, SO4−
composition. H2O; Na, Mg//Cl, SO4−H2O; K, Mg//Cl, SO4−H2O; NaCl−
Determination of invariant point by triple translation is one KCl−MgCl2−H2O and Na2SO4−K2SO4−MgSO4−H2O. The
of the easiest techniques and generates the most reliable results, overall system at this isotherm is considerably complicated due

Table 2. Equilibrium Solid Phases at Quaternary Invariant Points in the Na, K, Mg//Cl, SO4−H 2O System at 25 °C (also at the
Quinary Monovariant Curves Generated from the Relevant Points)

point composition points composition points composition points composition

Na, Mg//Cl, SO4−H2O K, Mg//Cl, SO4−H2O Na, K//Cl, SO4−H2O
E415 the+mir+blo E41 bis+kie+car E46 syl+kai+leo E411 syl+arc+gla
E416 the+blo+hal E42 kie+kai+car E47 leo+kai+eps E412 syl+gla+hal
E417 hal+blo+eps E43 sak+kie+kai E48 sch+syl+leo E413 the+gla+hal
E418 sak+hal+eps E44 kai+car+syl E49 sch+leo+eps E414 the+gla+mir
E419 sak+kie+hal E45 kai+sak+eps E410 arc+syl+sch
E420 bis+kie+hal
Na2SO4−K2SO4−MgSO4−H2O NaCl−KCl−MgCl2−H2O
E423 arc+gla+sch E425 sch+eps+blo E421 car+bis+hal
E424 sch+gla+blo E426 gla+blo+mir E422 car+syl+hal

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Figure 1. Reciprocal relation of quaternary geometrical figures in the quinary Na, K, Mg//Cl, SO4−H2O system at 25 °C.5

Figure 2. Transition phase equilibria diagram of the quinary Na, K, Mg//Cl, SO4−H 2O system at 25 °C from quaternary to quinary composition.

Figure 3. Total phase equilibria diagram of the quinary Na, K, Mg//Cl, SO4−H 2O system at 25 °C.

to the high number of equilibrium solid phases in Table 1. subsystems. At each of the quaternary points there are three
These individual solid phases form 26 quaternary invariant solid phases in equilibrium along with relevant liquid phases.
points listed in Table 2 which compiles the equilibrium solid In determination of phase equilibria in three of the Na, K
phases at the invariant points of the latter five quaternary //Cl, SO4−H2O; Na, Mg//Cl, SO4−H2O; and K, Mg//Cl,
C DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.9b00617
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Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data Article

