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Volatile Oils
Volatile oils are the 2pu,.p ririci p ]es to insects, thus preventing the destruction
fund in various plant parts. Because they of the flowers and leaves; or they may
evaporate when exposed to the air at or- serve as insect attractants, thus aiding in
dinary temperatures, they are called vol- cross-fertilization of the flowers.
atile oils, ethereal oils, or essential oils. chemical constituents of volatile oils
The last term is applied because volatile oils ma y be dividedbased
represent the "essences" or odoriferous on their biosynthetic origin: RYterpene de-
constituents of thplants. Volatile oils are rivatives formed via the acetate-inevaIonic
colorless as a rule, particularly when they acid pathway, and 2rumatic compounds
a re fresh, but on long standing they may Yormed via the shikirnic acid-phenyipro-
oxidize and resinify, thus darkening in panoid route. The biosynthesis of rela-
olor. To pr e— v e nt this darkening, they tively few of these compounds has been
should he stored in a cool, dry place in investigated in any detail. Most experi-
tightly stoppered, preferably full (not half- mental studies have merely demonstrated
emptied), amber glass containers, that a particular precursor, e.g., acetate, is
Depending on the plant family, volatile incorporated into a terpene molecule in a
oils may occur in specialized secretory particular pattern, and little attention has
structures such as glandular hairs (Labia- been devoted to the interconversion of the
tae), modified parenchymal cells (Pipera- numerous terpene derivatives themselves.
ceae), oil-tubes called vittae (Umbeiliferae), Selected examples of biosyntheses that
or in lysigenous or schizogenous passages have been demonstrated experimentally
(Pinaceae, Rutaceae). They may be formed with labeled precursors follow in the ap-
directly by the protoplasrn7 p0- propriate sections.
Uon of the resmogenous layer
or me cen Although volatile oils differ greatly in
their chemical constitution, they have a
number of physical properties in common.
&ifli all tissues; in the roe}heY appear They possess characteristic odors, they are
in appreciable quantities only in the petals ; characterized by high refractive indices,
in cinnamon, only in the bark and the most of them are optically active, and their
leaves; in the umbeffiferous fruits, only in specific rotation is often a valuable diag-
the pericarp; in the mints, only in the glan- nostic property. As a rule, volatile oils are
dular hairs of the stems and leaves; and in immiscible with water, but they are suffi-
the orange, one kind of oil occurs only in cientlpluble to impart their odor to
the flower petals and another kind only in watedjlie aromatic waters are dependent
the rind. Volatile oils may act as repellents on this slight solubility. Volatile oils, how-

ever, are soluble in ether, alcohol, and into the distilling chamber and subjected
most organic solvents.
to heat until all volatile matter, both oil and
Several points of differentiation j
st be- water, is condensed in the condensing
tween volatile oils and fixed oils. tile chamber. Turpentile oil, consisting almost
oils can be distilled from their natural entirely of terperies, is not affected by this
sources; they do not Consist of glyceryl es- amou1 of heat.
ters of fatty acids. Hence, they do not leave 'icater and steam distillation is em-
a permanent grease spot on paper and can- ployed for either dried or fresh substances
not be saponified with alkalies. Volatile oils that may be injured by boiling. In the case
do not become rancid as do the fixed oils, of dried material (Cinnamon, clove),,th
but instead, on exposure to light and air, drug is ground and then covered with a
they oxidize and resinif,
Practically all 'VTh ' layer of water. Steam is passed through the
il1e oils consist of macerated mixture. Because the oil could
chemical mixtures that are often quite corn- be impaired by direct boiling, the steam is
plex; they vary widely in chemical corn- generated elsewhere and is piped into the
position. Almost any type of organic C9jTh
container holding the drug. The oily layer
pound may be found in volatile oils of the condensed distillate is separated
(hydrocarbons, alcohols, ketones, aIde-
the aqueous
hydes, ethers, oxides, esters,'and othrs), marketeh layer, further
or without and the oil maybe
andonly afew possess a single component
in a high percentage (volatile mustard oil
yields not less than 93% of allylisothio- 'Jn the method of direct steam distilla-
cyanate; clove oil contains not less thai1"' tion, applicable to fresh. plant drugs (pep-
85% of phenolic substances, chiefly eu- permint, spearmjnt)yI-ie crop is cut and
genol). However, it is not uncommon for placed directly into a metal distilling tank
a volatile oil to contain over 200 on a truck bed. The truck is driven to a
nents, and often the trace constituents are distilling shed, where steam lines are at-
essential to the odor and flavor. The ab- tached to the bottom of tile distilling tank.
sence of even one component may change The plant material is still green and con-
the aroma. Plants of the same species tains considerable natural moisture; there-
grown in different parts of the world fore, maceration is unnecessary. Steam is
ally have the same components, but the forced through the fresh herb and carries
percentages that are present may differ, the oil droplets through a vapor pipe at-
tached at the top of the tank to the con-
1ethods of Obtaining Volatile Oils
densing chamber.
Volatile oils are usually obtained by dis- During steam distillation (Fig. 5-1) cer-
tillation of the plant parts containing the taii, components of a volatile oil tend to
oil. The method of distillation depends on hydrolyze, whereas other constituents are
the condition of the plant material. Three decomposed by the high temperatures.
types of distillatiori are used by industrial Ideal distillation methods utilizing steam
firms: (1) water, (2) water and steam, and should provide for the highest possible dif-
(3) direct steam, fusion rate of steam and water through
Water distillation is applied to plant ma- plant membranes and should thus keep the
terial that is dried and not subject to injur y hydrolvsjnd decomposition at a mini-
boiling. Turpnte oil is obtained in mum '
this manner. The crude turpentine oleo- Gly osidic volatile oils (mustard oil) are
resin, composed of plant exudate, rain- obtained by enz y matic hydrolysis of the
water, wood chips, pine needles, and other glycosides. In black mustard seeds, the gly-
components (see page 147), is introduced coside, sinigrin, is h ydrolyzed by myrosin

Fig. 51. Lrgc-ca!e tm d lIaton d l orincrit br the pctk,

Fritzsche Brothers, Inc., New York.) Ot essential oils. (Photo courtesy of

with the production of volatile mustard oil gation. A variation in this process is to re-
(see page 72).
move the peel from the fruit before the oil
Some volatile oils cannot he distilled is extracted.
without decomposition and are usuall y ob-
tained by expression (lemon oil, orange oil) Often the volatile oil content of fresh
plant parts (flower petals) is so small that
or possibly by other mechanical means. In
oil removal is not commercially feasible by
the United States, the general method for
the aforementioned methods. In such in-
obtaining Citrus oils involves puncturing
stances, an odorless, bland, fixed oil or fat
the oil glands by rolling the fruit over a
is spread in a thin layer on glass plates.
trough lined with sharp projections that The flower petals are placed on the fat for
are long enough to penetrate the epidermis a few hours; then, repeatedly, the old pet-
and pierce the oil glands located in the
als are removed, and a new layer of petals
outer portion of the peel (ecuelle method). is introduced. After the fat has absorbed as
A pressing action on the fruit removes the much fragrance as possible, the oil ma y be
oil from the glands, and a fine spra y of
removed by extraction with alcohol. This
water washes the oil from the mashed peel process is known as enfteurage and was
while the juice is extracted through a center formerly used extensively in the produc-
tube that cores the fruit. The resulting oil- tion of perfumes and pomades.
water emulsion is separated by centrifu-
In the perfume industry,, most of the

