Uit1403 Important QP For End Sem

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Unit -1
1) What is PEAS? Explain different agent types with their PEAS descriptions.
2) Explain in detail the properties of Task Environments.
3) Types of agent( simple, model, utility, goal based agents)
4) Intelligent agent (Define agent, types of agent i.e.human agent, software
agent, robotic agent, explain about sensor actuators and effectors and
rational agent, agent program)
5) History of AI
6) Applications of AI
1) Uninformed Search(BFS,DFS, Iterative deepening , Bidirectional search)
study example and algorithm
2) Informed Search( GreedyBFS, Memory bound, A* search)
3) Hill climbing, Steepest ascent hill climbing (Local Search algorithm)
4) Simulated annealing
5) Problem solving
6) Problem formulation( toy problem, real world problem)
7) Genetic Algorithm
1) Alpha-Beta pruning
2) Mini-max algorithm
3) CSP(Map coloring, Cryptarithmetic problem)
4) Backtracking Search for csp
5) Stochastic games
1) State Representation of facts in predicate logic with an example
2) First order logic
3) Forward and backward chaining
4) Inference in FOL
5) Knowledge Engineering
6) Resolution in brief with an example
7) Unification
8) Consider the following sentences:
John likes all kinds of food * Applies are food * Chicken is food * Anything
anyone eats and isn’t killed by is food. Bill eats peanuts and is still alive Sue
eats everything Bill eats
(i). Translate these sentences into formulas in predicate logic
9) Trace the operation of the unification algorithm on each of the following
pairs of literals: f(Marcus) and f(Caesar) ii. f(x) and f(g(y))
f(Marcus,g(x,y)) and f(x,g(Caesar,Marcus))

Unit – V
1) Ontological Engineering ( Categories and objects)
2) Mental events and objects
3) Reasoning System for categories
4) Events

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