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English part one

Exercise N°1

1. Grandfather = abuelo

2. Grandmother = abuela

3. Cousin = primo

4. Nephew = sobrino
5. Aunt = tía

6. Daughter = hija

7. Uncle = tío
8. Brother = hermano

9. Sister = hermana

10. Mother in law = suegra

Exercise N°2
Part 1
1. Unlike smoking tobacco, drinking alcohol cannot harm the body F
2. Drinking alcohol can make people feel good for a while T
3. Drinking alcohol in small or large amounts is the same F
4. For most people, alcohol in large amounts is not harmful F
People who drink a lot for a long time are abusing alcohol T
5. Alcohol abuse can lead to diseases of the body T

Part 2
1. Beer, wine, and whiskey all have alcohol in them. (fruit, alcohol)
2. Alcohol abuse can lead to liver and heart disease. (liver, lung)
3. Alcohol abuse may lead to a serious addiction called alcoholism (alcoholism, light
4. Drinking large amounts of alcohol can harm the body. (harm, help)

Part 3
1. The drink that does not contain alcohol is:
A. beer
B. wine
C. Apple juice

2. Liver and heart disease may come from:

A. one drink
B. Cares and worries
C. Alcohol abuse

3. People who cannot stop abusing alcohol are:

A. Healthy
B. Alcoholics
C. Helping their bodies.

4. Alcohol abuse can destroy:

A. Bones
B. Liver cells
C. hair cells
5. People can quickly become addicted to:
A. Water
B. Carbon monoxide
C. Alcohol

Exercise N°3
What plans do you have for the future?
What profession or occupation would you like to study/work?

Part 1
1. A secretary Works in an office.
2. A farmer Works in a farm.
3. A doctor takes care of sick people.
4. An engineer graduated of engineering.
5. When you graduate of college, you have a degree.
6. A minister Works in the church.

Part 2
Un carpintero, un mecánico, un reparador, un arquitecto, un meteorólogo, un barbero, un
cocinero, un cajero, un médico, un instalador, un apicultor, un pescador
1. She answers the phone and files things in an office.
She is an office an office clerk.

2. He sets up new air conditioners.

He´s an an installer.

3. They help build new houses.

They´re a carpenter and an architect.

4. They work outdoors, usually on the ocean, in forests or on farms.

They are a fisherman and a beekeeper.

5. They work in the kitchen, cooking delicious food.

They are a chef.

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