modern essential oil production is accom- uses, the volatile oils are employed widely
plished by extraction, using solvent sys- as flavors for foods and confections and in
tems based on such volatile solvents as pe- the spice, perfume, and cosmetic trades. In
troleum ether or benzene. The chief 1979, the United States imported over 9000
advantage of extraction over distillation is metric tons of essential oils valued at $106
that uniform temperatures (usually: 50 0 C) million.
can be maintained during most of the proc- The fabrication of perfumes is a multi-
ess. As a result, extracted oils have a more million dollar industry. Perfumery mate-
natural odor that is unmatched by distilled rials such as volatile oils are used directly
oils, which may have undergone altered not only for perfumes and cosmetics but
chemical constitution by the high temper- also are essential for the manufacture of
atures. This feature is of considerable im- soaps, toiletries, and deodorizers and for
portance to the perfume industry; how- masking or providing odor to household
ever, the established distillation method is cleaners, polishes, and insecticides.
a low-cost operation compared to the cost Fine perfumes are considered works of
of the extraction process. art. They have been defined as judicious
Destructive distillation is a means of ob- blends of odorants, each having its own
taining empyreumatiC oils. When the particular odor but whose combined odor
wood or resin of members of the Pinaceae is itself characteristically unique. The for-
or Cupressaceae is heated without access mulas for these perfumes are generally
of air, a decomposition takes place, and a well-guarded secrets, and the perfumer
number of volatile compounds are driven must have an intimate knowledge of per-
off. The resultant mass is charcoal. The haps 1000 aromatic substances when for-
condensed volatile matter usually sepa- mulating a perfume. Perfume formulation
rates into 2 layers: an aqueous layer con- has been compared to the creation of a
taining wood naphtha (methyl alcohol) musical composition; the various odorants
and pyroligneous acid crude acetic), and can be classified like musical notes into top,
a tarry liquid in the form of pine tar, juniper medium, and base notes. Most perfumes
tar, or other tars, depending on the wood contain elements of all 3 categories which
introduced. This dry distillation is usually are blended to provide a unique, harmo-
conducted in retorts, and if the wood is nious odor. The top notes are the most vol-
chipped or coarsely ground and the heat atile products. They leave the skin rapidly
applied rapidly, the yield of tar represents and include lemon, lavender, and anise
about 10% of the wood used. oils. Odorants with intermediate volatility
and tenacity are classified as middle notes
Medicinal and Commercial Uses and include thyme, neroli, and rose oils.
Many crude drugs are used medicinally Base notes are products with low volatility
because of their volatile oil content; how- and high tenacity and are also described as
ever, in, numerous cases, the volatile oils fixatives because they provide staying
separated from the drugs are used as drugs power for the perfume. Common examples
themselves. Similarly, various crude drugs are vanillin (see page 74); musk, the dried
are powdered and are employed as spices secretion from the preputial follicles of the
and condiments (anise, clove, nutmeg). male musk deer of Asia; civet, a glandular
The volatile oil drugs and the separated oils secretion appearing in an outwardly dis-
are most commonly used for flavoring pur- charging pocket underneath the posterior
poses. They may possess a carminative ac- appendage of both the male and female
tion, but a few (eucalyptus oil, wintergreen civet cats; and ambergris, one of the most
oil) possess additional therapeutic prop- valuable materials used by the perfumer
erties. In addition to their pharmaceutic and a pathologic product formed in the

stomach of the sperm whale when it is strumentation, particularly in the area ol

feeding on squid or cuttlefish. It is thought chemical separation techniques based on
that the indigestible beaks of these animals capillary-column gas chromatography and
irritate the whale's stomach, which in turn high-pressure liquid chromatography,
stimulates the formation of the ambergris, coupled with computerized instruments
Because volatile oils are mixtures of a that combine gas chromatography with
number of constituents, one may assume mass spectrometry, have led to the precise
that more than one constituent possesses identification of the components of volatile
physiologic activity. Volatile oils generally oils, including trace Constituents.
consist of an eleoptene, the hydrocarbon Many volatile oils Consist largely of ter-
portion of the oil, which is liquid, and one penes. Terpenes are defined as natural
or more stearoptenes, the oxidized hydro- products whose structures may be divided
carbon portions of the oil, which are usu- into isoprene units. These units arise from
ally solid (although exceptions to this are acetate via mevalonic acid and are
not rare). Thus, peppermint herb owes its branched-chain, 5-carbon units containing
activity to the volatile oil; the oil in turn 2 unsaturated bonds.
owes its properties to the stearoptene,
menthol. Menthol is not the only constit- I
uent present; menthyl acetate, limonene, )
rnenthone, cincol, and several others have Isoprene
been isolated and identified. Nevertheless,
peppermint oil is used for different pur- During the' fmation of terpenes, the iso-
poses than is menthol. Stearoptenes are prerteunitsarèlinkedina head- to- tail fash-
generally obtained by freezing the oil or by ion, and the number of units incorporated
other methods. Menthol, thymol, and into a particular terpene serves as a basis
anethole are solid stearoptenes, whereas. for the classification of these compounds
eucalyptol, eugenol, and methyl salicylat7Fig. 5-2Lonoterpenes are composed of
are liquids. ..J,' 2 isoprene units and have the molecular
formula, Sesquiterpenes. C15H,4,
contain 3 isoprene units. Diterpenes,
In only a few cases, as previously noted, penes, C,1 ,H, are composed of 6 isoprene
do volatile oils consist of a single chemical units. The terpenes found most often in
compound in a state of comparative purity. volatile oils are monoterpenes. They can
In most cases, they are mixtures containing occur in acyclic, monocyclic, and bicyclic
compounds of diverse types. These com- forms as hydrocarbons and as oxygenated
pounds may be separated in various ways: derivatives, such as alcohols, aJdehdes,
(1) low temperatures, which crystallize out ketones, phenols, oxides, and ester". \
the stearoptenes, (2) fractional distillation, Another major group of volatile-ofion-
(3) fractional crystallization from poor sol- stituents are the phenyipropanoids. These
vents, (4) different forms of chromatogra- compounds contain the C 6 phenyl ring
phy, and (5) removal by chemical action. with an attached C 3 propane side chain.
In the last group, compounds with free Figure 5-3 illustrates examples of these
acidic groups may he removed from the oil natural products. Many of the phenyipro-
with sodium carbonate, basic compounds panoids found in volatile oils are phenols
may be removed with hydrochloric acid, or phenol ethers. In some cases, the pro-
phenols with sodium hydroxide, alde- pane side chain has been abridged to give
hydes with sodium bisulfite, and so forth. a c--c 1 structure, such as in methyl sali-
In recent years, advances in analytic in- cylate and vanillin.


Geraniol Limoaene Cadinene

(acyclic monoterpene) (monocyclic monoterpene) (bicyclic sesquiterpene)

-Pinene fl-Caryophyllene
(bicyclic monoterpene) (bicyclic sesquiterpene)

Abietic acid Lanosterol
(tricyclic diterpene) (tetracyclic triterpenoid)
Fig. 5-2. Representative terpenes showing the isoprene units in each molecule.

Because the various constituents of vol- In addition to the molecular structure,

atile oils are responsible for the character- the stereochemistry of the constituents of
istic odors, flavors, and therapeutic prop- volatile oils markedly determines the type
erties of the oils, a chemical classification of olfactory response evoked by the com-
of the oils should be based on their prin- pounds. Geometric isomers, whether ort ho!
cipal chemical constituents. However, be- metal para or cis/trans, are in most cases read-
cause the types of constituents are so di- ily distinguished both as to quality and
verse and so numerous, the assignment of strength of odor. An interesting stereo-
the oil or the oil-bearing drug to a definitive chemical feature of many terpenes is the
place in such a classification is often diffi- fact that both enantiomers (optically active
cult. For example, unoxygenated terpenes isomers) exist in nature. In some cases, a
sometimes account for a large percentage plant species produces only one of the en-
of the oil. The stearoptene, which is pres- antiomers, whereas a different species may
ent in smaller quantities, represents the produce both. Among the monoterpenes
constituent that is chiefly responsible for that occur as the ( +) form in certain species
imparting the characteristic odor or flavor. and as the (-) enantiomeric form in others
The following are the divisions in which are limonene, a-terpineol, a-fenchoi, bor-
volatile oils and volatile—oil-containing neol, menthone, carvone, and linalool. In
drugs are placed: (1) hydrocarbons, (2) al- addition, limonene, u-terpinol, c-fenchoI,
cohols, (3) aldehydes, (4) ketones, (5) carvone, and camphor, as well as many
phenols, (6) phenolic ethers, (7) oxides, others, can be found in plants as the ra-
and (8) esters. cemic mixture.


Cinnamaldehyde Anethole

Eugenol Methyl salicylate

Fig. 5-3. Representative phenylpropanoids and abridged phenylpropanoids found as constituents of volatile

As with many other natural product synthetically active isoprene units are iso-
compounds that exist in enantiomeric pentenyl pyrophosphate and dimethylallyl
forms, such as alkaloids and amino acids, pyrophosphate, compounds that arise
the physiologic responses elicited by each from acetate via mevalonic acid (see page
isomer can differ. For example, (+)-car- 159). Geranyl pyrophosphate is the C-10
vone has an odor of caraway, whereas (- )- precursor of the terpenes and is believed
carvone produces a spearmint odor. These to play a key role in the formation of mono-
observations lend support to the stereo- terpenes. It is formed by the condensation
chemical theory of olfaction which pro- of one unit each of isopentenyl pyrophos-
poses that different kinds of olfactory re- phate and dimethylallyl pyrophosphate.
ceptor sites are in the nose. Odorant As seen from Figure 5-4, geranyl pyro-
molecules could lodge on these sites and phosphate is believed to be the direct pre-
would have shapes and sizes (varying ste- cursor to acyclic monoterpenes. However,
reochemistry) that were complementary to it must be isomerized to neryl pyrophos-
the shape and size of the particular recep- phate before the cyclic monoterpenes can
tor. A proper fit at the receptor would be be formed because the trans isomer does
required to initiate a nerve impulse that not have the correct stereochemistry for cy-
would register in the brain the perception clization. Another possibility is the for-
of the odor. mation of neryl pyrophosphate from iso-
pentenyl pyrophosphate and dimethylallyl
BIOSYNTHESIS OF VOLATILE pyrophosphate independent of a geranyl
Oft CONSTITUENTS pyrophosphate step. The intermediates in
The biosynthetic building blocks for ter- the formation of the cyclic terpenes are
penes are isoprene units. The so-called bio- shown as carboniurn ions; however, the

[ Iso-p en tenyl


OP l} Opp
pPo__ Ii

Dimethylallyl Geranyl pyrophosphate Neryl pyrophosphate

pyrophosphate _-/ \x2

Acylic + isopentenyl Geranylgeranyl
monoterpenes pyrophosphate pyrophosphate
Farnesyl pyrophosphate


Menthane class

IL ,.

