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Virtual SCARA Robot with Reduced Dynamics in a Real-Time Simulation Scheme

for Robotics and Control Engineering Education

Conference Paper · December 2021

DOI: 10.1109/ICECET52533.2021.9698437


1 71

5 authors, including:

Alan Santacruz Jessica Villalobos

UPA Centro de Investigaciones en Optica


Irma Y. Sanchez Carlos alberto Paredes

Universidad Politécnica de Aguascalientes Centro de Investigaciones en Optica


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Proc. of the International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET)
9-10 December 2021, Cape Town-South Africa

Virtual SCARA Robot with Reduced Dynamics in a

Real-Time Simulation Scheme for Robotics and
Control Engineering Education
Alan F. Santacruz Jessica Villalobos Irma Y. Sanchez
Technology Development Department Technology Development Department Postgraduate Academic Department
Centro de Investigaciones en Optica Centro de Investigaciones en Optica Universidad Politecnica de Aguascalientes
Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes

Carlos A. Paredes Fernando Martell

Technology Development Department Technology Development Department
CONACYT - Centro de Investigaciones en Optica Centro de Investigaciones en Optica
Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes

Abstract—Industry 4.0 has imposed new challenges and oppor- conducted in October 2020 shows that 83% of a group of
tunities to engineering education in robotics and control systems. IT leaders mentioned that improving the use of educational
The concept of the digital twin can be partially implemented tools is a priority [4], this includes the use of simulators for
with the use of virtual robots that incorporate 3D models and
numerical simulations of the dynamical behaviour. This work engineering education. Diverse studies offer reviews of the
presents the development of a virtual 3D SCARA robot which applicability of robots in education, emphasizing the main
requires an external controller for the joint and kinematic advantages of their use [5]. Virtual laboratories have been a
motion control, this was implemented as a tool for teaching and valuable educational resource particularly during the last year
learning robotics and control. The virtual 3D robot incorporates due the COVID-19 pandemic [6].
a novel numerical simulation that combines the Newton-Euler
dynamic equations with the Rayleigh energy dissipation equation Robotics and control engineering education are adapting
to consider the viscous friction. The developed virtual robot can to new distance learning paradigms by using different tools:
be implemented in a real time simulation scheme connected to an video conferences, simulations, online interactive applications,
external controller and used as an educational tool in a virtual and virtual and remote laboratories [7]–[9]. Most virtual robots
robotics laboratory. are used for teaching task oriented programming; however, for
Index Terms—SCARA, Robot Dynamic Modeling, Robot Dy- engineering education it is important to learn programming
namics with Joint Friction, Hardware-in-the-loop simulation. skills oriented to controlling robots. The teaching of control
engineering incorporated robotics into its teaching-learning
I. I NTRODUCTION process because robots can be seen as an excellent example of
interesting control problems, as in [10]–[12]. Learning robot
Robotic technology has been widely implemented in a
control can be done with digital twins in real-time simula-
variety of fields including industry, medicine and education,
tion schemes called hardware-in-the-loop (HIL), which have
among others. The mega technological trend known as Indus-
already been used in workstations to simulate applications of
try 4.0 has imposed new challenges to engineering education
interest such as the robot motor control in [13].
in robotics and control systems, particularly to incorporate
Selective Compliant Arm for Robotic Assembly (SCARA)
the concept of the digital twin that started in 2015 [1],
robots (see Fig. 1) are used for fast pick-and-place applica-
which introduces the simulation of robotic systems in different
tions, in simple words “take this and put it there”, so they
environments [2]. In the education process, technologies found
move fast but do not have the capacity to do high force works.
in Industry 4.0 have to be naturally implemented such that
These robots are “R-R-P-R” systems, which means they are
students experience the benefits and limitations of such tech-
composed by four articulated joints, one prismatic and three
nologies first hand during the learning process [3]. A survey
rotational. In Fig. 1 the joints J1 , J2 and J4 correspond to θ1 ,
This work was supported by the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologı́a θ2 and θ4 respectively, and J3 is a prismatic joint, d3 .
(CONACYT, Mexico). The development of a virtual robot requires the 3D modeling

978-1-6654-4231-2/21/$31.00 © 2021 IEEE

Fig. 1. General SCARA model and its work space [14]. Fig. 2. Diagram of the SCARA robot for the kinematic analysis.

