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352 INFO GCLog - PowerKitManager: initPowerKitCompat

init ,powerKitTag=3dc8e10c-3180-4718-9339-736f315664d1
17:48:54.590 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
17:48:54.850 INFO GCLog - QuickGame: isSupportQuickGameQuery() is not support,
17:48:56.674 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: GameCenterBizApplication onAppInit
preLoadMainPageData() will execute!
17:48:57.295 ERROR GCLog - MainPageFileHelper: loadFrameDataFile is not exist
17:48:57.717 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageCacheDataModel loadFrameData()
mainFrameData from getFrameConfigCache() load time=768!
17:48:57.719 ERROR GCLog - MainPageFileHelper: loadContentDataFile is not exist
17:48:58.341 INFO GCLog - GameAssistantImpl: udid is agree for SDK: 1
17:48:58.342 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: AmsServiceImpl
getUdidSignStateByGameAssistant state=1
17:48:58.343 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: BootController appStartInit() invoked
by GameCenterBizApplication onAppInit, boot hasReady: -1
17:48:58.345 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: BootController startupBoot() invoked
from: BootController appStartInit()
17:48:58.363 INFO GCLog - RegisterReceiverUseCase: Register user receiver execute
17:48:58.372 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: checkSignLoginState from
BootController startupBoot()
17:48:58.379 INFO GCLog - AccountServiceImpl: startupInit
17:48:58.495 INFO GCLog - AccountServiceImpl: startupInit end not login
17:48:58.502 INFO GCLog - SysConfigChecker: countryCode:PE,lastCountryCode:
17:48:58.515 INFO GCLog - BootController: executeStartup: grs[PE], uSit[PE]
17:48:58.517 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
17:48:58.563 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: BootController boot execute Startup
finished isBootReady is: true
17:48:58.780 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent init report SDK!
17:48:58.781 INFO GCLog - ConfigHelper: WhiteList config init
17:48:58.785 INFO GCLog - XDownloadInstallHelper: observerEvent
17:48:58.791 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: GCDownloadInstallServiceStartHelper
execute() invoked from is: XDownloadInstallHelper UniteCountryCodeFinishEvent,
param isForceUpdate is: false, isContinueAllDownload is: false
17:48:58.794 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent
17:48:58.940 INFO GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: init
17:48:59.162 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: GameCenterBizApplication onBizInit()
boot success pushService.init(), getMainFrameFromNet(true) will execute.
17:48:59.169 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageFrameRepository
getMainFrameFromNet() invoked from: GameCenterBizApplication onBizInit(), execute
isPreLoad is: true
17:48:59.181 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
17:48:59.183 ERROR GCLog - com.hihonor.gamecenter.base_report.HiAnalyticsManager:
burying point not enable or no init eventId:8810000059
17:48:59.192 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
17:48:59.192 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: init
17:48:59.199 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
17:48:59.325 ERROR GCLog - com.hihonor.gamecenter.base_report.HiAnalyticsManager:
burying point not enable or no init eventId:881000000099
17:48:59.363 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
17:48:59.466 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: onBizInit updateToken
17:48:59.469 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: updateToken isLoginOut=false start
17:48:59.703 INFO GCLog - PushDownloadHelper: resumeDownloadByNetJobs!
17:49:01.545 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
17:49:01.548 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
17:49:01.552 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
17:49:01.558 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
17:49:01.598 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
17:49:01.602 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
17:49:01.607 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
17:49:01.613 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *****************nu/query start
17:49:01.616 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *********************ry/check start
17:49:01.619 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
17:49:01.622 INFO GCLog - http_request: *********************ry/check traceName =
17:49:01.632 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
17:49:01.634 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
17:49:01.637 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
17:49:01.640 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
17:49:01.640 INFO GCLog - http_request: *****************nu/query traceName =
17:49:01.684 INFO GCLog - ConfigHelper: whiteList config observer send
17:49:01.688 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
17:49:01.691 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
17:49:01.693 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
17:49:01.697 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
17:49:01.705 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/check start
17:49:01.707 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************************st/check
traceName = f2deb9c6-61dd-460e-932d-59b021261cdf
17:49:01.706 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: queryAllAppUpdate() start.