Bornane class Pinane C1355

Carane class J^j

Thujane class

Fenchane class

Fig. 5.-4. H y pothetic mechanism for biosynthetic formation of terpenes.


true species are probably pyrophosphate mint, myristica, caraway, thyme carda-
esters or enzyme-bound intermediates. mom, coriander, and many other oils. An-
The principal precursors for phenyl- other important monocycic hydrocarbon
propanoid compounds, which are found monoterpene is pcymene, which is found
in volatile oils, are cinnamic acid and in coriander, thyme, cinnamon, and myris-
p-hydroxycinnamic acid, also known as tica oils. Pinene (see fig. 5-2), a dicycic
p-coumaric acid. In plants, these com- monoterpene, is also widely distributed. It
pounds arise from the aromatic amino is found in many conifer oils as well as in
acids phenylalanine and tyrosine, respec- lemon, anise, eucalyptus, thyme, fennel,
tively, which in turn are synthesized via coriander, orange flower, and myristica
the shikimic acid pathway (Fig. 5-5). This oils. Sabinene, a dicyclic monoterpene of
biosynthetic pathway has been elucidated the thujane class, is distributed in carda-
in microorganisms by using auxotrophic mom and lemon oils. Acyclic monoterpene
mutants of Escherichia coli and Enterobacter hydrocarbons are rather rare, but myrcene
aerogenes that require the aromatic amino from myricia, lemon, and myristica oils
acids for growth. In the biosynthesis, 2 glu- may be cited a q an example. Cadinene (see
cose metabolites, erythrose 4-phosphate Fig. 5-2), occurring in juniper tar, is a typ-
and phosphoenolpyruvate, react to yield a ical sesquiterpene hydrocarbon. 13-Cary-
phosphorylated 7-carbon keto sugar, ophyllene (see Fig. 5-2), which is found in
DAHP. This compound c yclizes to 5-de- wormwood, peppermint, cinnamon, and
hydroquinic acid, which is then converted clove oils, is an example of a sesquiterpene
to shikimic acid. Shikimic acid, through a with a more unusual chemical structure.
series of phosphorylated intermediates,
yields chorismic acid, which is an impor-
tant branch-point intermediate, One
branch leads to anthranilic acid and then
to trvptophan. The other leads to pre- CH2
phenic acid, the last nonaromatic com-
pound in the sequence. Prephenic acid can
he aromatized in 2 ways. The first proceeds p.Cymene (±).Sabinene
fl. Myrcene
by dehydration and simultaneous decar-
boxylation to yield phenylpyruvic acid, the
direct precursor of phenylalanine. The sec- A volatile oil drug composed chiefly of
ond occurs by dehydrogenation and hydrocarbons is turpentine oil.
decarboxylation to yield p-hydroxyphen-
vipyruvic acid, the precursor of tyrosine. Turpentine Oil
The phenyipropanoid precursor, cin- Turpentine oil or spirits of turpentine is
namic acid, is formed by the direct enzy- the volatile oil distilled from the oleoresin
matic deam.ination of phenylalanine, and obtained from Pinus pa!ustris Miller and
p-coumaric acid can originate in an analo- from other species of Pinus Linné (Fam.
gous way from tyrosine or by hydroxyla- Pinaceae) that yield terpene oils exclu-
tion of cinnamic acid at the para position. sively. Turpentine oil is the largest volume
essential oil in commerce; little, however,
is used by the essential oil and pharma-
HYDROCARBON VOLATILE OILS ceutic industry since it is primarily a raw
Hydrocarbons occur in practically all vol- material for chemical manufacture.
atile oils. Limonene is probably the most Turpentine oil is a colorless liquid having
widely distributed of the monocyclic ter- a characteristic odor and taste, both of
penes (see Fig. 5-2). It occurs in citrus, which become stronger and more disa-

- f


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f lL 0-
E 0
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o / S I 0. 'O

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N' I I a)

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a N

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greeable as the oil ages or is exposed to air. CHI CH H

Spirits of turpentine from the southeastern
United States contains approximately 65%
u-pinene, 30% -pinene, and 5% other ter- .. CH2CH20H
tine oil is used as a counterirritant in Vicks (+ ).Linalool (Coriandrol) (— )-/i.Citronellol
Vaporub'', Mentholatum Deep Heating, CHI
and Sloan's Liniments.
Rectified turpentine oil is turpentine oil
rectified by distillation from an aqueous so- UCHI
lution of sodium hydroxide. It is dispensed J/OH
when turpentine oil is required for internal H3C<CH3
use. It has been used as an expectorant. ( ... )..TerpineoI (+)-Borneol
Terpin hydrate or terpinol is formed by
the action of nitric acid on rectified turpen- Among the important alcohol volatile oil
tine oil in the presence of alcohol. It is cis- drugs are peppermint, cardamom oil, cor-
p-menthane-1,8-diol hydrate. iander oil, rose oil, orange flower oil, ju
Terpin hydrate is a stimulant to mucous niper oil, and pine oil (Table 5—I).
membranes; therefore, it is used as an ex-
pectorant in the form of terpin hydrate Peppermint
elixir. The usual dose of terpin hydrate is Peppermint consists of the dried leaf and
85 mg. flowering top of Mentha piperita Linné
(Farn. Labiatae). Meat/ia is from the Greeh
Mint/ia, the name of a mythical nymph
metamorphosed into this plant; piperita i
from the Latin piper, meaning pepper, and
alludes to the aromatic and pungent tast
of peppermint.
The plant is a perennial herb indigenou
ALCOHOL VOLATILE OILS to Europe and naturalized in the norther
United States and Canada. It is extensively
Alcohols found in volatile oils may be cultivated in areas where the fertile soil has
classified into (1) acyclic alcohols, (2) high water-holding capacity. If rainfall is
monocyclic alcohols, and (3) dicyclic alco- not sufficient, an irrigation system is es-
hols. Methyl, ethyl, isobutyl, isoamyl, sential. Peppermint requires a daytime
hexyl, and the higher aliphatic alcohols length of 15 to 16 hours and as much sun-
occur in volatile oils but, because they are light as possible. To obtain good field
soluble in water, they are washed away in crops, clean planting stock must be used
the process of steam distillation. Many nat- because disease control measures have not
ural oils, however, contain acyclic alcohols yet been fully developed. The plants are
that are terpene derivatives. Among the propagated by rhizome cuttings. When in
more important of these are gerariiol (see flower, they are cut with a mowing ma-
Fig. 5-2), linalool, and citronellol. Among chine, raked into windrows, dried for a few
the more important monocyclic alcohols hours in the sun, and hauled to the still
are menthol (from peppermint) and c-ter- house. If the plant is to be used as a drug,
pineol; horneol is a dicyclic terpene alcohol it is carefully dried and preserved. Several
from Borneo camphor. Sesquiterpene al- varieties of peppermint are cultivated in
cohols include zingiberol (see page 150). the United States; but, whereas the Amer-

Fig. 5-6. Co ui'n op t

I ottni, Iuigs, 'short-longs,"' mediums," shorts, ''' tiny .L

ican peppermint oil is all derived from M. 95% deterioration and yields no volatile oil
piperita, the Japanese peppermint oil is ob- upon steam distillation. However, the dis-
tained from M. arvensis Linné var. piveras- tillate water may be aromatic.
cpus. Peppermint was described by John Peppermint oil is the volatile oil distilled
Ray in his Histarth Plantarutn (1704). It was with steam from the fresh overground
extensivel y cultivated in England as early parts of the flowering plant of Men tha pi
as 1750. perifa Linné (Fam. Lahiatae) (Fig. 5-8), rec-
Peppermint contains volatile oil (about tified by distillation and neither partially
1%), resin, and tannin. nor wholly dernentholized. It yields not
Commercial dried peppermint usually less than 5% of esters, calculated as men-
consists of the dried herb, though it should thyl acetate, and not less than 50% of total
contain not more than 2% of stems over 3 menthol, free and as esters.
mm in diameter. It loses some volatile oil The American production of peppermint
during dry ing and more during storage; oil has increased tremendously in the past
the usual commercial sample has suffered century; in 1844, 88,000 lb were produced,

,. ,...
.;. .' 1:' r,
., I.

