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Question Paper Code: 15064

B.Tech., DEGREE EXAMINATION, November / December - 2022
Fourth Semester


(Regulation 2020)

Time: Three Hours Maximum: 100 Marks

Answer ALL questions

PART - A (10 x 2 = 20 Marks)

1. Define web page and home page. K1 CO1

2. How to create a table in HTML? K3 CO1

3. List any 4 font family supported by CSS font. K2 CO2

4. How to declare a variable in Javascript. K3 CO2

5. Define Servlet API. K1 CO3

6. What is the use of cookies? K4 CO3

7. How to print a statement in PHP? K3 CO4

8. Identify the different data types available in PHP. K2 CO4

9. Define DTD. K1 CO5

10. Give the syntax for DTD Entity declaration. K2 CO5

PART - B (5 X 16 = 80 Marks)

11. (a) Explain about Http Request and Response. (16) K1 CO1

(b) What are HTML elements? Create a Simple Web Page with list, tables (16) K4 CO1
and frames.

12. (a) Given an example of DHTML DOM Events with sample output and (16) K4 CO2

(b) Elaborate about JavaScript Operators. (16) K1 CO2

13. (a) Explain about Servlet Life Cycle. (16) K1 CO3


(b) Develop an Servlet application to connect with database Systems. (16) K6 CO3

14. (a) Discuss about different control statements in PHP with example. (16) K3 CO4


(b) Explain PHP user defined functions with an example. (16) K1 CO4

15. (a) Explain about XML DTD in detail with example. (16) K2 CO5


(b) Discuss the reasons why XML Schemas are more powerful than DTD. (16) K5 CO5
Explain XML Schemas.


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