17:49:01.718 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/query start
17:49:01.722 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************************st/query
traceName = 1e77af51-c250-42bb-91bd-ee500fbcd1eb
17:49:01.722 ERROR GCLog - com.hihonor.gamecenter.bu_base.reserve.ReserveHelper:
query reserve online info token is null
17:49:01.752 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get start
17:49:01.755 INFO GCLog - http_request: ***********nfig/get traceName = d1abd5c1-
17:49:01.939 INFO GCLog - HnPushProvider: PushServiceImpl getPushStatus : enable
17:49:01.948 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: updateToken:enable:true
17:49:01.963 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: updateToken isLoginOut=false
17:49:02.163 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
17:49:02.165 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
17:49:02.167 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
17:49:02.170 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
17:49:02.193 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *********************n/upload start
17:49:02.209 INFO GCLog - http_request: *********************n/upload traceName =
17:49:02.217 INFO GCLog - GetAppInfoHelp: getInstalledPackages end
17:49:02.246 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
17:49:02.248 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
17:49:02.250 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
17:49:02.251 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
17:49:02.293 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************k/update start
17:49:02.298 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************k/update traceName =
17:49:02.813 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
17:49:02.816 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
17:49:02.818 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
17:49:02.823 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
17:49:02.877 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get start
17:49:02.882 INFO GCLog - http_request: ***********nfig/get traceName = a5c9bdca-
17:49:03.793 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/check end, fail errorMsg =
17:49:03.795 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/query end, fail errorMsg =
17:49:03.805 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *********************ry/check end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
17:49:03.806 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *****************nu/query end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
17:49:03.817 ERROR GCLog - BaseReqImpl: queryCountryAvailability error:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-
gw-dra.hispace.hihonorcloud.com": No address associated with hostname
17:49:03.817 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-
gw-dra.hispace.hihonorcloud.com": No address associated with hostname
17:49:03.822 INFO GCLog - AmsLocHelper: checkAccountServ resp.errorCode is:
17:49:03.827 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
17:49:03.845 INFO GCLog - AmsLocHelper: start get service: net error
17:49:03.849 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-
gw-dra.hispace.hihonorcloud.com": No address associated with hostname
17:49:03.892 INFO GCLog - AmsServiceImpl: checkAmsServiceForBootStartupResult:
notifyAmsCheckResult,result=Error(errMsg=check service error)
17:49:03.895 INFO GCLog - AmsServiceImpl: notifyState:
notifyAmsCheckResult,lastAmsCheckResult=BootStartupResult.Unknown is false
17:49:03.911 INFO GCLog - SplashAdFloatBallHelper: getGreyModeConfig() isGreyMode
is: null
17:49:03.954 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent
AgreementUpdateEvent: false null
17:49:03.959 ERROR GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: StartupUseCase handleResult: startup
error is: check service error
17:49:03.979 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent
BootMinorsAccountGuardianVerificationEvent: false
17:49:03.988 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent
BootChildModeWithNotLoginEvent: false
17:49:03.992 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageFrameRepository
getMainFrameFromNet() success.
17:49:04.003 INFO GCLog - MinorsModeSetting: localSPKidsMode=false,
17:49:04.011 INFO GCLog - MinorsModeSetting: refreshKidsMode=false
17:49:04.112 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
17:49:04.114 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
17:49:04.266 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *********************n/upload end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
17:49:04.271 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-
gw-dra.hispace.hihonorcloud.com": No address associated with hostname
17:49:04.273 ERROR GCLog - PushServiceImpl: updateToken bind fail[10999]
17:49:04.315 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageFrameRepository
getMainFrameFromNet() load data to mem file sp success.
