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Strikbeck curve

Looks at three
different.Some fields.Friction, lubrication and wear.And.All of those play a role in.Rubbing surfaces
layer.Cereal from the friction is the resistance to motion.Lubrication is used to.Control friction and
wear.Correct lubrication, friction and wear effect performance, reliability, efficiency.Of
machines.Tribology has been around for a long time.Even if it wasn't, even if the word was only invented
in the 20th century.See on this slide we have a picture of an early tribology.Here this is from the
old.Greek Wall painting in the sliding age.Statue of the pharaoh and you got so important.Lubricant out
in front so it's easier to fall.Unto thee.Size scales, which are important in tribology.Give you a frame of
reference human hair.Yeah. So.Diameter of about 100 microns.Fluid film in a ball bearing.Is about 1
Micron thick.And.As we look at this picture here, you see that yes.Who got a gear?But then you look at
it, you see, OK, there's two gear teeth that are touching.But then you can zoom down.And you would
see, OK, there's a lubricant film.Then you can zoom down even further.And then you can get down even
further and just look at the atoms.So.Time progress we've also got to smaller scale so you got new trip
ideology at the meter scale. This is large scale machinery.I started looking at that around 1800.In
1850.Yeah.Track biology 10th of a meter here we're looking at forces towards vibrations.No 1900 macro
tribology millimeter site scales discovered the Hertz contact.HD.Then 1950 is that micro tribology Rd
insperity's?Starting to OK, you asked to come plastic deformation you back.Rediscovering
surface.Players.Around 2000, we get to Nano tribology.Here we're looking at the molecules and atoms
on the surface.The molecular forces involved.And.Boundary layer.And uh.Doctor molecular forces.So
now we're going to cover friction, lubrication and wear.Begin with.Here's friction. So, Mommy, where
does friction come from?Yeah, two sliding surfaces.You have to exert some force to get them to move
and keep them in motion.What exactly is resisting motion?Show up at the top.We will do is divide it.Dry,
lubricated contacts.So the dry contact.Friction can come from two different.'cause it's the first.Is
disparities running into each other and having to push each other on the way?Or go over one another,
slide over one another.The second is asperity welded.Here the disparities touch.Plastically deform and
they.Material.Under.Disparities bonds together, and it's a disparity.Part that.That cold Weld needs to be
broken.To this motion.Site in lubricated contacts.We have two different types of.Friction as well.First, is
boundary lubrication here.You don't have a full lubricant. Film disparities are touching each other,
but.Perkins.Is forming very thin boundary layer on.Spirit.Which prevents.Metal in the substrate material
from coming into contact.It's the.Lubricant molecules, which are actually taking place.The second is
hydrodynamic.Here are the surfaces are entirely separated. It's not just the molecular layer, you have
a.Thicker film of.Lubricant.And the sharing of the lubricant making lubricant molecules pass one another
is what is causing friction.In.Lubricated contacts.Here at boundary lubrication.And I'm really happy with
this person.Seeing them history.Over in.The actual.Relative relationship of those two causes at any
important times.Governed by the Stribeck curve.Open or there are no Skype Becker, it's.Use a lot of
different places and typically if you do a Google search for this.What you will find.Find a lot of kind
of.Characteristic shapes without any numbers on the axes to give you a general trend flex taking place.
Sometimes it might put the film like this.So as you move from the left to the right here.What's
happening is your speed is going up, your viscosity is going up.And your load is going down.So what
happens is initially.As well as move from the left to the right.Friction.Downwards. This is because you're
getting more lubrication and so.The surface is moved from directly touching each other and having some
separation.However, once because you continue moving to the right, eventually the services will be
entirely separated.At that point, the friction stops decreasing.60 year starts increasing and this is
because it's.You are taking.Taking more energy to sear.Players.Bloomberg.And there's no more asperity
contact that's taking place.So in the previous slide.We showed you a couple characteristic.Try that
curves.You can find a lot of them just by doing that you search on the Internet, so it happens when you
actually.Go into a.Lab and you generate a scribe curve, so I pulled a couple figures out
from.Paper.And.On the top figure we've got.Line and a red line and the red line is the base oil.There's an
oil blue line is Greece.Made using the oil the Redmond look.Graph you said OK.Not sure exactly.See this
private curve we showed before.Looks fairly close as you're increasing the speed.The.Friction goes down
and it looks like the friction is starting to increase back again, at least with the oil as the speed.Yeah.OK,
that's good. But what happens when we throw in all of the different?Greece is.Oils tested in this.You
look at the bottom.Here.You see all sorts of shapes.Restarted things and what's going on so?So you can
see this private curve, it works. It's very easy conceptual.Going to the lab.May not come out.Straight
away as you are expecting.So where do we start when we're looking at Blair?What takes place with
Claire?We had two.Contacting surfaces that are moving relative to one another.And after they have
moved relative to one another, some material has.Separated from the.Two services.And so two
questions that we might ask.In this case.How fast did this material movie surface?What speed is this
process going on? And if you're interested in that question, what we're generally going to?Start looking
for somewhere line that's going to try and relate.Last Sunday.Parameters that we know to wear
volume.The other question that we can ask is what happened?Why did that?Why did that material
separate from that?From our surface.There were going to look at where mechanisms are rare moments.
Those two words are used interchange.They refer to the.Roku TV.Careful.Chemical physical
processes.Which leader particle or part of the material?Robinson.In terms of looking at the first
question.How fast are we?Our number here somewhere.Installing it where lies.One of the best.Her
most interesting sources on this machine is where modeling, evaluation and categorization of
Wehrmacht PhD.Pieces by may.And it was published in 1994, so it's not the most recent attacks that
you're going to find.But what he did was he looked at.154 sliding where equations and 28 rose in
workplace.Search the literature but.1950.1992.To see what he could find.I found a ton of where life, so
there's no.There is no perfect model that's accurate.Quantitative.It could be applied universally.He did
see trends.In.Underwear model in the first was going from the high level large scale too.Fine.Small scale
second was.First, must understanding a system and then sub dividing it and then when you subdivide
that system, understanding those parts and sub dividing it again.The third was it where equation is
becoming more important discipline.She also thought it's at three stages in the where equation.Ranking
50 to 1970 is generally called it empirical Erekle equations.1970 to 1987 mechanism.Proposals like what
type of work?Then saying 1980s at interdisciplinary.So at the bottom I've got a table which lists.The
number of different equations he found in each category.During each time.So you say well.I don't really
want to dig through 107 year 100.Is actually even more now? He asked.For years, I don't know the
number, but.Large additional number of where equations have been developed.I just want the standard
equation that.So.For that you're going to use Archers wear plate.This is.Where volume.Equals.Wear
coefficient divided by hardness multiplied by then.Horse.Multiplied by the sliding disc.And you
can.Find.A lot of different variations of this you can divide by time, divided by distance.God has an
equation in terms of where rates.This was actually developed.Or.Time period in which men did.Maybe
the most popular because it's the most.Was first on 1st to the competition.But you'll see this most of
the place and it works pretty well.We're looking at the other approach where modes or wear
mechanism.There's a lot of different types of others.Fridays. But in general, the score primary where
mode.The first is abrasive wear.And if you want to describe that in the word.Verities cutting.Can you
have it? He said. Where there is fair, it is cold but altogether or they appear together.Break apart.And
'cause, we're dreaming. And surface in the team.Here you have Max forming from either.Rolling or
repeated.Then you got.Where which occurs when you have simultaneously corrosion inside.Which
drastically increases.So each of these materials separating from a different.Imagine this scenario, you by
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stress, the lost production time. It's a burden you can't afford.Different.So different.Proud to be
taken.Try to repeat square.And by lots of diagrams which gives you a good idea for understanding
what's going on.So.Look at the figures in the upper left hand corner. We got it.Where?Or two surfaces
are appearing together and then you start carry on.Parts of the.Fairies and.Got a bracelet?Signing
Cousins in the lower body and this can be part of.Sounds like you got the TV where?Period rolling is
causing a crack formed.Then you've got corrosive where where the corrosion is creating new player on
the surface is getting knocked out of the way.By the way.Counter body.And then that fresh exposed
surface starts.Gary.So.I did a lot of my thesis on Friday where and one of the things that people talk
about our spreading regime.And there you got.It's your displacement. Amplitude increases you go from
stick to make stick and slip to grow stuff. Avengers, so freaking siding.And.Upper left hand corner here
