Manlapaz 1981

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Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,

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HELICAL COIL, Chemical Engineering Communications, 9:1-6, 185-200

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Chem. Eng. Commun. Vol. 9. pp. 185-200 0 Gordon and Breach. Science Publishers Inc., 1981
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Department of Chemical Engineering
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
(Received August 18, 1980; infinal form November 14. 1980)

A general correlating equation has been developed for all Prandtl and Dean numbers. This expression was
constructed by joining the theoretical Nusselt number for a straight tube, a theoretical asymptote for the
regime of creeping secondary flow, a semi-theoretical expression for the boundary layer regime and an
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asymptotic value of N u for the intervening regime of flow.

The arbitrary coefficients and exponents i n the model were evaluated using experimental and numerically
computed values. Slightly differing sets of coefficients are required for uniform wall temperature and
longitudinally uniform heating with uniform peripheral wall temperature.
. . .
A l l orior theoretical results were for toroidal flow (zero oitch). A numerical solution was develooed for
helical flow (finite pitch). These results confirm the validity of neglecting pitch for tightly wound coils but
suggest a generalization of the correlating equation for large pitch.


Helically coiled tubes are widely used for cooling and heating fluid streams. Owing to
the secondary motion generated by the centrifugal force, the friction factor and the
heat transfer coefficient are both greater than in a straight pipe. This behavior has
therefore been studied extensively because of its practical as well as intrinsic interest.
Prior work on the flow field and friction factor was recently described by Manlapaz
and Churchill (1980) and will be noted herein only in reference to heat transfer.
Despite extensive experimental and theoretical work, the dependence of heat
transfer on the Reynolds number, Prandtl number, length-to-diameter ratio, coil-
to-tube radius ratio, pitch and boundary conditions has not been resolved. Theoretical
attention has been wholly restricted to the limiting case of toroidal flow (no pitch) and
in most cases to the asymptotic case of very large coil-to-tube radius ratio.
The principal objective of this investigation has been to develop a general correlat-
ing equation for the peripherally averaged Nusselt number taking into account all of
the above-mentioned effects. Attention has however been restricted to fully developed
convection. (Dravid, el al. (1971) found that entrance effects were confined to a
relative short distance, and suggested that they could be neglected for purposes of
design.) New numerical results for the effect of pitch are presented and utilized in the
development of the correlation.

'Current affiliation unknown


The various experimental and theoretical results do not appear to be in complete

accord. Hence the specified conditions of these studies are reviewed in detail below as
a prelude to their recorrelation.


Manlapaz and Churchill (1980) recently reviewed the prior work on fully developed
laminar flow in helical coils and derived the following equation
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Values of m 2, 1 and 0 were recommended for Dn < 20, 20 < Dn < 40, and Dn >
40, respective1y.

Hear Transfer

Experimental Resulrs. Berg and Bonilla (1950) heated air, water and oil in coils
with condensing steam and correlated their results with the expression

Their experimental values of Nu for air were lower than for a straight pipe, casting
some doubt on the validity of the measurements.
Seban and McLaughlin (1963) passed oil and water through tightly coiled and
uniformly heated copper tubes with coil-to-tube radius ratios of 17 and 104. They
noted that peripheral conduction was significant but insufficient to yield a peripher-
ally uniform wall temperature in the laminar region. Oscillating heat transfer was
observed near the entrance followed by a fully developed regime. They reported local
heat transfer coefficients for the inner and outer halves of the coil. Their mean,
asymptotic coefficients were correlated by the expression

Mori and Nakayama (1965) measured heat transfer to air in a uniformly heated
brass pipe with a coil-to-tube radius ratio of 40. Their results are implied to be for fully
developed convection. Schmidt (1967) made extensive measurements of heat transfer
with air, water and oil, a uniform wall temperature and coil-to-tube radius ratios of
4.914, 10.17, 20.28, 41.0 and 81.3. He correlated his results for the laminar regime
with the expression


