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L, fa
the chest
increasingside the atveeli
rushes in and tit n
Length wise
diaphragmflattens result the air from o of alr
the a the increase
In this S process the ribs rmove out t wards the fungs as Hra
pressure inside This result in palk
there is
he air p
Tnesead3 to coa am attain the origia a so that
volume of air
In this procoss tho ribs mova inwards the dianthe air outalways containa residual
inside the lungs. As aaresult the lungs contra lungs
out the diffuse
en in and The Oz
During the breathing cycle when air t3 to-to be rlease alveoli.
sufficient time for oxygen to be abs surroundingthe Oz
capittaries of
the blood high infinitycapillaries,CO,is
Gaseous exchange in lungs has very
in the
inhale air than in haemoglobin that higher in the blood
The concentration of Oz is higher hthe pignent CO, is
respiratoryY contraction of
into the blood capillaries vessels. The
t cell by blood through the blood.
Oz is trarnspo the dissolve from aemoglobin. place properly.
hence transported in will not take weakness
consequences of the deficiency n of foodand exercise
the oxidationappetite
1 What willbe the O, to cell hence
1. The haemoglobin transports anaemia
called ial
2. It wil Ilead to a disease plant? from the soll.
exchange take place in gaseous exchange
Q2 How do gaseous the root help in diffusion of gases.
Root hair present in in the
1. Root hair -Present in roots and stem helpexchange of gases and
Z. Lenticel- help in body to another i5
present in the leaves one part of the
3. Stomata - substance from
Transportation material and other
of nutrients
Ine movement
transportation. of
transportation systermn consist
The human
1. Blood circulatory system
RBC,WBC, Platelets)
2. Lymphatic system and blood cells(
components of blood are- Plasma and amino acid
Blood main glucOse, smallest
connective tissue. The mineral salts, water, These are the back COz
It is fluid matrix medium composed ofpigment called carrv oxygen and bring
Itis the fluid iration
respirati function is
Plasma: the
blood celis contain span of 120 davs. There
RBC- the red having a life infections
body fight against
cell of our human produce anti bodies to
from the cell.
irregularty shaped cells. They in blood clothing.
WBC- There are that help
fragment of cell cell.
Platelets - These
are the marrow by the stem
are formed in the bone
The blood cells from the heart
the blood away artery in the human
Blood vessels vessels that carry Ventne
blood is the largest
pulmonary artery. Arota Hood trm Righ
They are the nature
Arteries- walled and highly elastic by
thick except
1. They are oxygenated blood deons,
generally carry the antery caries he organstothe heart.
enete oy heentto
2. They Pudmny body
body. vessels that carry the blood from the armes
are the
Veins -these are thin and non elastic. of blood .
the back flow pulmonaryvein.
Pulmonn Vein
1. They in between to prevent except to Let AtyiumlAuril
2. They
have walls deoxygenatedblood
generallycarrythe human body cell thick M
3. Theythe largest
vein in the
that are only one take place through the
Vena Cava is thinnest blood vessels the blood
are the and
Capillaries - There cell membrane
substance with in the chest cavity.
The diffusion of 2/3to the left
size of our fist situated
Human heart organ of the
small muscular
Structure - It is the
dactraom fattns resut the e
the reasecfair
in ths prosthe rbmove ct ards inide thg lungs s a
Theseas to decasing in the ar press that there is
voume cf ar so
insids the kuzs As arevthe lungs corta doat thelungs dfuse
During the trsathing cycis wen alr is t4Co
z to be release atveol TheOz
ciet tie f ryn to te atmed surrounding the cf Oz
ood very hiçh infinitycapllaries,CO, is
Gaseous exchange in iungs than in the biocd
inhale air
obinthat hicher in the blood
The concertration t Oz is higer etpgmert t tractioncfCo,is
into the blood capllaries throuhIby tlood vessels. The cu ughthe blood
C,is trarspoted to dMerer throuz
orted in the disschve from enoglobin. place property.
nlutse in HO hnerzs not take wegkness
quences cf the defiriency cf food Nil erercise
1 Vinat w trarspots zto Cel henca tre apetite and
toloss in
lead toa disease called
anaernia leading
the sol.
eIchangs take place in piarit
in caseus erchange from
2How do gaseous presert in the roct help
hair- Rt hair rots and stern help in the usion of gass.