17:49:04.356 ERROR GCLog - AppListParamIntercept: when parse requestBodyStr error
Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-gw-dra.hispace.hihonorcloud.com": No address
associated with hostname
17:49:04.957 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
17:49:04.967 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-
gw-dra.hispace.hihonorcloud.com": No address associated with hostname
17:49:04.979 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
17:49:04.981 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
17:49:04.984 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
17:49:04.988 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
17:49:05.015 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ****************h/v1/get start
17:49:05.020 INFO GCLog - http_request: ****************h/v1/get traceName =
17:49:06.406 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************k/update end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
17:49:06.410 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-
gw-dra.hispace.hihonorcloud.com": No address associated with hostname
17:49:07.068 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ****************h/v1/get end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
17:49:07.071 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-
gw-dra.hispace.hihonorcloud.com": No address associated with hostname
17:49:07.073 INFO GCLog - AppStartHelper: syncSwitchStateToService:
agreeAmsUpdateSwitch = false
17:49:07.100 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
17:49:07.104 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
17:49:07.106 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
17:49:07.108 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
17:49:07.123 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get start
17:49:07.129 INFO GCLog - http_request: ***********nfig/get traceName = ddab61c1-
17:49:09.186 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
17:49:09.189 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-
gw-dra.hispace.hihonorcloud.com": No address associated with hostname
17:49:10.223 INFO GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: init() apk fileSha256 success.
17:49:10.256 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: queryAllAppUpdate() start.
17:49:11.029 INFO GCLog - GetAppInfoHelp: getInstalledPackages end
17:49:11.087 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
17:49:11.089 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
17:49:11.091 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
17:49:11.094 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
17:49:11.746 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************k/update start
17:49:11.758 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************k/update traceName =
17:49:13.836 ERROR GCLog - AppListParamIntercept: when parse requestBodyStr error
Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-gw-dra.hispace.hihonorcloud.com": No address
associated with hostname
17:49:15.891 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************k/update end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
17:49:15.917 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-
gw-dra.hispace.hihonorcloud.com": No address associated with hostname
19:23:02.874 INFO GCLog - PowerKitManager: initPowerKitCompat
init ,powerKitTag=15e01546-70d8-4981-9de7-3b5314720ba7
19:23:03.506 INFO GCLog - GameAssistantImpl: udid is agree for SDK: 1
19:23:03.512 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: AmsServiceImpl
getUdidSignStateByGameAssistant state=1
19:23:03.514 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: BootController appStartInit() invoked
by GameCenterBizApplication onAppInit, boot hasReady: -1
19:23:03.517 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: BootController startupBoot() invoked
from: BootController appStartInit()
19:23:03.592 INFO GCLog - RegisterReceiverUseCase: Register user receiver execute
19:23:03.601 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: checkSignLoginState from
BootController startupBoot()
19:23:03.605 INFO GCLog - AccountServiceImpl: startupInit
19:23:03.713 INFO GCLog - AccountServiceImpl: startupInit end not login
19:23:03.719 INFO GCLog - SysConfigChecker: countryCode:PE,lastCountryCode:
19:23:03.724 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
19:23:03.787 INFO GCLog - BootController: executeStartup: grs[PE], uSit[PE]
19:23:03.801 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: BootController boot execute Startup
finished isBootReady is: true
19:23:03.847 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent init report SDK!
19:23:03.849 INFO GCLog - ConfigHelper: WhiteList config init
19:23:03.851 INFO GCLog - XDownloadInstallHelper: observerEvent
19:23:03.855 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: GCDownloadInstallServiceStartHelper
execute() invoked from is: XDownloadInstallHelper UniteCountryCodeFinishEvent,
param isForceUpdate is: false, isContinueAllDownload is: false
19:23:03.867 INFO GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: init
19:23:03.873 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent
19:23:03.884 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: GameCenterBizApplication onBizInit()
boot success pushService.init(), getMainFrameFromNet(true) will execute.
19:23:03.885 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageFrameRepository
getMainFrameFromNet() invoked from: GameCenterBizApplication onBizInit(), execute
isPreLoad is: true
19:23:03.885 ERROR GCLog - com.hihonor.gamecenter.base_report.HiAnalyticsManager:
burying point not enable or no init eventId:881000000099
19:23:03.892 ERROR GCLog - com.hihonor.gamecenter.base_report.HiAnalyticsManager:
burying point not enable or no init eventId:8810000059
19:23:03.902 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: init
19:23:03.916 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
19:23:03.917 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
19:23:03.920 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
19:23:03.925 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
19:23:04.038 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: onBizInit updateToken
19:23:04.101 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: updateToken isLoginOut=false start
19:23:04.364 INFO GCLog - PushDownloadHelper: resumeDownloadByNetJobs!
19:23:04.517 INFO GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: init() apk fileSha256 success.