Dravid, er a/. (1971) measured heat transfer to five liquids from a uniformly heated
copper tube with a coil-to-tube radius ratio of 18.66. The peripheral wall temperature
was found to be essentially uniform. They confirmed the developing, oscillating and
fully developed regimes of heat transfer reported by Seban and McLaughlin. Their
results for 50 < Dn < 2000 and 5 < P r < 175 were correlated with the expression
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Singh and Bell (1974) studied heat transfer to water and Dowtherm G in an
electrically heated stainless steel tube with coil-to-tube radius ratios of 20.7 and 41.7.
They concluded that conduction in the wall produced a boundary condition interme-
diate to that of uniform temperature and uniform heat flux. Natural convection was
found to be significant in some of their tests. They correlated their experimental values
with an average deviation of less than 12% with the expression

where here

Janssen and Hoogendwrn (1978) made measurements with aqueous solutions of

glycerol (Pr from 27 to 440). Shell-oil Vitria 31 and two silicone oils for uniform wall
temperature and uniform heating with uniform peripheral wall temperature and
coil-to-tube radius ratios of 12.03, 41.5, 62.1 and 100. They found little difference in
the fully developed Nusselt number for the two boundary conditions and correlated all
of their values for Dn > 20 in the form

They also proposed the following explicit expressions:

for Dn < 20
f o r 2 0 < D n < I00
Nu = 0.9 Re''' Pr'I6 (12)

for I00 < Dn < 830

Nu - 0.7 Pr'I6(ro/a)007

Comparison of the correlating equations developed by the above several investiga-

tors reveals widely differing functional dependencies on Re, Pr and ro/a.

Analytical Solutions. The analytical work on heat transfer in coiled tubes is very
limited, as contrasted with the extensive analyses for flow alone. Mori and Nakayama
(1965) used integral boundary layer theory to derive the following expression for
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longitudinally uniform heating with peripherally uniform wall temperature:

As a first-order approximation for large Dn, q5{{tDn-'I2 can be neglected and hence
this complex function will not be reproduced here. For Pr > 1 they derived

and for P r < I

Mori and Nakayama (1967) subsequently derived the following corresponding solu-
tion for uniform wall temperature:

The dependence of {on P r is again given by Eqs. (1 5) and (16). Dravid, el al. (1971)
pointed out that the energy integrals in the above solutions were evaluated over the
hydrodynamic boundary layer rather than the thermal boundary layer for Pr > 1,
thereby yielding an erroneous dependence on Pr.
Maekawa (1964) derived the following perturbation solution for small Dn, small
curvature (ro/a 0) and uniform wall temperature:
0zisik and Topakoglu (1968) derived a corresponding solution for longitudinal
uniform heating and peripherally uniform wall temperature. It is very detailed and
will not be reproduced herein. A graphical representation is provided by Akiyama and
Cheng (1971) and Kalb and Seader (1972). For P r - oo but small Dn2Pr this solution
reduces to

Numerical Solutions. Dravid, et al. (1971) used a finite difference method to solve
the equation for the conservation of energy for fully developed flow through a helical
coil. They used the integral-boundary-layer solution of Mori and Nakayama (1965)
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for the velocity field and thereby obtained a solution for negligible pitch and r o / a 0.
Developing convection was computed for a number of conditions, but a fully developed
Nusselt number only for uniform wall temperature, Re = 1000, Pr = 5, and
a / r o = 20.
Akiyama and Cheng (1971) solved the equations of motion as well as energy by
finite differences for fully developed convection with uniform longitudinal heating and
a peripherally uniform wall temperature. Their solution is also for negligible pitch and
ro/a -+ 0. They obtained results for Pr = 0.0. I, 0.7, I , 4, 25, I00 and 500. The rate of
heat transfer on the inner half of the coil was found to decrease as Dn increased, nearly
compensating for the increase on the outer half up to Dn = 10. Thereafter the greater
increase on the outer half was predominant. They correlated their results for
DnPr'12 > 12 and Pr > 1 with the expression

where here

They subsequently (1972) derived the corresponding solution for uniform wall
temperature with Pr = 0, 0.1, 0.7, 10 and 500, and correlated their results for
DnPr'12> 9 in terms of

