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Unit 3 Progress test A

1 Choose the correct form to complete the sentences.
1 We’ve booked a campsite near the beach. There’s a sea view from where we’re staying / we will stay.
2 Oh no! We’ve missed the last bus! Will I / Shall I call us a taxi?
3 This summer, we’re going / we go to Germany, to visit my cousins.
4 A: I’m afraid there are no seats left on the 9.05 train. B: Oh, OK. I’m going to take / I’ll take the next one, then.
5 The first train in the morning leaves / is leaving at 5.30.
6 They’re looking forward to their trip to Madrid. They’re going to visit / They visit lots of museums.

Mark: ___ / 6

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets – present simple, present
continuous, be going to, will or shall.
1 What time ____________________ (your bus / arrive)?
2 We ____________________ (go) to a festival in the summer. I bought the tickets yesterday.
3 I ____________________ (get) a job next year so I can save some money.
4 The bin is full. ____________________ (you / take out) the rubbish, please?
5 It’s hot in here! ____________________ (I / open) the window?
6 We ____________________ (have) lunch in Mum’s favourite restaurant tomorrow. We’ve booked a table for 1 p.m.

Mark: ___ / 6

3 Complete the dialogue with the correct option, A, B or C.

Ben: We 1_____________ on a family adventure holiday this summer. I can’t wait!
Max: That sounds fantastic! Where _____________ that?
Ben: In the west of France, near the coast. We _____________ some time on the beach, too.
Max: Wow. How _____________ there?
Ben: I’m not sure yet. I think we 5_____________, but we haven’t got our tickets yet.
Max: And when are you going?
6 th
Ben: At the end of the holidays. We _____________ on August 10 . Actually, can you do something for us?
_____________ the cat while we’re away?
Max: Of course. I 8_____________ .
1 A will go B ’re going C go
2 A are you doing B do you do C will you do
3 A spend B shall spend C ’re going to spend
4 A will you get B do you get C are you getting
5 A ’re going to fly B ’re flying C fly
6 A arrive B are arriving C shall arrive
7 A Shall you feed B Will you feed C Do you feed
8 A don’t forget B ’m not forgetting C won’t forget

Mark: ___ / 8

Vision 2 Tests 1 Unit 3 Progress test A

4 Choose the word (A, B or C) that fits in both sentences.
1 I want to shop _____ souvenirs.
Do you think we should ask _____ directions?
A about B for C with
2 Shall we just relax _____ the pool today? I’m tired.
Are we going to the airport _____ car?
A in B by C on
3 You need to get _____ the bus – it’s leaving in a minute.
I think we should go into town _____ foot. It’s cheaper and healthier!
A on B in C by
4 Did you _____ to know any of the local people?
You need to _____ off the train at Birmingham.
A do B go C get

Mark: ___ / 4

5 Match the sentence beginnings (1–6) to the endings (A–F).

1 Would you rather hire  A homeland – it was amazing.
2 I think we need to book  B attraction shall we visit first?
3 We visited the Maoris’ ancestral  C a car or go by train?
4 Let’s make a plan. Which tourist  D the tent up, or can you do it yourself?
5 Oh dear. I didn’t follow  E seats – that train is always busy.
6 Do you need help to put  F the map, and now we’re lost!

Mark: ___ / 6

6 Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

1 Do we need to change trains / miss a connection?
2 Riding a bike is more environmentally friendly / reliable than driving.
3 When you’re mediating for someone, it’s useful to revise / report what they say.
4 If you don’t understand someone, ask them to paraphrase / advertise using simpler language.
5 There were some really interesting wildlife / exhibits in the museum.
6 We went down to the tourist attraction / harbour to get on the boat.
7 I love swimming, so I’m really looking forward to doing watersports / sightseeing tomorrow.
8 Shall we explore / relax the local area this afternoon?
9 I’m tired. I think I still have wildlife / jet lag from the journey.
10 I’d like to try that new Italian restaurant. Shall we eat out / give us a lift tonight?