you can see you've got.U shaped.Which is the fatigue life.And then you've got the constantly increasing
curve.We are going to see, OK, that beat that goes down to minimum. It comes back up. You got to wear
it, which increases at different rates.You see this figure all over the place.More recently I came
across.Graph.When I plotted all of the data that was used to generate this curve.Over cap.Where can
you look at it?Well, I can see how maybe this is the best fit curve.For the data.Yeah, it's a lot of scattered
specially. Please put out a lot.So with where you're always going to get a lot.Now on to the third.Section
of technology.Lubricant films got full film lubrication and then you broke.It breaks the fill
disparities.So.For lubrication with that.Yeah, together sliding surfaces.Plus lubricant. Now this lubricant,
solid meal, liquid and gas can be a semi solid and got either hydrodynamic lubrication or boundary
movies. This corresponds to the two types of friction to discuss throwing two kinds of friction and you
can also meet somewhere in between.Extreme.Raining.The.Clear and rimadyl laundry basket.Jeans are
used to.Kind of spy extreme, some boundary.Tiger dynamic lubrication.Based on the different
characteristics that are present and as we mentioned earlier in your favorite friend Stribeck Curve.Well,
it's back here again.Have examples driving curve right in here, it's.On the top and it's showing the
effort.Lubrication.General.Her father received. They might have cleared it.They might have pre-ordered
that he's still trying to take a chance.So now so right hand side.Grab the slide schematic shows what's
going on each of the.Yeah. Separate.Friction.The two surfaces relative to one another. Distance. That
Have fun.Give me some history of the origin and definition of trilogy book, return deal. Talk about its
encompassing fields.White lights.Fundamentals of tribology.Where is all covered today
services.There.We can take some suggestions about topics in this series.So what is tribology letters from
agreed with tribals, meeting, loving or love or suffix? Aladji needs to study over the peel though,
so.Largest study of loving this double drop. This includes not hurt his feelings on Christians indication
and where.Relatively new words that may be younger than I am.It was claimed by Peter Jost. He was
given the charge by the British Parliament to determine how much of the economy was wasted because
people didn't apply the principles upon where friction.Do not figure out something like a little 5,000,000
British pounds at that time.He asked.We asked if we discover title for the field, studied reports.Blood.So
it's a new word. It certainly does not mean field.Here's something I found on look like Dunkin house
great cluster bombs about 4500 years ago. Petroglyph, the transporting statue of Egypt.I look at this
fellow here like, look closely at this point, barely see that it's the first orange abolished. He's actually
pouring some sort of a lubricant. Believed to be water. It could have been a lot of mammals.In kind of
sledge to make it easier to slide the statue. So that's the first guy, but the other documentation doesn't
exist.My favorite part is 500 years ago was great inventor United Davinci.And like he didn't publish his
work and his technical journal record journal, he did leave some very good notes. And if we look here,
you see some of this sketchings of his notebooks are tests that are used to this very day. There's the
whole test geometry.Slept for contest. He also designed the ball bearing.To this day, there are find a
STM standard. In fact, there are more. Viewing the Powerball testing.Two different extreme pressure
grease one.Where is slab friction, is an STM standard 1894 static and kinetic options question.Plastic
building.You know, I make two observations. One is that the contact areas have no effect on collections
will be observed.And a load of an object is doubled his fictional.You're observations still made today and
we understand a little bit more why.So then I'll talk about the applications in fields which encompassed
modern technology unit numbers.I'm going to talk about scaling factors in the next few slides. Talk
about those individual components.These components can make up assemblies or
products.Manufacturing costs structure in exploration and then the best example you have scaling
factors Nashville.Individual components are things like gears, bearings, brake and clutch
pads.Peace.Virginia.As well as anti friction and wear is important.Some cases were Christians and using
one numbers.Take these components, build assemblies, just engines.Lunch on the products themselves
can happen very distinct tribological applications. We weren't very high friction. If we have blocklings
shoes will very low friction.Curtains.Manufacturing again, the size scale from very large rolling mills.
Stamping presses, smaller scale churning.Bringing in Polish have wear and friction.Making of mirrors and
making very small lenses. All of these are manufacturing costs using tribology useful.Landing in Polish
controlled where?New York Construction exploration area.Transport slurry from mine. So there's a lot of
lotion happening in my pumps, very large piece.Placed out of service because of just 10% of the entire
mass is more.We talk about race where.Excavator.Sherry is experiencing 3 body wears with loose
pieces.Channel digging grill is two body where we just blindly into rock and I know these
initial.Exploration.Exploring the earth itself.A lot of trouble here.Space Space Shuttle is a great example
of things that weren't necessarily on Earth.Water vapor present may not work in space in my
back.Natural phenomena is a good example of the Steelers.In French.We look at where we might have
erosion by water.You see, in that left hand grips the Grand Canyon. If you have visited here in this space,
you can see the lower portion is being.Medically worn, selectively warning lighter layers like boom,
boom stand are remaining in the soccer players.Like this? Like beautiful.Natural phenomena.
Friction.Maryknoll level and micro level and it's being studied in great detail.Yep.Bibles.Turn on and off
because.Unit block upside down and see them balls. And once again I'd go.SMS feels super
hydrophobicity.Lotus is both.Chemical and structural element small bumps in blacks covered and then
you can see the wedding angle of water. Very very pilots.Mega scale. We have a New Testament
balls.Stick. Slip this in plate tectonics. We've got two plates.I wasn't having a force building up. Stress is
eventually they will slip.In past week.This person.Not yet.Normally we stick step in more regular,
passionate hospital compliance of the machine.Parks.Does not.Parallel to these different scales, there
are many areas engineering industry which I need to use well understanding.So let's play abilities. I can't
go into all of them.Imagine Aerospace, space shuttle agriculture.The automobile is a great tribology
study instrument.Mature.It's asking.Porsche Williams.Help.Making the other machine machine.People
who like coatings like both low fishing poles varies, impose various parties, have another subcategory
themselves, and thin films well.Fine.Art pieces.Distance.Cosmetics and personal care industry is
typology studies going on?Mr skin.Feels that works.Implants. Teeth.Turn off the study and grinding
artificial teeth with placement.Feels really good and I'm not.The last one on university and educators, I
would hope.Joint.Material science, physics and chemistry teacher dark departmental.Courses of map
this is could be developed.Yeah, all of these engineers and scientists appreciation.So it's in virtually
every area of engineering.Sorry.Commonality.All these diverse.Engineers and scientists who designed
products working where its parents.Come early for all of these applications.Surface is in contact in
relative motion.Sliding.So we need to think about services in console. That's what revolves really needs
to consider.Let's begin taking a little bit closer. Look at the surface.So what do we have in the streets?
But there's always that simple.Mostly younger. Do look up bulk properties, organic compounds and this
is our Main Street and steel as a stripper hardness restraint.Types.Happiness.Sturbridge, mass. From
manufacturing puzzles, handling classes being higher level.Top of the disturbing children box on the map
and swarm tenants, at least on Earth.May or may not have a lubricant, so service is quite simple. These
layers all playable even though they're their length scales are quite ticked.The properties of the
substrate materials.CMS.All those things on top.And then there are nanometers to microns. Quite.So
while it's not simple, it's also not flat top of these.Underneath all these layers, all engineering services of
roughness, roughness in important role.Dodge.It comes from all prior history of the park
manufacturing.Why use?I think about two aspects of service to almost physical aspect of the
chemicals.Physical might restrict the surface roughness. It's a little bit most of the surface roughness
certainly dictates the contact area. By that I need.Opposed territory?This will be a spirits and touch two
services are placed.This is about 1000 or so.Must stop. Horses are very high. Pressure is very hard,
material is very less employment. Find sometimes polymers contact area no longer grows more
slowly.Of course it starts to slow down in stature.That's important.Dictation contact stresses surface
roughness also serves as a pathway begins for reservoirs. Here's an example on the right here, but two
different surfaces.Shut down surface where you can see.Lady.Right.Small micro loans lower is a beat
blasted more random sports. So this is what we think about.Services.Recipes.Chemical and we want to
talk about it. Think about each of the layers and these layers.Like chemical compatibility or
Internet.Shear strength of these layers and certainly easier to share a boundary building that
is.Discussed.She's acting in Bollywood.Such an incredible bond.Vehicles.Writing methods again for both.
