BIRAO Scientism

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Camille Dawn E.

GE 7 – G

The Magician's Twin: C.S. Lewis and the Case against Scientism

1. What is scientism?
Scientism is the belief system and the ideology in which it claims the
assumptions and research methods of the physical and natural sciences to be
equal to that of all other disciplines that makes up the world. It provides true
knowledge and understanding that has a strong commitment towards natural
sciences in which are the only appropriate elements in any philosophical inquiry.
This in turn is the empirical evidence of observation and experimentation.

2. How is science comparable to magic?

Science and magic are both concepts that oppose one another. In a sense that
science can’t explain magic and magic which is something that can’t be placed in
a logical sense relating to science. Science is the systematic study of obtaining
knowledge and understanding on the natural and social world in the basis of
observation and experiment. Whereas, Magic is simply an unexplained
phenomenon that we see as impossible to be seen as possible. It is the use of
mysterious and supernatural forces.
3. Why is science more dangerous than magic?
Science is more dangerous since it can be manipulated to suit what we as
human beings want it to do. Science must be handled with caution as it can
control over us if we don’t know how to control it.

4. What is the presented essence of modernity and its consequences?

Modernity is presented as the solution to all problems, and we are expected to
accept it as the only path to the future. We must admit that, given where we are
now, there is no point in halting modernization of certain things because it is too
late; we have already boarded a train that will not stop. We must be reminded
that its true essence is the exploitation of everything around it. We pursue what
we define as progress at the expense of everything else for reasons such as
power, dominance, convenience, and, most importantly, wealth. As we build our
modern cities, we begin to distance ourselves from the people around us, such
as our neighbors and relatives. No one just helps.

5. What do we need for the sciences to be good?

Education. Society values science because the application of scientific
knowledge helps to meet many basic human needs and raise living standards.
Developing a treatment for cancer and constructing a clean energy source are
just two current examples. In the coming decades, education may become the
most important application of science.

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