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Hcl Lucknow interview questions Fresher to 2 Years Of Experience

1: Tell me about your Roles & Responsibility , current project & all

2: At first what testing u perform

3: If any bug found what will u do

4: What is test case , test scenario

5 : if I give u login page , u write test case for login page.

6 : what is valid user name , how can u decide this is valid or not.

7 : I develop a website , can I give user name like that – RAM123@#

8 : What is defect life cycle

9 : what is deferred

10 : If the developer says this is not a defect then what will u do.

11 : if application is in mid , 1 new requirements comes out then what will u do.

12: if I found bug report bug , bug was fixed. But in this I found same bug then what will u do. Report
new bug ?

13 : what is valid user name or mobile no. Can I give like this RAM123#

If no why we can’t give like this.

14 : At first which testing u do

15: What is Regression Testing

16: What is Retesting

17: Describe your project in detail

18: what is smoke testing sanity testing

19 : what is priority

20: what is functional testing

21: what is integration testing. Give me example in ur project.

22: What is STLC

23: what is defect , bug

24: Scenario based questions

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