Please hold physical characterization and like the characters that left this.Macro level you might be using
coordinate measuring machine cement.Larger steel that was to dictate.Express.Michael area, we really
want to know something about surface problems sneezing.Stress is.Yeah.Normally.There's small stress
on the macro level of local you might exceed will exceed the yield stress.So this can be measured with
stylus plotter contact.Optical.Microscopes similar to stylist Bolometer that most sophisticated looking
self.No, I wanna characterize the hardness.Scratch these all help us understand the properties of
this.Experience.Chemical and infra red X PSV, although the evidence that recipe.Comma.You can also
use this country to study didn't share properties, physical and chemical characterization help us
understand.Summarize the surface is in contact.Mother travel travel costs are dictated by the
interaction of disparities.Disparities have mechanical and chemical properties.Exist.Scary geometry
distribution without me back.Fired up.Stop.Friction fundamentals.Conceptually, there's actually official
definitions for both church and where in a STM standard, 40 but conceptually directions of resistance to
relative motion.Two bodies.These buyers get when they touched his forces.Closest split up
into.Microscopic posts here.Standard and walls albums.Microscope microscopic closest camper brazen
brazen includes plastic classification.Yes, my love where well, switch.Where is person come from
bowling number and listen to the chemical and physical properties. Also contaminants at funerals using
the shape or backside Australia.Right.Full communion with God, really wonderful. Is there a 50,000 and
everything?Similar.Concept.Simple.Functionality.Or is it?Relation itself person.Horse.System.Question
mark.Apple really? All I need to do that again.After.Symbols.I was called by the college.Let's go fishing.
Fishy steam.Well, I'm, I answered your colleague use concert by 1016.So close enough for needs.I really I
really need to know better.Yes, good morning.Here's what we need to know, and this is just the start of
a typical conversation, right, dear colleague, what is the steel, stainless steel?Or Christy, or his series
RV74PH and elect.Carbon steel themselves at market signals tension is a tool steel.Well, I need to use it
water solid stainless steel like this.Function.Sign.So you said that I need to size the motor sending some
frictional loss and years and publishing fiction.Years and I guess it needs to be part.About the driven
gear. Let's let's get same spose.Now I'm not sure that's a good idea, and being on the contact stress,
sliding velocity and surface beach.Yep.Not yet. I'm probably. You standardize when they get
design.OK.Guaranteed low friction lubricant. Use English study.He's good with design.He's probably OK,
but I don't.Alright.Set a lot of coding. OK, how long will it need to last?Speak with a lifetime of
mechanism and you just tell me the coefficient of friction.Really I need a bit more information 'cause I
like we need to run a test.Precisely.So this is sort of a conversation you have when somebody is leading
coefficient friction. It hasn't bought in advance about all the factors that go into that or even
application.So please consider publishing. Pension appears somewhat comma.Switch back to the player
Workplace Services Committee.Contact Best player, open geometry.Temperature, sliding speed, sliding
direction.Duty cycle, whether it's continuous Start Stop in the same direction or reversing all of these
payroll.Christian is.It's not so bad.Yeah.Use.Is relatively constant.You only need two things.Friction
force.Metric.Summer is now working. Fundamentals in Beijing is simple.Players.Assessing systems
tribology needs is considered materials is coding.Speak.Contacted geometry.Stress service, breakfast
sliders sliding mode.Decide.Continuous.Environment temperature entity in the atmosphere air
classes.One thing I'd like to leave you with today to always think about your college.Friction is not a
material.Keep it up again.Which means the systems.Such thing.Obviously picking steel.Not.Might be
able to look up official Christmas stealing copper steel against.But again, as we saw in the previous slide,
there's alot going to it and that.Environment.Expenses.Please get it right.What is the function of the
world? Well, at four primary goals.To reduce friction.To prevent illness where?Transport debris away
from your face.As with many lubricants, filters.Black screen.Looking for? Think about lubrication with
liquid present. You can think in terms of lubrication regimes.So really, people have decided visually
based on fluid film, facts are simple analogy.Is practical and duration.Mandarin.Concepts.The composite
surface Roads map concert.East.Why is it that?See down here to meet up with the square off this
surface 1 ^2 + y squared roughness Surface 2 grand squared about.There's a layer of liquid Lube.This
Lambda ratio ratio of that liquid thickness, dimples.To the compliance is greater than three left.Turn.In
this case, the services are separated completely.Lubricant.Middle range between Lambda 1.2 and three.
You talked about mixed with Phil.Starting to get contact.Between his parents, but we still got some
support from the South.I forgot that.It's.Starting to see a lot more contribution.Disparities. What's on
this period?Finally, we get to land of less than 1.2.Yeah.This means.Styling is barely on his ferrety
shearing.Cheers. Best film parodies.Completely.Sharing material itself.So yeah.Medication in the
absence of boundary region or is my commute drive?These provisions have been described.Let's try
again.Sorry.Here I plotted official friction 4 orders of magnitude.And the person network speed turns
velocity.Find my.So if you look at the three regimes we just talked about that film.In.Next boundary
maps split.Think about how these were generated in this blue curve shows us the official fiction
ranging.40.Level 3.So.Hydrodynamical.Here.Complete absence of boundaries question raised values
almost one impact. Very clean environments.While older ones.Stabbing at Buckley master back in
sports.Well then. Is tracking interface and builds up.Pressure is it gets new version gap. Screen.Iron.Top
of the disturbance field oxide.That storm cannons, at least on Earth.Search is quite simple. These layers
all playable even though they're there late skills are quite good.Yeah.Substrate material.CMS.All those
things on top.Kitchen and there are more there nanometers to microns.So while it's not simple, it's also
not companies.Extend.Text.Import.It comes from all prior history of art manufacturing.Why use?I think
about two aspects of services to most physical aspect of the chemicals.Physical might expect that to
surface roughness is a little bit more than the surface. Roughness certainly dictates the contact area, and
by that I mean.Amazon.Merritt.Disparities in touch two services are placed.This is about 1000 or so.Let's
stop. The horses are very high. Pressure is very important material.Very last one.Numbers contact area
no longer grows.Fortunately.It starts slow down. Is Sasha.Actually.In this case, the contact stresses
surface roughness also serves.Yeah.Here's an example on the right. Here two different surfaces.Shut
down surface frequency.Lady running in election.Smaller micro loans.Lasted more animals. This is what
we think about.Services.As.Battery hard over the last.Wanna talk about think about introducing
layers.These layers.Like.No, no.Hear about the sheer strength of these layers, and certainly here to
share about magnetism.Download.Scott.Sometimes we can characterize these using techniques such as
incorrect.Right.Methods. Again, he's full of physical characterization and left her purse luffness.Macro
level. You might use a board that matter in the sheets.Larger scale that dictate.Michael area, we really
want to know something about surface runs. Sneezing dictate local stresses where you would have
normally.There's small stress on the macro level of local. You might have seen will exceed yield stress
management.So this can be measured with stylish problems. Contact.Optical.Cell phone
number.Microscopes similar to stylish football ometer that most sophisticated, and they look at
something like.Now someone characterized the hardness.India's trash is all help us understand the
properties of materials.Chemical and using correct XPS XP, although although spectroscopy.Llama.You
can also use viscometry to study the moon share properties, so again physical and chemical
characterization help us understands.Summarize the surface is in contact.Travel travel posts are dictated
by the interaction of disparities.It's very sad, mechanical and chemical properties.Not exist.Scary
geometry and distribution is up on the fashion.Friction fundamentals.Conceptually, there's actually
official definitions from both 13, wherein a STM standard 40, but conceptually fractions of resistance to
relative motion.Two bodies.Yeah, they touched his forces.These courses can be split up into.Microscopic
places like word, hesione, child understanding and walls headlines.Never stop. It closes on camp
abrasion, raising kids, bastic classification.Display little wear as well.Where is pretty comfortable.
