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e m aster’s b

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300+ Unique Roll Tables to Enhance Your Worldbuilding, Storytelling,

Locations, Magic and More for 5th Edition RPG Adventures
ben egloff
e m aster’s b
g am oo
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04 06 80
Foreword | Introduction Session Building
Random Encounters pg. 81
08 Chase Complications pg. 106
Building a Pantheon
Defining Magic
e pg. 10
pg. 12
Side Quests
Skill Challenges
Environmental Hazards
pg. 116
pg. 120
pg. 130
Building a Planet pg. 14 Travel Complications pg. 150
Building a Realm pg. 20
Forms of Government pg. 22 152
Population Type pg. 32 Magic & Miscellany

Building a Population pg. 34 Spell scrolls and their functions, potions and their
Creating an Economy pg. 40 possibilities, magical prisoners, multiple mutations,
blessings and boons, curses and charms, reincarnation
Creating Customs, Laws results, the contents of a person’s pocket or their dreams
and Their Consequences pg. 46 and hundreds of other interesting ideas all contained in
a somewhat organized section.
Establishing Beliefs pg. 48

Businesses pg. 50 Spell Scrolls

Scrolls by Level pg. 153
Guilds and Unions pg. 62 Unexpected Spell Scroll Results pg. 156
Local Color pg. 68 Transmuted Damage Types pg. 157

Positive & Negative Potions

Potion Type pg. 158
Beneficial Potions & Elixirs pg. 158
Detrimental Potions & Elixirs pg. 162
Mixed Potion Interactions pg. 167

Items With Personality

Good Sentient Magic Item Personalities pg. 168
Evil Sentient Magic Item Personalities pg. 169
Drinking, Carousing
Personalities in Items and Consequences
Object Occupants (Dead) pg. 170 Ballads, Ditties & Songs pg. 211
Object Occupants (Living) pg. 171 Drink Name Generator pg. 213

One Good Time Too Many pg. 214
Teleportation Gone Wrong pg. 172 Unintended Criminal Acts pg. 215

Variant Wild Magic pg. 176 Ships and Shipwrecks

Strange Things in a Shipwreck pg. 216

Pickpocketing pg. 180 Ship Name Generator pg. 216

Gifts & Curses The Weird, the Wild and the Random
Divine Blessings pg. 182 Weirdos, Hermits & Wanderers pg. 218
Boons pg. 183 NPC Primary Motivation pg. 219
Curses pg. 184 Rumors on the Street pg. 219
Charms pg. 186 Hags & Their Lairs pg. 220
Common Magic Items pg. 189 I Wouldn’t Touch That pg. 220
Gelatinous Cubes pg. 222
Nightmarish Dreams
Pleasant Dreams

e pg. 194
pg. 194
Atmosphere Enhancement
Demonic Demands
Giants & Their Things
Gnomish Inventors
pg. 222
pg. 223
pg. 223
pg. 224
pg. 225
Constellations & Heavenly Portents pg. 196 Useless(?) Junk pg. 226
Soothsayers and Fortune Tellers pg. 197 Portals to the Unknown pg. 226
Ghosts pg. 228
Reincarnation Gravestones pg. 228
Reincarnation Results &
Unexpected Side Effects pg. 198

Strange Mutations

pg. 200

Tools of the Trade

Spellbook Appearance pg. 202 One-Shot Adventures
Arcane Focus Appearance pg. 202
Never Tell Me the Odds pg. 232
Druidic Focus Appearance pg. 203
Holy Symbol Appearance pg. 203 Animated Defense pg. 248

Heraldry & Crests pg. 204 Things Are Not What

pg. 264
They Seem
Contents of an Ancient Grimoire pg. 206
Book Titles pg. 207 280
Art Objects pg. 208 Index
Wares That May Not
Strictly Be Legal pg. 210

Location Upkeep pg. 210


“Nearly every off-the-cuff question that has ever stumped me as a GM,

large or small, could’ve been resolved in a dice roll or two with this
book. There are lots of random tables out there, but few as creative and
comprehensive as these!”
- Ginny Di
youtuber, tabletop gamer, singer and cosplayer

“Hmm? What’s that, again?” I say, looking up into the myself at the head of a TTRPG table, weaving tales and

eyes of the hopeful young man with the Welsh accent. leading combat, but I wasn’t quite sure where to actually
start. After all, my first GMs were literal masters: Matt
It’s early 2022 and I’m in the UK. As a veteran voice Mercer and Aabria Iyengar. To me, what they do is
actor in video games, anime and animation, I’m often almost mystical; balancing plot, pace, characters and
at comic cons like this on the weekends. These days, I’m gameplay. I might be able to convince myself that
busier than ever, because I’ve just finished my nearly someone like me, a relative newbie, could have the
year-long run on the hit D&D live-play shows Exandria vision to take my friends on a fantastical adventure, but
Unlimited and Critical Role, thrusting me into the did I have the tools to execute a single session, much
TTRPG world as well. Meeting fans from around the less a long-running campaign?
globe is perhaps the best part of my job. I can answer

most questions about any show or game I’ve ever
worked on, but this one catches me a bit off-guard.