19:23:04.679 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
19:23:04.779 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
19:23:04.746 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
19:23:04.974 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
19:23:04.975 INFO GCLog - ConfigHelper: whiteList config observer send
19:23:04.974 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
19:23:04.983 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
19:23:04.983 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
19:23:04.984 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
19:23:04.987 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
19:23:04.993 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
19:23:04.985 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
19:23:04.993 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
19:23:05.977 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
19:23:06.112 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
19:23:06.116 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
19:23:06.138 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *****************nu/query start
19:23:06.163 INFO GCLog - http_request: *****************nu/query traceName =
19:23:06.179 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *********************ry/check start
19:23:06.113 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
19:23:06.234 INFO GCLog - http_request: *********************ry/check traceName =
19:23:06.253 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/check start
19:23:06.256 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/query start
19:23:06.264 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************************st/query
traceName = 4e0638d1-1476-407e-911d-62a321715f9a
19:23:06.278 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************************st/check
traceName = 678259b2-db65-43ec-9a03-6ed6ff3656e1
19:23:06.634 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: queryAllAppUpdate() start.
19:23:06.678 ERROR GCLog - com.hihonor.gamecenter.bu_base.reserve.ReserveHelper:
query reserve online info token is null
19:23:06.750 INFO GCLog - WifiStateChangeReceiver:
19:23:06.752 INFO GCLog - WifiStateChangeReceiver:
19:23:06.779 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get start
19:23:06.783 INFO GCLog - http_request: ***********nfig/get traceName = a4361e55-
19:23:06.785 INFO GCLog - WifiStateChangeReceiver: WifiStateChangeReceiver: report
19:23:07.040 INFO GCLog - WifiStateChangeReceiver:
19:23:07.041 INFO GCLog - WifiStateChangeReceiver:
19:23:07.043 INFO GCLog - WifiStateChangeReceiver: WifiStateChangeReceiver: report
19:23:07.079 INFO GCLog - WifiStateChangeReceiver:
19:23:07.081 INFO GCLog - WifiStateChangeReceiver:
19:23:07.091 INFO GCLog - WifiStateChangeReceiver: WifiStateChangeReceiver: report
19:23:07.115 INFO GCLog - WifiStateChangeReceiver:
19:23:07.117 INFO GCLog - WifiStateChangeReceiver:
19:23:07.130 INFO GCLog - WifiStateChangeReceiver: WifiStateChangeReceiver: report
19:23:07.132 INFO GCLog - HnPushProvider: PushServiceImpl getPushStatus : enable
19:23:07.141 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: updateToken:enable:true
19:23:07.208 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: updateToken isLoginOut=false
19:23:07.356 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
19:23:07.358 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
19:23:07.441 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
19:23:07.499 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
19:23:07.690 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *********************n/upload start
19:23:07.695 INFO GCLog - http_request: *********************n/upload traceName =
19:23:07.798 INFO GCLog - GetAppInfoHelp: getInstalledPackages end
19:23:07.807 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
19:23:07.809 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
19:23:07.811 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
19:23:07.845 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
19:23:08.128 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************k/update start
19:23:08.238 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************k/update traceName =
19:23:08.343 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
19:23:08.346 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
19:23:08.348 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
19:23:08.352 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
21:13:30.257 INFO GCLog - PowerKitManager: initPowerKitCompat
init ,powerKitTag=96da3f5f-ae94-4bbf-8797-15bd22caa02e
21:13:30.271 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageCacheDataModel loadFrameData()
mainFrameData from getFrameConfigCache() load time=105!
21:13:30.274 ERROR GCLog - MainPageFileHelper: loadContentDataFile is not exist
21:13:30.816 INFO GCLog - GameAssistantImpl: udid is agree for SDK: 1
21:13:30.819 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: AmsServiceImpl
getUdidSignStateByGameAssistant state=1
21:13:30.821 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: BootController appStartInit() invoked
by GameCenterBizApplication onAppInit, boot hasReady: -1
21:13:30.825 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: BootController startupBoot() invoked
from: BootController appStartInit()
21:13:30.830 INFO GCLog - RegisterReceiverUseCase: Register user receiver execute
21:13:30.838 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: checkSignLoginState from
BootController startupBoot()
21:13:30.849 INFO GCLog - AccountServiceImpl: startupInit
21:13:30.900 INFO GCLog - AccountServiceImpl: startupInit end not login
21:13:30.906 INFO GCLog - BootController: executeStartup: grs[PE], uSit[PE]
21:13:30.907 INFO GCLog - SysConfigChecker: countryCode:PE,lastCountryCode:
21:13:30.922 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: BootController boot execute Startup
finished isBootReady is: true
21:13:30.918 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
21:13:30.992 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent init report SDK!
