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Forced Vibration of Single Degree

of Freedom Systems

Delbante Alebachew
3. Forced Vibration of Single Degree of
Freedom Systems
• Free Vibration: Occur due to an energy source which
is removed while vibration occur.
• Forced Vibration:- Occurs when work is being done
on a system while vibration occur.
For example
– Elastic structure vibrating due to earthquake
– rotating components constantly excited by harmonic
force of the driving motor
– reciprocating piston of an engine transmits a
sinusoidally varying force to adjacent components
• Periodic input/excitation results in a periodic response
• It could be sinusoidal driving functions at a single frequency
• f(t) = f(t+T) for all values of t.
• Example f (t ) = A sin t

f(t) T f(t) is a general periodic

function of period T

• Fourier Theory: Any periodic function f(t) with
period T, may be represented by an infinite
series of the form:
a0 
f (t )  +  (an cos n T t + bn sin n T t )
2 n =1
Where T = 2
2 T
a0 =  f (t ) dt
T 0
It is twice the
2 T
average of the an =  f (t ) cos nT tdt Fourier
function f(t) over T 0 Coefficients
one cycle
2 T
bn =  f (t ) sin nT tdt
T 0
for n =1, 2,....

• Orthogonality:
– Integral of the products of two functions is zero.
T 0 m  n
0 sin nT t sin mT t dt = T m = n
 2
T 0 m  n
0 cos nT t cos mT t dt = T m = n and
 2

cos nT t sin mT t dt = 0
Where m & n are integers.

• Symmetry
– If f(t)=f(-t):
• Symmetry about the origin (y axis)

• Called even function

• The Fourier Series contains only cos components, i.e. bn=0

– If f(t)=-f(-t):
• Called an odd function

• The Fourier Series contains only sin components, i.e. an=0

3.1. Harmonic Excitation
m F(t)=Focosωdrt


 mx + cx + kx = F (t ) = Fo cos dr t
• where Fo is the maximum amplitude of excitation and ωdr is
the driving (forcing) frequency.

• For linear forced systems the total response is obtained by

superposition, i.e.

Response of Response of External

Total response of = Forces
homogenous +
a system
system (Non-homogenous)
3.1.1 Undamped System (C = 0)
mx(t ) + kx(t ) = F (t ) = F0 cos dr t
• F(t) has a form of a sine or cosine (here we take cosine)
x(t ) + n2 x(t ) = f o cos dr t , f o = 0 ..............(1)
• This is a linear non-homogenous ODE (using method of
undetermined coefficient)

▪ xh(t) homogeneous solution

▪ xp(t) is the particular solution

▪ xp(t) = A0 cosωdrt if F(t) which has cosine form

▪ xp(t) = A0 sinωdrt if F(t) which has sine form.
Substituting x p (t ) and x p (t ) in the differential equation
and solving: Ao =
( n )
 2
−  2

 x p (t ) = cos dr t
( 2
n −  dr 2
provided that the two frequencies are not equal n  dr
x(t ) = xh (t ) + x p (t )
xh (t ) = A1 sin nt + A2 cos nt
Having the initial conditions:
x(t = 0) = xo and x(t = 0) = vo
v0 f0
A1 = and A2 = xo −
n ( n )
 2
−  2

v0  f0 
 xh (t ) = sin nt +  xo − 2  cos nt
n   −  2 
 n dr 
The total response will then be:
v0  f0  f0
x(t ) = sin nt +  xo − 2  cos nt + 2 cos dr t
n   −  2  n −  dr 2
 n dr 

• Two very important phenomenon occur when the driving
frequency becomes close to the systems natural frequency

Case i. when ωn - ωdr becomes very small and x0=0 & v0=0

2 (
x(t ) = 2 cos dr t − cos nt )
n − dr

• Using a simple trigonometric identities

2 f0  n − dr   n + dr 
x(t ) = 2 sin  t  sin  t
n −  dr
 2   2 
but n − dr  n + dr
 n − dr 
 sin  t  oscillates with a much longer period,
 2 
4  n + dr 
T= than the term sin  t
n − dr  2   n + dr 
x(t) sin  t
 2 

  − dr 
sin  n t
 2 

The resulting motion is a rapid oscillation with slowly varying amplitude and
is called a BEAT.
Case ii. When ωn = ωdr
• In this case the choice of the function,
xp=A0cosωdrt, fails because it is also a solution of
the homogenous equation.

 xp= tA0sinωdrt
• Inserting in equation (1) and solving for A0, then:

Ao =
 x p (t ) = t sin dr t
• The total response will then be:
x(t ) = xh (t ) + x p (t )
 x(t ) = A1 sin nt + A2 cos nt + t sin dr t
Using the initial conditions:
x(t = 0) = xo and x(t = 0) = vo
 A1 = and A2 = xo
vo fo
 x (t ) = sin nt + xo cos nt + t sin dr t
n 2dr
This is a harmonic function with amplitude which grows
• This defines the phenomenon of Resonance.
• Resonance causes our system to fail & break.