Remember, mission to the chemical and physical properties. It also contains acting roles easily showed
before oxides films, gases or Mr particles. All of these contribute.So similar.Concept.Simple custom
personality.Or is it?Relation itself is very simple.Horse.Existing motion.See the proportional
coefficient.You you with this cap overhand French. It's really all I need to do is measure it. Supply and
demand measured.It's a simple suppose a coalition of Colleen wants to know.Let's go to Steve.Well, you
can use for six.So close enough for your needs.I need to know it better.Just a little bit more.Here's what
we need to know, and this is just the start of the tip of the conversation. Right, dear colleague, what is
the steel, stainless steel? Four, 316 years older series RV74PH and like?Carbon steel themselves, it
marks it. Is it a tool, steel.Well, I need to use it water solid stainless steel I guess.Function.Sign in.I need
to size the motor assuming some frictional loss and appears when you publish infection.Years and I
guess it needs to be part.About the driven gear, let's let's say suppose.Now I'm not sure that's a good
idea. Any other contact stress, sliding velocity and surface finish?Not yet. I'll probably use standardized
design.OK, got any low friction lubricant or use of lubricious coating.He's playing with his son.I don't
think.Alright.Is that a lot of coding? OK, how long will it mean for last?Speak with a lifetime of
mechanism and just tell me the coefficient of friction.Really I need a bit more information 'cause I like
we need to test.So this is sort of a conversation you when somebody is needing a coefficient friction and
it hasn't bought in advance about all the factors that go into it or even application.So he's considered
publishing. The person appears somewhat complicated stuff just to play a role in the workplace services.
Chemistry plays a gold contact, stress plays a role in geometry.Temperature, sliding speed, sliding
direction.Duty cycle, whether it's continuous or Start Stop or it's in same direction will reverse all of
these things. Play a role.Is simple.Well, considering it's not so bad after all.It is relatively recent.We only
need two things.Friction force.Conditions.Summer is now approaching fundamentals in the equation is
simple.Correctly in person care.Some systems tribology needs must consider materials is
coded.Contact.Geometry, stress, surface roughness, sliding, sliding mode.You decide.Others continuous
or intermittent.Environment, temperature, community. The atmosphere is at errands, so ask
absences.One thing I'd like to leave you with today to always think about your college.Friction is not a
material problem. Can't look it up again.She was assisted by.Such thing.It's called personal picture of
steel.Not.Mike.Steel, copper, steel against steel.But again, as we saw in the previous slide, there's a lot
more to it than that.Context is a lot of news to get it right.What is the function of the world? Well, at
four primary goals.To reduce friction.To prevent or minimize wear.Transport debris away from your
face.That's why many lubricant systems have filters.Black Sea crew.We look at or think about lubrication
with liquid present. We can think in terms of lubrication regimes.So really, people have cited Rouge,
new base completed film thickness. It's very simple analogy.Lambda ratio.Memories.Measure.So the
composite surface Rapids certain measurements please.As it got missed.See down here.Square
roughness, surface 1, ^2 + y squared, roughness of Surface 2, Red Square root of that.There's a layer of
liquid lubricant.This Lambda ratio ratio of that liquid thickness importance to the compiler left is greater
than three blood.Yep, it's turned wholesome Pentagon.In this case, the services are separated
completely.And nearly be sharing properties of the lubricants.Officially.No range between Lambda 1.2
and three. We talked about mixed with filled with PayPal region were starting to get contact between
his parents, but we've still got some support from the lumen self.Thanks.Starting to see a lot more
contribution on disparities. What's on this period is up boundary.Finally, get to land of less than 1.2 left
feet.This means.Sliding disparity on disparity shearing.Shear stress film parodies.Completely.Sharing
material itself.So yeah, indication to the actions of location and region or dried.These regimes have been
described the Strider.St.I look here. I've plotted official friction in four orders of magnitude.And
number.And lastly.My love.So if you look at the three regimes we just talked about that film and film
next boundary, which apps support?Think about how these were generated in this blue curve shows us
the coefficient of friction ranging.40.3.So.Hydrogen filled out here.Complete absence of boundaries
question raised values almost one in fact very clean environments and vacuums purposes while older
ones.Established by Buckley at NASA. And so my back, his parents.Well, let's try to curb just simply was
the geometry of the journal bearing location. Fluid is trapped in interface and builds up pressure as it
gets new conversion gap. And actually it's going.Why not just ask the lonely road?In this region.I
heard.Close.Done.I'm very, very lucky.Lower speeds and accept this castings will hire loads. We need
this way and again we start to make its fairly contact here we have more and more. It's fairly contacts
love open question.Rising by one or two orders of magnitude. And finally we got full aspiring contact.So
small and so I discussed solo no longer support he supported in this high pressure region.Here.That's
why I start start. Your speed is low.So damaging.Christmas.Comparisons.You look very reason to keep it
down here for that short time will build up.Russia.There's also better protection provided by solid
lubricants finished with Liquid's.Solid lubricants are compounds with low shear stresses.Maybe sharing
these are protecting metal?Service company.These tend to be a signal and layer compounds like
molybdenum sulfide, ore polysulfide, graphite disulfide and setting up overnight tried. All of these have
a crystal structure like this and they talk about behavior like the deck of cards was just so we share easily
along or help nasal planes.He's platelets would smear out on protecting the surface, and so all this year
takes place inside.The other type of style.Diamond, like carbon in the right circumstances, looking
electric chair down like carbon has been shown that politicians friction as low as oh, learn certain
circumstances or controlled circumstances. But you'll also find it done. Any application times .62 point
8.So can we location and then application?We also have the resident bonded films with PTFE or Kaplan,
Siren or other slippery particles.Temperature limit.Which?We also have impregnated porous
standardized.Particles.So it's a little bit different lesson bonding, but again.Catching to the surface some
slippery material that serves as a sacrificial layer.So then what then?I can summarize now diesel
lubrication fundamentals.We've got key factors of fluid shear properties chemistry.Ask.Too much, but
we take the heat wave from cycles. So in the fluid properties we've got the disgusting, disgusting index.
How it changes with SharePoint. We also have the pressure of the specimen.Chemistry.Is reactivity with
surface.Some lubricants are not very well with that indicating some metals because they don't get with
that.Because he has.So our chemistry is need to develop activities to make that reacted with service
form.Extreme pressure constituents we do have contact get metal to metal welds or plastic.He
said.Yeah.That's facts.It's not where the conceptual definition is the removal or I don't have
displacement of these problems. Even if you ever removed it, changing geometry.Give them their
marital and India because.Hey Cortana.Still, once are in Ohio.Explosive material.Linda.Hi, are you free?
Yeah. Tell me what I'm doing.Six primary world needs some financial incentive.Yeah, that night and
conda axle tech related.Nokia employees and contract and excuse me like what? And then I have some
commitments. I need something inside.OK. Like what are you expecting?I will tell you next week have
some commitments. I need some money and time. I clear again.I mean, I know this former lemon will
hear them moaning it already.I mean, they're they're really tall, Caspari, Cutrone beige Corolla.I mailed a
BTC Miller.Ask Superman and care there in that maybe she didn't remember. Then I honestly don't care.
Then and then.What is fear?Let's.Sure, it's not Mad Men.Management systems that are being lost there
basically.Subsequent contact with not parallel, not changing direction.Morning mother's friend. He
doesn't. I I don't know. I didn't even know his name. I'm photon or another teams alone. And Aaron on
Sam. Stephanie, I think you know he lived with.He's very content.For example, who admitted that none
get better financing?Gave up their end.Stop.Stella.That's right.Remember that alcohol?Is
Alexa.Compatibility.Matt Matt Barber.Well.That's all affected by stacking problem this
direction.Incontinent Marvin better cooked in Ella, Iran, man.Oh my God.Corruption is defined as small
space selfish reasons of friended Kohler, Yahoo friends.Andre relatives or friends?See in the center here.
