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Green University of Bangladesh

Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)

Faculty of Sciences and Engineering
Semester: (Spring, Year:2024), B.Sc. in CSE (Day)

Lab Report No 01
Course Title: Software Testing and Quality Assurance Lab
Course Code: CSE_454 Section: 203D3

Lab Experiment Name: Software Testing Environment of ATM System.

Student Details

Name ID
Shourav Podder 202002048

Submission Date : 9 March 024

Course Teacher’s Name : Sudip Chandra Ghoshal

[For Teachers use only: Don’t Write Anything inside this box]

Lab Report Status

Marks: ………………………………… Signature: .....................
Comments: .............................................. Date: ..............................
Establishing a test environment for the ATM system, key areas and setup

Establishing a test environment for an ATM system is very important to ensure its
functionality,security and reliability before deployment. The objectives of
establishing a test environment for an ATM system typically include:
1.Functionality Testing:
Ensure that all functionalities of the ATM system work as expected for an example,
Cash withdrawals,deposits, PIN changes and many more.
2.Usability Testing:
Make that the ATM system's user interface is simple, straightforward, and
accessible to everyone by testing it out.
3.Security Testing:
To avoid data breaches, card skimming, and illegal access, make sure the ATM
system follows security guidelines.
4.Compatibility Testing:
The ATM system must be interoperable with a wide variety of bank cards, OSes,
hardware, and network setups.
5. Integration Testing:
Check that other banking systems, including those for processing transactions,
detecting fraud, and core banking, can communicate with the ATM system without
any hitches.
6. Integration Testing:
Be cautious that the ATM system does not experience any regressions or
unforeseen side effects as a result of installing new software patches, updates, or

Put it more clearly, the setup procedures for establishing a test environment for an
ATM system firstly starts with the hardware setup, which includes setting up and
installing things like security cameras, receipt printers, ATMs, card readers, PIN
pads, and cash dispensers. Installation and configuration of the operating system,
applications for ATMs, device drivers, security software, and monitoring tools
follow in the software setup process. The safe connection between banking servers
and ATMs is further guaranteed by establishing the network architecture, which
includes firewalls, switches, routers, and protocols. Database setup comprises
setting the database server and schema for storing transaction data, user
information, and audit logs. The process of preparing test data includes creating
dummy accounts, cards, transactions, and patterns of use in order to mimic
real-world situations. Then, testing techniques comprise designing test cases,
scripts, and scenarios addressing functionality, usability, security, performance,
compatibility, integration, and regression. Lastly, the reporting and execution phase
includes testing the ATM system, documenting the findings, any flaws found, and
producing reports on the system's status and quality.


I. Environment Setup:
Firstly identify a dedicated testing area that mirrors a real-world ATM
deployment environment. Ensure the testing area is equipped with
necessary power sources, network connections, and security measures
then Install and configure testing equipment including ATM hardware,
computers, servers, and network devices.

II. Hardware Configuration:

Install and configure ATM hardware components such as card readers,
cash dispensers, PIN pads, and receipt printers and connect hardware
components to the relevant interfaces on the ATM system and
guarantee correct working.

III. Software Installation:

Install the ATM software on authorized hardware platforms following
the vendor's installation instructions.

IV. Network Configuration:

Configure network settings including IP addresses, subnet masks,
default gateways, and DNS servers for the ATM system and guarantee
correct communication between the ATM system and the bank's
servers, including transaction processing servers and database servers.
V. Test Data Preparation:
Generate sample test data including user accounts, card details,
transaction records, and account balances.

VI. Testing Procedures:

Develop thorough test cases addressing functional, performance,
security, compatibility, and usability elements of the ATM system and
Execute test cases systematically, recording observations, errors, and
system responses for each test scenario.
VII. Documentation:
Document all setup procedures, test cases, test results, and resolutions
executed throughout the testing process and Maintain thorough
records of test operations, including timestamps, persons engaged, and
any deviations from the intended testing strategy.


The construction of a specialized test environment for the ATM system is
important for complete testing. Through hardware and software configuration, as
well as rigorous network setup, we secured the dependability and security of the
system. Test data preparation provided realistic simulations of customer
transactions, boosting the validity of our testing techniques. Execution of varied
test scenarios discovered functional, performance, and security concerns, helping
their rapid resolution. Documentation of processes and outcomes gave significant
insights into the testing process. However, issues may develop in duplicating
real-world circumstances fully, requiring continuing refining of testing procedures.
Overall, the organized methodology detailed in the paper highlights the need of
precise setup processes and methodical testing methodologies in guaranteeing the
resilience and integrity of ATM systems.


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