Fig. 5-7. Coriander fruit, magnified 6 times,


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caused abandonment of thousands of acres

of formerly productive land. In recent
years, wilt-resistant strains of peppermint
have been developed by using the tech-
nique of irradiation-induced mutations,
thereby eliminating the threat to the in-
dustry of fungal blight. In 1978, approxi-
mately 17,000 acres were under cultivation
in Washington and yielded an average of
70 lb of oil to the acre.
Peppermint oil is a colorless or pale yel-
low liquid that has a strong, penetrating
odor of peppermint and a pungent taste
that is followed by a sensation of cold when
air is drawn into the mouth.
American peppermint oil contains from
50 to 78% of free (— )-menthol and from 5
to 20% combined in various esters such as
the acetate. It also contains (+ )-rnenthorie,
(- )-rnenthone, cineole, (-t )-isomenthone,
( -t- )-neomenthone, and ( -- )-menthofuran.
Because of the commercial importance of
the mint oils, the interconversions of the
various terpene constituents of the oils
have been studied more extensivel y than
those of other volatile oil plants. Incorpo-
ration of "CO,into the various menthane
derivatives that characterize different Men-
[ha species has allowed precursor relation-
Fig. 5-8. Menthe? piperi(a (peppermint) showing op- ships to he deduced (Fig. 5-9). Several of
posite, petiolate leaves and dense, terminal inflores- the proposed steps were directly demon-
cences. (Photo courtesy (if A. M. Todd Company, strated by isolating radioactively labeled
Kalamazoo, Michigan.)
monoterpenes and feeding them back to
leaf slices or foliage. Cell-free extracts from
in 1944, 867,000 lb were produced, and, in Mentha leaves with pulegone-°C have con-
1977, 4,400,000 lb were produced and val- firmed the pulegone—*menthone---
ued at $63 million; $32 million of this total menthol portion of the pathway and have
represented the value of exported oil. established that NADPH 2 is an essential co-
About 90% of the oil is obtained from factor in these reduction reactions. An en-
Washington, Oregon, and Idaho, princi- zyme preparation from Mentha leaves has
pally from the Willamette river valley and also been shown to reduce the isopropyl-
Madras areas of Oregon, the Columbia idene double bond of piperitenone to yield
river basin of Washington, and portions of piperitone. Small amounts of menthone
the Snake river valley in Idaho. The re- and menthol were also formed with piper-
mainder of the oil is produced in Wisconsin iteflofle as the substrate, indicating that the
and Indiana. A few years ago, southern cyclohexene double bond of the precursor
Michigan was the major area of mint cul- was reduced.
tivation in the United States, but a fungus A key step in the biosynthesis of the
blight (V erticilliutn wilt) infected crops and p-menthane monoterpenes appears to he

-C b-

I = I .
p — 0 10

1 /

q \\ 0 =C
(.) 0
/ E o—( 5 o C0
• 0
\ / ' \ / a)0.
I = 0:.
7 0

--" p
1/ \

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\/ E

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the dehydration of a-terpineol to terpino- menthofuran in such oils impart a dis-
lene and limonene (see Fig. 5-9). The steps agreeable cloying odor to products in
leading to the formation of i-terpineo1 which they ma y he incorporated. The re-
from nievalonic acid are common to several action pulegone -- menthofuran is appar-
different species of mints. The pathways ently reversible, and the concentration of
then diverge where a-tcrpineol is dehy- both of these compounds decreases in
drated to limonene in spearmint and to ter- favor of inenthone, menthol, and menthyl
pinolene in peppermint. The next step in acetate as the plant ages. Consequently,
the sequence is hydroxylation and subse- oils of good quality can be obtained only
quent dehydrogenation to produce either from plants containing a high percentage
the carvone series of monoterpenes found of mature tissues.
in spearmint or the piperitenone series of The problem of obtaining mature tissues
monoterpenes found in peppermint. is particularly acute in the Yakima valley
Breeding experiments with the mints in- of central Washington where environmen-
dicate that a single dominant gene pro- tal conditions favor early and luxuriant
duces the carvone series, whereas the flowering of mint plants with concomitant
homozygous recessive genotype produces production of a large proportion of rela-
the piperitenone series. Apparently, the tively young tissues. Careful control of the
gene that differentiates between these se- time of harvest enables growers in that area
ries may be the gene that governs the en- to produce oils of satisfactory quality.
zyme that deh y drates a-terpineol to either USES. Peppermint oil is a pharmaceutic
hmonene or terpinolene. aid (flavor). It has been used as a carmina-
The influence of environmental factors tive, a stimulant, and a counterirritant, Its
on essential oil composition has been ap- chief commercial importance is as a flavor
parent to commercial producers for many for confections, especially for chewing
years. Plants of the same species and geno- gum.
type may produce oils of different quality It was estimated in 1972 that the domes-
when grown in different areas. The long tic use of peppermint oil was as follows:
days of northern latitudes favor the pro- chewing gum. 55%; toothpaste, mouth-
duction of a peppermint oil that contains wash, and pharmaceuticals, 34%; confec-
relatively small amounts of menthone and tionary products, 10%; and other products,
menthofuran and large amounts of men- 1%. In recent years, about one third of our
thol, whereas plants subjected to short day national production has found its way into
illumination produce an oil that contains export trade, which has increased more
small amounts of menthol and relatively than 400 1 /c since the 1940s.
large amounts of menthofuran. NONPRESCRIPTION PRODUCTS. Pepper-
Sequential studies with 14C O 2 have sug- mint oil is used as a flavoring agent in Lis-
gested that pulegone is the predominant terine Mouthwash ® and as a carminative
terpene in young tissues of peppermint, and flavoring agent in the antacid products
where it is accompanied by menthofuran. BiSoDol ®, Gehisil®, Phillips' Milk of Mag-
Menthone, which is found in older tissues, nesia ® , and Turns®.
also gradually disappears while menthol Japanese peppermint oil or mentha ar-
accumulates and is replaced in turn, by vensis oil is obtained by steam distillation
menthyl acetate. from Men tha arvensis Linné var. piperascens.
This sequence of biogenetic events helps This oil is considerably higher in menthol
to explain why peppermint oils obtained content but is inferior in flavor to pepper-
from plants containing relatively large mint oil. It is, therefore, solely employed
amounts of young tissue are inferior. High as a source of menthol. The plant is indig-
concentrations (up to 30% in some cases) enous to Japan and is the source of Japa-

nese menthol. Some years ago the plant mixture of geranial to neral, and citronella!,
was introduced into southern California the aldehyde corresponding to eltronellol.
and Brazil; both areas now produce con- The aromatic aldehydes include cinnamal-
siderable amounts of menthol. dehyde (see Fig. 5-3) and vanillin (vanilla,
Menthol or menthan-3-ol is an alcohol henzoin, tolu and Peru balsams).
obtained from diverse mint oils or pre- çH,
pared synthetically. Menthol may be Ic- CH 3Cl-i3
vorotatoiy ( - )-menthol], from natural or HO
synthetic sources, or racemic [( )-men-
thol], produced synthetically.
Menthol is usually prepared from Japa-
nese peppermint oil by refrigeration (- 22°
Geranial Net-al (+)-CtroneIIaI
C), during which the menthol crystallizes.
The liquid portion is poured off, and the Biosynthesis of such aromatic aldehydes
crystallized menthol is pressed between fil- as benzaldehyde and vanillin takes place
ter papers and subsequently purified by from phenyipropanoid precursors. Be-
recrystallization. Synthetic racemic men- cause these compounds constitute the
thol is produced by hydrogenation of thy- aglycones of certain glycosides, their for-
mol. Menthol may also be prepared from mation was discussed under that heading.
pinene. The terpene aldehydes derive from ace-
Menthol occurs as colorless, hexagonal tate metabolism, as illustrated in Figure
crystals that are usually needlelike, as 5-4.
fused masses, or as a crystalline powder. Among the important drugs in this class
It has a pleasant, peppermintlike odor. are cinnamon, cinnamon oil, orange oil,
USES. Menthol is a topical antipruritic. It lemon peel, lemon oil, hamamelis water,
has been used on the skin or mucous mem- and citronella oil (Table 5-2).
branes as a counterirritant, an antiseptic,
and a stimulant; internally, menthol has a CINNAMON
depressant effect on the heart. Menthol is Cinnamon or Saigon cinnamon is the
topically applied as 0.1 to 2% preparations dried bark of Cinnamornuni loureirii Nees
for use on the skin. (Fam. Lauraceae).
NONPRESCRIPTION PRODUCTS. Menthol An important cinnamon in U.S. com-
is used as an antipruritic in such burn and merce is Ceylon cinnamon, the dried inner
sunburn preparations as Noxzema Medi- bark of shoots of coppiced trees of C. zey-
cated Cream®, Solarcaine® , and Unguen- !aruczun Nees (Pam. Lauraceae) (Fig. 5-10).
tine®; in preparations to treat poison ivy Cassia cinnamon is the dried bark of C.
rash, Ivy Dry Cream® and Rhulicream®; in cassia (Nees) Nees ex Blume.
douche powders, Zonite®; and in prepa- Cinnamon may be from the Arabic, kin-
rations to treat athlete's foot, NP27 Pow- nalnon; the Malay, kayu tnanis, sweet wood;
der®. It is used as a counterirritant in ex- or the Hebrew, ginnanion, Lourcirii is in
ternal analgesic preparations that include honor of the French botanist Loureiro; zey-
Absorbirte Jr®, BenGay®, Mcntholatum, lanicum signifies Ceylon; Cassia is from the
Minit-Rub ®, and Vicks Vaporub®. Greek kassia, meaning to strip off the bark.
Cinnamon is named as a spice in the
books of Moses, by the ancient Greek and
ALDEHYDE VOLATILE OILS Latin historians, and in Chinese herbals as
Aldehydes occurring in volatile oils may early as 2700 B.C. Its cultivation in Ceylon
be divided into acyclic and cyclic, included probably dates from 1200 A.D.
among the former are citral, which is a 3:1 The wild cinnamon trees seldom exceed