So no slip boundary around it have slipped. Where debris.Around the universe, we can start with small
adhesive pull-ups, period at the boundary between spoken. Most are often useful oxidized, sometimes
referred to as pregnant.Fundamental studies have been done showing this also occurred.Mobile
number.So it doesn't require.It's always the case.Service.Where he caused by cavitation or
impact.Basically a particles or ask bubbles collapsing based application.Metro parking behind the scenes,
floating damage down here. You can see it.Sparkless junctions grounds race alone element there see
there sometimes because again it foregrounding solution to this, it's better
grounding.Start.Plastic.Yeah.Here's the classic illusion, herb.Doctor Metals in these are brittle, so see the
maximum loan rate for brittle metals occurs at 90 degrees angle.Maximum conductive metals.Materials
occurs after 18 years or so, so this is a rubber looked very well in case of.Reclast doubled his
conduct.Steel does not work.Spanish is their highest.Goodbye.Please.So there's a dependency in all
these parts. Shape, size, composition, even pinched again.In the case of cavitation, now we've got
bubbles collapsing as they might make their way through into a low pressure region.Ship propellers and
best pals. And there's a scheme full album.Rapid treatment through the pressure dropped on the other
side, and cavitation.No.You're not stalling or denomination.This is a result of reversing subsurface shear
stresses each time the roller ball passes over the Suns. Getting cumulation of these stresses subsurface T
crackle nation generally in a microstructural implement maybe let inclusion.Not not see much short
going contact team failures anymore. Now that we've been much cleaner skills such as vacuum
induction melting at the park be nothing.Bar stools. Every rolling element bearing now is
made.Students.Essentially, a crack will initiate surface like that below the surface it's onion.This is about
small result.Yes.Is the degree is typically it's heartening.Pulled over.So once it starts, that would need
something.Tribal corrosion we have where in the presence of questioning these mother
synergistic.Form.Cast of film on the upper left in the presence of tribology or wear, and we're off this
passage. Mastery formed. Wears off again.Version or style?Two important areas where traffic
workspace are bio travel agency.Loving presence in electrolytes.Jungle drilling.100 bucks.There's
actually a guy in his team.God.Interruption measured separately and together to the effects. So you just
close.How do we assess where? Well, in recent times the concept of wear coefficient was presented by
Archer, who modified it more easily take out hardness so that it actually does
have.Mentions.Material.Spiderman.MMS cute?Move somebody, keep it going into jail.After starting
under load.Next newtons their distance.It's sad to see people reduce this because I got left here and
here to move your square or Newton or one other kilopascals, but please don't do that. There's no
physical meaning.This doesn't know how much to move past it.Once we get.You can use it to click on
the lifetimes. Buying travel system doesn't work, so if I have a value for K here and I measured it in a
year or two hour tests.It's not.Somebody wants to know that this material is interpatient last five years
as long as the war mode doesn't change, I can multiply by two hour tests by the fact that his five years of
spying saying look at London material of move and then determine Zionsville when I said.It's not going
to change the duty cycle and directionality also.Start Stop much more damaging than continuous
motion, so we might wanna run, Start Stop or every person test.So the next slide is very difficult for
some pizza. So these are things we need to consider underwear experience.I can summarize the
fundamentals like friction, whereas the system properly not in terrorism.It's very well characterized
systems, but other cases you need to measure it.Your system is not as well characterized as one.There
are several distinct where regimes, though sometimes they can operate simultaneously or sequentially.
Zoloft observed, or pizza places where there was also the windshield, and he said he wants the occasion
to place our glue still trapped in the interface.So if you properly simulated the system where
mode.Where Clinton used to collect.So if you find the words I think we're on schedule here so we can
get some questions for today's.Concepts I think I'd like to leave you with goldfish and affection. Interior,
but it is not a material, but.System.Show me like the system.Measuring two things normal plus.My
normal course.Close parenthesis.Wear it, wear resistance again depends on where mode, which is it
functional tribal system. So we need to get that travel system find well.And understand the travel
system.Not too much better being succeed.Right choice. Materials on technology and
chemistry.Measurements give us the answers.A couple of the means to assess think about assessing
kind of systems.These are.Mr Midstep, provided by broker one, is our universal platform for biology
studies services need.So you Auntie Universal materials tester.Large load range so that
simple.Environments. Temperature.Library configurations with rotating translations and see all these
configurations.Cheap here.Do many different tests. Linear stadiums have high speed reciprocating you
guys reading tests.Test, test, test.Steve.All these different.Geometry's.Finally.Microscale and nanoscale
indentation in stress testing.Is changing the bed up here?Don't cover a large load range.Billie
Jean.Imaging options on the personal property or pilots. Optical president mismatch.I believe I can wrap
up on time, open the floor committee questions.Thank you.Hello everyone.I am
trash.Aye.Organized.Questions from the audience.I have booked him.Dinner.We're dealing with the
Parliament.Member.Communication.Comment on the role of traveling.The question is comments on the
role of tribology protesting of membranes and the memories are polymers.Certainly there is a roll of
criminology.I would have to say that this is an area where we get to these soft memories or thin films
were used very, very low loads to measure these effects and we start to get into
stiction.Measurements.The challenge there.Is.In establishing.There's a new.Any.

These talks, we really appreciate it.So just a little background, if you haven't attended one of these
webinars yet.Uh.This is named after Ralph Beard and he.This idea.Through this minor at Auburn
University.2012.You create a fund for excellence at the university named after him, but he passed
away.A few years ago.Personally so.Uhm.This webinar was named after him 'cause the the program that
we have at Auburn would not be here for what?What he did?Uhm.So we plan to do this or hold this web
and are the first Tuesday.Of each month at 1:00 PM central time.Next month will be harmful sing. He's a
sentient science, and it'll be April 6th at 1:00 PM. So it's the first Tuesday of April.And he's going to talk
about an exciting area of wind turbine.Performance in interval think that'll be a really interesting talk.It's
really important topic nowadays.So help a lot of you will also attend that as well, just a little bit about
the program. So what we're about, we have an undergraduate minor.It takes about 15 hours of courses
for the students to complete. We also have an online graduate certificate now.That's available for
people in the industry, so if you want more information about that, there's leaks here.Contact.I mean,
it's university, I'm Rob Jackson.We also have an Advisory Board and really I just think that because they
were the ones who came with the idea of this web and R so rashaun marine hunter or the Co chairs of
our Advisory Board.Had a lot of experience from the industry to what we're trying to do.'cause really,
this whole idea came from.Need from industry too?Provide more undergraduates with education in
charging.We have a number of sponsors. Must these sponsors have?Help support scholarships for
students, which is really how we.Encourage them to pursue the minor, so I've written really grateful for
all the support they've given to us.And finally, but at least I'm going to.I'd like to introduce our speaker.