Mark: ___ / 10

Vision 2 Tests 2 Unit 3 Progress test A

Use of English
7 Complete the mini-dialogues with the correct option, A, B or C.
1 Customer: I’d like a ticket to Glasgow, please.
Ticket seller: ______
Customer: Return, please.
A Do you want to return? B Do you want to book a seat? C Single or return?
2 Ticket seller: That’s £19.85, please.
Customer: ______
Ticket seller: Thank you.
A Here you are. B Can I help you? C Do I need to change trains?
3 Ticket seller: The next train leaves from Platform 3.
Customer: Thank you.
Ticket seller: ______
A Here you are. B Can I help you? C You’re welcome.
4 Customer: When does the next train leave?
Ticket seller: ______
Customer: Thank you.
A About an hour. B Platform 3. C At 11.30.
5 Customer: Do I need to change trains?
Ticket seller: ______
Customer: Great – thank you.
A Single or return? B No, you don’t. It’s direct. C Here you are.

Mark: ___ / 5

8 Choose the translation of the phrase in brackets that completes the sentence correctly.
1 Don’t forget (powtórzyć) ______________ for the test!
A to revise B to revision C revise
2 (Czy widziałeś reklamę) ______________ for your holiday on the internet?
A Did you see to advertise B Did you advertise C Did you see the advertisement
3 (Pospieszyć się!) ______________ – the taxi will be here in two minutes!
A Move on! B Get a move on! C Get on!
4 It’s going to rain – did you bring (wodoodporny) ______________ trousers?
A waterproof B watersports C wildlife
5 (Wolałbym) ______________ go by train than fly.
A I rather B I’d rather C Rather I

Mark: ___ / 5

Vision 2 Tests 3 Unit 3 Progress test A

9 Read the texts and choose the correct answer, A, B or C.

South American adventure

As he lay down on the bed, Jon finally relaxed. After three days and nights on a bus, he
was happy just to lie down flat! He tried to take in all the sounds, sights and smells of the
busy capital city. The smell of cooking food floated in through his window from the café
next door. The lights were starting to glow as the sun went down. It filled him with a huge
sense of adventure. He was looking forward to getting out and exploring the local area.

1 The writer describes someone who is feeling 2 The writer is pleased to lie down because
A nervous about being in a new place. A he’s tired and wants to sleep.
B excited about arriving in an unknown city. B his legs are hurting after walking around a lot.
C tired of travelling after a long journey. C he was sitting for a long time before he arrived.

Hot Springs and breakfast!

Join us on an early-morning tour to the hot springs at El Tatio. The bus will leave around
5 a.m. from the main square in San Pedro de Atacama. Why so early? The fantastic
colours of a mountain sunrise are unforgettable! You can enjoy this amazing view and
relax in a hot pool of natural spring water – with snow all around! Don’t forget your
swimming costume – and a warm hat!

3 The text is part of 4 In the mountains, it’s going to be

A an advertisement for a tourist attraction. A cold, and the water will be cold too.
B an email from someone to their friend. B hot, but the water will be cold.
C a news report about tourism. C cold, but the water will be warm.

Day 2 – Buenos Aires

What an incredible place! We arrived two days ago, so I’ve still got a bit of jet lag. Yesterday,
we were really tired so we just hung out near the hostel and explored the local area.
Tomorrow we’re going to go sightseeing. It’s hard to decide what to do because there are a
lot of tourist attractions! I think we’re going to start gently tomorrow morning with a walk
round the harbour. But now, time for more coffee!

5 What is the next activity that the blog writer is going to do?
A go sightseeing
B have a coffee
C visit the harbour

Mark: ___ / 5

Vision 2 Tests 4 Unit 3 Progress test A

10  You will listen to five texts. Choose the correct answer, A, B or C.
Text 1
1 Where are the people talking?
A at an airport
B in a hotel reception
C at a railway station
Text 2
2 Flight FA2103 is going to leave
A at 08:42.
B at 15:30.
C at 19:03.
Text 3
3 The speaker travelled by train because it was
A cheaper and more reliable.
B cheaper and more convenient.
C more convenient and more reliable.
Text 4
4 Which is TRUE about today’s programme?
A It’s about how we can get to know local people.
B It’s about how technology is going to affect travel.
C It’s about how we can use our phones more.
Text 5
5 Julia going to be late because
A there is a lot of traffic.
B she missed a connection.
C her plane is delayed.

Mark: ___ / 5

11 Read the task and write an email enquiry (80–130 words) to a campsite, asking for information about the
campsite and activities in the local area.
 State your reason for writing.
 Say how you are getting to the campsite, where you are coming from and when you’ll arrive. Ask when the site
 Ask about activities (e.g. watersports) and sightseeing/tourist attractions in the area.
 Finish by asking for a reply.

Mark: ___ / 10

Total: ___ / 70

Vision 2 Tests 5 Unit 3 Progress test A

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