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9 meters in height. The leaves are coria- characteristic odor and taste of cassia cin-
ceous, green, and glossy; the flowers are namon.
in terminal panicles; and the fruit is fleshy The principal constituent of the oil is cin-
and ovoid. namic aldehyde, 80 to 95%; the remainder
Practically all commercial cinnamon is consists of terpenes, such as limonene,
now obtained from cultivated trees in Sri p-cymene, (- )-linalool and -caryophyl-
Lanka (Ceylon), southeastern China, Viet- lene, and other compounds such as eu-
nam, Laos, Indonesia, the West Indies, the genol.
Seychelles, Malagasy, and many other lo- USES. Cinnamon oil is used as a flavoring
calities. However, cinnamon from south- agent; it is also a carminative and pungent
eastern Asia and adjacent islands is supe- aromatic. It has antiseptic properties.
rior in quality. Cinuamaldehyde, cinnamic aldehyde,
The bark is gathered from young trees or cinnamyl aldehyde is obtained naturally
usually less than 6 years old and, in Sri from cassia oil or synthetically from a mix-
Lanka, mostly from coppice shoots 18 to ture of benzaldehyde and acetaldehyde by
36 months old. The leaves, branches, and the action of sodium hydroxide.
stem tips are distilled with steam for the It should be stored in well-filled, tight,
volatile oil. The bark is cut transversely and light-resistant containers and protected
longitudinally and peeled. In Sri Lanka and from excessive heat.
Indonesia, the bark is. scraped while fresh
to remove epidermis and cork; in China, it Lemon Peel
is planed to remove partially the cork. In Lemon is the fruit of Citrus linwn (Linné)
Sri Lanka, many layers of the thin inner Burmann filius (Fam. Rutaceae).
bark are rolled into one quill; in Indonesia, Lemon peel is the outer yellow rind of
several layers may be quilled together; and the fresh ripe fruit of C. lirnon. Limon is from
in China and Vietnam, each layer is quilled Iipnun, the name of the fruit. The plant is a
separately or only 2 or 3 layers are quilled small evergreen tree with shining leaves
together. and is indigenous to northern India but
Saigon cinnamon yields from 2 to 6% of cultivated to a considerable extent in such
volatile oil; cassia cinnamon, 0.5 to 1.5%; subtropical regions as southern Spain,
and Ceylon cinnamon, 0.5 to 1%. Other southern Italy, Sicily, southern California,
constituents are mannitol, which causes Florida, Argentina, Cyprus, Brazil, Tuni-
the sweetness of the bark, and tannin, sia, Israel, Mexico, India, South Africa, and
which is abundant in cassia cinnamon. Australia. The history of the lemon paral-
USES. Saigon, Ceylon, and cassia cinna- lels that of the orange; it has been known
mon are carminatives and flavors. since the beginning of the written history
The powdered cinnamon found in the of India, its native land.
grocery trade is frequently a blend of sev- The cultivation of lemon trees and the
eral kinds of cinnamon. The blending is picking, selecting, and storing of lemon
done either to improve the aromatic quality fruits constitute an important industry.
or to cheapen the product. The , ou-tèr, lemon-yellow or dark yellow
Cinnamon oil is the volatile oil distilled layer (peel) is removed by grating or par-
with steam from the leaves and twigs of ing. It has a highly fragrant, distinctive
Cinnamomurn cassia (Nees) Nees ex Blume odor and an aromatic taste.
(Fain. Lauraceae) and rectified by distilla- Lemon peel contains a volatile oil, a
tion. It is also known as cassia oil. small quantity of hesperidin, bitter prin-
Cinnamon oil is a yellowish to brownish ciples, a principle resembling tannin, and
liquid that becomes darker and thicker by calcium oxalate.
age or by exposure to air; it possesses the USES. Lemon peel is a flavoring agent, a

stimulant, and a stomachic. It is employed ature and in the shortest possible

chiefly in combination with other drugs. time.
Lemon oil is the volatile oil obtained by 6. Some lemon oil is obtained by distil-
expression, without the aid of heat, from lation. Such oil is not comparable
the fresh peel of the fruit of C. lirnon, with with the expressed oil and does not
or without the previous separation of the conform to pharmaceutic standards.
pulp and the peel. Six processes are uti- Distilled oil is usually used fo the
lized in the recovery of oil of lemon; five preparation of terpeneless oil of
of these processes yield an oil meeting lemon.
pharmaceutic requirements.
1. The outer portion of the rind, which Lemon oil contains about 90% of terpenes
contains the volatile oil, is removed consisting chiefly of (+ )-limonene, the
by grating; the resultant raspings are main hydrocarbon present in a range of 70
placed in canvas bags and subjected to 80%, and other monoterpene hydrocar-
to pressure. The resultant turbid oil bons, especially 3-pinene and -y-terpinene
is allowed to stand until the sediment (approximately 8 to 10% of each). The most
separates, after which the oil is de- important contributors to lemon-oil flavor
canted. are neral and geranial (together called cit-
2. The sponge process is employed to a ral) Some lemon oils contain up to 13% of
considerable extent in Sicily and citral, but a range of 2 to 4% is optimum
along the Riviera. The lemon is for a high-quality oil. The primary esters
peeled and pieces of the peel are in lemon oil are neryl and geranyl acetates,
pressed flat so that they flex and rup- and they are believed to be important in
ture the oil cells. The oil is absorbed providing a full-bodied lemon flavor.
by a sponge which, when it becomes
Lemon oil that has a terebinthinate odor
must not be used or dispensed; such an
saturated, is squeezed out, and the
odor indicates decomposed terpenes or
process is repeated.
added turpentine oil.
3. The entire fruit is rotated in a saucer-
USES. Lemon oil is a flavoring agent. It
shaped container that has several
has stimulant, carminative, and stomachic
rows of sharp metal pins and is called properties. It is a valuable commodity used
an écueilé a piquer. The pins rupture not only in food flavorings but also in cos-
the oil cells, and the exuding oil col- metics and liquid cleansers because the
lects in a long narrow depression in aroma and flavor are widely accepted by
the bottom of the saucer, which also consumers. In 1967, the dollar value of
serves as the handle. This method is lemon oil consumed in the United States
now used in the West Indies. was $11 million, making it the number one
4. During the machine process used in volatile oil in dollar value and representing
Italy, the oil is separated mechani- 2.5 million lb of oil.
cally using a principle similar to that Turpentine oil was formerly used as an
of the Ecuellê a piquer. Only the peel is adulterant but has been replaced by ter-
subjected to this method. penes obtained in the preparation of ter-
5. Cold-pressed California oil is ob- peneless oils. California-type lemon oil
tained by the application of extremely should contain between 2.2 and 3.8% of
high pressure to the lemons and the total aldehydes (principally citral) and Ital-
rapi removal of the juice and oil. The ian-type lemon oil between 3,0 and 5.5%.
juice-and-oil mixture is then sepa- Yet, even such a citral content is no crite-
rated by high-speed centrifugal sep- rion of purity because citral from a cheaper
aration at the lowest feasible temper- source (lemongrass oil obtained from Cym-