So it's doctor Ali order. Earlier, this is actually our largest.Web and R yet, and I don't feel like it's because
of our speaker 'cause he's so well known in the field.Uhm.He's professor at Halliburton, shared
mechanical engineering.Material science and engineering at Texas A and M university.Previously, he was
actually a scientist and now a distinguished fellow at Argonne National Laboratory.He has authored over
300 publications and I just checked and.Had been cited over 20,000 times. That's.He's a member of the
National Academy of Engineering.These previous president.BI TC&STLE.He's a fellow vestil
ESMEASAVSM.His number withdrawn the buffet they Russia.Normal office at Ron Buffet, where Ambrosi
and Taylor.Faster.Like.Speak to us today.And so with that.You can not.Take over. I'm greatly
honored.Uhm.I miss you my case and Ralph was a very dear friend.Unfortunately, we must ask him two
years ago.He was a tireless, unsung hero of the Tri border field.And I'm glad that Auburn is actually
holding these webinars series to honor him.So with that, I should also thank all of you, especially Rob
and his team.4.Hosting these webinars to actually promote the field of tribology, I think this is the. This
is quite innovative, very clever.Uh, you know, we have to educate ourselves. I think we have to get more
vocal on the importance of the tribology for hours.Society for our sustainability.Uh, and I think this is
great, so I'm I'm truly honored.So today.I'm not talking about that is sync friction.And this subject also
well known as the.Super low recipe.You know in other fields like material science, we have, you know,
super plasticity or in the physics superconductivity.These means something extraordinary in our field of
tribology. I think one of the.Most important desire is to reduce friction as much as we can.And also of
course where friction and wear.Hand and hand most often.Uhm, so especially friction tends to be very
tricky.Uh, it's it's it's it's it's it's, it's something that we have been working on for maybe you know over
1000 years.But but we are still working on it and because of the fact that it is so intriguing, so
intertwined, it's very difficult to, you know.Take a good handle of it.Uhm, so let me first introduce my
outline. So first.Uh, as part of my Presidency, has of the International Tribal Council, I want to.Through a
a very strong parallel between friction, energy and environment, these are indeed very closely
related.So if he can somehow vanished friction, I think that will really have a huge impact.In our energy
security, in our environmental viability, and then ultimately the sustainability of this planet as a
whole.So I'm gonna.Speak little bit about what makes and breaks friction. You know what are the
natures mechanisms of friction and then.I will try to introduce some of these optimistic level
understanding of super lubricity.Or how we can actually vanish?And there have been some very
interesting studies related to the latest development in 2D materials area. And recordings actually have
been around.And then I also talking about future directions. I asked, you know, where all these studies
might be heading.And finally.Thank you.So friction, as you all know, is known as resistance to slide.And
we feel it actually live that friction.Every day at the Harley, you know, make a big deal about it, but it's
it's our daily part of our daily life.Uhm, as I mentioned to it, despite his being a part of our life, it is one
of the least understood physical phenomenon. I mean, we are doing all we can get all these
computational capabilities to understand the root causes of friction, atomistic level and we are making
progress.But the.Have you actually fully understood? I I thought so. So it should not be with us for quite
a while longer.And dumb it is very important for safety. Safe walking.Uhm.A few weeks ago, actually, we
had a big snowstorm here down in Texas, and that's crippled life.Nothing almost came to home and you
know it made it it. It caused major damage.Uh people fell down at two fracture their legs. I have a friend
that the university actually had a major surgery because of the fractured hip.Uh.So it's due to friction or
lack of it. So and friction also is a major source of loss energy.Mortal Kombat we have to, you know,
spend energy. So that's that's very important.And of course, most of these energy that we used to
overcome friction comes from a.A power plant and most of these, unfortunately, are our best fossil fuels
and and when we burn these two produce powerful produce, a lot of CO2 and other hazardous emission
and these are not very good for our environment and for our sustainability.And believe it or not, the
vibration he sound see sound of her violin or cello.Static electric steel, white touching and feeling all
these things actually relate to friction.So it is a major part of our daily life, industrial life in a nutshell.It
has its roots at atomic scale, as this diagram shows.But its consequences are felt at the engineering and
societal level, so there are very levels of.You know a hierarchical.A situation where we see friction and
feel it and also at global scale. As I mentioned, it has major ramifications in terms of our energy
and.Environment and then sustain.We go to the next slide, you will see that.Yeah.Worldwide be
produced huge amount of energy in either.You need it for our industrial activities and modern
lifestyle.Uh, there are so many of them.And in every one of these, there are a lot of moving parts, as you
can imagine. I mean some of these.Activities industrial activity is shown here.Uh, so the fact that there
are a lot of moving parts and every one of these.Uh, there are. Uh, you know, frictional interfaces. That
energy is dissipated.And dumb with professor homework from Vt TV film and actually tried to
estimate.How much energy is lost to friction on all these industrial activities?And it turns out that if you
combine the portion that is due to wear and material loss, so the friction and wear almost consumes
quarter of the global energy art.And this is this is quite incredible.And collectively, these two events
actually also produce 8 gigatonnes of CO2 emissions. I think currently total CO2 emissions, about 44 giga
tons of something. So it's it's almost proportional, it's it's quite a huge amount of.Still 2.And this has
been actually going on for very long and this accumulates in the upper atmosphere. And then we create
this greenhouse gas emissions and and and then we have all these weather related or environmental
related issues.So if you could.Michael tactically or fictitiously thing could actually reduce or even
possible.That is, friction in all these industrial activities, onion, environmentally, I think we will be in a
very sustainable, very clean, very healthy.You know, situations for for very long time.Uh, but
unfortunately we are very, very much depend on.None available and that the resources that must be
fossil fuels and and, and I think this will continue well into the.2nd century.So a lot of food activities for
clean energy resources, but he's developed that unfortunately are.I have very slow pace.So if he can
actually look at briefly the situation with transportation gifts, especially in this country, I mean.We have
almost 100 musical pizza.You know? Uh.Launch.Uh, and this way off transportation actually
became.Netflix and very gracefully in terms of energy.Uh, this is a very, you know, focus study with
Professor Humbert to see how much of the total energy that we put into our order field that we put in
our gas tank is actually used to move the car.And it turns out that if you take all these idle dynamic
clusters and air drags and all these other things, bottom line is that only about 20% of the total energy
that you recover out of these fuel is used to move the car. And this is?Really.Unsustainable. I mean that
this had to change. Of course, nowadays there's a huge interest in switching to electric vehicles, and
these are actually coming very strongly and hopefully by the middle of this century, at half of the
vehicles, Underwood properly will be powered by LPI, electric vehicles. And that I think that's a great
thing.In this country, as you can imagine.Uhm.No.Uh.And one of us, according to his statistique from the
EPA.Uh, you drive a car and we are covered in, in terms of our carbon footprint and every one of us
actually produce almost 4 1/2 tons of CO2.On an annual basis.And when you think of it, the fact that we
have over 1.It's not quite the unbelievably high numbers.In this country we have very huge
transportation.Number of transportation vehicles and collectively they are waiting for 28% of the
greenhouse gas emissions.2018, As I was saying, these are not very good in terms of our future
sustainability and future generations and he had to do something about it. So with respect to the
electric vehicles actually did another study with Professor homework, which shows that.Which power
electric vehicles he can actually.Improve the efficiency by 70%.Here we compare the situation with the
internal combustion engine Bay sleepovers, battery electric vehicle and as you can see, I mean the the
gain in efficiency, which is quite remarkable.I think this is the way to do it, but in terms of their carbon
footprint, it may not really be much difference if he still get the power out of these fossil burning, fossil
fuel burning power plants, the situation will not change its only chance.Fact that we are burdening that
that carbon footprint to another source as opposed to you know.Because that's the last
moment.Source.So it will be burdened or it will be shifted the whole power.Natural gas powered power
plant. So these are the kind of things that we have to be very mindful. So in general if he can
somehow.You know, switch or develop technologies that will enhance the friction.Reduce frictional
losses so that will have a huge impact in the environment and also in terms of energy security and
sustainable.So historically, if you look at how friction, science and technology involved over the years, so
we here comma very long way and in the earliest studies, I think the the scientist studies goes back to
Middle Ages. Leonardo da Vinci wasn't pushed the master of his.Early.He actually.But there's something
else. I took principles that resonate even today. I mean his experiments that could be duplicated today
and.That we get.What system we have made multiple.Markable progress, especially in the beginning of
this century with all these atomic scale models but Tomlinson.And and then.Tranquil.And and
and.Others gets done a book further under the footprint.Get the some more realistic you know models
in which.The possibility of leadership friction actually became possible.Iran will and circle up there
specifically.Two pioneers of these early studies.In which they develop is commensurability versus
incommensurability. States of your contact, which will actually make a huge difference in the frictional
properties of two contacting services that I will mention later.And then later on the increase or enhance
our knowledge further looking at the electronic and phononic.Yeah. You know this patient or the
sources of friction and based on those understanding comma coming up with all these latest and
greatest materials, especially in 2D materials and surface modification technologies, which now made it
possible to actually achieve.Rescue, or nearly zero friction at interfaces of some sliding surfaces.So this
kind of summarize the the the progress in the Super risky for solid sliding surfaces.Uh, so it looks that we
have really come along way and we all know that if we rub still against self or aluminium against Selby,
get their high friction, if you sprinkle some boron nitride or graphite or.If he like Myr, still fiction actually
comes down quite substantially, so he's there, or otherwise very slippery solids make that interface very,
very slick. And there by the friction that that comes down.But since the beginning of 2000, there have
been explosion in this kind of studies, perfecting is 2D materials, so you know more controllable manner
and thereby under the right conditions, even seeing levels of friction band.And these are quite
remarkable and I think that kinda shows us the way how sliding interfaces can be engineered or
lubricated through ActiveX. Single low friction coefficients.And from a more practical point of view, of
course, liquid.Super risky will be far more desirable.Not all liquids actually give more friction.My
wonderful uncle there sliding interface. You want this sodium friction?Is base oils or is?Traffic. Yeah.