Table 3. Generation and Equilibrium Solid Phases at curves that extend between the points of overall composition.
Quinary Invariant Points in the Na, K, Mg//Cl, SO4−H2O In the case of the unfolded prism in Figure 1 the dashed curves
System at 25 °C extend from transformation of relevant ternary points into
quaternary curves while the thick curves form between the
translation of quaternary points to
the quinary composition quinary point equilibrium solid phases quaternary invariant points.
E41 + E420 + E421 E51 bis, car, kie, hal
2.3. Construction of Transition Phase Equilibria
E43 + E419 E52 hal, kie, sak, kai
Diagram. Merging the common crystallization fields in
E45 + E418 E53 sak, eps, kai, hal
quaternary diagrams in Figure 1 produces the transition
E412 + sch E54 syl, gla, hal, sch diagram in Figure 2, which represents the transition of
E410 + E411 + E423 E55 gla, arc, sch, syl geometrical figures from quaternary to quinary composition
E413 + E416 E56 the, gla, hal, blo of the system. The latter diagram in Figure 2 is obtained by
E414 + E415 + E426 E57 mir, gla, the, blo tracing the quaternary points and the curves linking them. For
E417 + leo E58 hal, eps, blo, leo instance, the field for sylvite, which is outlined with E44, E46, E48,
E49 + E425 E59 eps, leo, sch, blo E410, E411, E412 and E422 points is generated when all those points
E424 + hal E510 blo, sch, gla, hal are linked together merging the three diagrams of quaternary
E42 + hal E511 car, kai, kie, hal Na, K//Cl, SO4−H2O; K, Mg//Cl, SO4−H2O; and NaCl−
E44 + E422 E512 car, syl, kai, hal KCl−MgCl2−H2O subsystems. Whereas, the field for sakiite is
E46 + hal E513 leo, syl, kai, hal produced when the points E43, E45, E418, and E419 are linked in
E47 + hal E514 leo, eps, kai, hal diagrams of the two quaternary K, Mg//Cl, SO4−H2O and Na,
E48 + hal E515 leo, syl, sch, hal Mg//Cl, SO4−H2O systems.
E516 sch, leo, blo, hal The initial divariant fields that were spread on the surface of
the unfolded prism in Figure 1 are all merged together in the
SO4−H2O quaternary subsystems the data generated by transition diagram in Figure 2, which will be used as a matrix for
THEREDA were used.24 While the phase equilibria in the the positioning of quinary geometrical figures to obtain the total
other two quaternary subsystems, NaCl−KCl−MgCl2−H2O phase equilibria diagram in Figure 3. Both the curves generated
and Na2SO4−K2SO4−MgSO4−H2O, were determined in from the transformation of ternary points into curves and the
consistence with available literature data25 and in accordance ones extending between the quaternary points in Figure 1 are
with the phase equilibria in the latter three subsystems using the shown as solid curves in the transition diagram in Figure 2 as
translation method. they both represent quaternary monovariant curves.
In Table 2 and thereafter, the Eab notations represent the 2.4. Construction of Total Phase Equilibria Diagram.
invariant points whose superscript a represents the complexity Sixteen quinary points were determined in the Na, K, Mg//Cl,
of the relevant system and the subscript b represents the serial SO4−H2O system at 25 °C by means of the translation method.
number of the point in the system. The equilibrium solid phase Table 3 presents the list, equilibrium solid phase composition,
compositions of the points in Table 2 also represent the and quaternary origins of generation of quinary points in the
composition of the curves generated from the extension of the system. Three quinary points (E51, E55, E57) are generated by triple
points into the Na, K, Mg//Cl, SO4−H 2O quinary system as translation, whereas five other points (E52, E53, E56, E59, E512) are
monovariant curves. generated by double translation of the relevant quaternary
2.2. Construction of Unfolded Prism for Quaternary points to the quinary composition, while the other seven points
Composition of System. The reciprocal relations of (E54, E58, E510, E511, E513, E514, E515) in the system are generated as a
quaternary geometrical figures are given in quaternary phase result of the single translation of quaternary points along with
equilibria diagrams shown on an unfolded prism in Figure 1. In relevant equilibrium solid phases. The 16th point, E516, which has
the construction of the unfolded prism the data compiled in a different nature of formation and which is saturated with
Table 2 were used. The quaternary diagrams sharing the schoenite + leonite + bloedite + halite phases, is determined as
common ternary subsystems are arranged in a way to produce an intermediate point between four of the quinary E58, E59, E510
the surface of the triangular prism representing the quaternary and E515 points.
composition of the quinary Na, K, Mg//Cl, SO4−H2O system 2.4.1. Quinary Points with Stable Composition. The sets of
at 25 °C. quaternary points involved in triple extensions do not have any
In Figure 1 and thereafter the dashed curves represent the other options of translation into overall composition. There are
monovariant curves which extend from subsystems into the three E51, E55, and E57 points generated from triple extension of
overall composition while the thick solid curves represent the quaternary points; in other words, three of the quinary points

Table 4. Equilibrium Solid Phases of Monovariant Curves Extending between the Quinary Points of Na, K, Mg//Cl, SO4−H2O
system at 25 °C

monovariant curve equilibrium solid phases monovariant curve equilibrium solid phases monovariant curve equilibrium solid phases
E515−E516 sch, leo, hal E54−E515 hal, syl, sch E512−E513 syl, kai, hal
E59−E516 sch, leo, blo E56−E510 hal, gla, blo E511−E512 car, kai, hal
E58−E59 leo, blo, eps E56−E57 the, gla, blo E51−E511 hal, car, kie
E58−E516 hal, blo, leo E58−E514 hal, eps, leo E52−E511 kai, kie, hal
E510−E516 hal, sch, blo E513−E515 leo, syl, hal E52−E53 sak, hal, kai
E54−E510 gla, hal, sch E513−E514 leo, kai, hal E53−E514 eps, kai, hal
E54−E55 gla, syl, sch