Lerticel-Presert in cases and
2. helo in exchange cf
the lezves to another is cz
-presert in rart c the body
3. Stornata utstarce from cne
Transportaion cther
wweste rmateríal and
of nutrierts
ne moerrierit
transportation. consist of
transportation systern
The human
1. Blood circulatory systen Platelets)
cells( RBC,WBC,
2 Lyrnphatic system
blood are - Plasrna and blood acid
of and arrino
Blood rmain cormponents mineral salts,water,glucose,These are the smallest
connective tissue. The composed of haemoclobin. bring back C
Hs iuid
tis the fluid rnatrix mediun respiration pigmentcalled function is to carry oxygen and
Plasma: contain the There naín
RBC- the red blood lcecells spancf 120 davs.
body having a ife fight against
cellof our human produce anti bodiesto
from the cell.
irregularly shaped cels. Theyhelp in blood clothing
WBC-There are are the fragmentof cell that stemcellL
Platelets- These formed in the bone marrow by the
The bloodcells blood away from
the heart
Blood vessels vesselsthat carry the nature - largest arteryin the Ventsl
Arteries-They are the blood
walled and highly elastic by
pulmonary artery. Arotais the
thick blood except
1. They are oxygenated te
generallycarry the D hent
2 They organs to theheart
from the body
Vessels that carrythe blood ames
Veins- these are the non elastic the back flow
of blood. Pulnoran Vun
are thinand
1. They between to prevent pulmonary vein.. to Let AtiumAurilt
2. They
have walls in deorygenated bloodexcept
carrythe ke.
Theygenerally human body one cell thick throuahthe caillaries.
3. largest veirn in the vesselsthat areonty place
Vena Cava is the arethe thinnestblood membraneand the blood take
Capíllaries-There cell
sutstancewith in the chestcavity.
Thediffusionof our fist situated atothe left
Human heart organ ofthe size of
Structure-Itis the
theatvscl t,
he chest cavity.
.increasshessin andfilin
Length wise
diaphragmflattens resuit the air tromAt,increaseof alr presn
In thls procoss the ribs move out wards theinsidethe lungs as Bra the
pressure This result in
Theleads to decraasing in the air originalshape. that there is
attain the volumeof air so
in thie e (reieals movo inwards the diaphragmcing the air out.atwavscontain a residual
lungs contract lungs
Insido tho lungs. As a result the in and
out the diffuse
During tho breathing cycle when air ist a h erelease alveoli. The Oz
sufficient timo for oxygen to be absorbed surroundingthe
cf Oz
blood capillaries high infinitycapillaries,CO,is
has very the blood
Gaseous exchange in lungs air than in the
haemoglobin that
Tho concentration of Oz iss highernpiratory higher in
nthe pigment contractionof Co, is
into the blood capillaries through Ivesseis.The the blood.
o, is transported to different c by blooddissolve from thro property.
not take place
in the haernoglobin.
soluble in H0 henco uae
sequences of the deficiency of haer
the oxidation of food willexercise weakness
Q1 What O, to cell hence appetite and
Cmoglobin transports to loss in
anaomia leading
disease called the soil.
ad to aexchange take place in plant? in gaseous exchange from
Q2 How do gaseous heiop
the root h gases
1. Root hair- Root hair present instem help in the diffusion of transpiration.
Present in roots and exchange of gases and is called
2. Lenticel- present in the leaves help in body to another
3. Stomata - part of the
Transportation other substancefrom one
waste material and
The movement of nutrients
transportation svstem consist of Find
The human
1. Blood circulatory system Platelets)
cells( RBC,WBC,
2. Lymphatic system
blood are-Plasma and blood amino acid
components of glucose, and smallest
Blood main salts, water,
connective tissue. The composed of mineral haemoglobin.These are the bring back Con
It is fluid
It is the fluid matrix medium
respiration pigment called function is to carry oxygen and
Plasma: contain the There main
cells davs.
RBC- the red blood
human body
having a life span of against infections
cell of our to fight
from the cell. They produce anti bodies
irregularly shaped cells. blood clothing.
