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Write a story in which Photograph Reminds you of Something.

“Look! What i found.” Sira spoke with excitement, holding up a bright neon
pink Album. Its cover filled with funky, animated stickers and glitter – showing
the childish nature of its owner.

A head rose from the mounts of boxes “show me!!” Sara extended her hand
asking for the album.

Taking hold of the album she slowly began to flip the book open. Pages filled
with different-sized images, all framing two girls. Every page flip brought a
swoosh of memories. The flashbacks were interrupted by the series of blank
pages that followed, indicating an incomplete end.

Ahh. Taking a deep breath, she began closing the book when a photograph fell
out of it, holding it up her hands stopped. The photograph framed two girls in
their early teenage, hands wrapped around each other, smiling ear-to-ear.

With that, she was engulfed in the memories of that day, how the happy
memories were painted with dread and ‘life lasting’ lessons.


12th may 2007

It was mina’s 16th birthday, and sara had gone to great extend to make it
memorable for her. Why wouldn’t she, mina was her only true friend, from
before the time they were taught what friendship was.

Sara stood in a room festooned with birthday décor, dressed up in a long white
floral dress, with rose puffy cheeks and doe eyes holding in a universe; she
looked adorable, nothing like sara today.

She had asked her parents to lend her the house for the night so she could
surprise mina with a ‘fire’ party. Mina was in awe for her friend and was deeply
thankful for the bond they shared. The room was filled with laughter and
chatter, everyone was having the time of their lives. Unaware that it was not to
last long.

Sara asked mina to meet her upstairs so she could give her gift in private, while
she made her way towards the kitchen to grab it. Just then in the cacophony of
loud sounds, sara heard a lost sound of a sizzle. With every moment the sound
was more defined and lasting. It was foreboding. But before sara could react, a
seething fire emerged from the extension socket.

Within minutes, the fun filled enviourment turned catastrophic. Everyone ran
towards the front door. While, sara with a few other tried to get control of the
situation but failed against the raging fire. Upon realization that the fire was
way out of their control, James grabbed her hand and exited the building.

Leaving her among the others, James made his way to call help. Sara, who was
still unable to process the change of events, stood there still. When realization
struck her. “Mina!!”

“i still can’t believe it!! You burned down our home”

Sara was brought back to the present by Sira’s voice, which showed
astonishment and excitement about her elder sister’s adventures.

“It was an accident…” sara spoke with a wide smile. While carefully placing
the photography back in her album and setting it aside to take along afterwards.

“Yeah…yeah…we know it… ‘it was an accident’” Sira taunted.

“Now get up, i am tired. Mina would be waiting.” She reminded about the lunch
the three had planned while exiting the room. Upon which sara stood up and
followed her out

That day, after hearing the clattering chaos occurring mina went down and was
able to exist the house timely. Help arrived shortly, the fire was extinguished,
and fortunately, none were harmed - physically. However, their parents did
teach them a ‘life lasting’ lesson.

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