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AERO2703 Assignment 2

Manoeuvring Performance Evaluation

Due Sunday end-Week 8, September 24th before 11:59 pm



In this assignment, students are required to select a specific twin-engine propeller aircraft of with an MTOW of less
than 10,000 lb). Each of you please email me (, with 3 candidate aircraft in order
of preference. The earlier you submit your preferences, the more likely you will get your first preference, providing
it meets these aircraft categories. I will update a list of selected aircraft daily on Ed, as people’s choices are
confirmed. Aircraft selection must be made by 5pm Monday Week 7, 4th September. If an aircraft selection has not
been received by this time, you will be allocated an aircraft, or you may receive a penalty of 5% if you have not
given a valid reason for selecting an aircraft in time.

An engineering report is to be delivered addressing the following performance characteristics:

Manoeuvring performance

1) A description of basic aerodynamic and propulsion characteristics of your aircraft.

2) Construction of a flight envelope for your aircraft that indicates its operational speed and g-loading limits.

3) Construction of manoeuvring envelopes for your aircraft in terms of turn radius at both sea level up to an
altitude of 10,000 ft. Provide contours of turn rate, g-loading and specific excess power. Include both

aerodynamic and structural limits. Specify values for turn rate, radius and g loading and the optimal airspeed
to achieve a minimum radius steady level turn.

4) Construction of manoeuvring envelopes for your aircraft in terms of turn rate at both sea level and up to an

altitude of 10,000 ft. Provide contours of turn radius, g-loading and specific excess power. Include both
aerodynamic and structural limits. Specify values for turn rate, radius and g loading and the optimal airspeed
to achieve a maximum rate steady level turn.

5) Investigation of the influence of altitude on the load factor experienced by your aircraft and determine the
maximum altitude at which your aircraft can perform a 1.6g steady level turn.

For each of the above performance situations make sure you quote the aircraft speed as an Indicated Airspeed (IAS)
in knots so that correct data will be supplied for the pilots in the flight manual.
Weight & balance

1) Construct an allowable C.G. range chart for your aircraft. This should cover all weighs from aircraft empty

weight to maximum take-off weight.

2) (Bonus marks - up to 5 points) Construct a tabulated load sheet that could be filled in by pilot in command

prior to each flight to ensure that C.G. is within the range as specified above. Indicate the calculation
procedure required by the pilot to obtain the required C.G. data.

NOTE: Manufacturers typically provide technical specification documents. These documents may be used to predict
the aircraft basic capabilities (lift/drag/thrust/weight), but this data must be validated using other reliable sources
of information. As certain technologies may be proprietary, the precise information required by these fundamental

performance calculations may be difficult to obtain. In this case, some engineering judgement is required. The use
of published empirical correlations and tabulated data for similar aircraft should be considered, but must be
referenced and justified. Students will also be required to make choices on which available engine they will use for

their calculations.

Report Details
Each student must submit an individual report by Sunday end-Week 8 September 24th, before 11:59 pm. Your report

should contain at least the following information and calculations:

1) A brief description of the selected aircraft and engine.

2) A flight envelope for your aircraft.

3) Results for the manoeuvring performance calculations.

4) A weight and balance diagram and tabulated load sheet.

Submission Requirements
1) The report is limited to 12 pages of body. This page limit does not include front matter (title page, contents
page, abstract/executive summary), references or appendices. Note though, all critical information and all

relevant figures must be included in the body.

2) If MATLAB or other code is used, a fully commented version of your code (in your preferred language) must

be submitted in an Appendix. Make sure that the code can be easily read and understood.

3) A font size of at least 12pt must be used. Page margins cannot be less than 2.54 cm on all sides.

Rules & Regulations
1) Late submissions will be penalised at 5% per day. The penalty is a percentage of the available mark and is

applied to the mark gained after the submitted work is marked (e.g. an assignment worth 100 marks is
submitted on Monday September 25th. The content is given a mark of 75. With the 5% penalty, the final mark

is 70).

2) Submissions must be made through the plagiarism checking software TurnItIn (via the dedicated link on the

Canvas Assignments page).

3) Plagiarism will result in an automatic zero for the assignment.

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