Comparison of Eqs. (20) and (22), as well as the computed values, indicates that Nu is
higher for uniform wall temperature than for uniform longitudinal heating. This result
is in contrast with those for either forced or free convention in other systems. They
conclude that the boundary layer solutions of Mori and Nakayama (1965, 1967) are
valid only for Pr = 1 and that their own results would not be expected to be valid for
a / r o < 3.5.
Kalb and Seader (1972) independently derived a numerical solution for fully
developed convection with longitudinally uniform heating and peripherally uniform
wall temperature. Results were obtained for finite values of a / r o 10, 15.2, 20 and
100 and for Pr 0.005,0.05,0.7, 5,30, 100, 200,400, 800 and 1600. They correlated
their values for 20 5 Dn r 1200 and 0.005 r Pr s 0.05 with

and for 80 s Dn r 1200 and 0.7 5 Pr r 5 with

The parameter a / r o in the range 10-100 was found to have a significant influence on
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the local rate of heat transfer but not on the peripherally mean value. They noted that
the exponent of Dn appeared to approach the boundary layer value of 0.5 for Dn > 250
and Pr > 0.7.
Kalb and Seader (1974) subsequently developed a numerical solution for uniform
wall temperature, and the same values of r o / a and Pr (except for 0.005). Their results
appear to be in agreement with the perturbation solution of Maekawa (1964) for small
Dean numbers and with the numerical values of Akiyama and Cheng (1972) and
Tarbell and Samuels (1973), but fall far below Equation (22) for large P r a n d Dn. The
agreement with the boundary layer solution of Mori and Nakayama (1967) for Pr -
0.7 is only fair. They correlated their values for Dn z 80 and 0.7 c Pr < 5 with a
maximum deviation of 4.7% using

Tarbell and Samuels (1973) derived a complete numerical solution for developing
convection with uniform wall temperature. Fully developed Nusselt numbers were
obtained for air, 3, 10 and 30 and Pr = 0.01, 0.1, 2 and 10. They noted that their
computed values of Nu for Pr 2 were only about 3% lower than those of Kalb and
Seader (1972) for longitudinally uniform heating but that the values for Pr 0.01 and

condition for Pr -
0.1 were consistently about 20% lower. This greater dependence on the boundary
0 was said to be expected.
Patankar, et al. (1974) carried out similar calculations for longitudinally uniform
heating and peripherally uniform wall temperature but presented fully developed
- -
Nusselt numbers only for Pr 0.71 and 4 with a / r o 40. Their results werecompared
favorably with the experimental values of Mori and Nakayama (1965) and Dravid, el
al. (1971).

convection using for the velocity field the solution of Dean for Dn
They obtained fully developed Nusselt numbers for ~ n ~ from
Janssen and Hoogendoorn (1978) integrated the energy equation for developing
0 and r o / a 0.

r " 6~ to 75. Their

computed values of Nu for uniform wall temperature fell below those for longitudi-
nally uniform heating and peripherally uniform wall temperature' for ~ n ~ --. r 0"but
slightly above for DnPr'I2> 30. The range of ~ n ~ of r their
' / ~computed values did not
overlap the range of their measured values, but the computed values appear to
extrapolate to coincidence with Eq. (I I).
Rabadi, er al. (1979) used a somewhat different numerical method than Kalb and
- -
Seader (1972) but asserted that their results for Pr and 5 and a / r o 15.2
were in almost perfect agreement over the entire range of Dn.


All of the above theoretical work, both analytical and numerical, is for toroidal flow,
i.e., zero pitch. Manlapaz and Churchill (1980) recently described a method of
solution and presented numerical results for flow in a truly helical coil with finite
pitch. In this paper the corresponding results for fully developed heat transfer are
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The steady-state differential energy balance for the coil can be written approxi-
mately as

For fully developed convection and the chosen boundary condition of uniform



H - $o rO]
2r H{O,

The heat transfer coefficient was defined as

h = jw(Tw- TJ


Central differences were used to approximate Eq. ( 2 6 ) . Solution was by Gauss-

Seidel iteration using Ar = ro/12.5 and A0 = a / 6 . No particular difficulties were
encountered. Details of the finite-difference representation and method of solution are
given by Manlapaz (1971). Inaccuracy was encountered in the calculation of N u for
large Dn and large Pr. Those values which appeared to have converged are listed in
Table I for specified values of G = a3p(-dP/ds)/cr2, Pr, r,/a and b/a and derived
values of Re, Dn, and He.
The analysis and numerical solution of Manlapaz and Churchill (1980) supported
the suggestion of Truesdell and Adler (1970) that the results for the friction factor in a
toroidal coil (zero pitch) could be extended for a helical coil (finite pitch) simply by
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substituting the Helical number for the Dean number. This conclusion would be
expected to hold for the Nusselt number as well.
The calculated values of N u in Table 1 for dimensionless pitches, b l a , of 0.0.5 and
1.0 change quantitatively in accord with that predicted by substitution of the Helical
number for the Dean number. However, the change itself over this range of b l a is too
small to be of practical importance. A dimensionless pitch of 3 would be required to
produce a 10% change in Dn and hence a 5% change in Nu in a regime in which N u is
proportional to Dn'12. The implicit assumption of all prior theoretical and experimen-