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are formed as a result of extensions of sets of three different 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
quaternary points simultaneously. The latter quinary points The previous sections led to construction of a total phase
form the eutonic points on the bischofite, arcanite, and equilibria diagram for the system in Figure 3. The diagram will
mirabilite phases.
Three more quinary points, E52, E53, and E56, are generated as a
result of the double extension of quaternary points into overall
composition, without any other options of extension paths.
There are no variations in their compositions due to the
position of the quaternary points generating those quinary
2.4.2. Quinary Points with Variable Composition. There
are two sets with three quaternary points subject to two
different options of extension. One involves the E44, E412, and E224
4 4 4
points and the other involves E9, E17, and E25 quaternary points.
From among the curves extending from the E44, E412, and E422
points, the ones coming from the E44 and E422 points intersect
with each other, while the other E412 point extends unilaterally
along with the schoenite phase. From the curves generated from
the E49, E417, and E425 points, the curves extending from the two E49
and E425 points intersect with each other, while the other E417
point extends along with the leonite into the quinary
composition of the system.
One of the most crucial steps of determination of phase
equilibria in this work is the selection of pairs of points, the
simultaneous extension of which generates a point, and
selection of a complementary solid phase for the unilateral
extension of the remaining third point in each of the latter two
sets. The consistence of the conglomerate of generated quinary
points with other determined quinary points and composition
of invariant points in the halite saturated part of the system
were considered in the selection of pairs of simultaneously and
unilaterally extending points from these two sets of points.
2.4.3. Quinary Points Generated by Unilateral Translation.
The total number of points generated from the unilateral
extension of quaternary points is seven; five of the points formed
along with halite, plus the ones formed with the schoenite and
leonite phases as mentioned above. Selection of the latter three
complementary solid phases to the extending quaternary points
is done in consistence with the equilibrium solid phases of the
determined quinary points by triple and double translations and
the curves extending between them. A general principle for
unilateral extension of the points in subsystems into overall
composition is selection of the complementary solid phases
from other subsystems due to the nonexistence of a pair of
invariant points in adjacent subsystems.
2.4.4. Quinary Monovariant Curves. There are 45 quinary
monovariant curves in the system. Nineteen of the latter curves
extend between the quinary points and the other 26 curves form
as a result of transformation of quaternary points in Table 2 into
the relevant quinary curves. The equilibrium solid phase
compositions of curves that are generated from the trans-
formation of quaternary points are identical with the points at
their origin in the transition diagram in Figure 2. The
equilibrium solid phase compositions of curves which extend Figure 4. (a−o). Crystallization volumes of equilibrium solid phases in
between the quinary points are given in Table 4. Table 4 the quinary Na, K, Mg//Cl, SO4−H2O system at 25 °C.
presents the list and equilibrium solid phases at the
monovariant curves extending between the determined quinary be fragmented into individual regions where the solid phases
points of the system. From each of the quinary points generated occur. The regions will be named as volumes due to the
by triple translation, double translation, and single translation requirement of Gibbs’ phase rule for isothermal−isobaric
and the one formed as an intermediate point, one, two, three, processes; there are two phases in equilibrium in those regions,
and four quinary monovariant curves extend, respectively. one is solid the other one is liquid. The considered system
E DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.9b00617
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Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data Article

Figure 5. a−o. Structures of Janecke diagrams of the system saturated with equilibrium solid phases in the quinary Na, K, Mg//Cl, SO4−H2O system
at 25 °C.

involves five components; hence, the degrees of freedom will curves that extend to the quinary composition. For instance, the
become three which correspond to the degrees of freedom of field generated from extension of the curve between the
trivariant volumes. Similarly, invariant, monovariant, divariant, quaternary E411 and E412 points which is saturated with the sylvite
and trivariant geometrical figures form point, curve, field, and +glaserite phases is also saturated with sylvite+glaserite, while
volume, respectively, in phase equilibria diagrams. the field generated from extension of the curve between the
3.1. Divariant Fields of Quinary Composition. There quaternary E46 and E48 points which is saturated with sylvite
are 43 quinary divariant fields saturated with two different solid +leonite is also saturated with the sylvite+leonite phases.
phases along with relevant liquid phases in the system totally. The fields formed on the quinary composition and which are
Four of the fields which are saturated with halite + schoenite, saturated with halite+schoenite, halite+leonite, halite+kainite
halite + leonite, halite + kainite and leonite + bloedite phases and leonite+bloedite phases are outlined with (E515, E516, E510, E54),
and which lay on the overall composition between the quinary (E513, E514, E58, E516, E515), (E512, E511, E52, E53, E514 E513), and (E58, E59,
points and the curves extending between them are different and E516) points respectively.
from other fields due to their formation paragenesis. The rest of There are 12 quinary divaraint fields saturated with halite.
the fields are saturated with same solid phases of the quaternary Seven fields are saturated with each of schoenite, kainite, sylvite,
F DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.9b00617
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Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data Article

