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VO CA BU LA RV AN O LI ST EN IN C At tit ud e an d Be ha vio r

A Ph on e Ca ll o 5 complete the chart

with the ºPPos·lt~
ª·ºª adjectives. Then lasten, e eck, and l
€a-Fe -less disobedient

imm atur e mature
poli te rude

Positive Negative
careful care less

'(('' 1 \r J'P _ \r(\f f l _

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vJ e11- h ~t" ,d Ji~ \ '

1 Look at the photo. Why do you think the

two students are .
O ir· Lp ' ( ., j

cleaning the windows?

als bet.0 1Jy(.. 1hc ., . t,r je, bi )', 6 Complete the school reports with the
.._ i Jj'

LE AR N TO LE AR N - words from Exercise 5.

Pre par ing to Lis ten

Andy use d to be very disobedient -
the topic before you
Deciding what you want to know about never pay ing atte ntio n and alw ays talking
listen helps you prepare. - but recently, 1 hav en't had to give him a
talk bec aus e he's bee n very ti1: \\.. 1;v-~-- ,. ~...u
nese exchange
2 Vou will hear Harry talking about his Japa However, he's still very 3 Y "'' , ,,. . '.__ • ,
the answer to.
tri p. Write three questions you want to know espe cial ly with his boo ks and pap ers.

'J ,d ~.. . o wov :~e ~h\" -t; +h-Y i-•Í
He sho uld be mor e 4 --:,cu ,., , ~-- • i and kee 1 ,

1\ ·,.-, ,~r -\ 1 c..l11t\~.\

his thin gs in arde r.
(" p ....;

G'())hr,p •)\... t)'\. ' -,1c m?

Las t year. Lizzy was ver y C,,1,-:P~ ec;s

r partner which
O 3 Listen to the conversation. Then tell you
answered. with her wor k and she mad e a lot of
of your questions from Exercise 2 were
mis take s, but this yea r she has spe nt
Listen again and ~irc l~ the correct ans
wers. mor e tim e doin g her hom ewo rk and haf
8.07 bee n muc h mor e cox r \,1 1
6 . She als
1 How do Harry and Denise know each use d to be ; mroo·•., :· and
7 silly in
y're friends.
, ~ They're brot her and sister. b The clas s. alw ays mak ing joke s. but she he
2 When do the students clean the scho
ol? gro wn up a lot. and now she is mu ch
rb) at the end of the day mor e 8 v>10~0,e
a in the morning
3 How wel l does Harry speak Japanese
a not at all ®n ot perf ectl y (a use lt!
7 Put the words from Exercise 5 in
from most positive (1) to least pe
(10). Then compare with a partn

1think "politen is the

most positive because ...
call IN e Attitude nd
,~orie ª Behavior
will hear an exchange student.1n the
. b
4 t1 Complete th
-4 yoU (o e ,· ) e words wlth the correct vowels
1,11 therlands talk111g a out what she likes a , , , o, u .
~e t""• write two questions you'd lik bout the
'°º" • 1
.. e to ask
l. rude
6 e r.el ss
Ü.0-~llV- 1i ke 1O-.Slu~ :ihere..?, 2 e n fJ l
7 rg n z d
I\Q._ uW-PIt-( er_J~ 5\~Jbe.re_o r f eiu 1' 3 ~mm t r
8 d s b d e._nt
Y u old 6chool Ln ~ur 4 P lLt
Listen to the phone call. Does ·t 9 d s rg n z d
2 .,,.,,
a.- • .
anY of your quest1ons 1n Exercise l?
1 answer
10 w ll-b h v d

r ' ...

S t,t, Complete the sentences with the words in
Exercise 4.
1 Rohan is a very well-behaved student: the teachers
never need to give him a talk.
2 Patricia is a very .h d [ child. She never
says "please"!
3 Our teacher likes us to be ------~~.;,,¡_ and keep
our desks clean and neat.
4 Please be _Lore1v\_ when you cycle in the rain.
5 Don't be (oreless._ -you should check your
homework for mistakes befare you hand it in.
6 Our parents teach us to be _ ~ - - and
thank visitors for coming to the house.
7 Bella's pens and pencils are all over the floor. She's
so~---<=..:..-"--_ with her things!
8 My little cousin is very <.it'5obe:dieclJ My aunt's
always giving him a talk, but he never listens.
9 Molly is nearly 16, but sometimes she is very
O3 r.,r., Listen again and answer the questions.
lOl imrooiure - like a little girl.
1 What is the subject of the phone call?
10 Paul is younger than his sister Molly, but he's much
.5.tllifying_a.ndli~íng_in_anothercountcy'l------ more ~9.1.ure_ and sensible.
2 How long will Julia be in the Netherlands?
- l On~ ~CQ,:___ _ _ _ _ _ __
6 rJl'J Match sentences 1-5 with a-e.

3 What's her favorite thing about life in the 1 Jorge is so careless. 0

Netherlands? 2 He's usually very mature. (9J
_ ~d\ng----i:l bex -¡avoñ1e :lhín.9 3 Jon's a disobedient boy at home.
4 Why are drivers from the Netherlands usually 4 Try to be more polite.
s Miguel isn't disorganized.
polite, according to Julia?

~ ' .r 1nc w r- 1 ,, 1 a He hardly ever does anything that is immature.
5 How did Julia travel to school this morning? b lt's 50 rude not to say "th an k you."
o buf.J e He should try to be more careful.
6 Which country does Julia compare with th e d His schoolwork is always neat and organized.
Netherlands? e But he's well-behave·d at school.

- Unied _Sktl. es~--- -


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