Hercules Planilha - Semana 29

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Sigam o canal do Hércules Functional

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SEMANA 29 - Força


Lower Body Upper Body Lower Body Upper Body Upper Body
-Spiderman - 1:00 each -Pec stretch on wall - 1:00 -Pigeon pose - 1:00 each -Puppy pose - 1:00 -Scorpion stretch - 1:00
-Bottom squat hold - 1:00 each -T hip opener - 1:00 each Lower Body each
(5:00) -Wrist stretch - 1:00 (6:00) -QL stretch - 1:00 -Amrless prayer - 1:00
Mobility (5:00) -Cat cow - 1:00 (5:00)

-20 Burpees 3 Rounds 3 Rounds Tabata 200m Run Aquecimento Lúdico

-20 V-ups :30 on :10 off -10 Russian baby makers 1- Burpees over KB 15 Plank up down
-20 Air squats 1- Jumping jacks -10 Cossack squat (KB) 2- KB Romanian DL 20 Jump Squats
4 Rounds 15 Burpees
2- Plank up down 3 Rounds
-3 Muscle clean 200m Run
-3 Front squats 3- PVC pass throughs -10 Goblet squat rest 2’
3 Rounds (barbell)
Warm-up -3 Good morning 4- PVC OHS Hold -10 Glute bridge KB -5 Biceps curl
-3 Tall clean 5- Box step up -5 Single leg RDL (each) Tabata -5 Strict Press
(12:00) (15:00) 1- KB Hang Snatch (R) -5 Push press behind the
2- KB Hang Snatch (L) neck
(12:00) -5 Push Jerk
E2MOM 6’ E2MOM 6’ Push press + Push
Clean Snatch High Pull Jerk
Hang below knee + 40% - 3 / 1-4 ERR 40% - 3+2 (2x) / 1-4
above knee 50% - 3 / 1-4 ERR ERR
40% - 2+3 / 1-4 ERR 60% - 3 / 5-6 ERR 50% - 3+2 (2x) / 1-4
Weightlifting / 50% - 2+3 / 1-4 ERR ERR
Gymnastic 60% - 2+3 / 5-6 ERR rest 2‘ 60% - 3+2 / 5-6 ERR
E2MOM 6’ 65% - 3+2 / 5-6 ERR
rest 2’ Power Snatch +
E2MOM 6’ OHS (15:00)
Clean Pull 60% - 2+3 / 5-6 ERR
70% - 4 / 7 ERR 70% - 2+3 / 7 ERR
80% - 4 / 8 ERR 75% - 2+3 / 7.5 ERR
90% - 4 / 9 ERR Back Squat
(18:00) 60%- 2 (2x) / 5-6 ERR
SKILL / ACESSORY (18:00) 70%- 2 (2x) / 7 ERR
Strength 80% - 2 (2x) / 8 ERR
90% - 2 / 9 ERR

For Time: For Time: 3 Rounds for Partner workout EMOM x 15 (5 For Time (with a
-25 Front Squats 9-8-7: time For time Rounds): Partner)
-400 Meter Run -Power Snatches -100 Deadlifts Minute 1- 12/9 Cal -600m Run
-Burpee over bar -33 Wall balls
(500m Row, 1k (20/14lb)(14/10l- (185/155l- Row, Bike or SkiErg(together)
Bike) -30 One DB Box step b)(10/10lb) bs)(155/105l- Minute 2: 50 -50 Dual Dumbbell
-25 Toes to Bar over -22 Abmat b)(95/65lb) Double Unders Thruster
-400 Meter Run -60 C2B (partner in (SU) -50 Burpees over
-25 Toes to Bar 6-5-4:
sit-ups bar hang hold)(Pull Minute 3: 1-2 DB
-400 Meter Run -Power Snatches -11 Power Clean up)(Pull up band) Rope Climbs (4 -600m Run
-25 Front Squats -Burpee over bar (155/105l- -80 Single Arm DB Modified Rope (together)
bs)(115/75l- Shoulder to Climb)(6 Strict Pull -100 One DB Box
METCON (135/95l- over
-30 One DB Box step b)(85/55lb) overhead (50/35l- up) step ups
bs)(115/75l- b)(35lb/26l- -600m Run
b)(85/55lb) Time cap: 18:00 b)(26/20lb) (together)
(Knee to chest)(K- 3-2-1: -30 Bar Muscle up -50 Burpees over
nee raise) -Power Snatches (Jump Bar MU)(Syn- DB
-Burpee over bar chro hand release -50 Dual Dumbbell
Time cap: 16:00 push up) Thruster
(115/75lbs)(95/65l- -1Mile Run -600m Run
b)(65/45lb) (together)(2k Row or
(50/35lb)(35lb/26l- (together)
5k Bike)
Time cap: 13:00 Time cap: 38:00 b)(26/20lb)

EMOM 5 Minutes 3 Giant Sets: EMOM 12 Minutes 4 Rounds for Quality Time cap: 40:00
-:20 Chin Over Bar Hold -20 Seated Banded 1- 100′ Waiters Walk R -10 Pike Compressions
(rest the remainder of Abductions 2- Side Star Plank R -10 Weighted Hip
the minute) -20 Weighted AbMat 3- 100′ Waiters Walk L Bridges
into Sit-Ups 4- Side Star Plank L
 EMOM 5 Minutes -20 AbMat Sit-Ups
-8 Good Mornings Rest 2 Minutes
(VERY light load) Between Rounds

Percepção Subjetiva
de Esforço
8-10* 5-6 8-10*
Escala de Recuperação

Gasto Calórico (H/M)**

*Se o atleta/aluno não estiver com a Escala de Recuperação acima de 5, sugerimos que o treino seja realizado na PSE 5.
**Estimativas do gasto calórico através do Compêndio de Atividades Físicas (Ainsworth et al. 1993) e Willis et al., (2017).

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