Numerically computed values of fully developed, peripheral-mean Nusselt number in uniformly heated
helical coils
tal work that pitch is negligible appears to be valid to that extent. The Helical number
is nevertheless utilized in the correlating equations developed below on the presump-
tion that this generalizes the results for large pitch.


Uniform Wall Temperature

By analogy to momentum transfer a proportionality of Nu to ~ n ' / would

' be expected
for the laminar boundary layer regime. This expectation appears to be confirmed by

indicated in Fig. 1. Also these values suggest independence from P r as P r

the asymptote
the somewhat limited experimental and computed values for Dn > 200 and Pr = 0.7 as
m, hence
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Equation (32) has the form predicted by Eqs. (14) and (15).

dent of p as Pr-
Heat transfer in the boundary layer regime would be expected to become indepen-
0, yielding the asymptote

Nu = B ( P r Dn)'l2 (33)

Combining these two asymptotes as suggested by Churchill and Usagi (1972)


The data do not have sufficient range or precision to define the coefficients A and B
and the exponent n unambiguously. The theoretical value 0.864 for N U / D ~ ' / a' t Pr
I , and the computed values of Kalb and Seader (1974) for Pr = 0.7 and 5 were used to
estimate values of 1.05, 1.52 and -2 for A, B a n d n, yielding

Equation (18) appears to be a valid asymptote for Dn -0. However the ranges of
validity of Eq. (18) and (35) do not overlap. Rather, the computed values of Nu in the
intervening range appear to approach an intermediate asymptote

Equation (36) can be combined with the first two terms of Eq. (18) to produce the test
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A coefficient C 8 and an exponent n = - 112 provide a reasonable approximation
for low and intermediate Dn and all Pr.
A correlation for all conditions can then be constructed by combining Eqs. (35) and
(37) in the test form
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A value of n = 3 appears to be appropriate. Replacing Dn by H e and simplifying then

yields the final expression

Equation (39) is compared in Fig. 1 with the numerically computed values of Kalb
and Seader (1974). Tarbell and Samuels (1973) and Akiyama and Cheng (1971). The
agreement is generally good, although the prediction for Pr = 0.7 appears to be
somewhat high and that for Pr = 0.1 somewhat low for intermediate values of Dn.
These deviations could be decreased at the possible expense of increased deviations
elsewhere by "fine-tuning" some of the coefficients and exponents. However further
computed and measured values for high Dn and low Pr are really required to justify
such a modification.
An additional dependence on a / r o for a / r o 0 such as the factor I + r 0 / 3 a in Eq.
(1) might be anticipated, but such a correction cannot be justified from the available
data for heat transfer.

Longitudinally Uniform Heating with Peripherally Uniform Wall Temperature

The same structure as that for uniform wall temperature proved successful in
developing a correlating equation but different coefficients were required. Although
Mori and Nakayama (1965) derived a value of N u l ~ n ' = l ~0.864 for Pr = 1 for this
boundary condition as well, that value did not prove to be suitable for Eq. (34). The
coefficients in Eq. (34) were instead chosen wholly with reference to the computed
values of Kalb and Seader (1972) and Rabadi, et al. (1979) and the experimental
values of Mori and Nakayama (1965) and Dravid, et al. (1971). The proposed
expression is
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Equation (19), the limiting value of 4811 1 for a straight tube, an intermediate value
of C = 9 and Eq. (40) were then utilized in the same form and with the same
exponents as in Equation (39). to,produce

Equation (41) is compared with the afore-mentioned sets of values in Fig. 2. The
representation, with the same exceptions as for uniform wall temperature, is very
good. The experimental data do not extend beyond He = 2000, hence Eq. (41) and the
curves in Fig. 2 are speculative beyond that value.
The values of Table I are not directly comparable because of the different boundary
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condition (peripherally as well as longitudinally uniform heating) but they are in

semi-quantitative agreement.