of the joints and links of the manipulator robot; however, it is DH PARAMETERS .
desirable to incorporate a numerical simulation with a basic Link α(◦ ) a(m) d(m) Variable
dynamic behavior, this can be done at the actuator level, but L1 0 0 l1 = 0.139 θ1 ∈ [−133, 133]◦
it is preferable at the kinematic chain level. Dynamic models L2 0 l2 = 0.300 0 θ2 ∈ [−153, 153]◦
L3 180 l3 = 0.300 d d ∈ [0, 0.200]m
of the SCARA robots have some degree of error either when L4 0 0 0 θ4 ∈ [−360, 360]◦
following trajectories or when positioning the end effector to a
desired Cartesian point. There are several research works about
how to simplify the dynamic modeling of the SCARA robot, (x, y, z) and the orientation (θf ) of the end effector.
most of them based on complex methods to overcome the
conventional dynamic modelling error [15]–[17]. Due to the x =l2 cos(θ1 ) + l3 cos(θ1 + θ2 ) (1)
complexity of such system, the modeling process will become
y =l2 sin(θ1 ) + l3 sin(θ1 + θ2 ) (2)
more complicated [18]. Robot dynamic models are required to
predict both the forces and torques acting on the system and z =l1 − d (3)
those required by the actuators [19]. θf =θ1 + θ2 + θ4 (4)
Based upon the literature review, it can be stated that
a complete dynamical modelling and numerical simulation After obtaining the inverse kinematic solution it is possible
of SCARA robots are complex and time consuming. In a to compute all the combinations of the joint values that allow
virtual robot used for engineering education it is desirable the robot to reach a specified pose; however, for the dynamic
to incorporate at least a simplified dynamical behaviour, this simulation it is common to use a third-party software, like
is enough to represent a problem for robotics and control SIMCAD [20]. In this work a simplified dynamic model of
didactic purposes. This work describes the modeling and the SCARA robot is proposed n toot depend on additional
development of a virtual SCARA robot that is composed of software, this is discussed in the next section.
a 3D model with a numerical simulation of the simplified
dynamical equations. With this technological development the III. DYNAMICS OF THE SCARA ROBOT
user can design algorithms to control the SCARA robot at the
The Newton-Euler method was used in order to study
joint level and at the kinematic level which requires practicing:
the dynamics of the robot. This method consists of outward
control theory, inverse and direct kinematics, and a correct
iterations followed by inward iterations and makes use of: the
interpretation of the work space. of the SCARA robot. This
rotational matrix of frame i+1 relative to i, i+1iR ; the position
document describes the kinematic modeling of the SCARA
vector of frame i + 1 relative to i, iP i+1 ; the position vector
robot in Section II. Section III studies the dynamics of the
of the centre of mass of link i with respect to the ith reference
robot. Its implementation in real time simulation is shown
frame, iP Ci ; and the inertia tensor of link i written in frame C
in Section IV. Section V describes a HIL simulation with
(located at the link’s centre of mass with the same orientation
an external controller that uses the Modbus communication
as the ith reference frame), Ci I i .
protocol. Finally, conclusions are presented in Section VI.
The following notation is also used: iω i and iω̇ i represent
the angular velocity and acceleration of link i with respect to
II. K INEMATIC MODEL OF THE SCARA ROBOT the ith reference frame; θ̇ i and θ̈ i are the rotational velocity
and acceleration at joint i; d˙i and d¨i represent the linear
The kinematics of this robot is widely reported in the velocity and acceleration at joint i; iv̇ i and iv̇ Ci are the linear
literature [15] and can be obtained by means of the Denavit- velocities of frame i and the center of mass of link i with
Hartenberg (DH) parameters, in this work the DRS60L robot respect to frame i; iF i and iN i represent the force-balance
(see Fig. 2) and its DH parameters are shown in Table I. and torque-balance equations for link i; finally, if i and ini
With the DH parameters, it is possible to study the direct are the force and torque that link i − 1 exerts on link i with
kinematics and obtain the equations that describe the position respect to frame i.
A. Newton-Euler equations
This section presents the equations that must be computed
in the Newton-Euler method [21]. The outward iterations were
done for i : 0 → 3, the following equations are used for the
rotational joints (i = 0, 1, 3). For the prismatic joint (i = 2)
(11) and (12) are used instead of (6) and (7), respectively.

