Here Is A List of Occupations Along With Simple Yes or No Questions For Each Job

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Here is a list of occupations along with simple yes or no questions for each job.

These questions
are designed to help elementary students learning English:

1. Teacher

 Do teachers work in schools?

 Do teachers help students learn?
 Do teachers wear uniforms?

2. Doctor

 Do doctors work in hospitals?

 Do doctors help sick people?
 Do doctors fly airplanes?

3. Police Officer

 Do police officers help keep people safe?

 Do police officers drive police cars?
 Do police officers work at the zoo?

4. Firefighter

 Do firefighters put out fires?

 Do firefighters wear special uniforms?
 Do firefighters work in banks?

5. Chef

 Do chefs cook food?

 Do chefs work in kitchens?
 Do chefs fix cars?

6. Farmer

 Do farmers grow vegetables?

 Do farmers take care of animals?
 Do farmers work in offices?

7. Nurse

 Do nurses help doctors?

 Do nurses take care of patients?
 Do nurses fly helicopters?

8. Pilot

 Do pilots fly airplanes?

 Do pilots work at airports?
 Do pilots build houses?

9. Dentist

 Do dentists take care of teeth?

 Do dentists work in clinics?
 Do dentists make pizzas?

10. Librarian

 Do librarians work in libraries?

 Do librarians help people find books?
 Do librarians drive buses?

11. Engineer

 Do engineers design buildings?

 Do engineers solve problems?
 Do engineers teach math in schools?

12. Veterinarian

 Do veterinarians take care of animals?

 Do veterinarians work in animal hospitals?
 Do veterinarians drive taxis?

13. Bus Driver

 Do bus drivers drive buses?

 Do bus drivers pick up passengers?
 Do bus drivers perform surgeries?

14. Construction Worker

 Do construction workers build houses?
 Do construction workers use tools?
 Do construction workers write books?

15. Artist

 Do artists create paintings?

 Do artists work in studios?
 Do artists fly airplanes?

These questions are straightforward and can help young students practice their English language
skills while learning about different occupations.
give me more
Sure, here are more occupations with yes or no questions for each:

16. Scientist

 Do scientists conduct experiments?

 Do scientists work in laboratories?
 Do scientists sell clothes?

17. Musician

 Do musicians play instruments?

 Do musicians perform on stage?
 Do musicians repair computers?

18. Photographer

 Do photographers take pictures?

 Do photographers use cameras?
 Do photographers cook meals?

19. Mechanic

 Do mechanics fix cars?

 Do mechanics work in garages?
 Do mechanics teach history?

20. Waiter/Waitress
 Do waiters serve food?
 Do waiters work in restaurants?
 Do waiters take care of animals?

21. Pilot

 Do pilots fly airplanes?

 Do pilots wear uniforms?
 Do pilots cook food?

22. Baker

 Do bakers make bread?

 Do bakers work in bakeries?
 Do bakers teach students?

23. Journalist

 Do journalists write news stories?

 Do journalists work for newspapers?
 Do journalists drive buses?

24. Tailor

 Do tailors make clothes?

 Do tailors use sewing machines?
 Do tailors cook food?

25. Architect

 Do architects design buildings?

 Do architects draw plans?
 Do architects drive taxis?

26. Electrician

 Do electricians fix electrical problems?

 Do electricians use tools?
 Do electricians write novels?

27. Plumber
 Do plumbers fix pipes?
 Do plumbers work in homes and buildings?
 Do plumbers perform surgeries?

28. Cashier

 Do cashiers handle money?

 Do cashiers work in stores?
 Do cashiers build houses?

29. Actor/Actress

 Do actors perform in movies?

 Do actors work on stage?
 Do actors teach science?

30. Astronaut

 Do astronauts travel to space?

 Do astronauts wear space suits?
 Do astronauts build cars?

31. Taxi Driver

 Do taxi drivers drive cars?

 Do taxi drivers pick up passengers?
 Do taxi drivers sell clothes?

32. Gardener

 Do gardeners take care of plants?

 Do gardeners work in gardens?
 Do gardeners design software?

33. Barber/Hairdresser

 Do barbers cut hair?

 Do barbers use scissors?
 Do barbers write books?

34. Cleaner/Janitor
 Do cleaners keep places clean?
 Do cleaners use cleaning tools?
 Do cleaners perform in theaters?

35. Coach

 Do coaches train athletes?

 Do coaches work with sports teams?
 Do coaches cook meals?
Occupation Charades

Materials Needed:

 Small pieces of paper or index cards

 A container to hold the cards
 A list of occupations (to write on the cards)


1. Write the names of various occupations on the pieces of paper or index cards. Include
simple and common jobs such as teacher, doctor, nurse, police officer, firefighter, chef,
farmer, mechanic, pilot, and artist.
2. Fold the papers or cards and place them in the container.


1. Divide the class into small groups or pairs, depending on the size of the class.
2. Explain the rules: One person from each group will pick a card from the container and
act out the occupation written on it without speaking. The rest of the group will guess the
3. Set a time limit: Give each person about 1-2 minutes to act out the occupation.
4. Take turns: Each group takes turns acting and guessing until all the cards have been
used or the time allocated for the game is up.
5. Discuss: After the game, have a brief discussion about each occupation acted out. Ask
simple questions about the duties, tools, or workplaces associated with each job.


 Interactive Learning: Encourages students to get up and move, which can help with
engagement and retention.
 Vocabulary Reinforcement: Repeated exposure to occupation-related vocabulary in a
fun and memorable context.
 Team Building: Promotes teamwork and communication among learners.
 Confidence Building: Helps shy students participate in a low-pressure environment.

This game is simple to set up, adaptable to different class sizes, and can be a lot of fun for adult
learners who are at an elementary level in English.

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