“I loved you at the table!” he exclaims. “You’re such an

interesting player, I’d be excited to see what you could
Thankfully, as time passed after my initial run as a
player on EXU and CR, the TTRPG community has
graciously opened its arms to me and shown me a
massive new world of resource books; compendiums;
reference guides; and original, playable stories that span
come up with as a Game Master!” millions of words beyond the official material. This book,
the very same one you are about to enjoy, is one of the
“Oh,” I reply, a bit timid. Not wanting to disappoint him, finest such guides.
I give a noncommittal answer. “Well, it sounds like fun,
but I’ve only just learned to play. I don’t think I have the This vast tome contains an impossibly broad spectrum of
skills yet….” creative ideas in an easily consumable format that even a
novice like me can make sense of. The form and function

“Ha!” he playfully scoffs with a friendly smile, “I GMed of how these ideas are presented and the versatility
the third game I ever played!” with which they can be implemented should also keep
the most experienced GMs happy for campaigns to
We laugh, have a quick d20 roll-off (he won) and off come. I can only give my highest praise to the team that
he goes, disappearing into the sea of con-goers, not put The Game Master’s Book of Astonishing Random
knowing he had sparked an idea in my mind. Many Tables together. Also, the one-shots by Ben, Jim and the
others would come to nurture this thought with their Forbecks look so fun I hope someday to find myself in

good-natured tales of the magical experience of running one of their exploits.

a gaming session and inspire me to one day do the same.
So, whether you’re the new kid behind the screen or the
Now, let me be clear as to why I was so hesitant to king of the quest, this book has a little something for
answer his question and potentially GM a game of everyone. Even me. I’m sure when I run my first session,
my own. As a new player (and a person who tends to I’ll be pulling some tips and tricks from this book and
overthink almost everything), I’d always been consumed many of the others in the series. Perhaps, someday, I’ll
by the “how” of it. Sure, I get the concept. I can imagine let you know how it goes….

Wishing you well,

Robbie Daymond

The Game Master’s Book of Astonishing Random Tables 5


Welcome to The Game Master’s

Book of Astonishing Random Tables...

t’s happened to the best of us. You’ve lured your imaginations, providing set pieces for gripping combat
party into an untenable situation and they’re on or narrative encounters and the context that ensures
the run from the dual threat of notorious hag those scenes have meaningful stakes, which is why you
Granny Mu’Pau and the implacable mechanical might invest hours of your time developing a place for
army of Dr. Orryn Belanteraith (in league with them to explore. To which your players will inevitably
the Duke, which means the law is decidedly not on respond, “Where else can we go?” It’s a lot of work.

their side). They’ve managed to piss off the Honorable
Purveyors of Rest and Respite, so finding a place to sleep
is a quest unto itself. And that’s when they have a brilliant
idea. “What if we just leave this city altogether?” says the
druid. “Let’s just steal a wagon and head for the next town
Luckily, this book is a tool and, in some ways, an
automaton, created to take some of that work off your
hands. Whether you’re an old hand or you’re GMing your
first game, the tables presented throughout this book
are designed to generate content on your behalf or spark
over.” “Why stop there?” asks the bard. “Why don’t we go new ideas within you. These tables were created to help
to another country? I could parlay with local leaders and you focus your attention on the things you care about
we could build an alliance and maybe lead a rebellion.” so that when your players ask about things you haven't
“That’s OK,” you think as you rub your temples and considered (“What’s in his pocket?” or “What’s the name
consider your next move. “I’ll get them at the border.” of the trappers guild?” or “What’s on the menu?”) you
“I can drive a boat!” shouts the fighter, who has never not only have an answer—you have a potential hook for
once used his background as a sailor. another chapter in your ongoing adventure.

It’s fine. They’ll never be able to commandeer a

ship, gather a crew and master the waves. And yet, a What This Book Is
few Charisma checks later, the party is setting sail in a The Game Master’s Book of Astonishing Random
stolen vessel with a crew of 35 easily persuaded goblins, Tables is many things, but first and foremost, it is a
steered with all the wind they could need courtesy of spark. It’s here to help you take the inner workings of
the druid’s ability to spam gust all afternoon. They’re your creative mind and put them on display for those
fleeing the places you spent hours preparing, en route to around you. It’ll do some of the work for you so you can
focus on creating epic stories with your players.

a continent you’ve not yet imagined, all because you told

them “This is an open world, explore it as you see fit.” It is, at its core, exactly what it’s called: a book
Why do we do this? Why not just play Monopoly?! of (astonishing) random tables. These tables add
It’s a question that’s come up for most Game Masters spontaneity to your sessions, a bit of tension to already
at some point or another, and the answer is always the tense situations and a touch of chaos—whether by your
same: the story. The story is what everyone—you, your hand or the hands of your players—based on the will of
players, perhaps even an audience—cares about. As the the dice. If they didn’t, they’d be called predictable tables.
Game Master, you act as the facilitator of the story and It is also a fully functional campaign generator. It
its setting, bringing to life a world rich with opportunity, will take you through the steps of creating a setting and
intrigue, magic, danger, dungeons and perhaps a dragon filling that setting with interesting places and people
or two. You create a universe where you and your friends and the governments that rule them: the motivations
collaboratively conjure tales together. You must also behind leaders of powerful guilds, nefarious cults and
answer questions about how that world looks, feels secret societies—some hoping to change the world for
and influences the narrative. Every detail you provide the better, others not so much. It will help challenge your
about your world is a snare that can capture the players’ players through social interaction and fierce combat,

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