I •1

(-)-Camphor Diosphenol

Fig. 5-11. Carawa y fruits, magnified 6 times, CH
(- )-Fenchone (- )•Thutone
The more important drugs in this cate-
hopogon citrntus [D.C.] Staph. [Farn. Gra- gory are camphor, spearmint, and caraway
mirteae), which Contains about 80% citral) (Table 5-3).
may be added. Only a careful Check of the1 i\
physical and chemical constants of the oiij,amphor
can determine its purity. Camphor is a ketone obtained from Cm-
Terpeneless oils. Lemon oil and orange oil,
nainomum cam plwra (Linné) Nees et Eher-
by virtue of their high terpene content,
maier (Fam. Lauraceae) (natural camphor)
often develop a terebinthinate odor during
or produced syntheticall y (synthetic cam-
storage. A considerable amount of these
phor). Camphora is from the Arabic kathy,
terpenes may be removed by distillation
meaning chalk. The plant is a large ever-
under reduced pressure. A terpeneless
green tree indigenous to eastern Asia but
lemon oil with a citral content of 40 to 50% naturalized in the Mediterranean region,
may be prepared. In terpeneless orange oil,
Sri Lanka, Egypt, South Africa, Brazil, Ja-
about 95% of the terperies have been re-
maica, Florida, and California. Early ref-
moved. Such oils are not subject to dete- erences to camphor do not pertain to the
rioration and may be employed in smaller laurel camphor but rather to the Borneo
quantities to obtain the same organoleptic
camphor (borneol, see page 113), which
effect. They are, however, considerably
reached Arabia in the 6th century and Eu-
higher in price than the natural oils, rope in the 12th. Laurel camphor appeared
in Europe in the 17th century. When Japan
annexed Taiwan, a government monopoly
KETONE VOLATILE OILS was created (1900). From that time until
Ketones occurring in volatile oils may be World War II, about 80% of the world's
divided into (1) monocylic terpene ke- supply of natural camphor (about 4 million
tones, including menthone, carvone, pi- kg per year) was produced in Taiwan,
peritone, pulegone (see Fig. 5-9), and dios- where the tree occurs naturally in abun-
phenol (a crystalline ketone in buchu); and dance and is also extensively cultivated;
(2) dicyclic ketones, including camphor, the remaining 20% vas produced largely
fenchone, and thujone. in Japan and southern China. Since 1945,
-- 125



S -C


• •E
- cC


>- —ZC.)C.—-C <





Cr >t

C.) c)
V C.) ç)

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- Cr

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-c r

ZC C C-)



the production of synthetic camphor has pho-Phenique ® for athlete's foot and Blis-
gradually lessened the demand for the nat- tex® for cold sores.
ural product; nevertheless, Japanese and NOTE. Camphor must be labeled to in-
Taiwan camphors still are found on the dicate whether it is obtained from natural
market. sources or is prepared synthetically.
Natural camphor occurs as a crystalline
product in clefts in the woody stems and Spearmint
roots and, to a greater extent, dissolved in
the volatile oil. The wood is chipped and Spearmint consists of the dried leaf and
distilled with steam, and 1 lb of crude cam- flowering top of Mentha spicata Linné (M.
phor is obtained from 20 to 40 lb of chips. viridis Linné) (common spearmint) or of M.
The crude camphor is then freed of oil by cardiaca Gerard ex Baker (Scotch spearmint)
centrifugation and pressing and finally re- (Fam. Labiatae). Spicata is from the Latin
sublimed and pressed into the familiar spica, meaning a spike, and refers to the
cakes. arrangement of the flowers. The plant is a
Before World War II, about 6.5 million perennial herb that closely resembles pep-
kg of synthetic camphor were produced permint, is indigenous to Europe, and is
annually in Europe and the United States. naturalized and cultivated in various parts
During the war, the production of syn- of North America. Spearmint is extensively
thetic camphor practically replaced the nat- cultivated in Washington, Idaho, Wiscon-
ural derivative. Since the war, production sin, Michigan, and Indiana. More than
of natural camphor has been resumed, but 25,000 acres are presently devoted to spear-
it will never attain its former prominence. mint cultivation in the state of Washington,
Synthetic camphor is made from pinene, and the average yield is 90 lb per acre. Total
the principal constituent of turpentine oil. production of spearmint oil amounts to
The starting point is the stumps of felled about 3 million lb annually. The plant ap-
pine trees previously used in turpentining. pears in many of the old herbals, and its
A number of complex methods have been mention in early medieval lists demon-
used for producing synthetic camphor, but strates that it was cultivated in the convent
all are based on (1) converting pinene into gardens of the 9th century.
bornyl esters, which are (2) hydrolyzed to Spearmint closely resembles pepper-
isoborneol, and (3) finally oxidized to cam- mint, but the stems are usually more pur-
phor. ple. The leaves are sessile or nearly so, in-
The specific rotation of natural camphor florescence is either in slender, interrupted
is between +4l and +430. Synthetic cam- cylindric spikes or crowded lanceolate
phor is the optically inactive racemic form. spikes, and the bracts are 7 to 10 mm in
USES. Camphor is a topical antipruritic, length (Fig. 5-12). Odor and taste are ar-
rubefacient, and anti-infective employed at omatic and characteristic; the taste is not
ito 3% in preparations for use on the skin. followed by a cooling sensation.
Commercially it is used in the manufacture Spearmint is composed of resin, tannin,
of certain plastics. and a volatile oil (about 0.5%) that contains
is used as an ant-ipruritic in Hist-A-Balm USES. Spearmint is classed as a flavor. It
Medicated Lotion®, Rhulicream®, and possesses carminative properties.
Noxzema Medicated Cream ® and as a Spearmint oil is distilled with steam
rubefacient in external analgesic prepara- from the fresh, overground parts of the
tions, such as Heet ® , Mentholatum®, flowering plant of Men tha spicata or of M.
Minit-Rub ®, Sloan's Liniment s, and Vicks cardiaca. It contains not less than 55%, by
Vaporub® . It is also an ingredient of Cam- volume, of carvone. Most of the supply of

mouthwash, 47 chewing gum, and 3%



Two kinds of phenols occur in volatile
oils: those that are present naturally and
those that are produced as the result of
destructive distillation of certain plant
Eugenol (see Fig. 5-3), t.hymol, and car-
vacrol are the most important phenols oc-
curring in volatile oils. Eugenol occurs in
clove oil, myrcia oil, and other oils; thymol
and carvacrol occur in thyme oil and oth-
ers; and creosol and guaiacol occur in creo-
sote and pine tar.


I CH3 H30 'CH

Thymol Carvacrol

Fig. 5-12 . tictha _paita (spcarIrtint) plant hwnp

typical opposite, sessile leaves.
> OCH .00H3

Creosol Gualacol
spearmint oil is produced in the same area
as peppermint oil. i'he more important drugs containing
Spearmint oil is a colorless, yellow or phenol volatile oils are thyme, clove, myr-
greenish yellow liquid that has the char- cia oil, creosote, pine tar, and juniper tar
acteristic odor and taste of spearmint. (Table 5-4).
Spearmint oil contains from 45 to 60% of Thymol is a phenol obtained from thyme
(- )-carvone, 6 to 20% of alcohols, and 4 to oil (T/ti1n,.us vuRaris Linné), from horsemint
20% of esters and terpenes, chiefly (- oil (tvIonclrtia punctnta Linné), from Mouarda
limonene and cineole. The carvone is op- did ynia Linné oil, from ajowan oil (Carton
tically isomeric with the (-4- )-carvone found cupticnii Renthain et Hooker), or it may be
in oil of caraway and oil of dill. prepared synthetically from ,n-cresol or
USES. Spearmint oil is a flavor. It pos- p-cvrnerle. The oil may be treated in 2 ways
sesses carminative properties and is used to obtain thymol crystals: (1) it may be sub-
to a considerable extent in the chewing jected to freezing temperatures causing the
gum industry. A 1972 government survey thvmol to crystallize, or (2) it may be
showed that the estimated domestic use of treated with sodium hydroxide solution,
spearmint oil was 50% toothpaste and the aqueous solution of sodium thymol

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u 12 •C - 10 U C COO.:
- 100.0.0

