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Buhi St. Josephs Academy, Inc. (Formerly St. Josephs Academy) Buhi, Camarines Sur BUHI ST.



ARTICLE 1 TITLE, COMPOSITION AND HEADQUARTERS 1. The Buhi St. Josephs Academy, Inc. Football Club (BSJAIFC) is a school-based organization recognized by and duly registered with the Buhi Football Confederation. 2. The BSJAIFC is composed of the players and the coaching staff of the club. 3. The office of the BSJAIFC shall be at the Buhi St. Josephs Academy, Inc., San Pedro, Buhi, Camarines Sur. ARTICLE 2 OBJECTIVES The objectives of the BSJAIFC are primarily: 1. Always comply with the Statutes, regulations and decisions of the NCCSFA and of the PFF; 2. To comply with the valid Laws of the Game; 3. To recognize the exclusive authority of an arbitration tribunal of the PFF in respect to all disputes involving itself or any of its members. 4. To improve and promote the sport of football (soccer); its discipline and values within the Municipality, the province of Camarines Sur and throughout the Philippines as well; 5. To develop players (boys and girls) that are God fearing and well rounded in skills, attitude, discipline and personality to exercise the principle of fair play during a game; 6. To participate and engage into different football games to become more competitive and produce future municipal, provincial and national football team players; 7. To be recognize as one of the best footballing institutions in the regional and national secondary levels;

ARTICLE 3 TYPES OF MEMBERSHIP 1. The BSJAIFC shall accept members that are regular and/or probationary. 2. REGULAR MEMBERS are those students who have declared their intentions to join and have shown their interests during meetings, practice, and game. 3. PROBATIONARY MEMBERS are those students who stated their intentions to join the organization. ARTICLE 4 RESTRICTIONS TO MEMBERSHIP MEMBERS shall be students enrolled in the Buhi St. Josephs Academy, Inc. within an academic year. ARTICLE 5 ADMISSION AND QUALIFICATIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP 1. After filling up the information needed in the BSJAIFC Form 1 (Entry Form), He or She may be accepted as probationary member provided that he or she: a. is bona fide student of the Academy; b. is of good moral character; c. has at least a passing grade of 75% in every subject he is taking; d. is never been involved in a fight within the academic year; 2. He or She may be accepted as regular member if he/she: a. paid the corresponding membership fee; b. submits himself/herself into trainings, festivals or camps; c. updates his/her membership information; d. promotes the development of the game during training; e. observes the Article 3.2 of this Constitution and Bylaws ARTICLE 6 DISQUALIFICATION OF MEMBERSHIP 1. The BSJAIFC may implement disciplinary actions to members who found to be guilty of violation of the implementing rules and regulations of the Club such as: a. Rejection of application for membership b. Demotion from regular to probationary membership c. Fine d. Suspension (from attending any meeting, practice and game) e. Dismissal from the Club

2. REJECTION OF APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP: A student may be rejected from joining the club if he or she violates any of the requirements in Article 5.1. 3. DEMOTION FROM REGULAR TO PROBATIONARY MEMBERSHIP: A regular member may be demoted if he or she: a. failed to observe the Article 3.2 of this Constitution and Bylaws; b. shows misconduct during meetings, practice, and games; c. disrespectful towards his/her officials; 4. FINE: A member if found guilty may be required to pay a fine for damages inflicted during negligence, misconduct or reckless acts during meeting, practice and games. 5. SUSPENSION: A member may be suspended if he or she: a. failed a subject for whatever reasons; b. is found to be indirectly involved in a fight causing injuries to any party or both

6. DISMISSAL FROM THE CLUB: A member may be dismissed from the club if he or she: a. stopped his/her studies or transferred to another school; b. failed more than three subjects for whatever reasons; c. has started a fight between conflicting parties; d. truant of his/her obligations in the club ARTICLE 7 PROCEDURES FOR MEMBERSHIP 1. A student wishing to become a member of the BSJAIFC shall exercise the provision stated on Article 5.1. 2. The applicant shall automatically be bound on the rules and regulations of the club. 3. A student applying for membership shall be approved and monitored by the clubs coaching staff. ARTICLE 8 MEMBERS RIGHTS A member is entitled: 1. to take part to every football development training and camps as required by the program; 2. to elect his/her club officers during a meeting called for that purpose;

3. to be elected for any position as club officer; 4. to express his/her opinion and views for the benefit of the organization; ARTICLE 9 MEMBERS OBLIGATIONS A member of the club has the following obligations: 1. to maintain his/her academic performance within the academic year he/she is attending; 2. to observe the Laws of the Game; 3. to be active in all meetings, practices and games; 4. to uphold the interest of the club; 5. to ensure the proper implementation of the clubs rules and regulations; 6. to exercise the principle of clean and fair play; 7. to communicate with the coaching staff regarding personal or group issues such as dispute with other players, students, teachers and school officials

ARTICLE 10 PARTICIPANTS AND FREQUENCY OF THE MEETINGS 1. The BSJAIFC meeting shall be composed of all the members of the club. 2. Each member is entitled to only one vote and only the members present are entitled to vote. Voting by proxy is permitted as long as he or she is a member of the club. 3. The Meeting may transact official matters only if there is a 50% + 1 quorum. All votes taken shall be passed by the absolute majority of the votes of the entire voting membership of the club. 4. The Meeting shall be held every Tuesday although a Special Meeting may be called in any day within the regular school days. The Special Meeting shall have a written request with the specify agenda.