Examination of Eqs. (39) and (41) and Figs. I and 2 explains the large number of
widely differing correlating equations previously proposed. A simple power of Dn and
Pr can represent the data successfully only over a short range. The power dependences
on Dn and Pr, as defined by Churchill and Gupta (1 978) are


The values of m and n in turn depend critically on the values or range of values of Dn
and Pr. All of the prior correlating expressions, except Eqs. (2) and (3) can be
rationalized in these terms.
The constant value of N u for large Pr and an intermediate range of Dn has
apparently not been noted previously or explained physically. For Pr in the range of
0.1 to 0.7 this intermediate asymptote is essentially crowded out by the external
asymptotes and is barely apparent graphically.


Examination of the measured and computed values of the fully developed Nusselt
number for laminar flow in a helical coil reveals a number of distinct regimes. For low
values of the Dean number the creeping secondary motion produces an increase in the
Nusselt number over that for a straight pipe which is proportional to ~ n ~ ~For r 'large
values of the Dean numbers a boundary layer regime occurs in which Nu is
l ' Pr- 0 and to Dn'l' for Pr- m. For intermediate Dn the
proportional to ( ~ n ~ r ) 'for
Nusselt number attains a quasi-constant value. This intervening regime is essentially
crowded out between the creeping and boundary layer regimes for Pr 0.1-0.7. The -
intermediate regime of constant Nu has apparently not been specifically noted
previously although it is apparent in some of the plots of Kalb and Seader (1972.
Previous correlating equations based on simple powers of Pr and Dn have been
unsuccessful in representing this complex behavior over a broad range. A correlating
equation for all Dn and P r has been developed herein by patching together expressions
for the three regimes noted above. The same exponents but slightly different
coefficients are recommended for uniform wall temperature and for longitudinally
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uniform heating with peripherally uniform wall temperature.

The effect of the curvature of the coil is apparently represented adequately by the
Dean number, at least for coil-to-tube radius-ratios of greater than 10. Some
additional dependence would be expected for smaller ratios but is not yet defined.
New finite-difference calculations for finite pitch confirmed the previous hypothesis
that the effect of pitch is negligible for values of b/a less than unity. Substitution of
the Helical number of the Dean number is suggested to take into account the effect of
pitch for higher values of b/a.
Numerical solutions or precise experimental measurements are still needed for
large Dn, small Pr, small air, and large b/a. Such values may permit improvement of
the correlating equations developed herein.


The constructive suggestions of Dr. Charles E. Kalb and of an anonymous reviewer contributed significantly
to this paper and are greatly appreciated.


A constant
a radius of coil, m
B constant
b pitch of coil (increase of height per rotation), m
c constant
c~ specific heat capacity at constant pressure, J / k g . K
D diameter of tube, m
Dn -
( ~ E p / p ) ( r , / a ) ' ~ ' Dean number
f Fanning friction factor for helical coil
J Fanning friction factor for straight pipe
G -
aJp ( - d P / d ~ ) ~ specified
~ dimensionless pressure
gpbD3(pb - p,)/p2 = Grashof number
acceleration due to gravity, m/s2
(((I - r/a cos 181)' + ( b / 2 ~ a ) ' ) / [ l + ( b / 2 ~ a ) ~+] ((b/2?ra)' (ria)' sin2
{el)/ [ l ( b / 2 ~ a ) ' ] ~ ) ' ~ '
Dn/[l + ( b / 2 ~ a ) ~ ] ' lHelical
~ number
local heat flux density, W/m2
thermal conductivity, W/m .K
DL/k(X - Tb)-peripherally averaged Nusselt number
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dynamic pressure (due to motion), Pa

c,r/k = Prandtl number
normal radial distance from helical centerline, m
radius of tube, m
DEplp - Reynolds number
distance along helical centerline, m
temperature, K
r-component of velocity, m / s
&component of velocity, m / s
s-component of velocity, m / s
function of P r
angle which r makes with principal normal to the helical centerline, rad
viscosity, Pa . s
density, kg/m3


b bulk
f film
w wall


- . peripherally averaged

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