--C -C
etO C
bC C
C o-
10 - LI
LI LI V 0)
c) C
L 1•) LI LI 0)
I' C
Lfl C

LI -(C

C Ce-) '- E

H o
- It

1 LI

—(2 1-_2)
I - • III
.,. It & .0.1,
V LI _
C t
QO 00

Z)'. (C 1'
LI 0-.(C 1).0

V -(C 0)
,jC 0QQC ( C IC I
LI - 0 C -
t E.
CII. 2

= C C 2= LI 0
- LI LI (CC -'_, C-
(e-= )I. C -- (C LI
LI .(C LI '(C - -

= 2—
>-CC LIt - C

being separated and decomposed with

acid, thus liberating the thyniol, which is
subsequently purified.
Thymol occurs as large colorless crystals
or as a white crystalline powder. it has an
aromatic thyrnelike odor and .a pungent
taste. Thy mol may be readily microsub-
USES AND DOSE. Thymol is an antifungal
and antibacterial agent. It is employed top-
icall y in lotions, creams, and ointments in
concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 1%.
used in the feminine hygiene products
PMC Hygienic Douche Powder® and Zon-
ite®; in the otic products Auro Ear Drdps®,
in the external analgesics Vicks Vaporuhr B
and Zemo Liquid ® ; and in Listerine
Fig. 5-13. Eiigeizin can/opIn/lius. A, Entire flower buds
mouthwash. in side and upper views showing the cylindric recep-
tacle (r), the 1 calvx teeth (, and the globular closed
Clove corolla COIISIStiJ15 of 4 petals (p). B, Longitudinal sec-
Clove or cloves is the dried flower bud tion through the flower bud showing petals (17). an-
of Eugenia caryophyllus (Sprengel) Bullock (hers (a), filaments (f), style (at), ovary (o), ovules (ou),
and oil cells foci.
et Harrison (E. caryophylinta Thunherg)
(Fam. Myrtaceac) (Fig. 5-13). Eugenia,
which is Latin, and caryophijllus, which is
Greek, mean "nut-leaf" and refer to the
nutlike flower buds; "clove" is from the
Latin c/a vus, meaning a nail, and refers to tected. During proper drying, the buds
the shape of the whole spice. lose about two thirds of their original
The plant is a tree that grows to 15 meters weight.
in height and is indigenous to the Molucca The best cloves come from Pemba, but
Islands but cultivated on the islands of four fifths of the world's supply comes
Penang, Ambon, Pemba, Zanzibar, Su- from Tanzania. Clove was known to the
matra, Madagascar, and Mauritius as well Chinese before 266 s.c. The Dutch, who
as in the Seychelles and the West Indies. won possession of the Spice Islands in
The buds are gathered when they change 1605, endeavored to create a monopoly and
from green to crimson and are carefully destroyed all the trees except those on the
dried in the sun. islands of Ambon and Ternate. In 1770,
The average yield of dried cloves per tree however, the French succeeded in intro-
approximates 7 lb, although a large tree in ducing the tree onto Mauritius and Reunion.
a favorable year may produce as much as From there, its cultivation spread to other
40 lb. clove-growing areas. Almost 65% of the
Buds are separated from their individual world's supply of cloves is ground and
stems by hand and spread out on coconut mixed with tobacco in cigarettes and con-
mats to dry. In sunny weather, drying re- sequently smoked. The largest consumer
quires 4 or 5 days; in cloudy weather, a is Indonesia, which imports more than half
longer time is required. When rain threat- of Tanzania's cloves each year.
ens, the buds must be covered and pro- Clove contains a volatile oil, 14 to 20%;
130 VOLATILE pits

gallotannic acid, 10 to 13%; oleanolic acid; ities and is incorporated in dental protec-
vanillin; and the chromone, eugenin. tives.
USES. Clove is a carminative and a flavor. NONPRESCRIPTION PRODUCTS. Eugenol is
Clove oil is the volatile oil distilled with an ingredient in the toothache prepara-
steam from the dried flower buds of Eu- thins Benzodent®, Jiffy Toothache Drops®,
genia caryophyllus. It contains not less than and Numzident®.
85%, by volume, of total phenolic sub-
stances, chiefly eugenol. PHENOLIC ETHER VOLATILE OILS
Dove oil is a colorless or pale yellow liq-
uid that becomes darker and thicker by age A number of phenolic ethers occur in
or exposure to air and has the characteristic volatile oils. The following are the more
odor and taste of clove. important examples: anethole (see Fig.
The oil contains free eugenol (70 to 95%), 5-3) from anise and fennel (Table 5-5), saf-
eugenol acetate, and 13-caryophyllerie. To- role from sassafras (see page 486) and nut-
gether these constituents constitute about meg.
99% of the oil, but they do not account for
the characteristic, fresh, fruity note of clove RiCQJO
oil. This is produced by several minor con-
stituents, especially methyl-n-amyl ketone.
USES. Clove oil is classed as a flavor. It is CH—CHCH. -CHCH2
commonly employed as a toothache rem- Safrole Myristicin
edy that is applied topically to dental cav-
Derivatives of safrole are also often
ities as required. Clove oil also possesses
found in volatile oils. Notable among these
antiseptic, counterirritant, and carminative is myristicin (methoxysafrole) from nut-
properties. Oils with a particularly high meg.
content of eugenol are used in the com- Biosynthesis of Phenolic Ethers. Studies of
mercial production of vanillin (see page anethole biosynthesis in Foeniculurn vulgare
74). have revealed that formation takes place
Approximately I million lb of clove oil from phenylalanine (shikimic acid-phen-
are imported into the United States an- ylpropanoid pathway, see Fig. 5-5) via a
nually. number of intermediates (Fig. 5-14). A cell-
NONPRESCRIPTION PRODUCTS. Clove oil free enzyme system capable of effecting the
is used in Noxzema Medicated Cream® and conversion has been prepared. Methionine
Lavoris® mouthwash. serves as a methyl donor for the methox-
Eugenol or 4-allyl-2-methoxyphenol is a ylation reaction. Other structurally related
phenol obtained from clove oil and from phenolic ethers are presumably formed by
other sources. It is usually prepared from similar pathways.
clove oil by shaking with a 10% solution of Some of the drugs containing phenolic
sodium hydroxide to form sodium eugen- ether volatile oil are anise, fennel, and myr-
olate. The mixture is washed with ether, istica.
and the sodium eugenolate is then decom-
posed with sulfuric acid. The eugenol is Nutmeg
separated by steam distillation. It is a col- Nutmeg or myristica is the dried, ripe
orless or pale yellow, thin liquid that has a seed of Myristica fragrans Houttuyn (Fam.
strongly aromatic odor of clove and a pun- Myristicaceae) deprived of its seed coat and
gent spicy taste. arillode and with or without a thin coating
USES. Eugenol is classed as a dental an- of lime (Fig. 5-16). The tree is indigenous
algesic. It is applied topically to dental cav- to the Moluccà and neighboring islands

- C)
0) -u

Ci '3

1 jiI HI E! :1)0)

C i-I

I1 :
-3 C-1 0) Cl
Ci. 0)
111 C)J —


0)1 -

V– C)
FE E = C
4) CI V
.2- L2-
Ci C - Ci 0)-
= 0) I- C)
C) zz 7s

0) I

I 'JIt

F c 0)-


Cinnamic acid-1-14C OH O(CH) (Methionine) OCI-13 OCH3

(from Phenylalanine) 4 . Hydroxycinnamic acid 4 .Methoxycir,namic acid 4Methoxycinnamic alcohol Anethole

Fig. 5.,-14. Biosynthesis of anetholu.

and is now extensively cultivated in other that is solid at ordinary temperatures,

tropical regions, including the West Indies. sometimes occurs in prismatic crystals, and
The botanical name, Myristica fragraiis, re- is known as "nutmeg butter"; volatile oil,
fers to the fragrance of the nutmeg. The 8 to 15%, that contains myristicin and saf-
commercial supply is largely derived from role; proteins in considerable amounts; and
the Malay Archipelago. The trees bear con- starch.
tinuously. Two or three crops are collected USES. Myristica is a flavor and a condi-
yearly. First the fleshy pericarp is removed ment. Recently, it has attracted attention
and then the arillode, which constitutes as a useful agent for controlling diarrhea
mace when dried, is removed. The seeds associated with certain carcinomas.
are dried, requiring from 3 to 6 weeks, and In recent years, nutmeg has gained a rep-
then the brittle testa is cracked off. utation, especially among prison inmates,
With the exception of those from Penang, as a hallucinogenic agent. However ., the
nutmegs are partially coated with lime to relatively large amount (up to 15 g) that
protect them from attack by insects. Over must be ingested to cause the desired in-
5 million lb of whole nutmegs are imported toxication also produces flushing of the
into the United States annually; over 80% skin, tachycardia, absence of salivation,
of this amount comes from Indonesia. and other undesirable side effects. The ac-
Nutmegs were introduced into Europe tive principle(s) responsible for the effects
by the Arabs about the middle of the 12th on the central nervous system have not
century but were not a prevailing article of been identified with certainty, but elemicin
commerce until the sea routes to the Indies and myristicin are believed to be involved.
were opened in the 16th century. They Some theories involve the in vivo biotrans-
played an important part in the Dutch spice formation of these nutmeg constituents
monopoly until the tree began to be culti- into amphetaminelike, nitrogen-contain-
vated in other parts of the world (1800). ing metabolites.
Nutmeg contains fixed oil, 25 to 40%,



