Blood Notes

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System- Blood
Unit 8
Miss Wheeler
› Type of connective
› FUN FACT: It’s the only
FLUID tissue in the body
› Mixture of solid (blood
cells) and liquid
(plasma) components
› Transports nutrients,
waste, hormones, etc.
› Color varies depending
on amount of oxygen
Components of Blood
Components of Blood
› Plasma- fluid made of
water, electrolytes, proteins,
transported substances
› Red Blood Cells (RBC)-
Transport oxygen using
hemoglobin. No nucleus.
› Platelets- responsible for
blood clotting
› White Blood Cells (WBC)-
Help support body’s
defense & immunity.
5 different types
Red Blood Cells
› Transport oxygen (O2) and remove carbon dioxide
› Hemoglobin- protein that carries oxygen
› More hemoglobin=more oxygen that can be carried
› Iron is important in making hemoglobin
› Red blood cell › Kidney
formation hormone called
erythropoietin that
› New RBCs are made
increases production of
in bone marrow RBCs when O2 is low
› Old RBCs are
destroyed in liver &
› All blood cells start as
a hemocytoblast
(stem cell), then
WBC- Neutrophil
› Nucleus has several lobes
› Protect against bacteria
and fungi at infection sites
› 60% of WBC
WBC- Eosinophil
› Eliminate parasites,
detoxify chemicals
› 2% of WBC
WBC- Basophil
› Allergic
› Release histamines, which
are important in
inflammatory reactions
› 1% of WBC
WBC- Lymphocyte
› Nucleus is dark and takes
up almost whole cell
› Main defense (part of
immune system)
› 30% of WBC
WBC- Monocyte
› Larger cell with horseshoe
shaped nucleus
› Become macrophages
that fight infections
› 6% of WBC
› Bone marrow becomes cancerous
› Overproduction of immature WBCs that
cannot carry out their function properly
› Lower ability for blood to carry oxygen
Sickle Cell Anemia
Blood Transfusions

› Blood is given through an IV

to replace blood lost during
surgery or from an injury/
› Blood banks collect, test,
and store donated blood
› MUST make sure the correct
blood type is used
Blood Transfusions
› VERY important that patients get
the right blood type
› Antigen- located on surface of
RBC. Substance that your body
will recognize as either self or
foreign depending on blood
› Antibody- located in blood
plasma. Substance that does
the “recognizing” by binding to
foreign antigens, leading to
agglutination and the death of
blood cells that are not
supposed to be there
Blood Types
› 4 main types of blood
› 2 possible ANTIGENS on surface of RBC
› A and/or B
› 2 possible ANTIBODIES in plasma
› Anti-A (against A antigens)
› Anti-B (against B antigens)
Rh Factor
› Red blood cells can also have the Rh antigen
› Rh+ blood has Rh antigens present
› Rh- blood does not have Rh antigens present
› Anti-Rh antibody will bind to Rh antigens
› In blood banks, they usually combine the ABO and
Rh blood groups
› O- , AB+, etc.


› AKA “clumping”
› When antibodies in blood plasma detect and
bind to antigens foreign RBCs, clumping occurs.
Blood Typing Lab
Determine the
blood type by
looking for

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