• This phenomenon of Resonance also makes the

system to vibrate with large amplitudes that it will
no more be treated with linear relationships.
• The system will behave non-linear and finally
3.1.2 Damped System
mx(t ) + cx(t ) + kx(t ) = F0 cos dr t
x(t ) + 2n x(t ) + n2 x(t ) = f 0 cos dr t.................(3)

• By the method of undetermined coefficients and

expecting a phase shift of the response because
of the effect of the damping force:
x p (t ) = Ao cos(dr t −  )
This can be written as:
x p (t ) = As cos dr t + Bs sin dr t
 Bs 
From which: Ao = A + B 2
s and  =tan  -1

 As 
x p (t ) = − Asdr sin dr t + Bsdr cos dr t
x p (t ) = −dr2 ( As cos dr t + Bs sin dr t )
Substituting x p (t ), x p (t ) and x p (t ) in equation (3) and
solving for As and Bs :

As =
( 2
n −  dr2 f 0 ) and
( ) + ( 2  )
−  dr2
2 2
n n dr

2ndr f 0
Bs =
( ) + ( 2  )
−  dr
2 2 2
n n dr

f0  2  
 x p (t ) = cos  dr t − tan −1 2 n dr2 
 n −  dr 
( −  ) + ( 2ndr )
 
2 2 2
n dr
x(t ) = xh (t ) + x p (t )
x(t ) = Ae−nt sin (d t +  ) + Ao cos (dr t −  )

• For large values of t, the xh(t) term approaches
zero, hence the x(t) approaches xp(t).
• Thus xp(t) is called the steady-state response and
the xh(t) is called the transient response.
• Let us observe how the system is responding
(specially the particular solution) for a varying
values of r= (frequency ratio) and the
damping ratio, ζ.
f0 2ndr
i.e. Ao = ,  = tan −1

n2 −  dr2
( −  ) + ( 2ndr )
2 2
2 2
n dr

dr 2 r
r=  Ao =
, = tan −1
n 1− r2
(1 − r ) + ( 2 r )
 2 2 2

Hence the normalized amplitude of the steady-state response

will then be:
Ao k
Aon 2
1 m Ao
= = =
( )
1 − r 2 + ( 2 r )
F0 F0
2 2

m k
Ao 1
M= = ............(4)
 st
1 − r 2 + ( 2 r ) )
2 2

where  st is the deflection of the spring under the static force F0 .

The plot of the normalized amplitude and the phase lag are given in
the following two figures
• Note that as ωdr→ ωn (r → 1)
– the normalized amplitude approaches a maximum
value for a system with very small (light) damping
(ζ< 0.1) and
– the phase shift crosses through 900. This defines
Resonance for the undamped case.
fo Aon2
• As ωdr→0, A0→ 2
n fo
→1 and
• As ωdr becomes very large the amplitude
approaches zero asymptotically.
• Note: Resonance does not exactly correspond
with the value of ωdr at which the peak value of
the steady-state response occurs.
• To find the value of r (frequency ratio) at which
the normalized amplitude (magnification factor)
M, attain maximum value:
 
dM d  A0 k  d  1 
=  =  = 0
dr dr  F0  dr 
(1 − r ) 
+ ( 2 r )
2 2
 
 
 rpeak = 1 − 2 2  1
Substituting this in (4):
 M max = ...........................(5)
2 1 −  2
• Note: The rpeak value illustrates that the
maximum value of M occurs at:
i ) r = 1 − 2  1 if 0   
ii ) r = 0 if  
 1 
• For the small damping case,    ,
the value
 2 
of the driving frequency corresponding to the
maximum value of M is called the peak
frequency, ωp.
 p = n 1 − 2  1 for 0   
Note: When  = 0   p = n , i.e. the usual undamped
resonance condition.
• The undamped resonance condition (ωdr= ωn)
also works for the lightly damped system.
3.2 Rotating Unbalanced Mass
• It is due to small irregularities in the distribution
of a rotating mass
• Let the frequency of rotation of machine be ωr.
e x x(t) mo
m y(t) e
θ=ωr t
k c Rubber floor mountings
as a spring and damper

• The x- component of motion of the mass mo is

given by:

xr = e sin r t , xr = er cos r t , xr = −er2 sin r t

• And the reaction force, Fr , generated by the
rotating mass mo has a component in the x-
Fr = mo xr = −emor2 sin r t
• This force acts on the machine mass, m.
– Note: The force in the horizontal direction are
canceled by the guides.
• Considering the machine and the unbalanced
mass as separate bodies the equation of motion
of the entire system will be:
(m − mo ) x + mo 2 ( x + e sin r t ) = −kx − cx
 mx − mo x + mo x − mo er2 sin r t = −kx − cx
 mx + cx + kx = mo er2 sin r t
mo 2
 x + 2n x + n2 x = er sin r t
 x p (t ) = X sin(r t −  )
mo e r2 mo e
where X = =  (r ,  )
m (1 − r 2 ) 2 + (2 r ) 2 m
2 r 
−1 
 = tan  2
 1− r 
mo e ζ=0.1

ζ increasing




1 r
1 1
rpeak = for 0   
(1 − 2 2 ) 2
max =
2 (1 −  2 )
• The maximum deflection is less than or equal to 1
for any system with   . This indicates that the
increase in amplification of the amplitude caused by
the unbalance can be eliminated by increasing the
damping, which is not always practical
• The magnitude of the dimensionless displacement
approaches unity if r is large. Hence if the running
frequency ωr is such that r >> 1, the effect of the
unbalance is limited. For large values of r, all the
magnitude curves for each value of ζ approaches
unity, so that the choice of damping coefficient (ζ) for
large r is not important.

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