ARTICLE 11 AGENDA FOR THE MEETING 1. In every End of the School Year, the Agenda shall include the election of the Club Officers. 2. The Club Secretary shall draw up the agenda based on input from the members. Any proposal that a member wishes to submit to the Meeting shall be sent to the Coaching Staff of the Club, at least three (3) days before the Meeting. 3. The Agenda of the Ordinary Meeting is as follows: a. Call to Order b. Determination of the Existence of a Quorum c. Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting and business arising out of the minutes d. The Presidents Report e. Financial Report and Approval of the Budget f. Admission / Suspension / Expulsion of members (if applicable) g. Votes on proposals for amendments to the statutes (if applicable) h. Election of the President and members of the Board (if applicable) i. Adjournment The agenda of the Ordinary Meeting may be altered, provided three-quarters of the members present agree to such a motion. 4. The President is responsible for ensuring that the meeting runs according to plan. 5. The meetings minutes is coordinated by the Club Secretary, who must send them to the members within the regular school days following the meeting. ARTICLE 12 ELECTION OF THE CLUB OFFICERS 1. The Club Officers shall be elected by the Club Members every end of the School Year in a Meeting called for that purpose. The newly elected Club Officers will then assume office one (1) week after the election has been made. The Officers who are not graduating students may be re-elected. 2. The election of Officers for the Girls Team and the Boys Team shall be done in a separate meeting.

3. The candidates for Club Officers for each team may be an officer of another schoolbased clubs as long as they are capable of doing their obligations. 4. Nominations for Club Officers for each team from President to Representatives must be listed in a clean sheet of paper and to be submitted to the Coaching Staff at least one (1) week before the Meeting when elections are scheduled to be held. Only members may nominate candidates for the Club Officers. Except for Business Managers and Year-level Representatives; a member shall be allowed to nominate only one person for each officer of the club. 5. The Club Officers shall be elected in a Meeting by an absolute majority of the votes of the entire members of the Club for each team.


ARTICLE 13 1. The Members of the Coaching Staff of the BSJAIFC shall be a permanent or contractual employee of the Buhi St. Josephs Academy, Inc. 2. The Members of the Coaching Staff are as follows: a. the Faculty Members as the Coach and the Assistant Coach; b. the Student Affairs Coordinator, the Assistant Principal and the Sports Club Adviser as the Team Managers; c. the School Principal and the School President as the Team Directors 3. The duties of the: A. COACH- is to take full responsibility of the training programs and strategies of the team. He or She may serve as Trainer and or Officiating Official as the situation called for. Serves as the overall guardian of the players during practice and games. B. ASSISTANT COACH- is to take some of the responsibilities of the Coach when the latter is on leave, in an official business. Shares the responsibility of taking care of the welfare of the players. C. TEAM MANAGERS- is to monitor the needs of the teams and to acquire potential benefactors for the Club. D. TEAM DIRECTORS- is to look after the progress of the club, the training program, the status of the players both in the academics and in the game.


1. The President shall be the overall monitoring official of the Club. He/She shall preside at all meetings of the club. 2. In case of the permanent absence of the President of if the President ceases to carry out or is prevented from performing his duties, the Vice-President shall temporarily take over such duties. A Meeting shall be called within seven (7) days by the Coaching Staff to elect the new president who shall only serve the remainder of the term of the past president. 3. The Meeting alone may declare the position of President vacant and replace the President. The Coaching Staff may propose to the Meeting the removal and replacement of the President. ARTICLE 15 THE VICE-PRESIDENT 1. In case of the temporary absence of the President, the Vice-President shall perform the duties and functions of the President. He/She serves as the disciplinarian of the members. 2. If the President ceases to carry out or is prevented from performing his duties, the Vice-President shall act temporarily as the President until another President is officially elected. 3. The Vice-President shall be the committee chairman of the Referee Committee and may be given any functions that he may deem fit. ARTICLE 16 THE TREASURER 1. The elected Treasurer shall manage the financial affairs of the BSJAIFC. 2. The Treasurer is tasked to keeping track of all the physical assets of the BSJAIFC, including office furniture and fixtures, equipment, etc. He manages the clubs Cash and Securities, Receivables and Payables and assists the President and the Secretary in all business negotiations. 3. The Treasurer may or may not have direct line relationships with personnel of the School who are charged with finance and accounting functions. ARTICLE 17 THE SECRETARY 1. The Secretary shall be the chief executive of the Club. 2. The Secretary shall be responsible for:

a. implementing decisions passed by the Coaching Staff and the Meeting in compliance with the Presidents directives; b. compiling the minutes of the meetings, the Coaching Staff and all meetings of the various committees that may be created by the President; c. the correspondence of the BSJAIFC; d. managing and keeping the accounts of the BSJAIFC; e. relations among the members and committees; f. the implementation of all established policies and procedures, and decisions made by the President.