WBC- There are help in
fragment of cell that the stem cell.
are the
Platelets - These formed in the bone marrow by
blood cells are the heart
The from
the blood away largestartery in the
Blood vessels
vessels that carry by nature Ventnle
the blood
Arteries -They are thick walled and highly elastic except pulmonary artery. Arota is the torm Ria
are blood deo)seneteHod Luns
1. They
carry the
he 4hent to
generally Carie theheart.
2. They udmmny anter the body organsto
body carry the blood from
the vessels that Vein cams
Veins - these areare thin and non elastic. prevent the backflowof blood. vein. Pulmont hlod corm Lung
4 They
have walls in
between to
deoxygenated bloodexcept
puimonary ndgeated to Let AtriumLAuril
2. They carrythe human body
generally thick
3. They
the largest vein
in the vessels that are
only one cell through the
Vena Cava is the thinnest
blood blood take place
Capillaries- There are membrane and the
substance with in the cell left chest
Thediffusion of our fist situated 2/ato the
Human heart organ of the size
small muscular
Structure-Itis the
incroasimythe chest in the alveoli
vise Trachens
fiattens Length Ar feom outsin pressure
s a y nA increaseof alr
eat as6ifo insido the ngs Ttils resuit in the
nata ta decressina in originalshape, that thero is
air so
diaphragm attain the volume of
Exhatatlon (coloase of c0)
1a the contain a residual
contact forcing the lungs atways
nalde tlho lung, A alungs and out diffuse
Fis takon into e release alveoli. The O,
1CO, surrounding thenityof O:
for oxygen to be ahaoted capillaries infinit is
Gaseous exchange in lungs than in the
blood very high blood capllaries,CO;
the inhalo alr haomogiobinthat has in the
The concentration of Oz ls higher in rospiratory Thecontractionof is higher
through the
into tho hlood capillarios
Ola tranoportod to differont cell by blood ves
asove fromthrougts the properly.
soluble ln HO hence transported in the dit place
ancy of haemoglobin. food witl not takewoakness
Q1 Wihat will be the consequoncos of the
deficlern n of
oxidation exercise
henco the appetite and
o celt
1, The haemogiobin transports leading to loss in
2. it will lead to a diaea the soil.
ece ln plant? exchangefrom
G2 How do gaseous Oxchango tako the root help in
gaseous of gasos,
1, Root halr- Root hair prot nt in help in the diffusion transpiration.
2 LontlcelProsent in root dstem exchange of gases
and called
leaves help in to a
3, Stomata - prosent in
from one part of the body
Transportation and other substance
nutrients waste material
The movement of
transportation. of
transportation system consist
The hunan
1. Blood circulatory system Plateiets)
2. Lymphatic system Plasma and blood
cclls( RBC,WBC,
components of blood are- glucose, and amino acid
connective tissue. The
main salts, water,
composod of mineralcalled hacmoglobin.These are the smallest back CO2
It is luld matrix medium pigment oxyaen and bring
Plasma: It is the fluldcells contain the respiration main function is to carrv
RBC- the red blood 120 davs.
a lito span of
human body having fight against
cell of our produce anti bodies to
from the cell. shaped cells. They clothing.
irregularly in blood
WBC- There are the fragment
of coll that help cell.
Platelets- Theso are tho bone
marrow by the stem
are formed in
cells heart
The blood away fromthe
Blood vessels carry the blood artery in the humanentnl
are the blood vessels that by nature Arota is the largesttorm Ris
Arteries-They highly elastic pulmonary artery.
1. They are
thick walled oxygenated bloodexcept deonenete lowd heant to
generally carry the ries he theheart. 4
2. They Pudmy ery carriethe bodyorgans to
the vessels that carry the blood Vin Cames
Veins - these aro thin and non elastic prevent the back flow of blood. vein. PulmonaLlod tormLung
They to pulmonary Ongeaed Auril
1. walls in between blood except Atyium
2. They have deoxygenated
carrythe human body to Let
generally thick C
3. They
the largost vein
in the that are only one
cell the capillaries.
Vena Cava is blood vessels take placethrough
- There are the thinnest membrane and the blood
Capillaries cell
substance with in the left chest cavity.
Thediffusion of situated /3to the
our fist of
Human heart organ of the size
small muscular
-It is the
1. Structure

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