Lubricants like PA or PG with the addition of these friction modifiers, that friction can actually come
down. And there are special circumstances where water can actually be a marvelous lubricant for some
certain ceramics.By virtue of some type of chemical interactions that serves actually become extremely
slim.And then we have all these other technologies related to polymer brushes, PNG, phosphoric acid
and it's none of none of colloidal systems.Present the sliding interfaces can also provide even more
friction coefficient.So let's look at the cases of 2D materials.And these kind of started toward the middle
of 2000, actually.Come and there was a discovery of graphene which really made a huge impact in so
many ways and one of its graphene was said to be one of the strongest material. In fact, it was said to
be.200 times stronger than steel.And if it turns out that it has some other properties that will also have a
huge positive impact in terms of, you know, their troubles with properties.We were one of the very first
actually started the robbing us scrubbing graphene.And we published Sunday with papers that number
of papers which showed it did even one monolayer of graphene.Uh would provide very long their life,
despite having very high contact pressure.And there was also the possibility of further functionalization
of graphene to achieve nearly zero friction.And and.We will not only person actually got these kind of
results and several other laboratories are working on these things.And under the right
conditions.Services would actually provide extreme low friction coefficient.One of these conditions,
actually, as I mentioned earlier, related to commence rate or non commensurate or incommensurate
state of you know contact.He's our he's tried this. In the case of a mansard contact, you have two
surfaces. They could be actually made out of the same material or similar dissimilar materials.And their
atoms on the surface are in full registry. In the case of commensurate you know.Paper for contact.And
so because of this full battery you have atomic scale, strong atomic scale interactions, and everybody
you have atomic, what they called atomic logic.Uh, and and this will actually produce.Very huge.
Interfacial, you know, adhesion. We shall make these services, you know, move very, very difficult.And
in the case of incommensurate state of contact, it turns out that if these surface atoms are twisted and
they were brought out of that full registry.And then you have this state of infamous regular.And this
would actually produce or give rise to these big intellitronix potential and the energy loss and gain.Uh,
between these atoms will will kind of cancel one another, and in this particular case you will actually
have nearly zero friction. The movie in the bottom from Professor Iran was website, which kind of
illustrate these two situations in the.You have this full registry or commercial state of the Union contact
in the bottom. You have this in a master status.There have been a lot of studies actually.Products with
these two.Contact situations. These are some of the only few. I think these studies are still going on. It's
very fascinating and because of the structural nature.Uh.These sliding interfaces.That is, you know,
these are.Physically and socially, very unique.Contact information and this old.Most often these that I
should refer to as structural superlubricity.One of the earliest verification of this was from a group of
scientists from Netherland, especially even deal and it's colic in Netherland, actually were able to test
this model.To see if indeed one can achieve 0 friction.And they use this nanoscale tribal meet. Their
mistake, hold tribal area and the and they attached layers of graphite or graphene to the surface of the
tip and they will they rub this against in the bottom and then other.Find oriented. I love this. That's why.
So why this thing? These two surfaces needs two pieces of graphite in the other side and also on the
surface.Even able to see.Uh, the the the situation where you would actually have very huge stick slip or
a piece of interaction by twisting it slowly, they were able to show that yes, after reaching certain twist
angle.You have nearly vanished friction.So this was a very interesting demonstration of the fact that is
commensurate or implemented state of contacts are very important in terms of.Super the risky
and.Having been a fan fiction or no fiction at all.And then.It was not limited. This effect was not limited
to a very informal services, but, but this could also be achieved with graphene applied, you know,
microsphere also being rubbed against either graphene or graphite.You can't see the difference in this
particular article.Uh.One case it shows how the silicon dioxide microsphere against either by the
pyrolytic graphite actually.Behaves as you can see with regarding model also get their high.Patient
reports.But if you have a.Graphite coating on the on the microsphere rubbing against the same kind of
graphite surface, the friction almost vanishes.And doing the same kind of experiments against.I said
don't fall on my friend also also showed that yes, the friction.Next.No.So it's microspheres of Crisfield
favors in Commensurability.And you will have only a few.Uh.Alan, to Adam, you know
registry.Masters.In this case, you.Also have these favorable implemented at the state of compact and
thereby executable traditional location?Now, as I mentioned, we have done a lot of studies in this
particular area.And this works well with Diana Government now at the University of North Texas, and
my colleague, only Samantha, slept argon.And we have seen a extreme, very resistance of caffeine and
his graffius, but also could actually be a.Produced using CVD method.Uh, and even what one day of
crashing under some reasonably high contact pressure you could actually have over 6000, you know,
sliding cycle type of lifetime of these graphene.Sheets.If you build a few additional measures, actually
that the.Their life would actually go all the way up to almost 50,000 cycle, and this was quite
remarkable.This had to be banned in a special environment, but in this particular case we are talking
about the, you know, hydrogen environment.And now?Hydrogen seems actually.Make the
broken.Surfaces of graphene or Chris under sliding contact you might actually eventually there through
fractured through the graffigna cage, but he's broken. Edges are.Stabilize or.Neutralized by hydrogen so
that they don't necessarily further disintegrate, or spending this stick slip type of behavior to trigger not
only better by friction, but also high there.Uhm.Further studies we have also.Seeing that one can
achieve super the recipe with graphene is there just disconnect the flakes of graphene, sprinkle on a
surface?And then we have to combine these with nanodiamond particles, typically in the range of three
to five nanometers, and problem against the DLC code for the box. So we had carbon material in
different forms in a solid carbon in the whole side. And then we have graphene and he's never
payment.Uh, so this combined?Carbon.Structures were able to actually bring friction function down to
0.004 level.And then we did very high resolution transmission electron microscopy of these surfaces. We
noticed all these cross like you know formation with diamond nanoparticles right in the center. So this
kind of gave us the impression that these Netflix actually attaching service, social management, which
actually makes sense.Sense.Most edges and the and the surface of their payment will have signal once
or this covenant funding possibilities. Once that happens, then the rest of the graphene would actually
just scroll through from these roles and there was a.So this was actually also.Strongly that the using MD
Reactive MD simulation method that that shows exactly how he's nanas close form. Once the nettle
school forms actually at the severity of Donald Pinelands as an aggressive particles as well as at ease of
particle has been.Diminished. And so that the day became more benign and they could also roll in
addition to having this amount of, you know, surface surface interaction or this what people measured,
you know, state of contact, type of situation.There have been so many other studies.That attests to the
importance of these.Uh.You know a special super risky.In one form to another, and graphene has been
done quite extensively. Other colleagues looked at them OS to another 2D material and and and and so
on so forth. It was also found that even in nanotubes, the similar effect could be achieved by twisting
the dinner.Other shells off the tube.And bringing them to these non conformance with you know state
of contact situations.There have been some other exciting developments. Bike recently, one actually
relates to these Maxine.Another 2D material.Still emerging now there seems to be a lot of potential in
terms of potential.You know, industrial applications or near future and and the fact that these can be
actually functionalized by some polar molecules or additives.Add it to your account and in that particular
case to you cannot see vaccine low friction coefficient. So this sounds very exciting in terms of maybe
large scale.Industrial applications in there in the near future.Another class of material actually that
shows the Super risky was buying like carbon.I'm not carbons actually come in different forms.And why,
why, why? And large? They are amorphous in nature, but depending on the.Under.On the structure and
the chemical state.They could have, for example, as shown in this diagram on the left side, no hydrogen,
mostly SP3 bonded carbon.And then you have also hydrogen incorporated. Input is structures, so they
come in all kinds of.Chemistry's as well as the as well as structural you order.You can have the diamond
like carbon with extremely steep under the collector, and these are almost similar to diamond in terms
of their teaching and their properties.You can also have mostly SP2 bonded by full carbon and these will
be similar to graphite.Add hydrogen and these are mostly produced in a hydrogen containing 1000
environment and the fire general.Incorporates.Structure and then you won't be hydrogenated
carbon.Variations and also you can help other metals.Elements into the.Yes, he is.Achieve other type of
physical and mechanical properties. CNX is that very important.DLC film.PLC's are also.Very important in
terms of air.Bastille.Promise is WTC DLC. Awesome PLC is widely used.Applications.You can also build
these DLC that memo layers architectures.So from us early brisky point of view, there have been very
many studies that shows that.With different type of alloy or doping you can actually achieve productivity
or the fiction function best at 0.In our studies, we cascade must be on the.Hydrogenated carbon.On the
left side of this diagram.And then and other colleagues looked at this CNX or needs Silicon Valley?