glaserite and bloedite; leonite and epsomite are each involved in the schoenite, which includes 6 quinary invariant points, 12
six fields; kieserite and carnallite are involved in five fields each; quinary curves, and 7 quinary fields in the system, is shown in
thenardite and sakiite are each involved in four fields; while Figure 5n. The results given by the Janat’eva clarifies only two
mirabilite, bischofite, and arcanite are each involved in three of the latter curves along with the six points in the system.22
divariant fields of the Na, K, Mg//Cl, SO4−H2O system at 25 The two curves determined by the author are the ones saturated
°C. with glaserite+syslvite+schoente and also the glaserite+bloedite
3.2. Trivariant Volumes. In the extraction of individual +schoenite phases.
volumes the geometrical figures relevant to the phases were
tracked. The transition diagram in Figure 2 guides this tracking. 4. CONCLUSIONS
The composition of quinary points and curves involving the Phase equilibria in the quinary Na, K, Mg//Cl, SO4−H2O
considered phases are also given in Table 3 and Table 4, system at 25 °C were comprehensively investigated; the quinary
respectively. The volumes form when the divariant fields in the invariant points, monovariant curves, and divariant fields in the
transition diagram in Figure 2 extend inside the total phase system were determined by means of the translation method.
equilibria diagram in Figure 3. The tracking of quaternary fields The total quinary phase equilibria diagram was constructed.
which are outlined with the quaternary points and the curves The obtained diagram was fragmented into 15 trivariant
linking them into the total phase equilibria diagram, reveals the volumes in a form of structures of relevant Janecke diagrams.
outlines of trivariant volumes in Figure 4a−o. The structure of the halite volume agrees well with the available
3.3. Structures of Janecke Diagrams of the System Janecke diagram while the structures of the glaserite and
Saturated with Equilibrium Solid Phases. The volumes shoenite volumes are also in good agreement with the findings
extracted from the total phase equilibria diagrams constructed in literature. The obtained results can be used to track
by the translation method, which reflect the parts of the system crystallization sequences during the evaporation of seawater.
saturated with equilibrium solid phases, present the structure of They can be used in the improvement of current salt
Janecke diagrams saturated with the relevant solid phases. The production technologies from seawater in order to keep them
reciprocal relation between quinary invariant points, mono- consistent with ecological requirements. Moreover, they can
variant curves, and divariant fields each saturated with the also be used in geochemical investigation of the systems
relevant solid phase are reflected in the volumes. involving the identical composition with this system, as they
In this section the crystallization volumes presented in the clarify the paragenetic formation processes of natural salt
previous part will be modified for better visualization and deposits with this composition. The obtained results may also
readability. The points represented by “E” notations will be be used for design of new methods and technologies for the
shown as the intersection points of the curves while the dashed extraction of minerals from natural waters along with brines and
curves extending from the quaternary composition into the bittern with identical chemical composition.

quinary system will be represented by the solid curves, which
make the volumes visually more comprehensible. The modified AUTHOR INFORMATION
versions of volumes in Figure 5 panels a−o are considered as
diagrams of the quinary Na, K, Mg//Cl, SO4−H2O system at Corresponding Author
25 °C saturated with each of the equilibrium solid phases. *Tel.: +2348050692118. E-mail: s.tursunbadalov@
3.3.1. Halite saturated part of the quinary Na, K, Mg//Cl,
SO4−H2O system at 25 °C. There are 13 quinary points, 15 ORCID
quinary curves, and 12 quinary fields in the system saturated Sherali Tursunbadalov: 0000-0002-2642-3111
with halite as shown in Figures 4o and 5o. The total number
and reciprocal relation of all of the latter geometrical figures are
The authors declare no competing financial interest.

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THEREDA project5 and by Harvie et al.6 Three of the latter 12
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H DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.9b00617
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