21:13:31.004 INFO GCLog - ConfigHelper: WhiteList config init
21:13:31.032 INFO GCLog - XDownloadInstallHelper: observerEvent
21:13:31.048 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent
21:13:31.061 ERROR GCLog - com.hihonor.gamecenter.base_report.HiAnalyticsManager:
burying point not enable or no init eventId:881000000099
21:13:31.062 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: GameCenterBizApplication onBizInit()
boot success pushService.init(), getMainFrameFromNet(true) will execute.
21:13:31.068 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageFrameRepository
getMainFrameFromNet() invoked from: GameCenterBizApplication onBizInit(), execute
isPreLoad is: true
21:13:31.073 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
21:13:31.076 ERROR GCLog - com.hihonor.gamecenter.base_report.HiAnalyticsManager:
burying point not enable or no init eventId:8810000059
21:13:31.079 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: init
21:13:31.089 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
21:13:31.092 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
21:13:31.116 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: GCDownloadInstallServiceStartHelper
execute() invoked from is: XDownloadInstallHelper UniteCountryCodeFinishEvent,
param isForceUpdate is: false, isContinueAllDownload is: false
21:13:31.124 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
21:13:31.131 INFO GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: init
21:13:31.139 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: onBizInit updateToken
21:13:31.142 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: updateToken isLoginOut=false start
21:13:31.375 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
21:13:31.387 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
21:13:31.389 INFO GCLog - PushDownloadHelper: resumeDownloadByNetJobs!
21:13:31.391 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
21:13:31.400 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
21:13:31.402 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
21:13:31.406 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
21:13:31.389 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
21:13:31.413 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
21:13:31.416 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
21:13:31.423 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
21:13:31.426 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
21:13:31.431 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
21:13:31.446 INFO GCLog - ConfigHelper: whiteList config observer send
21:13:31.483 INFO GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: init() apk fileSha256 success.
21:13:31.476 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
21:13:31.511 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
21:13:31.512 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
21:13:31.549 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *********************ry/check start
21:13:31.554 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/check start
21:13:31.558 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
21:13:31.603 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *****************nu/query start
21:13:31.617 INFO GCLog - http_request: *****************nu/query traceName =
21:13:31.619 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************************st/check
traceName = 50848e82-cbe0-49fc-9415-8b8f00d53f97
21:13:31.622 INFO GCLog - http_request: *********************ry/check traceName =
21:13:31.687 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get start
21:13:31.728 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/query start
21:13:31.710 INFO GCLog - http_request: ***********nfig/get traceName = 551c37c8-
21:13:31.732 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************************st/query
traceName = 925f521d-6e08-40fb-8f8d-ac54313e2619
21:13:32.302 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: queryAllAppUpdate() start.