i+1 i+1 i i+1

ω i+1 = iR ω i + θ̇ i+1 Ẑ i+1 (5)
Fig. 3. Diagram of the SCARA robot for the dynamic analysis.
i+1 i+1
ω̇ i+1 = i+1iR iω̇ i + i+1iR iω i × θ̇ i+1 Ẑ i+1 (6)
+θ̈ i+1 Ẑ i+1 B. Simplified solution
The equations used in this work were simplified by assum-
v̇ i+1 = i+1iR ( iω̇ i × iP i+1 (7) ing point masses at the distal ends of the links as indicated
in Fig. 3, this led to the following inertia tensors and position
+ iω i × i
ω i × iP i+1 + iv̇ i )

 
v̇ Ci+1 = i+1ω̇ i+1 × i+1P Ci+1 + i+1v̇ i+1 (8) 0 0 0
  I 1 = C2 I 2 = C3 I 3 = C4 I 4 = 0 0 0 (17)
+ i+1ω i+1 × i+1ω i+1 × i+1P Ci+1 0 0 0
   
L2 L3
F i+1 = mi+1 i+1v̇ Ci+1 (9) P C1 =  0  ; 2P C2 =  0  (18)
0 0
 
N i+1 = I i+1 i+1ω̇ i+1 (10) 0
i+1 Ci+1 i+1 P C3 = 4P C4 = 0 (19)
+ ω i+1 × I i+1 ω i+1
Since the robot’s base does not move, it is known that 0v 0 ,
i+1 i+1 i
ω̇ i+1 = iR ω i (11) 0
ω 0 and 0ω̇ 0 are equal to 03x1 ; however, in order to take into
account the gravity, 0v̇ 0 is defined as:

v̇ i+1 = i+1iR iω̇ i × iP i+1 (12)
   
0 0
 v̇ 0 = 0 =  0  (20)
+ iω i × ω i × iP i+1 + iv̇ i

g 9.81 m s
i+1 i+1
+2 i+1ω i+1 × d˙i+1 Ẑ i+1 + d¨i+1 Ẑ i+1 Taking these into account and assuming that there is no end
effector (m4 = 0 kg, xef = 0 and yef = 0) led to a simplified
The inward iterations must be done for i : 4 → 1 and consist set of equations to compute the required joint torques, this
of the following equations: uses the following notation: ci = cos θi , si = sin θi and θ̈ij =
θ̈i + θ̈j . The simplified equations are shown next:
i i i+1
fi = i+1R f i+1 + iF i (13) 
τ1 = −nz + θ̈1 m2 l22 + m1 l22 + m2 c2 l2 l3 (21)
+m3 l2 l2 + c2 l3 + θ̈12 m2 c2 l2 l3 + l32
ni = iN i + i+1iR i+1ni+1
+ iP Ci × iF i + iP i+1 × i+1iR i+1f i+1 +m3 l3 l3 + c2 l2
−s2 l2 l3 2θ̇1 θ̇2 + θ̇22 m2 + m3
Finally, the required torque, τi , at the rotational joints can be
obtained from (14), as shown in (15); while the force required
at the prismatic joint, also named τi , can be obtained from τ2 = −nz + (m2 + m3 ) (22)
(13) as in (16). l32 θ̈12 + s2 l2 l3 θ̇12 + c2 l2 l3 θ̈1
τi = ini T Ẑ i
(15) τ3 = fz + d¨3 − g m3 (23)
τi = if i T Ẑ i (16) τ4 = nz (24)
In order to solve for θ̈1 and θ̈2 , the following variables can IV. N UMERICAL SIMULATION IN REAL TIME
be defined:
For the numerical simulation of the dynamical model it is
necessary to express the system as:
a11 = l22 (m2 + m1 + m3 ) + (m2 + m3 )c2 l2 l3 (25)
  θ̈ = F (t, θ̇, θ, τ, b) (40)
a21 = a12 = (m2 + m3 ) c2 l2 l3 + l32 (26)

a22 = (m2 + m3 ) l32 (27) Considering the next auxiliary variables:

k1 = −nz − s2 l2 l3 2θ̇1 θ̇2 + θ̇22 m2 + m3 (28) ψ̇ = θ̈ = F (t, θ̇, θ, τ, b) (41)
  θ̇ = ψ (42)
k2 = −nz + (m2 + m3 ) s2 l2 l3 θ̇12 (29)
It is possible to define the following system of differential
Now, the system of equations can be written as:
τ1 a11 + a12 a12 θ̈1 k  ˙   
= + 1 (30) ψ1
τ2 a21 a22 θ̈2 k2  θ˙1   ψ1 
   
Finally, the next expression can be used in order to solve  .   . 
   