Nutmeg oil or myristica oil is the volatile

oil distilled with steam from the dried ker-
nels of the ripe seeds of Myristica fragrans.
The oil is a colorless or pale yellow liquid
that has the characteristic odor and taste of
Fig. 5-15. Italian anise, magnified 6 times. East Indian nutmeg oil possesses differ-

Fig. 5-16 . Nutmeg . Mi,nstjca fmniris, showing the one-seeded fruits (called nutmeg apples),
the exposed
seeds that are partially cm ered by the anllode (mace), and the characteu-ists leaves. The arillode has been
partly peeled from a nutmeg seed (right center) to shuw how it can be removed (Photo courtesy of Di. Jolla
F Morton, Director, Morton Cnllectanea, UnivcLSjt\ of Mtamc)

ent properties than those of West Indian Eucalyptus Oil

nutmeg oil. The label of the container must
indicate whether the oil is of East Indian Eucalyptus is the dried, scythe-shaped
or West Indian origin. leaf of LU((11 -11J)"Is ,lobuliis Lahillardiere or
The oil contains salroie, mvristicjn of other species of Eucalyptus (Farn. M yr-
(methoxvsafrole), methoxyeugenot, taceae) (Fig 3-17). This tree is indigenous
camphene, -terpineol, o- and 1-pinene, to eastern Australia and Tasmania and is
myrcene, (± )-lirnortenc, and sabinene. cultivated in southern Europe and in Cal-
USES. Nutmeg oil is a flavoring agent. it ifornia. EuCOIIJptIIS is Greek and means
possesses carminative properties. well-covered, alluding to the lidlike cover
of the buds, and giobulus is Latin and refers
to the form of the fruit. The commercial
OXIDE VOLATILE OILS supply of the drug is largely from Aus-
Cineole (eucalyptol) is found in eucalyp- tralia, Brazil, Spain, Portugal, Angola, and
tus and several other vola tile- oil-_yielding South Africa. The tree requires much water
drugs. It is also called cajuputol because it and has been used to dry up marsh land.
occurs in cajuput. Eucalyptus Contains volatile oil, 3 to 6%,
oti, several resins, and tannic acid.
Eucalyptus oil is the volatile oil distilled
with steam from the fresh leaf of E. globulus
or from other species of Eucalyptus. 'he oil
is a colorless or pale yellow liquid that has
H,C __CH, a characteristic, aromatic, somewhat cam-

Fig. 5-17. Branch of eucal y ptus he S traits nod mcvihc-sliapcd c.,vc.

phoraceous odor and a pungent, spicy, Over 450,000 lb of eucalyptus oil are im-
cooling taste. ported into the United States annually.
Useful eucalyptus oil contains not less USES. Eucalyptus oil is classed as a flavor.
than 70% of cineole, It must he free from It is frequentl y used as an antiseptic, dia-
eucalyptus oils containing large amounts phoretic, and expectorant.
of phellandrene. Cineole or eucalyptol is obtained from
More than 300 species of Eucalyptus are eucalyptus oil and from other sources. It is
recognized by botanists, and several dif- a colorless liquid that has a characteristic,
ferent chemical races of a single species aromatic, camphoraceous odor and a pun-
may exist. For this reason, the chemistry gent, cooling, spicy taste. Cineole may be
of the various eucal yptus oils is an ex- obtained (1) from eucalyptus oils by frac-
tremely complex subject. tional distillation and subsequent freezing
Eucalyptus oils intended for medicinal of the distillate or by treating eucalyptus
use contain about 70 to 85% cineole, plus oil with phosphoric acid and subsequently
lesser amounts of volatile aldehydes, ter- decomposing the cineole-phosphoric acid
penes, sesquiterpenes, aromatic aldehydes with water, or (2) from terpin hydrate as a
and alcohols, and phenols. Many of these deh ydration product on treatment with
minor components have irritant properties acids.
and are removed by redistillation of the oil. USE. Cineole is classed as a flavor. It has
Oils intended for industrial purposes have properties similar to those of eucalyptus
piperitone and/or phellandrene as their oil.
principal Components. Other eucalyptus NONPRESCRIPTION PRODUCTS. Cineole
oils used in perfumery are rich in geraniol and eucalyptus oil are employed in a wide
and its esters and citronellal. variety of products, such as nasal inhalers
and sprays (Dristan ®, Sine-Off Once-A- and the fruit is a bright red, globular, ar-
Day®, Vicks Sinex ®); external analgesics omatic bony. The plant is common in co-
(Antiphlogistine ® , Mentholatum Deep niferous woods throughout the eastern
Heating® , Minit-Rub ® , and Vicks Vapo-
United States and Canada. The leaves are
rub®); and mouthwashes (Listerine' and coriaceous, the upper surface is dark green
and shining, and the under surface is pale
green. The odor is distinct and aromatic,
ESTER VOLATILE OILS and the taste is aromatic and astringent.
Methyl salicylate (see Fig. 5-3) is pro-
A wide variety of esters occurs in volatile duced synthetically or is obtained by
oils. The most common are the acetates of maceration and subsequent distillation
terpineol, borneo!, and geraniol. It is com- with steam from the leaves of G. procunbens
mon practice to age perfumes to permit es- Linné (Fain. Ericaceae) or from the bark of
terification, thus improving bouquet. Bet u/a fenta Lime (Fam. Betulaceae) The
Other examples of esters in volatile oils are product must be labeled to indicate
allyl isothiocyanate in mustard oil and
whether it was made synthetically or was
methyl salicylate in wintergreen oil (Table distilled from either of the plants men-
tioned. This oil is also known as gaultheria
Biosynthesis of Esters. Terpene esters are
oil, wintergreen oil, betula 0111. or Sweet
generally formed from the respective al- birch oil.
cohols by reaction with aliphatic acid moie- In several eastern states the oil is ob-
ties (commonl y acetic acid), as was indi- tained by distilling wintergreen plants that
cated for menthyl acetate. Formation of have been chopped into small pieces and
aromatic esters, at least in the case of allowed to stand in water for about 12
methyl salicylate, involves the reverse hours. The oil may be purified b y rectifi-
process; that is, the aromatic acid reacts cation with steam. When the oil is distilled
with an aliphatic alcohol (commonl y meth- from birch bark, the process is much the
anol) to form the ester. same. Meth I salicylate is made syntheti-
Labeled cinnamic acid has been incor- callv by distilling a mixture of salicylic acid
porated into methyl salicylate by Gau/thria and meth y l alcohol.
procunthcns. The reactive form of cinnamic
Methyl salicylate is a colorless, yellow or
acid is presumably an ester of coenzyme red liquid that has the characteristic odor
A. The biosynthetic pathway (Fig. 5-18) and taste of wintergreen. Synthetic oil and
involves o-hydroxylation of the cinnamic that obtained from Betula are optically in-
acid and subsequent side-chain degrada- active, but the oil obtained from Gaultherja
is slightly lcvorotatorv.
Among the drugs in this section are lav- Methyl salicylate, the chief constituent
ender oil, dwarf pine needle oil, mustard of this oil, is formed when the glycoside,
oil, and gaultheria oil. gaultherin, is hydrolyzed by the naturally
Gaultherja Oil occurring enzyme, gaultherase, in the
presence of water.
Gaultheria, wintergreen, teaberry, or In addition to methyl salicylate, winter-
checkerberry consists of the dried leaves green oil contains an ester that splits into
of Gaultheria procwnbens Linné (Fam. En-
enanthic alcohol and an acid. Enanthic al-
caceae), a low shrublike perennial with cohol and its ester possess the character-
slender creeping or subterranean stems istic odor that distinguishes natural win-
and branches that ascend from 5 to 15 cm tergreen oil from synthetic methyl
in height. The leaves are alternate and ev- salicylate.
ergreen, the flowers are white and axillary, USES. Meth y l salicy late is a pharmaceutic



U 9

—:4) 4)
- -

4) 4)
U - 4)
- -

<1 4).

4) 4)4

4) 4)

4) 4)4)
4) "4) - C) 4)


U, - :4) 4) - C
"4) 4)
; V 4)

4) 4)
4) _"C

> :_ >.4) 4)


:' 4)
2 4)

U ii




Methyl salicylate

C143 -CO 5-- CoA

Fig. 5-18. Proposed biosynthetic pathway leading to methyl salicylate.

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