Uh.Yes, he's Flora nated DLC's.Even software would be incorporated in most of these cases, and they did
that. The friction studies or experiments. The fiction turned out to be extremely low.In our case.We start
by studies toward the end of 80 actually, and they published.Yes.So what we did was that we have seen
a very unique correlation between the amount of hydrogen that he put in the DLC.Nurse is there friction
officer?And be further optimized these to achieve a very very unique.Chemical composition.That
resulted from 25% methane and 75% hydrogen in the plasma environment.And the DLC film grown in
this kind of land, wireman.Give a friction function of, you know down to 0.001 level. It was quite
remarkable.You could actually.Make sure this.You know, one test after another. Not only that, but we
share these films with other colleagues from other.Laboratories.Good to see if they can also do to get
our results and they will do so. This was quite remarkable.So based on our analytical studies became up
to that model.In which he said that since we put a lot of hydrogen into these films, not only their bug
also do services are fully hydrogen saturated.And we are kinda illustrating that in this particular
molecular model.Right corner.And if you look Happy's from the high school level chemistry
textbook.And one hydrogen actually loses this single electron to carbon than the nucleus is passed in
charge, you know neutral, so you have.When you bring these two surfaces together, it will. It will feel
like as if you are pressing to positively charged surfaces against one another.And obviously these
positively charged surfaces will.Three girls repulsive forces.Otherwise these services will there be in
actually developing you know add he sieve forces and that would trigger high friction. But here we are
doing the opposite which is triggering high repulsive forces.And you have done some laboratory studies
with several colleagues and they actually looked into this using.Initial calculations and their fees and
whatnot in one one of these cases, what they did was they will push. Timing is a very model system.
They could easily simulate that. We look at binary 001 surface pressed against another without the
hydrogen.Present.In 15 and as you bring these services together and then after certain businesses about
maybe 2.75 or something like that.Up.He surfaces would actually develop. He's very huge attractive
forces as shown on the left side of the.Fire.But if these surfaces at the interface is fully hydrogen
terminated, and if you do the same thing, that is to bring these services closer to one another and at a
distance about less than 2.5 X, all these services actually will start developing these
repulsive.Precious.As shown.In the pond.So I just wanted to verify first simulation, but other colleagues
from different places also with similar simulations to show that indeed is highly hydrogenated or
hydrogen terminated. Carbon services will trigger hugely positive forces as you bring them.Extrusion so
it just kinda.Uh. Or operated as to what made these highly hydrogenated carbon surface is super
delicious.Writing this nearly frictionless, you know slightly conditions, and of course you get the to some
analysis of these services at the best. The only thing that we could see within the sliding wear track
actually.You have carpenters in as.Awesome.Yeah.So to further.Come through our point, what we did
was that we started with a hydrogen feed. The Sci show. These are the kind of DLC's that you can
directly sputter out of a carbon target in the absence of hydrogen.And these these are mostly SP2SP3
bonded carbon, but on the surface you actually have maybe some other species, and that's about it.And
uh.Using a.Find bombardment.Technique here and using these hydrogen.Adams, Iron arms and bodies,
Argentine carbon surfaces.And then the fact that it can actually do this, then these highly hydrogenated
artificial required carbon services should also go super low risk. So we did the experiment and it was.No
surprise that hydrogen free or non hydrogenated surface actually would fail after about 5 to 10
meter.And be there very high friction, typically growing old well.851 empire.But after the surface is fully
hydrogenated, that through these fires and treatment or bombardment.And that surface started giving
this extendable friction poshness, founded in the hookah.And in fact, we could measure the patient
portion down to 0.005, so the hydrogen.Termination of these carbon services.BTSC's turned out to be a
very important mechanism to achieve super easy.And of course, this also reflected very well on the wear
of these materials in case of non hydrogenated or hydrogenated surfaces. ESC film actually was worn
out very quickly in the other case that's 103 surface. You could hardly see the.Places letters slightly cat
taken place so it's in the low friction portion also resulted in an almost zero where.And and similar
things that could be achieved is highly polar.Oil additives 11 is the oleic acid. This is a highly
folders.Thank you.If you put the base oil on the surface of the PSC, this could be actually either
hydrogenated or higher than three PLC and they tend to attach the surface with that attachment. The
surface again terminated with something more benign.Unless you know chemically active.That you
could actually achieve excellent condition as shown in there that curve in the bar.So in the case of BSE, it
looked as if the Super lubricity has a lot to do with the hydrant termination of the top sliding surfaces.
You can also terminate these services with 484.Oxygen.Which are not shown here, but we also did the
test that that, that, that there running your title slide here.Oxygen, the friction portion would be low,
but not as low as.As Louis Tigers and mainly because even these oxygen or hydro, Sir, you know
terminate services would have some color activity and attraction and thereby there friction would be
hired. There's no hydrogen, it's like interfaces will be typical of.Test for going along with carbon that is
actually produced from the carbon target, either in their lasers postulated deposition are PVD or
soldering methods, and both service station will give you their high pressure mainly because of these pie
and Sigma bond for oil on their actions.So DLC is actually made a huge impact industrial impact. They are
using all kinds of industrial applications. Some of them are actually summarize here and quite recently
option book that kinda looks into all these data center please.Morning.Patience with their
friends.Bye.Comma.So.In terms of overall progress toward achieving macroscale superlubricity and their
application from these very early agents, that encryptions actually struggled to move these huge classes
with hundreds of slaves.We have come along way, I mean.Uh, we have some quite remarkably well in
terms of understanding the origins of friction.Spell understanding. We have developed a new
methodologies and new.Technologies and materials which would actually provide the extremely low
friction coefficient and we are still working very hard. In fact, the studies lead to spiritual the risky quite
recently skyrocketed. I think that given year we had now hundreds of papers published on the
subject.And with all these developments on their hopeful that in the future, if another maybe 1020
years, we might actually see some improvement for systems.These technologies achieving
almost.Yeah.Sectional.That the.Soon.Ms.Especially if you can somehow figure out the future electric
vehicles, for example, consuming very little energy due to frictional dissipation.Plus.And that energy is
coming from summer for proper form and or something like that.Only.Green.And that will actually make
a huge impact in the sustainability of our of our planet.So we have been very active in this area. We
published a book.Back in 2007 and super risky.Uh, and the system we actually updated and this has
been published a few months back.Contains a lot of material.I wish I could not covered, but these are
some of the topics that are very extensively covered in this new book.That might be of interest to those
people who are interested in this stuff.So in summary, I think we have a need.Big progress in the design
or some new and.More exciting.That feels holdings.Can they provide very low friction and wear?And
especially these two D materials.Huge impact.In terms of.Vanishing friction and DLC has been around
about that. There are still a lot of work going on in this area and I think there might be some
additional.Highlights.There.Christiane.Application.And in the case of food, you might feel or crystal in
that trailer.Most at this risky is pretty much dependent on the in commensurability.Or this class
formation mechanism that I mentioned that he discovered that another national level, right, and these
are mostly for the 2D materials, for the man to the amounts matters like like PRC, I think service
termination or surface.Patient states.Not real.Especially with the with the.Gas.Like.Microsoft.And then,
regardless of all these things, friction still continues to consume 20% of the global energy out.And this is,
I think, proportional the amount of north CO2.That that is released with employment.So I think so, I
apologize.After.Double our efforts.Further.Friction.There by its adverse impact on energy and
water.Yeah.So with that, I thank you all and I have had the great pleasure of working with a lot of
people.I must particularly acknowledged for ponder. We had multiple papers that
reach.Christian.Yeah.Excellent.Much of my work.Has been funded by U S Department of Energy. I'm very
grateful.Also, I had one of their best, you know, sign.Uh.Farm.Healthy.Thanks.We have
published.Papers.And also I had a lot of international collaborators.Yeah.So thank you very much and if
there are questions, I'll be more than happy to.Answer.Thank you, holly.Everybody's muted, so they
don't.Here.There's a few questions in the chat.So when the first ones was, how stable are the?
Hydrogenated DLC's.And talks to her and atmosphere.That's a very good question, not very stable
actually. If you run these idle high risk repairs is.Oxygen or even what? In open air? You don't necessarily
get their low friction.1.Actions.Services.These are the reactive.Hi, Richard.Transexual.I believe.PLC's are
meant to be.Not that one.

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