ARTICLE 18 The President may, at his discretion, create any committee he may deem necessary or he may activate the following committees as and when he deems fit: 1. FINANCE COMMITTEE shall be administered by the Club Auditor and shall frame rules on financial procedures and shall regulate the income and expenditures of the BSJAIFC and advice the president on the management of properties and assets. The committee shall review income and expenditures for specified projects and/or proposals. It shall help in all aspects of financial administration and property management, budget preparation, financial controls and fund raising. 2. REFEREES COMMITTEE shall undertake all duties related to refereeing (including Futsal and Beach Football) such as: to monitor and establish among members the uniformity in application of the Laws of the Game. 3. COMPETITIONS COMMITTEE shall review reports on competitions and matches submitted to the secretary. It shall evaluate the entire program for tournaments of the BSJAIFC and continuously improve it to align with the direction and thrust of the NCCSFA. It shall review the organization of competitions by technical officials and provide guidelines for improvement. It shall ensure that the conduct of competitions adheres to standards and protocol. It shall inform members in all aspects including formats of competitions, interpretations of rules, matters relating to qualifications of competitors and discipline of teams, officials and players. 4. MARKETING COMMITTEE shall develop marketing strategies and plans to acquire funding for the programs of the BSJAIFC. It shall identify and meet with prospective corporations, companies, organizations and individuals that would support the BSJAIFC financially. 5. YOUTH COMMITTEE shall adhere to and implement the grassroots and youth development programs. In coordination with the Technical Development Committee, it shall help select and manage youth teams at the provincial level, and recommend to

the Competitions Committee relevant competitions for youth football. It shall assist member organizations in implementing their own youth programs. It shall also continually keep abreast on development in the areas of youth football in the country for possible adaptation. 6. WOMENS FOOTBALL COMMITTEE shall formulate and implement girls and womens football development programs in the school. It shall work with the Youth Development Committee and the Competitions Committee in the implementation of such development programs. It shall plan and organize matches and competitions for women and work to acquire funding for such. 7. DISCIPLINE COMMITTEE shall investigate, inquire and sanction all Members within the club for any breach of the Rules, Regulations, Bylaws of the BSJAIFC or any violation of decisions reached by a committee or other body of the BSJAIFC or for any action violating the spirit or letter of the Laws of the Game or for any other action deemed contrary to Fair Play or purpose of NCCSFA and of the PFF. Disciplinary powers in respect of implementing sanction extending beyond the school club, however, are exclusively reserved for the BFC Discipline Committee upon recommendation of the BSJAIFC. 8. TECHNICAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE shall supervise the selection of players and officials of BSJAIFC to represent the club in municipal, regional national and tournaments. It shall ensure that the selection procedures for football players to represent the BSJAIFC are open and fair. It shall also look into all technical aspects for the development of football in the club. It shall improve the qualification of players by ensuring that they are able to attend local trainings and camps. 9. MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE shall be entrusted with the task of encouraging students to join the BSJAIFC. It shall screen all applicants and recommend acceptance as Probationary Members to the BSJAIFC President. It shall monitor members and ensure that they fulfill their obligations toward the club. Each of these committees shall be headed by a Chairman who is appointed by the BSJAI President.


ARTICLE 19 1. Applicants for membership shall pay a non-refundable socialized fee which shall be considered an entrance fee accompanying the membership form. 2. Every member shall pay an annual due of Php 100.00 payable on or before the 25 th of March or a monthly due of Php 10.00 payable every 3rd week of the month.

3. The Coaching Staff may, from time to time, require the payment of special assessments from each member. 4. Failure of a member to pay the entrance fee, annual dues or any special assessment shall be sufficient cause for suspension or expulsion. 5. The Board may, from time to time, approve the revision of the payments provided under this article taking into consideration inflationary trends.


ARTICLE 20 All matters not provided for in these regulations shall be decided by the Coaching Staff.


ARTICLE 21 The fiscal year of the BSJAIFC shall follow the school year, beginning June 1 and ending March 31.


The Seal of the BSJAIFC shall be a Shield; imprinted on it are the: 1. Mountain (Top) implies overcoming great obstacles. 2. School Logo (Top-left) it represent the schools philosophy, vision and mission.

3. Club Name (Top-right) creating the acronym BFC meaning that BSJAIFC is a member of the Buhi Football Confederation. 4. Football surrounded by the club motto Tarabangan sa Futbol (Buttom-left) symbolizing unity. 5. Gecko (Button-right) symbolizes Conservation, agility, dreaming, renewal, transformation in which the club is trying to emulate to become the powerhouse football in Buhi.

ARTICLE 23 This Constitution and Bylaws may be amended, altered or repealed by the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the entire member of the BSJAIFC in a meeting called for this purpose.

ARTICLE 24 These amended Constitution and Bylaws take effect immediately with the approval of the members of the BSJAIFC. They come into force on July 12, 2011.

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