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Business Challenge

Organizations implementing Oracle Applications, for example the Procure-to-Pay (P2P) modules,
need to train their staff. The complexity of P2P processes, combined with the constant evolution of
Oracle's software, demands a dynamic and efficient approach to training. Traditional methods often
fall short in terms of flexibility, customization, and timeliness, leading to gaps in user knowledge and
proficiency. Videos and documents do not answer every question which a person might have on the

Solution Overview: Oracle P2P Tutor

The proposed solution is to develop an AI-driven Oracle P2P Tutor. This tutor would be LLM based
and would be designed to offer on-demand, interactive training and support tailored specifically to the
Oracle Applications P2P modules.
By integrating AI to analyze both structured instructional content and unstructured insights from
Oracle-based blogs, this solution aims to provide a comprehensive knowledge base. Post-
implementation, the Oracle P2P Tutor will act as an instant, intelligent assistant, streamlining the
learning process and supporting users with accurate, contextually relevant information.
In short, content from instructional videos which are under TCS copyright can be used to train an
LLM to become an Oracle Tutor. Also, legal and ethical web scraping to extract relevant content from
Oracle based blogs and forums can also be used as training materials.

Solution Components
 Content Aggregation: A combination of instructional videos on Oracle P2P modules and a
web scraping module to gather insights and tips from Oracle-based blogs and forums.
 Transcription and Data Enrichment Module: Utilizes speech-to-text technologies for video
transcription and web scraping tools for blog content aggregation, followed by NLP
techniques to process, structure, and enrich the data.
o Process Overview: The module begins by extracting audio from the instructional
videos on Oracle P2P modules. It then employs speech-to-text (STT) technologies to
transcribe the audio into textual data.
o Technology Stack: Utilizing state-of-the-art STT services such as Google
Cloud Speech-to-Text, IBM Watson Speech to Text, or Amazon Transcribe.
 AI Model (Language Model): A fine-tuned large language model (LLM), such as llama2
70B, Mistral series trained on the enriched dataset to ensure it can accurately respond to
queries related to Oracle P2P modules.
 User Interface: A user-friendly chatbot or web application interface allowing seamless
interaction with the Oracle P2P Tutor.
 Feedback and Improvement Loop: A mechanism for collecting user feedback on the utility
and accuracy of the Tutor’s responses, facilitating continuous learning and improvement of
the AI model.

Post-Implementation Workflow
Interactive Queries: Users engage with the Oracle P2P Tutor via a chat interface, asking specific
questions or seeking guidance on P2P processes.
AI-Driven Responses: The AI model processes the query, leveraging its training on instructional
content and blog insights to generate helpful, accurate answers.
Delivery of Information: Users receive responses in real-time, with options for further queries or
deep dives into topics of interest.
Feedback Mechanism: User feedback is collected for each interaction, serving as a valuable input for
refining and enhancing the Tutor.

Feasibility and Scalability

Technical Feasibility: With advancements in AI, speech-to-text, and web scraping technologies,
along with comprehensive APIs for cloud services, the proposed solution is technologically viable.
Content Acquisition: Access to video content and the development of ethical web scraping tools for
blog content are crucial. Legal permissions and copyright considerations must be addressed.
Scalability: Cloud deployment ensures the solution can scale according to demand. The model's
architecture allows for incremental learning, enabling the Tutor to adapt to new content and Oracle

Applications, Tools, and Technologies

Web Scraping: Tools like BeautifulSoup, Scrapy for Python, or dedicated APIs for extracting blog
Speech-to-Text & NLP: Google Cloud Speech-to-Text for transcription; NLP libraries like NLTK or
spaCy for text processing.
AI & Modeling: Llama2 70B for the LLM, with potential use of TensorFlow or PyTorch for
additional model training and fine-tuning.
Cloud & Hosting: AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure for hosting the solution, leveraging their compute
power for processing and scalability.
Interface Development: Frameworks such as React or Angular for building the user interaction front

The Oracle P2P Tutor solution directly addresses the challenge of effectively training users on the
Oracle Applications P2P modules by harnessing the power of AI to create a responsive, intelligent
learning assistant. This innovative approach not only democratizes access to expert knowledge but
also ensures that the training content remains up-to-date and relevant, enhancing the overall efficiency
and effectiveness of organizational training programs.

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