21:13:32.385 ERROR GCLog - com.hihonor.gamecenter.bu_base.reserve.ReserveHelper:
query reserve online info token is null
21:13:32.579 INFO GCLog - HnPushProvider: PushServiceImpl getPushStatus : enable
21:13:32.607 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
21:13:32.608 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
21:13:32.610 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
21:13:32.590 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: updateToken:enable:true
21:13:32.612 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
21:13:32.630 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: updateToken isLoginOut=false
21:13:32.654 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get start
21:13:32.664 INFO GCLog - http_request: ***********nfig/get traceName = 92ae9a57-
21:13:32.719 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
21:13:32.722 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
21:13:32.723 INFO GCLog - GetAppInfoHelp: getInstalledPackages end
21:13:32.724 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
21:13:32.808 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
21:13:32.817 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/query end, fail errorMsg =
21:13:32.820 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *********************ry/check end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
21:13:32.823 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *****************nu/query end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
21:13:32.824 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
21:13:32.825 ERROR GCLog - BaseReqImpl: queryCountryAvailability error:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-
gw-dra.hispace.hihonorcloud.com": No address associated with hostname
21:13:32.820 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
21:13:32.827 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-
gw-dra.hispace.hihonorcloud.com": No address associated with hostname
21:13:32.828 INFO GCLog - AmsLocHelper: checkAccountServ resp.errorCode is:
21:13:32.829 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
21:13:32.830 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/check end, fail errorMsg =
21:13:32.831 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
21:13:32.832 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
21:13:32.831 INFO GCLog - AmsLocHelper: start get service: net error
21:13:32.833 INFO GCLog - SplashAdFloatBallHelper: getGreyModeConfig() isGreyMode
is: null
21:13:32.828 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-
gw-dra.hispace.hihonorcloud.com": No address associated with hostname
21:13:32.849 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
21:13:32.860 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-
gw-dra.hispace.hihonorcloud.com": No address associated with hostname
21:13:32.867 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent
BootMinorsAccountGuardianVerificationEvent: false
21:13:32.872 INFO GCLog - MinorsModeSetting: localSPKidsMode=false,
21:13:32.876 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *********************n/upload start
21:13:32.876 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent
BootChildModeWithNotLoginEvent: false
21:13:32.878 INFO GCLog - MinorsModeSetting: refreshKidsMode=false
21:13:32.885 INFO GCLog - AmsServiceImpl: checkAmsServiceForBootStartupResult:
notifyAmsCheckResult,result=Error(errMsg=check service error)
21:13:32.887 INFO GCLog - AmsServiceImpl: notifyState:
notifyAmsCheckResult,lastAmsCheckResult=BootStartupResult.Unknown is false
21:13:32.892 INFO GCLog - http_request: *********************n/upload traceName =
21:13:32.893 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent
AgreementUpdateEvent: false null
21:13:32.904 ERROR GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: StartupUseCase handleResult: startup
error is: check service error
21:13:32.913 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageFrameRepository
getMainFrameFromNet() success.
21:13:32.937 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
21:13:32.939 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
21:13:32.945 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************k/update start
21:13:32.961 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
21:13:32.966 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************k/update traceName =
21:13:32.974 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
21:13:32.976 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
21:13:32.978 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
21:13:33.006 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ****************h/v1/get start
21:13:33.012 INFO GCLog - http_request: ****************h/v1/get traceName =
21:13:33.090 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageFrameRepository
getMainFrameFromNet() load data to mem file sp success.
21:13:34.471 INFO GCLog - ScreenReceiver: action: android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF
21:13:34.477 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: queryAllAppUpdate() start.
21:13:34.653 INFO GCLog - GetAppInfoHelp: getInstalledPackages end
21:13:34.655 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
21:13:34.657 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
21:13:34.659 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
21:13:34.661 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
21:13:34.681 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************k/update start
21:13:34.686 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************k/update traceName =
21:13:34.959 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *********************n/upload end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
21:13:34.961 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-
gw-dra.hispace.hihonorcloud.com": No address associated with hostname
21:13:34.963 ERROR GCLog - PushServiceImpl: updateToken bind fail[10999]
21:13:35.025 ERROR GCLog - AppListParamIntercept: when parse requestBodyStr error
Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-gw-dra.hispace.hihonorcloud.com": No address
associated with hostname
21:13:35.060 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ****************h/v1/get end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
21:13:35.063 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-
gw-dra.hispace.hihonorcloud.com": No address associated with hostname
21:13:35.066 INFO GCLog - AppStartHelper: syncSwitchStateToService:
agreeAmsUpdateSwitch = false
21:13:35.086 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
21:13:35.088 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
21:13:35.089 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
21:13:35.091 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
21:13:35.107 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get start
21:13:35.109 INFO GCLog - http_request: ***********nfig/get traceName = f1314942-
21:13:36.750 ERROR GCLog - AppListParamIntercept: when parse requestBodyStr error
Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-gw-dra.hispace.hihonorcloud.com": No address
associated with hostname
21:13:37.052 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************k/update end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
21:13:37.057 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-
gw-dra.hispace.hihonorcloud.com": No address associated with hostname
21:13:37.143 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
21:13:37.147 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-
gw-dra.hispace.hihonorcloud.com": No address associated with hostname

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