for θ̈1 and θ̈2 :  . = . 
    (43)
   −1    .   . 
θ̈1 a + a12 a12 τ1 − k1
   
ψ˙n   θ¨n 
= 11 (31)
θ̈2 a21 a22 τ2 − k2 θ˙n ψn
The third joint is modeled with (23), this can be solved for
d¨3 as follows: Considering the following set of functions and values for
τ3 − fz the numerical simulation:
d¨3 = +g (32)
C. Energy dissipation due to the viscous friction τ1 =0.05(u(t − 3) − u(t − 5))
In order to consider the friction and the energy dissipation τ2 =0.1(u(t − 2) − u(t − 6))
at each joint, it is possible to use the Rayleigh dissipation b1 =2; b2 = 2 (44)
equation for i = 1, 2, ..., n, as follow [22]: m1 =1; m2 = 1
d ∂L ∂L ∂D l1 =0.139m; l2 = 0.3m; l3 = 0.3m
− + =0 (33)
dt ∂ q˙i ∂qi ∂ q˙i
For systems with disturbances, it can be expressed as: The response of the system was analyzed using different
integration methods, the position and velocity of each joint
d ∂L ∂L ∂D
− + = Qi (34) were simulated for 0 ≤ t ≤ 10s. Fig. 4 shows the system
dt ∂ q˙i ∂qi ∂ q˙i response using the Euler method, as it can be seen, it is
Where the Rayleigh dissipation equation is: unstable. The Dormand-Prince method, shown in Fig. 5 gives
1 a stable response but requires a variable integration step. Fig. 6
D = (bi δ12 + b2 δ22 + ... + bn δn2 ) (35)
2 shows the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg method, which is also stable
Considering the case of the first two joints of the SCARA with the advantage of requiring a fixed integration step.
robot under study, it becomes:
D = (b1 q˙i 2 + b2 q˙2 2 ) (36)
Giving the partial derivatives of the function:
∂D ∂D
= b1 q˙1 ; = b2 q˙2 (37)
∂ q˙1 ∂ q˙2
The terms in (37) are added to (28) and (29), the resulting
equations are:
k1 = −nz − s2 l2 l3 2θ̇1 θ̇2 + θ̇22 m2 + m3 + b1 q˙1 (38)
k2 = −nz + (m2 + m3 ) s2 l2 l3 θ̇12 + b2 q˙2 (39)
These terms are added to incorporate the damping in the
mathematical model and avoid the movement of the robot after Fig. 4. Numerical integration with the Euler method
removing the input torques.

M # Description Variable Notes L/W

HR 1 t1 int16
HR 2 t2 int16 ti
Tsimi = L
HR 3 t3 int16 1000
HR 4 t4 int16
HR 5 q1 int16
HR 6 q2 int16 qsimi
q1 = W
HR 7 d3 int16 100
HR 8 q4 int16
Coil 1 Magnet bool 1 for on L

Fig. 5. Numerical integration with Dormand-Prince method

Fig. 8. User interface of the simulation.

Fig. 6. Numerical integration with Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg method

two decimal places for each of the positions, as well as for
the control signals involved.
The HIL simulation using the Modbus registers on the slave
The proposed set of dynamic equations, adapted for their device to close the feedback loop, gets a latency around 25 ∼
numerical simulation using the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg method 100 ms (depending on the physical device and the network
where incorporated into the 3D model that represents the conditions). The dynamic response is calculated in real time
SCARA robot. The intended application of the developed sys- using a 20ms time step providing the required feedback signals
tem, is to present to the students the challenge of controlling to the control system thus ensuring the behavior of the virtual
the virtual robot with an external controller. In order to do robot. The Fig. 8 shows the developed user interface for the
this, it is required to consider a real time simulation scheme virtual robot using a HIL simulation in real time.
with a communication protocol among the virtual robot and The data exchange shown in Fig. 7 is carried out by means
the controller, this can be done using the open Modbus of the memories in Modbus shown in Table II. The Modbus
TCP/IP protocol. This configuration allows the connection communication protocol does not accept floating point values
to different control platforms like PLCs, micro-controllers or by default; however, in the developed system a precision of
other devices. two decimal places for each of the positions, as well as for
The data exchange shown in Fig. 7 is carried out by means the control signals involved.
of the memories in Modbus shown in Table II. The Modbus
communication protocol does not accept floating point values VI. C ONCLUSIONS
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for teaching and learning robotics and control, allowing to the
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(CONACYT, Mexico) for supporting this project.

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